Alright Ausfags

Alright Ausfags,

Redpill us on Aboriginals. Do they really have an average IQ below mental retardation? How are they compared to blacks, Muslims, gypsies, etc?

Share stories as well

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The only experience you will have with an abo

> eh bruddah can u lend me some cash?
> proceeds to go buy paint thinner to sniff
> oh eh bruddah can you spare some casshh?

> get way too drunk at 10am and yells at school children through fence

> gibmedats

Well to start you're sub human

Are they violent or just stupid degenerates


syllable structure: VC(C)

Outsiders who have significant interaction with such groups may be given a 'skin name', commonly based on the people they have interacted with and the types of interaction.

Each aboriginal group has 2^N genders called "skin groups", either 2, 4, 8, 16... etc.

>The young man is seated on rock while his penis is split open with a stone knife along its full length on the underside. The penis, once split open, is pressed flat against the rock on which the young man is sitting. The Aboriginals explained that this is done in order to make it “lighter and more beautiful".

How the fuck do you even say Ngalgarrdj

Why is this board so obsessed with Australian Aboriginals? Who gives a fuck? There's like a handful of these threads every month.


All are one with Yog'Sothoth

Aboriginals are sub-humans and would be extinct if not being propped up by virtual signalling Melbourne cucks who buy their shitty artwork and pretend to like their 'music' to look cultured.

After being isolated for so long and having such a drastic change in their way of life once DA WHYTE MAN took over has left them spiritually, mentally and culturally broken. There is no going back, some may adapt to a western way of life but most are resentful, lazy, ungrateful and do not care about their own future or their children.

They contribute nothing to society, get endless concessions and opportunities most people would kill for however their laziness and resentment has led them to being the most successful leeches in the western world.

> Be Me
> On Bus to city of Fremantle
> Ooga Booga sits next me
Dear god she wants something
>Asks for 50c, I oblige and goto my wallet and reach for 50c
Better make it dollar
Look at her for 10 seconds, thinking if I were to give it to her she'd ask for more, but me being me, I give it to her
> Hand the $1 coin
> Thanks cuz

Don't give them money

First one I've seen. I chuckled at their names and language. It's like someone fell asleep on the keyboard.

>walking back to my friends place in Brisbane with a carton of beer
>see a couple of native descent walking towards me
>women is off her head
>starts screaming ''just crucify me already'' and other random shit
>calls me an alcoholic

>Work for power distribution company
>turn peoples power off for not paying there bills
>show up to house to kill the power
>women comes out to ask me what im doing, tell her im tuning it off
>hear man inside start calling her a dumb bitch for not paying the bills
>90% sure he was beating her as a left
>come back later that day to turn he power back on
>she comes out again, man isnt home
asks me to come inside
>i nope the fuck out of there as quick as a can
>everyone teases me at work for getting propositioned my the abo chick

When they freak out in public, people just look away and try not to laugh. Like they do when a literal retard freaks out in public. It's the same thing. They are retarded. Best not to notice them at all. Just look away. They are harmless.

> ya dumb dooooog cuzzy wuzzy buddaaaa

Charming people

Apparently there was like 100-200 Abo languages but when Europeans colonized the island a lot of them died off, so now people are trying to keep them alive even though they all sound like nrangbajaaaa nraga anga. That's literally abo language, that's all it sounds to me while someones banging a stone against another stone or something.

If you japs tried to invade us you'd be having epic lulz with our inhabitants.

Fun Fact: The fact that Abo Shields and spears exist is proof of wars between the Abo people.

>Being called cuz by a noongboonga.
She sees something in you... How well do you know your family tree?

The apes looks fairly content in this picture.

They really are animals.

Also guys check out the HWNDU stream, it's currently being liberated by Sup Forums mercenaries.

barely human senpai

dear god they must be eradicated

fun fact: they use north/east/south/west instead of left/right

It is literally Sup Forums

>Drumpf BTFO!!!!11

Incomparible to blacks, muslims, gypsies etc as abos aren't human.

How do so poor people get so fat? I've always wondered this with gypsies. Do they spend all resources on food or is that some degenerate defect?

Because these cunts may be "poor" by our standers but by the standers of history they live like lavish kings eating shit all day and doing nothing.

All their kids & teens are skinny because the fat old bitches eat the food meant for the family and starve the kids who steal for a living until they're old enough to have kids and get fat off of welfare.

1. They're too stupid to realize you're supposed to eat healthy
2. The only thing they can buy is like macca's because it's "cheap"

The dutch settled southern tasmania, it was... efficient.

Yes, that makes sense.
It's funny how this description pretty much fits the gypsies.

The funny thing is that aboriginals are only 0.6% of the population in Melbourne. I think this must include people who are part abo, because I can't remember the last time I saw an actual black abo.

Aborigines don't have genes that are adapted to western style food like grains and refined sugar especially. They have insanely high rates of diabetes and heart disease (although this could be due to the high rates of alcoholism) but I remember seeing some study that showed that if they return to their old high protein diets all these problems basically reverse.

My neighbours are aboriginal (rent is paid for by gibmedats). They are constantly yelling at their kids for retarded shit at weird hours. Often wake up to cries of "I'll smack yeww!" but the mum is actually making them go to school and apart from the noise they are pretty decent

>riding the cock carousel is literally a time honored tradition for abbo women?

this is my friend's story

>be my friend
>has hippie leftist parents
>decide to move to Redfern two minutes from 'the Block' (giant inner city housing project in Sydney with lots of Abo, recently demolished)
>his idiot mum lets local Abo kids come into his room every now and then to play his Xbox
>often he would come home and find a crew of Abo kids in his room
>at first he doesn't, but getting gradually frustrated with it
>eventually gets pissed and kicks them out and tells them they're not allowed to come into his room anymore
>come home from school next day
>Xbox is gone, room is trashed, everything of any value is missing

here's a map of all the tribes, I live under the... eagle one I can't remember.

I don't even think they have gods they live in like the dream world or something and the dream world has got talking animals like the moon man. The guy inside the moon.

Why don't you guys just give them a huge reservation, some slot machines and be done with it?

Northern territory in a nutshell m80

HOLY SHIT don't tell this is like some PSA or something? Did an Abo actually get run over by sleeping on road? They really are fucking retarded.

This was played on TV in the NT back in the day because this was a recurring problem. Not once, MULTIPLE DIFFERENT ABOS.

You need to watch out for half breeds that still have enough Abo blood to chimp out

Apparently they have really good sense of direction and spatial awareness and spatial memory.

> Only now are we starting to understand Aboriginal intellectual and scientific achievements.

Does the moon man visit them in their dreams and tell them to kill themselves for being dumb subhuman savages?




They are also pretty bloody naturally athletic desu. Also as per usual there are good ones especially if they are mixed
>This is what Aboriginals actually believe

they are literally retarded. without a doubt worse than african americans.

Like Buddy Franklin, he's better than the rest of the swans combined. Too bad he's a dickhead.

Honesty they are THE fucking worst "people" on earth. I love in a town that's 10% boong. Some areas are like across between a rubbish dump and a warzone

They don't compare. The are animals.

Don't ever look them in the eye either. You will be yelled at.

If I recall correctly, up until 1967 they were classified as fauna.

the Aboriginals had access to plently of water, (they live on an island) trees, rocks, sand, mud in order to start a civilization in those 60,000 years they did jack shit but paint on their skin and make cool looking sticks.

There were and still are fucking retarded.

this is true, desu they still should be

what really annoys me though is cunts that fake being abo for gibs, like people that are clearly white with maybe 1/16th abo can get away with murder. they can get into uni really easily i think, can get hired more easily and shit load of benefits from centrelink and they still bitch and moan every year on australia day about how bad they were treated, not that any of them from are still alive from fucking 1788 or anything

Come to Redfern in Sydney... everywhere

> be me, working next to Redfern for a bit
> Have to get off a Redfern station and catch it back home
> sitting at the stairs: an Abo "hey brudda you got a dollar"
> already running late, gotta rush to make the train before it closes
> because I didnt stop to give him a dollar he screams "you cheap fuck!"

It would be nice to hear from someone who is actually aboriginal, anyone here?

i doubt there's any aboriginals on Sup Forums at all.

>the abbos claim to fame is inventing a kangaroo killing flying stick..NASA still hasn't figured it out...dumb cunts.

>abbos are the worlds most successful gibsmedats.

>Apparently they have really good sense of direction and spatial awareness and spatial memory.

Yeah they perform exceptionally well on visual IQ tests and their visual cortex is significantly larger than any other race.

how do they do on regular IQ tests Ausfag?

Pretty piss poor. Their average is around 62-67 i think.

IQ is directly correlated with level of education. There is no such thing as an intelligence test.

They cant use Computers.

Why does every Canadian poster like this?

You guys never used to be complete fuckwits and now every single fucking post by you cucks is like this.

It's not even funny, it's just sad dude.

I do this quite often am I autistic?

Mate, they are easily dissuaded. Just yell back "fuck off ABO cunt or I'll throw you on the tracks you junkie cunt" and he will leave you alone.

But you need to say it extremely slowly or they won't process it.

The biggest risk is being told off by some leftist wankers who ironically live in Redfern off of their trust funds.

God that fucking image. Disgusting. Here I fixed it.

true blue mate

thanks for saving the thread mate. True Blue.

They live pretty isolated from the rest of the population, and no one really cares about them. I haven't seen a abo in Sydney since about 13 about years ago.

What I want to know is if our abos are comparable to the American Indians

the American Indians are waaaay more advanced than the abos could ever be.

Abos are useless, they contributed nothing for this country. Europeans arrived and they turned what used to be a useless desert shithole into a first world country.

He's not wrong though. Stop this baseless "Canadians make bad posts" meme.

The Canadian Natives are very different.

They're sort of too soulful to exist properly in a cold and calculating society such as the urban white one.

Their abilities are not being put to any use at all and mostly they waste away drinking and doing drugs, but they clearly do have abilities.

I've met a lot of very intelligent Native dudes, it was always an unusual and eccentric kind of intellect.

They could potentially find their groove in the future and be quite sucessful.
Unlike the Abos, by the looks of this...

Honestly, abbos just cant live in our society. Its like taking a child and sending them out on their own. I was in the pub at 10:30 in the morning and abbo sitting next to me told me he was broke. He had just got his dole and proceded to put it all through the pokies. We are literally thousands of years more advanced than them. Treating them as equals is what has caused all these problems. The only solution is their lives being regulated by the government, or living back in the bush.

They are closest to blacks, I would rank them lower. Also drugs have a greater effect on them and they get paid reparations on an individual basis. It's a good form of quantitative easing and false generation of demand for goods in the outback.

We should probably just give them the NT honestly

IQ by native people

Fuck you you leftist faggot piece of shit

>It's like taking a child and sending them out on their own.

Hmm... Why does that sound so familiar to me?

fucking hate majority of the stuff I see on social media at the moment, this pic was on dailymail, can you spot one aboriginal?

Why the fuck is such a large percent of the population white knights. There is a fucking chick crying for fucks sake.

I live in leafland and they're like that in real life.
Whiny, faggoty, low-energy natural leftists.

There's no McDonald's or shops like that.

they're sub-human OP

>100-200 ago languages
So basically they were unable to communicate outside of their packs? That just screams "highly intelligent and totally human".


Aboriginal culture is at a level that transcends anything Europeans could hope to emulate. Just watch this beautiful collaboration...

Absolutely not.

Natives also have a lot of whacky alcoholics, but they are actually talented, a shitload of them are smart and capable.

Natives are bro-tier. They just don't like the cold and calculated mode of urban life though, depresses the hell out of them.


why do their faces look like that?