
How does it feel to know your party made the worst move in political history by not clearly supporting, standing by, or defending Trump?

>Your VP pick shilled for Hill WHILE RUNNING

You had a chance to legitimize your party and failed miserably. If libertarians believed in borders I almost would have felt bad

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Not even that, the voters fucking thought that Gary "totally not a Republican goys" Johnson would be a good pick when he is a laughing stock politically.

The libertarian party will never be relevant until it puts out a person who could at like a reasonable version of Trump.

When was it over for them? Aleppo? Fat fuck stripping during their convention?

If Libertarian were given a fair shot in this country Ron Paul would have been a two term president already and we would all be better off


Aleppo was pretty bad but almost seemed like a setup. That fat fuck really pissed me off and was just an embarrassment

Aleppo and him being an Autistic faggot about it.

Surprisingly most people don't know about the fat fuck's "protest"

they won't be legitimate until they dump the leftist bullshit and align more with the Rand Pauls of the world.

Until they realize what Democrats truly only care about (welfare) they will never be taken seriously

>Ron Paul

Pick one. Paul was based as fuck and believed in borders/culture

who is this fat fuck and what protest?

You've already got the good freedoms like speech and guns in America. What's the need for a libertarian party?

Rand Paul isn't a libertarian. Gary Johnson is.

Rand Paul loses the nomination

Gary Johnson isn't a real libertarian

I was a devout libertarian most of my political awakening and I still never found a "real" libertarian. I'm glad I left.

Bleeding heart libertarians are whatever you want to call Gary Johnson should hopefully not be your view of all libertarians. The Republican Liberty caucus (RLC) is better than the libertarian party for the record tho

Or* not *are

>not knowing he's a part of the (((team)))
also he look suspiciously jewy

The liberty movement died in 2012 after Paul lost. After that, the liberty movement purity spiraled hard into different circles. The right was very divided until the Alt Right came to be popular and somewhat united the right to back Trump.

yes exactly. he was one of the most / only admirable politicians in the country and he was prevented from ever having a chance to actually become president no matter what party he claimed to belong too because we can't have nice things.

my point is who gives a fuck what the LIbertarian party does with their presidential nominees when they only exist to give the illusion of choice in a rigged system?

is the swamp drained yet?

That's what you get when you are the pothead party.

I'm worried that the media outlets thought they could kill two birds with one stone in Trump. By talking about him constantly they make money/ratings, and by talking bad about him they thought he'd lose.

After (((they))) saw this backfire I'm worried all future outsider candidates will be given the Ron Paul treatment: full media blackout. Trump needs to address the lack of media diversity on TV

Libertarians and Liberals are not the same thing. We have literally no represantion, unless you count that jew sanders pretending to be one of us in order to sell us to israel after the election.

I still believe in the Libertarian dream. Johnson was a Liberal Libertarian. Media crushed him on his lack of knowledge of foreign policy. We just need better candidates who aren't retarded. I never cared for Johnson's lack of decorum. It just made him seem petty.

I hate libertarians, but I always saw the media attacking Johnson as a way to win over undecided voters to Hillary.

Lol legitimize the LP by backing the Republican candidate? Good one! As if the LP isn't already pathetic enough! Trump is as far away from libertarian/constitutionalist principles as it gets. It makes me sad that this is what the liberty movement has devolved to.

Rand Paul 2020! A Clear Vision for America

Good thoughts, I would agree

When Johnson threw a gun into a trashcan

He was and is against the wall on the basis that walls not only keep people out, but they also keep citizens and their capital in as well in times of tyranny and despotism, and so the wall may well end up being a force to take away people's liberties.

For what it's worth, he also believes in open borders provided the welfare state is abolished, so he's not "red pilled" at all.

You mean Austin Peterson's toy replica of a flintlock pistol? That was so cringe worthy and childish of Peterson. Who the fuck wouldn't have done the same thing lol?

That's pretty red-pilled though. He doesn't support a wall but always wanted to allocate more resources to the border, and much of Sup Forums if backing whats-his-name against Le Pen in the French elections because of what you said. Welfare is the reason they come. Abolish it and they won't

jesus christ.

He's an open borders libertarian. He can go jump off a cliff for all I care.


And if they still do and become productive members of society, albeit with their own cultural values, is that wrong?


Everything south of the border wants more socialism. Letting in a bunch of socialists in when we're a democracy will kill Libertarianism if it ever came to fruition.

Fuck Gary Johnson. His career is dead.

Ron Paul got more electoral votes, lol.

as long as their "cultural values" doesn't involve blowing up people I don't care personally.

I live in PA where the amish fuck their children. Nobody cares because they mind their business

Not bad really

>libtards will want to do everything they can to weaken the government while trump is in charge
>Trump repeatedly talks about re-invoking an america about states rights

Small federal government soon

I did support trump. God Johnson was a fucking moron though. Most libs I know did.

easy because anyone who is a libertarian is a complete retard

>b-b-b-buh letting them in will put our side on their side

open border libertarians will never understand that welfare is the only reason shit-skins and Democrats vote. All those others feel-good "issues" are just ammo to indoctrinate.

until the LP understands this they will never be legitimate to either side. Their right-leaning branch needs to grow

I got called a Fascist for pointing that out on the /r/libertarian board. Not the plebbit is a great source for right-leaning discussion anyways. I think the LP in the US is full of mostly left leaning Libertarians and any of the right leaning are running as Republicans.

Except he wants to reintroduce mass surveillance provisions by strengthening the NSA, creating a Muslim registry, reinstating torture programs, implementing No Fly, No Buy, and forcing Silicon Valley companies to allow a back door into encrypted personal devices.

He has continually expressed support for indefinite detention of American citizens suspected of terrorism, and denying them a right to a fair trial. His track record indicates he's just posturing when he says we shouldn't intervene in foreign affairs, considering how he backed the intervention in Libya so passionately.

He wants to spend $1 trillion on new infrastructure spending and hasn't shown any serious movement towards pushing for a balanced budget.

So Trump in short, represents a swifter march towards statism, a ballooning debt crisis, and the end of our constitutional republic as we know it. And despite the posturing, the establishment on both sides of the aisle will march in lockstep with him.

/r/libertarian is where I started too, they've been a shit show lately. I'm really trying to just not go on that site anymore. It's hard when you've been browsing it for a half a decade though. It's really a shame what happened to that entire community, used to be all libertarian and tech. Now I don't know where else to browse but here

Gary is a mediocre libertarian.

Libertarian National Convention this fat fuck stripped.

So you're basically referring to black people which already live here right? Because Latinos and Asians aren't "shitskins."

Regardless, that form of "us versus them" collectivism, when used to decide public policy, is decisively fascist in its very nature.

When has the world ever not been US versus Them? As long as nation-states exists that mentality will exist. China's interests are not Libertarians interests. Muslim's interests are not Libertarians interests. A certain amount of US versus Them would be necessary to keep a Libertarian nation from being overwhelmed by outsiders who do not share their best interests in mind.

>nationalism is bad
another reason the LP gets no respect. Sad!

You're still thinking in terms of the collective. The sole role of the government should be to serve as a collective organization of all individual's innate right to self defense. It doesn't matter where anyone is from or what their beliefs are provided they don't violate other people's rights.

To assume that ALL people of a certain race or ethnicity seek destruction and entitlement is to implicitly seek to violate their rights if they are already present, because if they're all parasites, what do we do with parasites if not to crush or annihilate them?

I'm a libertarian and I voted for Trump. My preference would've been Paul or Cruz but that didn't happen.

Aleppo is a retard. The libertarian party will never be mainstream until they actually become libertarian instead of just the pro weed party

Assuming that all Blacks and minorities are merely leeches is the problem, because of the policy implications, not nationalism.

I can't just ignore global crime statistics. Lurk around more and maybe you'll see the truth. Most of them just aren't humans. The ones that are civilized are still WAY too susceptible to being influenced easily and pointing fingers/starting shit. Just not worth the hassle

To go open borders would be a collective suicide for white people. Your damn right they'll start violating your property rights when they're voting or just straight up outnumbering you.

How many minorities do you see supporting libertarian ideas? What's the percentage of white people in the U.S. right now?

As SJWish as it may sound, why is it not a construct of their respective environments that cause criminality in third world nations? Why shouldn't the impacts of globalism and neoconservatism be factored in as part of the reason why there's so much chaos in third world nations? Why is it intrinsically racial or ethnic in nature?

Because the people of third-world ethnicity that grew up in first world countries are responsible for way too high a % of crime.

Basically, we already isolated a lot those people from their environments (and gave them every special advantage we possibly could). Turns out they're still subhuman

I would recommend Bryan Caplan's take on

I'm a Paki Muslim (Please let's not get started on that whole front) and a libertarian at the same time and I think the message of liberty can be exposed to everyone. Aren't White people actually a majority still? Like 54% of the population right?

Race is real, you absolute moron.
Everything that makes a human being human is inherited trough DNA. Everything from intelligence to aggressive behavior to how likely you are to get addicted is inherited from your parents.
Niggers are dumb violent apes so they have dumb violent ape kids.

Why are libertarians anti-science? What's wrong with these idiots?

>libertarian party

>supporting an authoritarian of either the left or right variety
Why would Libertarians EVER support Trump you braindead orangutan-worshiping cuck?

just annihilate yourself my man

In the US, not quite because our culture is far more open and inclusive, and thus, access to jobs, housing, and higher education is much easier attained for minorities in the US then, say, France or Germany, where the government is more tolerant, but the people are far more exclusive.

There's no white flight when an Arab moves into a predominantly White suburb in America, and realtors would be all too happy to maintain this integration as it doesn't hurt property values at large, and so you don't see large ethnic enclaves pooled together separated from the rest of society like you do in Europe, which has led to group think and radicalization, with Islamists filling the void.

I mean seriously you stupid fucking faggot OP your question is about as pointless and dumb as asking:
>wow why don't marxist-leninists support anarchocapitalists or right wing nationalists??

That's how stupid your retarded ass thread is OP, kill yourself my man

Because Pepe said so and if you're not a White supremacist, you're OBVIOUSLY not libertarian you KEK!

Retarded fucking leaf, kill yourself

they're not idiots, you shouldn't call people that. Many libertarians eventually become red-pilled. Just because they're indoctrinated now doesn't mean they won't wake up later

It's a stupid as fuck question and you are retarded for not recognizing this.

>durr don't libertarians shill for an authoritarian???
Two fundamentally incompatible ideologies my retarded nanaimo bar friend.

They absolutely are idiots.
This isn't just plain ignorance, these IDIOTS are too dumb to understand basic biology.
You can ask a little kid why his skin is white and he will tell you it's because of his parents.
Ask a libertarian why his skin is white he is going to tell you it's because ''da gvrnmt keepin us down maaan, I am so poor all the melanin flew away!''

I'm sure you misinterpreted me. A 3rd party usually has a leaning towards a side they support in the main election. The LP shilled for Hill. That was their mistake.

Nobody is saying the LP should have endorsed Trump. They should have realized the situation though and taken advantage. They misinterpreted it just like everyone else

Hey guise, why don't capitalists shill for the Maoist Third-Worldist party?


all I'm saying is the person you replied to sounds a lot like myself a couple years ago. Many believe libertarianism is the first step in the door

Because Hill was closer to libertarians on economic issues as well as just being less socially authoritarian than Trump.

Yeah even I can agree Trump is better than Clinton and GJ was an idiot throughout his campaign, though the LP should have equally attacked both sides as advocates for statism and endless expansion of government.

well have fun thinking that shit kek

I thought maybe you would be logical. Maybe this place is right about leaves after all

Retarded leaf, kill yourself
>hey guys, why did the libertarian party shill for the candidate that advocates war, more welfare and more taxes, instead of the candidate that promised to lower taxes, get rid of Obamacare, decentralize the government by handing power to states and stop overthrowing foreign governments?

These things aren't people and they need to fuck off.


I think he's just trolling or maybe a muslim or something

See There never really was much of a difference.

>the worst move in political history

The worst move in political history was making Hillary Clinton your candidate

Retarded fucking leaf

>If you don't let men in female bathrooms you'll go to jail
>I don't care
>Don't ban guns

Libertarians have never been based around their party the way Democrats and Republicans are.

I mean just think about it.

I'm obviously not the only one who thought it.

I know you burgers are all fucking retarded and can't do basic grade school math but which major party nominee had the shortest euclidean distance to the Libertarian party?

PROTIP: it wasn't Trump

Trump supported the Assault Weapons Ban in the past and No Fly No Buy currently. And even though it doesn't matter because anyone who isn't White is untermenschen to you, he did advocate taking away guns via random inner city street searches regardless of whether they were legally owned.

Shut the fuck up ice cream sandwich.

You're just another dumb faggot
In the first sentence you're already spewing bullshit.
Trump never promised to create a Muslim registry. There already is a Muslim registry. Trump was asked if he would create on, he shrugged and said ''maybe yeah''.

Trump doesn't care about what is ''authoritarian''. He cares about what needs to be done to get a job done. If there is a need for a Muslim registry he'd get one.
Dumbass libertarians wouldn't support a Muslim registry even if it was absolutely necessary.

>He thinks the point is how close they are on a graph and not how they impact society
Fucking rake yourself retarded leaf.

>how they impact society
Literally an argument based on emotion and nothing quantifiable.

He wants to re implement the registry that was taken down in 2011.

Of course he doesn't care about what is "authoritarian!" Why would he? He's the God Emperor after all! It's not like we have a Constitution that defines the rule of law! Libertarians are just a bunch of dumbasses for wanting to follow the 4th Amendment!

Hail Trump!

Mad commie pretending to be a libertarian

>throwing away anything vaguely gun-shaped
go back to canada you fucking communist

Keep in mind a lot of libertarians hate Johnson because he's hardly libertarian. Many of us would have preferred a candidate who actually stood by libertarian values.

What's funny is news has just broke that Trump will implement the no fly zone policy

Where is your god now, Trumpkins?

>Libertarians are just a bunch of dumbasses
well you got something right at least

Agreed, but he was obviously the least bad out of the candidates.

I know where your god is - Lenin's Tomb in Moscow

Read the quotes dipshit.

It's based on the realization that a comfy libertarian society is incompatible with our current social norms and demographics. It's a goal that has benefits but politics isn't one size fits all and America needs to trim the fat to fit into that tux.

>They don't know about the big Libertarian plan that's coming for the next election cycle.

Kek at least we care about individual liberties, but nope that's crazy! If a person was born to a different race, they are automatically inferior. That makes sense, except your own race has been so mongrelized you'll accept Slavs and Khazars as Aryan! You people are hypocrites!

2016 is probably the best year we'll ever have. The best we can realistically do is advocate for fiscally conservative positions.

muh strawmen

Don't move the goalposts retard, I don't give a shit about your facebook-tier meme image and your feelings-based argument about soft bullshit like cultural norms (seriously? are you going to talk about women's studies next?)

I am merely presenting you with the objective, empirically-verifiable reasoning as to why a libertarian would side with Clinton over an authoritarian like Trump. There is not a single comprehensive political similarity measure that would put Trump closer to the libertarian party than Clinton.