Why is Sup Forums pro Israel now? Has JIDF finally won?
Why is Sup Forums pro Israel now? Has JIDF finally won?
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we have always been a pro-israel board
I'm going to be honest. I just want them to stop taking our money and lobbying in our government. I really don't care beyond that.
No. It's a deal with the devil type of shit to kill Muslims.
>Sup Forums is one person
It's not, and it's not Christian either. LARP as retards has actually made retards think this is their safe haven.
pol isnt pro israel, we are pro trump. it is possible to support a thing but not agree with it 100% for instance i support Ben Shapiro but unlike him i dont think the left should be fought with intellect. i think they are immune to facts and common sense and should be shot dead like rabid dogs
Israel is a White Nationalist ethno-state, so yes, I support white countries with homogeneous citizens.
we have been working at this for the past year I don't mind admitting it at this point this thread will most likely slide as you guys say .
Im not pro-isreal, i just think they should all be safely moved there. i could care less what happens after that.
Silly goy, jews are not white.
Zionist jews and mountain cult jews are different annon
Not the most strategic of persons, are you? Have you EVER played a strategic game?
>... and your enemies closer
Donald Trump is playing it extraordinarily-smart. He's keeping both Israel and the Rothschild Family close, whilst going after the easier targets that he knows the U.S. can eliminate without outside hindrance.
Then, and only then, when all other targets have been neutralized, can he get to work on the true plague of this world - the Zionist elites, including the aforementioned Rothschild Family, David Rockefeller, George Soros and other ultra-wealthy interferers.
Trump is playing 4D chess against 3D opponents, on a 2D board.
Gas the kikes; race war now.
Sup Forums will stand against the kikes forever.
thats a faulty stance. we shouldnt gas the kikes race war now. we should gas the democrats ideological war now. it kills off the majority of jews without the stink of racial slaughter
No we still hate jews, it's just easier to get them to fuck off to some faraway sandland than to create holocoasters.
Also, we are wedging the divide between orthodox jews and liberal jews, liberal jews are now self-identifying more as exclusively atheist now.
With that, atheists are undefendable, we can attack them at that point.
>we need Israel to remove as much kebab as possible and then we start removing bagels.
I didn't think the rockefellers were jewish?
Simply wish we stop handing them free shit other than that let them and iran destroy one another.
they arent, they are just rich and we need to remove the rich from power and topple this corrupt system for the benefit of the people
David Rockefeller isn't Jewish. He's just extremely wealthy and has enormous influence.
They dont support the same for u
yes but not all jews are bad, only the left leaning ones. all leftists are bad. kill the democrats save the country
Never trust them
hatred of muslims hve clouded our minds. Once the muzzie problem is dealt with the ovens will be prepared.
>implying republicans aren't the same
Both parties are Zionist bootlickers, and the Jews control both parties. We supported Trump because he was supposed to be the outsider candidate and drain the swamp but he seems to be an even bigger neocon than bush
you are so stupid
jews operate on this mantra: "diversity for me, but not for thee"
they get their ethnostate and then fund multiculturalism for everybody else
they are not your allies
sorry i dun made a typo
diversity for thee, but not for me
this is the jewish way
Tzipi Mazuz on Twitter acted like a Trump supporter and Truth exposer but in reality is trying to bargain for Golan Heights and settlements for Israel.
Nice try, Lugen Juden, but no.
God-Emperor's orders. Are you loyal to the Fuhrerprinzip or not.
>Why is Sup Forums pro Israel now?
This board has always been pro Israel.
Israel is a pretty based white country.
All good white people, like Trump, are pro Israel.
If you're anti Israel you're very much anti white.
Holy fucking shit CTR is back with a vengeance.
only non whites and SJW hate Israel
Good god. This isn't CTR, it's something else.
seriously.. less than 20 years ago, the only people talking shit about Jews in America was the KKK
fuck off
fuck off morriaku
There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish.
Protestants. Aka White Jews.
there is a difference between israeli and colonial jew like soros, spectre and others.
Look at everyone who is anti-Israel...
> Muslims
> SJWs
> Libcucks
> College snowflakes
> The EU
> American Democrats
And you're gonna tell me that they are right on that issue?
Fuck no. Israel is our only ally in the Middle East.
But, they shouldn't get any money. Same for every other fucking nation that we give money too.
Most Israelis are not as the globalist deispora kikes.
It's pretty simple: We support Trump, Trump supports Israel and jews(most of his family is jewish now after all).
Jews really aren't the big boogey men you guys make them out to be. All of the 'evidence' Sup Forums has against jews is faked propaganda pushed by butthurt muslims and leftists.
I'm pro Israel only for the face Israel itself is very close to nationalism and isn't really globalist
There are still necessary changes for them to make for me to full on support them though.
>t. kike
We're not pro Israel. Ignore the newfags and gas the kikes. RaHoWa
8 billion people in the world and there's always a fucking thread about 5million European dune coons
Not sure. Disturbing as fuck, though. The pro-merchant thing on here is unsettling.
Shut this thread down.
The goyim know.
Jews make up the majority of insanely rich globalists
Because of this we assume most Jews (most of which are just goyim like us tbqh) are in on it
We need to find the true Jews and exterminate them.
>we support trump ergo we support X
I voted for him too, but think for yourself you fucking mongoloid
Israel is a containment country for Jews
It's where they belong
But they should really stop fucking with global politics
Yeah, unfortunately Sup Forums is a perfect example of what happens when you have multiculturalism.
We've been invaded by crossposters from numerous other boards, and all they do is shitpost, refusing to assimilate to Sup Forums's culture. They quickly outnumbered the o.g. Sup Forumsacks and now the place is a mongrelized cesspit with no meaningful discussion.
everyone under the age of 30 that hates Jews is either legit KKK or been through the indoctrination camps called college.
>colleges teach you to hate Jews!
This is how I know you didn't go to college
>We need to find the true Jews and exterminate them.
how is this any different than the ignorant Wall St Protesters saying they need to exterminate the 1% ?? Same fucking thing, from the same people.
The amount of kikes and traitora ITT is sickening...you have to go back.
>This is how I know you didn't go to college
explain all the Palestine sympathy in colleges then
The 1% are victims
Soros needs to be burned alive on live tv
You think for yourself instead of gobbling down propaganda against jews created by muslims leftists and crackpots.
Notice how they all have American flags? They came here with the election, they all think Milo is "BASED!1" and have wet dreams about Lauren Southern. Ignore them, they'll learn eventually.
Nice fake quote.
Do you have a video of him saying this?
I *literally* witnessed none of that. Watch less Fox News.
That's not an argument.
Nah, just shills like you have gotten a pay boost. I've noticed it on plebbit in the past few days as well
I am really confused at this point who is in the right or wrong, but it looks like Israel is getting the beating also.
Sup Forums and the rest of Sup Forums is being overrun by thousands of paid and unpaid attackers.
Their goal is to turn Sup Forums into somethign like Sup Forums but not entirely shitty and to use it for their own gains.
JIDF and muslim threads are now everywhere.
We have to just stick around and drop thruth on topics that are real and not loaded with shit.
My hidden threads was never this high.
>The "Chosen Ones"
Some Jews actually believe this. And it's the basis for all the suffering on that patch of dirt. Pathetic if you ask me.
your mum is you pedo victim. if those cunts were not stoped by the emperor and burgers and anglos and brexit, they would continue with their 'we are all equal' and would make sure no country exists but on paper, including isralelis.
but what can poland understand besides being a servant to any wind that blows which might have fight poland's fights, you cuck.
You should literally gas yourself
its just idiots from cripplechan having a laugh
nope. pol was never pro Israel
This. Put all the Jews in Israel, then they don't have to leech off of us.
consensus cracking
lurkers are immune
lurk more
most likely >1 post by this ID
reminder to put "sage" in the 'Options' field
pol has never been against israel newfag