Can you guys give a rundown of the alt-right for one of my hyper liberal friends?
Stay light on the nigger memes.
Can you guys give a rundown of the alt-right for one of my hyper liberal friends?
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Cody is a pretty cool guy
"alt-right" is a label applied to anyone that isnt a compromising cuckservative by the leftist media.
Some people have adopted the label and use it to describe themselves but I think we should refuse it and just call ourselves "conservatives" to retake our actual label back from the lukewarm shitheads that pander to leftists.
I like Cody.
The (((Alt-Right))) doesn't actually exist, it;s pretty much a boogeyman made up and pushed by the Lugenpresse. Nobody really called themselves that unironically.
thx man
It's when you lean right but you have a twitter account instead of a pickup truck
/r/ing this
The alt right is a seemingly never ending regimen of red pills as you slowly discover the world is nothing like you were taught to believe.
Almost everything you've been shown in media, education, culture... it's all an elaborately crafted story being retold again and again by brainwashed idiots. It's reinforced culturally, morally, and legally.
Some truths are protected with layers of social consequences. When you find an idea that's "sacred", pull back a layer, then another, and another. It's a lonely road, but once it clicks, you realize that the truth is unspeakable... but it's still true.
Codys lab
Fuck off shill
Tell him to read Culture of Critique.
Ah dude I love Codyslab.
He's a bernout redditor though. Sad.
Basically a bunch of gay cunts larping as nazis.
can this alt-right meme die
anything that gets sand in liberals cunts is alt-right
Ignore the retards, the label has been around for a few years, they just think since they've never heard of it it never existed.
tl;dr version is white nationalism, race realism, pro-traditionalism and anti-globalism. Also anti-jews but that's a given.
And no matter what anyone says, no, Sup Forums isn't alt-right.
The guy's pretty neat. He likes minecraft so he made a legit mineshaft on his property using pickaxes, drills, and explosives, and had geological surveys done of the rock found there, but sadly it was mostly all lead. He made a 14? part series out of recording his mining efforts.
> "alt-right" is a label applied to anyone that isnt a compromising cuckservative by the leftist media.
I fucking love CodysLab. 10/10 content from a 10/10 guy.
Furthermore a lot of us aren't even white or even culturally conservative.
We just hate the establishment liars.
According to the media
>Right wing, but don't like being a neocon Reagan cocksucker? You're a nazi
According to Sup Forums
>I am a Nazi and I will use all media outlets to shift the Overton window, but anyone I don't like is controlled opposition
You see the Mercury toilet video
He also does a lot oh physics and chemistry experiments, does some metal refining, bee keeping, geology stuff. He's really great. Like an apolitical Thunderf00t
European ethnocentrism and anti-immigration, that's basically it.
Shame his mine is a complete bust
Yeah I watch all his vids. I like the series he's doing about stuff in vacuums
>rothchilds bow to the bogdanoffs
>the alt-right
controlled opposition boogeyman to make anyone with conservative views look like an unreasonable bigot.
it doesn't exist. its what faggots, kikes and niggers call the phenomenon of the white man not wanting to fund their head tripping pleasure seeking lifestyle.
its like hate speech. its the fact that your angry that's the problem. white people getting together to rid their country of jews and niggers cant happen in the jews eyes. so they call it bad. and get whoever they can to play along.
He may not be redpilled, but Codyslab still has some of the comfiest and most interesting content
No mercury left?
We just want what's best for ourselves (white people). In a political atmosphere where the left has cut society up along racial lines and then turned everyone else against us, being tribal is necessary in order to maintain our stake and survive.
>give my friend a run down of the alt right
>except dont
I may be misremembering but I think he said it wasn't worth extracting, which is why the mine was closed in the first place
if kek hasn't shown them the way how can you user?
You can talk niggers.
Keep it light though.
Nigger kike, alt right will kill all black people. Leave this domain at once before we cast a spell on you BAHAHAHAH
It's MGTOW for conservatives
This desu
Who's the pretty lady on the right
If you do not use the ΓΌ ue is customary. Luegenpresse
Pretty sure they openly admit they're white nationalists that want an ethnostate and openly discuss the JQ.
"Alt-right" is a white nationalist movement that was invented by some neo-nazi which keeps trying to deny that it has any connection to neo-nazis