Wow guys this real opened my eyes
I'm pro immigration now #bring them here
Wow guys this real opened my eyes
I'm pro immigration now #bring them here
I agree with him. good talk too. listening to it now.
I do genuinely kind of think that the Jews brainwashing the left from the universities do genuinely deserve to be removed from the US though
This guy is HIV+
Stay away.
Of course you do with that flag
Where'd you get pro immigration from that?
Fuck you Milo.
White genocide is happening. Whites will become minorities in their own countries.
You're just a faggot with a feelz argument.
Fuck you.
Richard Spencer is better than you.
Well what's the single most defining polarising talking point in white nationalism?
White nationalism wouldn't exists without it?
We have more than the white race here. We have immigrants who are here legally. Nothing to do with accepting illegals.
I always knew he was a jew piece of shit
i told you fucking dumbasses on /nu/pol that jews were not meant to be trusted
you fucking dumbasses trust that kike who says he's an "orthodox russian" too
America was 90% white 50 years ago. in 1965 they passed the hart cellar act which allowed non white immigration. The legislators who passed the act claimed that it would not change the racial or ethnic diversity of the country which was a complete lie
The only reason you are in america is because a legislation was reimagined and redefined
Aye, the jew can never be trusted
Are you positive?
the only way you know a jew is legit is when jews turn on them. this has not happened to milo and in fact all his jew buddies finance his activities
the only jew ive seen so far that hated everything about jews was Bobby Fischer
every other jew is a shill
We knew this was coming
We need to drop major red pills on the comments
I stumbled upon this today.
Antifa is so out of touch.
The "alt right" is an identitarian movement for white nationalism. Most people are waking up to this fact. Alt lite is getting exposed as more multiculturalism under a civic nationalism disguise.
Marxism relies on multiculturalism so it can divide and conquer.
The altright members that are just looking at the symptoms (feminism, enlarged welfare state, white genocide, loss of family unit, loss of traditional values, degeneracy)
But they are not looking at the root problem, that multiculturalism doesn't work. Diversity is the cornerstone of all the problems really.
Once people go back to the identitarian movement things will move forward.
Ala Richard Spencer.
USA is historically a white nation.
It needs to go back to the way it was.
Letting in the 3rd world was a mistake.
Letting in the lesser races in massive numbers was a mistake.
It needs to be corrected.
We are being invaded and purposely bred out.
Multiculturalism is divide and conquer in action.
Gotta make sure that your subjects can't relate.
>White genocide is happening. Whites will become minorities in their own countries.
>oy vey Milo is a shill because he's not a stormfag!
>oy vey Richard Spencer is a shill because he names the jew!
I sincerely hope these threads are trolling and not shilling, because you are retarded if you don't see how having moderate right wingers and also extreme right wingers is not bad. It would spoil Milo's purpose if he declared himself a WN, similarly we need more WNs out there speaking and making it mainstream.
i consider myself the line between multiculturalism and identitarianism - which I don't directly associate with "white nationalism"
the USA is a multicultural nation but white people deserve their own identity and any leftists that "shame" white people don't belong here and should be viewed as hateful, and socially shunned
God damn it day of the rake when
hey there chink
I agree, we shouldn't be focused on preserving whiteness, it's the culture that defines us. As long as they have Norwegian values, Norway can be 100% Somali for all I care.
>I agree with him. good talk too. listening to it now.
He's not just positive
He's HIV +
He's absolutely right, though.
I would agree with you, but culture and values are a reflection of the race of people that hold those values, not the other way around.
All nationalism is good unless it's white
Really makes you think things about gassing Jews and Negros and Chinks and Arabs and Mongols and shit
>As long as they have Norwegian values, Norway can be 100% Somali for all I care.
White nationalism is not identity politics. It is about protecting a RACE of people within there home country. It is not like I am in Africa demanding that white people are oppressed even though they are literally being genocide but the point I am making is that we are not saying that we are oppressed but we have a right to have our own fucking nation without having non-whites in them. I can say that once whites leave the identity or the ideas that made up what the US, Germany, or any western country will forever be lost. Non-whites would not give a single fuck about the culture of white.
Milo and a fuckload of lebbit retards on here have no fucking idea what white nationalism, nationalism, national socialism, or any kind of fascism.
nice :^) i luv south park 2
Murdoch Murdoch called it.
He's right though. Every country should be nationalist and proud of what they are, as long as they aren't terrible shit holes.
This is an ideological fight. Leftists are still screaming
>muh racism!
>muh fascist!
That's why they're losing.
What is identity politics other than any politics related to identity? I agree it's a false equivalence to SJWs, focus on that and point out how they're worse, not better than WNs.
>USA is a multicultural nation
No it fucking isn't originally the US accept whites from all over but those whites were absorbed into the American way of life they shed there traditional home cultures forever. This destroys the idea of what multiculturalism is. In the US we have one culture that binds whites together. You cannot say this about any other race Asians are the closet you'll get.
Now if you are talking about people that are half breeds that is an entirely different story. Its something that we will have to deal with because of how many non-whites that are already here. Personally I think half breeds who are non-african are fine because if they have white kids eventually whatever other race they have will be gone.
>but those whites were absorbed into the American way
tell that to the potato niggers and their st. patrick's day.
>What is identity politics other than any politics related to identity?
I see it as a game of who is the greatest victim not a race trying to protect there homeland from being destroyed ideologically culturally
>potato niggers and their st. patrick's day.
I highly doubt anyone would give a shit if that holiday disappeared forever.
Tribalism has always been the answer for a peaceful and prosperous nation. It has a 5,000 year track record of success. What is Milo's track record? oh yeah... sucking black dick and being a homosexual jewish supremacist. Nationalism for all people and all nations. Protect real diversity.
Hey bros, support this article I like
Gas the kike.
Well, once you get past trying to just treating this movement as a way to rebuttle the left's accusations, moving from essentially purple pilled, to red pilled, you'll realize it is about restoring white dominance and demographics over all nations established by whites.
I get it. You have to go through phases. But if you're smart enough to find the data, to assimilate it, you'll arrive at the same conclusion related to how to solve these problems.
After whites die off, asians will, then humanity dies stuck on this planet while the ayy lmaos kek at us... Is that what you people want?
Culture is a manifestation of blood. Norway would only be Norway in terms of geography if it was 100 percent Somalian. Of course this is bait though and you're just a faggot.
I can agree with that
Nationalism isn't by itself about race so I'm unsure what he's even talking about. I think the word he is looking for is racism of which there is nothing wrong with.
I'd like to add that if ideas are what is most important, then they can take the blueprint of ideas that made the West so successful and apply it to their own countries rather than coming to white countries en masse. Fucking Jewish faggot I hate this fucking cocksucker.
I think it's overall an anti-globalist movement more than anything, which I fully support. The vocal fringe is more "100% white or die"
You guys understand that Milo needs to be a flamboyant faggot who constantly brings up the fact that he sucks nigger dicks for plausible deniability, right?
If he wasn't a coal burning jewish faggot who openly disavowed anything beyond civic nationalism, he wouldn't have the same draw/appeal to the normies as he does currently.
So, normies need a dick sucking faggot to wake them up? He really just has feelz arguments.
Couldn't they just listen to molyneux?
I think he is the best to listen to for a normie.
r u 4 seriouz?
Someone drew a happy merchant on the chalkboard at school
personal freedom > identity politics
99% of people will be trash
of that remaining 1%, there's a mix of all races, in statistically sound amounts (mostly white/chink, indian, good amount of blacks, some spic, even 1 or 2 pakis, but probably not many since they all fuck their cousins)
So if you're an intelligent person you realize ID politics is a losing game:
LOW TAXES - then there is no game.
Cap immigration, IQ test immigration, as long as our IQ is trending up and our taxes are trending down... NOTHING CAN STOP US
It still fits. I would say white genocide is an example of people being victimized for their identity.
>So, normies need a dick sucking faggot to wake them up?
Who the messenger is matters. People on the left, or people teetering inbetween the left and right are much more apt to listen to and take to heart the message of an "oppressed" member of society than a normal white male.
Milo's primary goal in his talks is to change peoples' minds. His nigger-loving faggotry makes him undeniably more effective at achieving that. He also needs to disavow WN to make his ideas 'safe' to take to heart for the normies.
blacks are american, not african american
somalis are subhuman, abos too, and pakis, and shits from guatemala or some shit, just don't let them fucking immigrate
> why are all immigrants from somalia, soros?
ask that question every day
then realize:
> because somalia has the highest ROI: the MOST damage to america per immigrant
That out of the way:
IQ test and take in based on that.
Fuck islam. While race-realism is a stupid version of genetic reality (true-pill) it's not as effective as IQ in terms of deciding immigration. I would take the top 5% of blacks into America over the bottom 5% of whites from UK in a heartbeat, and you should too.
the game
Hang this faggot
He's right. It's about values not retarded identity politics.
Trump already figured this out years ago, you guys are slow as fuck.
Wtf I love Milo now
He seems more grounded here. He's flamboyant in his fashion choices but not as much with his personality like some months ago. Is nice
Just admit that you're a shit skin with something to gain from the rejection of white identity
Makes you look less sly because your agenda is obvious
Post a photo of your white hand and maybe I'll listen to you
By definition it is about a people. That means ethnicity.
If they can do it independently do it. Just don't drag us down with you
No you won't, you would call me a 'cuck.'
It's a simple choice dude, do you back Trump who rejects identity politics or do you do you want to divide us like Democrats and CTR?
fucking told ya
this kike faggot is nothing but a planted controlled opposition to subvert the movement
repeat after me NO GOOD JEWS
milo needs to quit coal burning if he wants any respect here, but i still appreciate the lib triggering he does.
He is staying at my hotel
>reddit spacing
Anybody notice the influx of reddit spaces along with these shills? I think they are either seeing how well they can fit in by posting what we post or they are trying to make reddit spacing seem normal.
Richard Spencers is a KIKE and a fake OPPORTUNIST
WE WILL DESTROY (((GLOBALISM))) and international jewery FROM WITHIN
RIP moloch
>reddit spacing
that's too much man
even for me
>do you back Trump who rejects identity politics
It's another "Trump is the final goal" retard.
Member that time when white Europeans immigrated to the US and enternal anglos attacked them for "not being actually white"?
A country, not a people.
you'll have to go back to plebbit
Whites created America.They make up the majority of the country, so I agree. The COUNTRY, not the people.
>Trump already figured this out years ago, you guys are slow as fuck.
he really lost me when he said he kinda enjoyed seeing spencer getting sucker punched
Yes, but many different whites from different countries. They are technically all "mixed"
>german with english
>Irish with Austrian
>Swiss with Italian
They're all mixed up and their identity all wiped out in support of the new country, America.
I agree that Spencer is not the leader of GamerGate but he's not a jew (Molymeme also not a jew)
They're still white though. They make up the majority. Do you not get what I'm hinting at? Niggers and Mudshits don't represent our country, they constantly vote against, in the majority.
I don't even know why I agree with you. I agree with you, but things should be more subtle
>I don't even know why I agree with you.
Because the facts tell a different story from what others would have you believe.
Milo is 100% correct, but he just exposed his entire shtick with this statement.
In 10-20 years they are going to make a movie about Milo after one of you autists guns him down for selling out 'the cause'.
Also watch - Milo is going to get his twitter account back just before his book comes out.
dont say white, but from European decent.
Well said.
I guess that would be better to use. "white"
So you know what reddit spacing is but dont want us to think you're from reddit?
Is this reddit spacing?
I've been typing like this for 10 years now. YOU HAVE TO GO BACK.
We still need the publics favor though, and being like that is bad news
Their ancestors are about to get wiped out in their origin countries if America keeps going with their melting pot hegemony. I really don't care about the american identity, I care about Europe's identity getting ruined by americanism.
Difference between self identifying and sgiiting on whute nationalism
I can agree with that, thankfully the tide is turning everywhere
>fuck paragraphs n shit
I hate this contrarian crap.
Wtf?! Where?
Nope you burgers need to change "white" (leftists propaganda word) with "european"