There's no going back after you realize the truth, is there?

There's no going back after you realize the truth, is there?

I was so much happier in my ignorance. In my illusions. I always thought I was a smart liberal, following science and logic in pursuit of the truth. But the truth is that races are different. The truth is (((they))) have actually, irrefutably been brainwashing the youth. They tried taking over the world with communism and when that failed went to cultural Marxism as a fallback.

We can never go back to the happy times, can we? It's win or die out, isn't it?

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Enjoy the suffering and remember: you're in it forever.

Okay and why would you feel bad in this day in age when Trump is US president, Brexit and every other country in europe has nationalist parties on the horizon?

>We can never go back to the happy times, can we?
The Spanish were occupied by the moors for 500 years before driving them out. Never give up, especially when your task is to preserve what your forefathers worked tirelessly to achieve.
>It's win or die out, isn't it?
It's fight or die.

win or die out correct

You sound like a little bitch.

Demographic decline is still predicted. The shift you're describing has to be big enough to undo decades of damage. I have hope.


There's a lot of work before safety is realistic.

Damage might be done m8. Too many brainwashed lefties to fight against. I dont think this will end quietly

All we can hope for is that we are able to travel to alternate realities

That's the worst part, it's already too far gone. ((((They)))) have their hooks in to deep, and there's no changing it. There might be a few small victories, but those are really just part of the death throws; like the German counteroffensive during the Battle of the Bulge...

I'm at near constant state of sadness, it's always there under the surface.

Because the future demographics of not only Europe and the US but the entire world is extremely bleak and sad

>They tried taking over the world with communism
Elaborate. I thought (((they))) only cared about shekels and guess which system is the best to concentrate shekels in the hands of a select few? Yes, it's the neo-capitalism you cuckmericans like so much

the whole generation of millennials other than a select few are permanently cucked from being raised in a brainwashing education system. Once the older generations die out it will be impossible for us based millennials to hold back the marxists

An unintended side effect of redpilling is a gained immunity to bluepilling of whatever you were redpilled about.

You can never unknow.

Recognizing differences in races doesn't mean you have to fall for the nazi meme.

Communism was an easier way to implement their scheme. With the exception of Stalin, every high ranking Soviet was a Jew. The goyim were merely their cattle which is why the leaders had no problem starving their people or throwing them into random wars

Communism was just a mechanism of control. It was always about controlling the cattle.

I still find happiness after realizing the truth.
I don't like how accurate this is.

The difference for me is that the lost innocence was paid back with a sense of purpose and power.

Actually, you could fight AND die. The OP is correct.

So are you a fan of Richard Spencer?

No he's just a strawman built up by the media to paint the entire anti-globalist movement as being as pathetic as him.

Nobody here even knew the term alt-right before they made him into a big deal. It's complete bullshit.

So what constitutes the white race? Does ethnic or cultural identity bear greater significance at the end of the day?

It's a mix of both, isn't it? One particular lineage may bet more potential, but potential that is never reached due to cultural reasons doesn't mean all that much when it comes to actual results.

It's a difficult question, because the perfect person can be wasted in the wrong time and place.

Naturally, the most potential is better in the long run, and thus race is better to be prioritized in the long run. It's not coming from a hateful place, though. I think different races have different ways that work best for them. All people's deserve the right to exist, and the right to self-determination. Multiculturalism robs them of that.

A country with full blown communism right now has a better chance than USA because at least it's more clear to the population how shitty it is.

In US I try to tell people what's happening and no one is concerned or believes me. They don't know how all these amendments to the Constitution are there merely to subvert it. They don't know that the Federal reserve is a private central bank which most of our forefathers opposed, and they don't know that a progressive income tax is not normal to this country, that it's a Marxist idea!

And they don't realize how many wars we went through and how many good people were assassinated to stop the clutch of Rothschild Zionism that holds our country hostage, who we are now slaves too!

The us Constitution is the greatest thing this country has, but if its power is merely symbolic then it could be our detriment.

Hey bros, check out this article

As gay as it sounds, be a missionary of truth, start red pilling a few select friends. Few things are as rewarding as seeing the light bulb turn on in someones head because of the time and effort you put in to helping them understand the truth. In time you'll create a close friend group where you can work together to bring more people to the truth. If every Nationalist and National Socialist began doing this, we'd easily double and triple our movement.

Here's some good videos to send.

You couldn't find an image with a legible font size?

Trump has gotten a lot done in the first week but he's going to hit a wall as soon as he starts needing to work with congress. Executive orders can only take him so far.