Name one GOOD reason to legalize recreational marijuana, which means no "durr ppl can do whatever they want with their bodies lmao”
Name one GOOD reason to legalize recreational marijuana...
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Tax revenue.
Unless Republicans don't like money.
Name one GOOD reason to legalize recreational alcohol, which means no "durr ppl can do whatever they want with their bodies lmao”
It's a fucking PLANT created by GOD!
You fuckers think you know better than ALMIGHTY GOD?
Remove money from drug cartels and give jobs to would-would-be-otherwise deadbeats so we can tax the weed and the deadbeats and have a proper society.
Less guns and drug crime too.
>this argument again
I'd surely ban alcohol as well though
Alternative pain management
Illegal drugs trade is dominated by gangs. Legalizing takes a little money out of the hands of the Aryan Brotherhood and Mexican cartels and similar shitheads.
There is no compelling social interest in stopping potheads from getting high.
Throwing people in jail for marijuana-related crimes is a poor use of tax dollars that could otherwise be used to throw people who start fake colleges in jail.
Throwing people in jail for stupid reasons reduces the respectability of governance as a whole.
Oops that was four.
So I can tax that shit like tobacco
Here's the problem with that
>tax weed
>weed gets even more expensive
>plenty of people opt to buy weed from their cartel connected dealers
Besides, there's plenty of of other drugs cartels get revenue from
It might affect their sales but the meme meme where cartels will crumble due to legal pot I not true
Hell plenty of people buy Homebrewer alcohol here because it's much cheaper
All this in addition to that potheads should be fined and not jailed lmao
People enjoy it and there's literally no reason for it to be illegal.
Same argument applies to guns (because let's be real, you have a Mauser because you enjoy shooting it, not because anyone is going to break into your house while you're still fucking in it).
Much like guns, you don't legalise recreational use of the super heavy stuff because you don't want the average Joe to have a heroin addiction any more than you want him to have access to an RPG launcher.
It's not "why should it be legal?" that we should ask, it's "why did we make it illegal in the first place?". Since we now know that the answer to that question is, "because of baseless propaganda literally spread by the KKK to galvanise the white vote against blacks", I think we've reached the point where rescinding the law makes a lot of sense.
In Oregon, we tax weed, but you can grow your own for personal use too.
The initial reason for banning the substance no longer holds. The laws against it are an anachronism
of course it get's ignored though cause he can't answer it.
Alaska legalized it because we have a Libertarian streak. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone than it's nobody's business.
>Getting it out of the illegal circuits
>Ability to regulate the farming of cannabis, making it safe for everyone involved as well as increasing the quality
>It would allow schools/health institutions to create awareness programs easier, with both pro and contra arguments, health risks and so forth
>Stop wasting money on a senseless fight
>Governments would be able to tax it.
>People who use it for medicinal reasons (which are plenty) would be able to buy it without hassle
>Alcohol is much more harmful and addicting, it would provide an alternative
>The Netherlands pulled it off successfully, adjusting the laws around it as years passed so there's an existing system other countries can use.
>The Netherlands also has a lot of prevention and public education surrounding cannabis, which works better than stigmatizing it.
t. nurse
Nane one good reason to not legalize it.
it cures cancer, faggot
We tried that already
>What is American prohibition disaster
From France point of view, we're a huge consumer of pot in Europe already, banning it doesn't make sense, just makes some thugs richer when it could be the government.
Also protection of the consumers.
Oh Jesus we tried it
It failed so hard we ended it
Because I do what I want you fucker.
Marijuana currently costs a premium because of the risk involved with selling it. Remove the risk and the price goes down, more than enough to compensate for the taxation.
Legally taxed marijuana would be cheaper than illegal marijuana and on top of that the money would stay in the country instead of the majority of weed money ending up who knows where.
This, I use to think it should be illegal because it's degenerate but then I came to realize how easy it is to obtain so we might as well tax the degenerates.
Safer than alcohol
New industry , more jobs , better economy
A lot of tax revenue
Shit tons of money from taxation, creates jobs, thins out prison population, cuts wasted tax dollars on enforcing prohibition, safer alternative to alcohol, makes the citizens happy.
And you call pot smokers degenerate I think braindead retards are fucking degenerates it really took you that long to realize something everyone fucking knows ?
You're arguing from the wrong angle. First you justify why a government has the right to police the behaviour of citizens to the level of subjects or children.
>Legally taxed marijuana would be cheaper than illegal marijuana
Not in Alaska. Top tier weed cost about $285 to $300 an ounce from dealer. Same weed cost $110 a 1/4 from weed store.
Tax revenue, eliminating organized crime (would require legalizing other drugs too), and several other reasons. Not to mention that there is absolutely no reason for drugs in general (weed here) to be illegal. If there is no reason for something to be illegal, then it should be legal because we live in a free country, not North Korea. What someone does in the privacy of his own home doesn't affect you, so it's none of your business.
I know potheads are fucking stupid, but honestly, legit prohibitionists are worse.
Adults should have the freedom to experiment with their own consciousness or freedom doesn't exist. Governments don't own your consciousness
because its fun
>"because of baseless propaganda literally spread by the KKK to galvanise the white vote against blacks",
Yeah there is definitely a majority of Sup Forumstards who can recognize that kind of propaganda by themselves...
Your post is sure to make a difference today...
Only one I heard so far is, underage dealers in hoods who are dealing hash/pot right now will be dealing something stronger/more dangerous when pot gets legalized.
ITT OP needs material for an essay and the board full of the most baitable faggots helps him out
I think you're underestimating the lurking majority.
Nice trips there dundee.
It says in the Bible that God created all plants bearing seed for humans to use.
In it's current form it's easy as fuck to get ahold of. I can call up about 25 different guys and get weed delivered to my door right now. I would rather give that money to legitimate business and help provide funding to the government while doing that.
it generates a high amount of shekels my friend :^)
>far flung 18th addirondesment
>hey kid
>(opens trench coat)
>wanna buy some French New Wave Cinema
>the first goddard is free
If you use it once in a while it can help relieve stress.
But most users would just go "hurr 420 blaze it 24/7 heujjj" and end up like useless lazy couch potatoes.
To be fair, I would'nt really mind weed being banned here since I only smoke it once every few months or at festivals.
A lot of people get addicted and become useless shadows of the person they were before.
When I was in high school I was not able to get ahold of cigs or alcohol
But I could get weed form like 5 different guys
>thins out prison population
This is a direct threat to the prison complex though.
removes the taboo on it so more study can be done on the active components in marijuana to prove/disprove its effects in health and medicine
theres a reason we dont know shit about how most drugs affect us, you can't get shit for funding because DRUGS R BAD GUYS JUST NEVER TOUCH THEM EVER
It's easier to manage when the government regulates it, you can challenge the cartel and decrease their hold in our country
Also it'll shut the libs up while we MAGA
colorado got fucked hard by legalizing so many bums and hippy fucks there now
i went on vacation there to see the mountains and too many of the people i met werent even from colorado they moved there from other
Colorado has lots of jobs m8. its not the weed.
Wait. I feel as if you're telling me to enjoy something in moderation...? And that in doing so, is to be a responsible adult.
You will not find cops willing to enforce this
People do it either way, its not any more harmful than alcohol, and you can tax what is already a huge market that will exist either way.
I can get a job tomorrow instead of 60 days from now. Seriously all what I do is smoke in my leisure AFTER NOT DURING work and I get discriminated against like a fucking nigger. My boss is a stinking alcoholic who has fucked his business with day drinking so much I had to quit due to numerous bounced checks and payment delays and nothing is done about it. Yet I can't even get one stacking fucking boxes until I pass a drug test. Which will take sixty fucking days, my last day on this shit kitchen job is saturday. So thanks to drug testing I will be a NEET for 2 months as my parents scream at me to get a job. I'm seriously thinking of just working in a soup kitchen until then and pretending I have one, while serving dindus who don't have to drug test for their welfare checks.
Better start hitting that niacin friend.
work at mcdoanlds they don't drug test
i live in wa. i think the biggest problem is the sjws it creates. rightwing potheads are ok. still don't do it though.
Less people go to jail
Less of a status symbol since anyone can get it
Medical uses
Helps with mental health/relaxes people
Can be taxed
You fucking idiot, that's a myth, and it hospitalizes impressionable retards. I know three separate people that have been misinformed, desperate, and stupid enough to actually try it, like this guy
It will allow Hemp to be freely grown and industrialized saving money time and water compared to many wood products.
>never have to hear some stoner say why isn't this stuff legal man ever again
non violent drug offenders should not be lumped in with the rest of the the drug dealing trash
if you eliminate the black market for drugs the crime rate will plunge drastically
the benefits of capitalism will push the market further upwards and both the quality of the drug and the safety of consuming sed drug will flourish
tldr, mexican bush weed will stay where it is and you won't have to smoke that garbo if real(white) growers are allowed into the market
>both the quality of the drug and the safety of consuming sed drug will flourish
Did that happen with tobacco or alcohol products?
A lot more people are killed in the drug war than die smoking weed
uh yes, it did, I'm not drinking fucking a bathtub moonshine that might blind me now am I?
It can reduce or destroy some cancer cells.
Pretty good reason to legalize it if you ask me.
Regular alcohol consumption does lead to blindness and vision impairment is a side effect of overconsumption which can kill you.
so prohibition worked then, did it?
I'm not beholden to some Appalachian mountain man distillery for my booze, and I don't want to by my weed from some fucking nog on the street either. now without resorting to "muh degeneracy" tell me how this is worse than what you propose.
You can still blackout blind from drunkenness on the most expensive (highest quality?) alcohol, I am just saying it wasn't safe before prohibition and it didn't get safer just because of competition, in fact mostly it consolidated to just a few large companies doing what they want because they successfully lobby to make the regulations.
Also, weed can't make you go blind its not even a fair comparison, I didn't have problems with most of your other points, but I thought that one about making it safer was pretty delusional and quality is highly subjective.
Mexicans are still a relevant problem in our society.
to not fill our jails and prisons with minor drug offenders, you fucking idiot
so the argument has come full circle to the OPs point- "muh body I'll do what I want"
when it is a hundred percent safer when you know where your dope is coming from, and how it got to you, and where the proceeds are going. there will always be rouge elements that skirt the law, but by and large you have to know that RIGHT NOW a valuable, taxable commodity is still in the hands of mexican or dutch drug lords because it is prohibited by law and subject to persecution.
The guy in that pic isn't high! He just woke up!
Because it does more harm to society as a blackmarket good that funds criminals than it would as a legal and taxed substance.
Same as alcohol.
r a r e
>Name one GOOD reason to legalize recreational marijuana
Regulation at point of sale to keep it away from minors.
Quality control.
Keeping the money in the country by giving it to american farmers instead of Non american farmers.