Wellcome to Britain.
Wellcome to Britain
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I feel so sorry for you.
I feel sorry for you as well.
my town is 100% white though.
Like, i know every single person in my town
wow, that's really impressive. My town is 100% white as well. That doesn't mean my country isn't fucked.
wow, so you live in bumfuck nowhere with a few dozen white cousins suffering from inbred birth defects. Congratulations. America is a brown shithole when you actually leave the woods, dumbfuck
Can we just get to the day where we drag these people from their homes and execute them already?
I don't leave the woods though.
We're all going to die in the end desu.
I don't see 4% of the global population taking on 96% and winning.
I'll fuckin' strangulate that fat fuck myself, I'm not even joking, pol. Day of the rope fucking yesterday!
Spoken like a true liberal that problably lives in San Leandro or some other absolute shithole full of spics, that relies on other states.
Kill this faggot
The U.K. isn't ethnically diverse though..
You mean London
welcome to Germany, no flags pls.
Holy shit im so glad to be American. Theres no words that can put this into comment im fucking tripping though. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH EUROS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I went to Dublin for 10 days for a family vacation and it looked like OPs picture.
This shit for real?
At this point I can't hate the religion, the morons pushing this agenda are the enemy.
What happened to you, Britain? You used to be fucking chill.
>This shit for real?
Everyone is saying Michelle is going to run for President in 4 years.
Jesus Christ, please come back soon.
god it hurts
People saying Germany is in charge of the free world now that Trump's president made me laugh.
this is how Western civilization falls
t. Californian
And your capital is any different? Your major cities are less white than ours.
The only thing Germany is in charge of is having their women raped by Mohammed.
sorry bro. but glad your country took a hard right. maybe you'll be able to deport them soon enough. or maybe the social zeitgeist will compel more of your white women to make more white babies.
This is good, isn't this grounds for impeachment?
Yeah, try the Pacific Northwest of all places in this "white country" to be flooded with god damn mongrels. When we're at the point where there's more niggers, spics, and mudslimes here than blondes, I think it's safe to say that America is finished. The only solution would be mass deportations of ALL illegal immigrants, and even recent legal immigrants (which will never happen), or in twenty years, guaranteed, there will be nary a blonde haired blue eyed bombshell left to gaze at in this once great nation, and you can take that to the bank.
thank you for posting that .
hard save.
I am going to visit Japan before I die. (not a weeboo or wtf its called, I just find it a fascinating culture). Just watched "Silence", didnt know Buddhists were so violent hundreds of ears ago, made me feel bad breh
I'm of Pakistani descent. This country is as much mine as it is yours.
Literal treason.
>our president loves the American flag so much he gives it a hug
I have no words for how much I love my country and my president.
Bait. Good on though Patel.
Most of that population couldn't react in time. And wouldn't have the ability to react to our superior tech.
We'd win the race war. But the white traitors are the ones we'd need to worry about.
>didnt know Buddhists were so violent hundreds of ears ago
Buddhists are still removing Kebab in SE Asia. And don't visit in summer, hot and humid as fuck.
blacks and mexicans are atleast christian you dumb cuck, muslims with never integrate within another other society. We all share similair values, plus if they decide to chimp out, White America has all the guns. LOL theres literally an arsenal in the basement of my parents house
Am I reading this correctly? He believes that the Mayor of London has authority to grant visas into the UK to those that the UK hasn't approved for entry into the country? Is he a meta-king or something?
Yeah. They need to go first. (((They))) need to go
A humongous negro bitch representing America is welcomed by a group of hijab-clad Muslim children representing Great Britain. Lol damn we are cucked.
>implying Britain would do something so racist
so Japs prefer muslims of westernized whites?
Your ancestors are ashamed
Jesus Christ. How fucking pathetic are you?
>hurt at least they're christian lol
Yeah, but they'll never be white you moron. Religion is irrelevant.
More like meta-Caliph
If you assimilate, they like you. Lack of Halal foods and alcohol, etc being in most foods makes that tough for serious Muslims.
One must be really deluisional If he thinks its not already over
You just have to watch old documentaries/old pictures of group of people prior to the 70s to realize we will never pull that off ever again
>Religion is irrelevant.
lol ok ahmed
fuck, what have you done to yourself, greatest ally?
She would win in a landslide too, but I don't think she would be interested after about a decade of being around it with Obongo.
She's an absolute cunt, but doesn't seem like a power hungry sociopath like Hillary.
>Implying people voting for him wasn't in itself an act of treason.
First president with a massive resting bitch face.
you guys seem like faggots, think ill visit China instead. enjoy Fukushima and youre last few breathes as a country.
>more Muslims
>more mosques
>more spics
>more blacks
Tell me again how we are the cucked ones, Mr 54% white. Its game over for you in 10 years time.
You're wrong. Words can't express my disdain for her.
>muhammed fujita
How did he get fujita?
T. Mohahmmed mohammed ahmed
are you that autistic and upset?
>more spics
lol wall
>more blacks
lol theres a genocide in all innercities
what else you got? upset that your country inst trending in the same direction that america is?
Enjoy Trump until he gets capped for calling out the Federal Reserve and you get 4 years with Electric Fence Pence before Queen Nog takes over.
Convert. There's always an outlier or two.
Can english schools really force religion based activities?
In Australia back when I was in primary school, You'd need written permission from your parents just to be allowed to attend bible readings.
nahh just not a fag that wants to submit to a foreign culture in order to accepted.
watch the movie "Silence" by Scorsese and youll learn to hate japan as it is a failing nation now.
8 years* capped for future embarrassment of your people. enjoy breathing toxic fumes every breath you take and all the fish you eat
How is a wall going to remove tens of millions of people? The vast majority of them are legal citizens as well. Where's your guns? kek, Americans are the most cucked people on the planet. Where's your foreskin? Topkek
>Wants to go to China
>Says Japan has toxic air
Weak bait, last You you're getting from me, Jamal.
Can I too legally get a jap name?
I wanna be 山本田中さん
And those arabs and pakis you have will never be white either. What is your point Bong?
We will both end in the same situation eventually, but atleast I won't have to worry about being forced to join a religious death cult or face beheading.
You can register a legal alias and use it, but you're officially the name on your passport. A Japanese guy changed his name to Abe Reiji (Average) a long time ago.
No, dumb cunt. You'll die way before we do. America is finished. I'm glad you acknowledge this. There is even a fair chance you're not even white, kek.
That photo is complete and utter bullshit.
"No Tennessee student is being forced to pray to any god. Earlier this year (2016, the Tennessee General Assembly passed a bill to require that any inclusion of religion in textbooks, instructional materials, curriculum, or academic standards be for educational purposes only and not be used to proselytize or establish any religion or religious belief. Additionally, each district is required to adopt a policy regarding the appropriate inclusion of religion in local curriculum and instructional materials.
Tennessee has long had academic standards for social studies that include world history being taught at various points over the course of a student's K-12 schooling: grade 6, grade 7, and high school. Major religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Islam, and Shinto, are covered throughout those courses. The intent of the standards is to help students develop a larger context around world religions and world cultures and see how those impact world history."
It's from part of a World Religions class. As such, Islam is PART OF the class since 1.6 billion people practice Islam. There is no such indoctrination going on.
That note on the right seems to be pulled from a school in the U.K., in an unrelated event.
Therefore, the context of that picture is bullshit and untrue. Get away with your inductive horseshit.
Good try.
Fuck off, fake news.
I'll never hate Japan as much as I hate a jew loving Guinea who makes either decent or absolute shit movies.
That's not a refutation. Are you 13?
Besides, Snopes is not a news organization.
Try again.
Top kek! Keep telling yourself that m8.
Meanwhile you'll be a minority in 10 years time. White children are already a minority in the US. Maybe your guns can turn back time, kek. FINISHED
You are irrelevant without Christ
Please don't be a subhuman
This user is a POC
Snopes spread fake news, and the first picture didn't say the pictures of kids are related to the note, it just shows how Islam is being crammed down kids throats in Europe. You think they're dragging Muslims into synagogues and churches? Doubt it.
Yeah, you aren't white, Jose. Parts of Africa are christian as well and they are still subhumans
Please put some serious thought into committing suicide
lol japans on its last breath after that nuclear disaster, wtf are you talking about?
learn to google. sorry but you guys seem like fags in Jap-land im going to China.
you lost by acting like a faggot
The projection is a minority majority (but whites will still outnumber each individual minority group) by 2040. So you're a WHOPPING 2 decades behind us...but keep dreaming the dream!!!
We voted leave m8
We are literally Hitlers to those on the left
>Outside of the geographical areas most affected by radiation, even in locations within
Fukushima prefecture, the predicted risks remain low and no observable increases in
cancer above natural variation in baseline rates are anticipated.
>American education
>mad as fuck that trump got elected
your greatest offense lost to American farmers with rifles, let that sink in .
n wonder why your "men" are being cucked and women raped by muslims , many such cases.
While America is still a christian Nation sharing values lol. you btfo
>hehehe w-we will still outnumber them individually
It doesn't matter you fucking moron. They are all shitskins. How fucking pathetic are you stupid cunts? Making excuse after excuse. You're done. Time to pack it up.
kek, man. Yanks are finished. Yeah, trump will deport over a hundred million shitskins.
This is my pretty much my reaction to anything that has something to do with the UK.
are you a state or a fucking independent country? holy shit that is beta as fuck
seems like the time stamp don't work so just skip to 1:35
That was such a good movie though.
I'm not even really religious, and the one star "hurr durr Jesus was a fag" fedora user ratings on **that pirated streaming site that shall not be named** was pissing me off. Fucking A, I hate the internet cinephile community.
Enjoy being eaten by an escalator, smashed by an elevator, the ground collapsing under your feet, being run over by a tricycle, a car, and then a truck, twice, your hotel ceiling falling on you, being electrocuted by a door, stabbed 73 times by a madman, ripped to shreds by falling glass, and finally being incinerated when the chemical factory over the road explodes
You're making 0 sense, shitskin.
Grew up in a suburb in NJ with a high jewish population and when december came around we were taught about both christmas and hanukkah. Jewish kids decorated christmas trees and we spun dreidels and ate potato pancakes. It was inclusive of everybody and no one was forced to do anything, but at the same time no one objected to anything. Then in 90's someone got uptight about it and both christmas and hanukkah got banned. Now kids just make paper snowmen.
It must be true because some guy with a small cock posted it on the internet.
Cool Story Senpai ^_^
>hundred million
>> this is what liberals believe
i think the objective is to weed them out. ie wall, taxes, right to work, etc.
whats it like to be you and not be able to defend your family at night?
pic related is me.
THe replies to this tweet are fucking golden
Hope (((they))) didn't delete them
I don't have to carry a gun. I don't live in a south Africa tier gun. kek, I really do feel sorry for you people.
>t. sister was raped by a muslim
Meant to type zoo
We also have more whites
At least our women have to be raped. Yours idolise the big black cock. Before they turn 13 they have ridden quite a few. kek