Do you see yourself ever settling down with a millennial woman?

Do you see yourself ever settling down with a millennial woman?


Funnily enough I (23) have done much better with women 30+ than woman my age.

yes, i hope I can, I'm a millennial so I would preferably like to be with someone of my generation. Much more to share in this life that way, I believe. Age at the same rate etc, share same historical timeline to relate to. However, things are not looking good this day and age as far as prospects..

Fuck off with these slide threads faggot

I want to meet one at church and have a bunch of white babies. Like, 5 or 6+.

you pushed a perfectly good thread right off the board

Dunno...maybe I can wait 4 more years, when I'll be 30, and marry a 18 years old gal.

Yeah. I dated a 30 years old Japanese lady and we were pretty okay for a while. But I would rather get a girl younger than me (I had a gf who was 18 and conservative, but I was a degenerate at the time and I split up with her to avoid tainting her).

How can I filter all of these threads?

Already have one, plan on having 5-6 white children

it's a good plan: I dream of a conservative traditionalist Catholic Slavic woman.

Fuck no. I am 22 and I see myself marrying a girl at least a decade younger. So 12 year olds it is.

Call me a pedo if you want, but I'd rather wait for a redpilled gen-Z than deal with millennials.

>t. amassing a huge nest egg and prob can afford to be a sugar daddy

no because when i'm 40 i'm gonna chase the 25 year olds

I don't see myself ever marrying a woman ever, I'm an inferior male that too emotionally and socially impaired to ever maintain a healthy relationship that will last a month, let alone last a lifetime through marriage, so I'm gonna die a kissless virgin

Is that even a girl?


It is. She's some video game commentator (she's an orphan from Switzerland, so you know she's been molested dozens of times and is probably fucked in the head).

You're not alone, I've had similar experiences. They're from a different time, or at least that's what I tell myself and not because they've hit the wall so they'd settle for me.

women are a meme. i like memes.

sure, i guess

I'm currently in college but I want a wife and kids as soon as possible. Anyone know where I can find a church that will get me a wife? I'm currently a catholic but as far as I know there aren't any white catholic churches like that in the US.


that's because they're on high mileage already.
not much options for men left at their age.

Just wait until they turn 18, find a good one and marry her.
Also: thanks for the chart.

> Millenial women

Lady a like looks dude

why does this woman get massive tattoos on her arm and thigh but always cover them up?

nope I yearn for death to take me from this godless shit hole jew york everyday, why would I need a woman? I resent the fact that I was even born, there is no point in refining yourself and setting out your destiny, you will never be as happy as you once were and the universe is chaotic nothingness that we give way to because otherwise the crisis of fleeting satisfaction would come right back in our stupid monkey faces and our young souls would leave..., fuck life fuck women fuck choices and fuck your fanciful notions


wtf are you doing on a chinese cartoon memeboard? Majority of the people here are in highschool or college.

true that. We have the smallest market to chose from legally.
>they all fucking suck

I like how she looks like a boy in that one. I'd suck her penis if you know what I mean.

I'm 21 and married a 37 year old young looking Korean lady.

It's been wonderful.

I'm 22, so you can bet your ass I'm going for gen z.

pretty much this


Top kek, m80

Obviously, 18-21. Not a pedo. I felt that needed to be said since, you know, the NSA.


just be prepared, when menopause hits for gooks it hits like a truck

Jesus christ, I like milfs but not that much.

good goy nihilism is the ultimate redpill, yes

Around Polacks watch your backs.


That's a man

I am too jacked in the head because of my upbringing to maintain a relationship with a woman or perhaps anyone, even though I am superficially charming. I just moved onto 2D. It is more profound.

This is common for younger men. Use them to practice for when you're 30 and might consider settling down.

I'm 27, my gf is 35. I donno if it's the wall or mileage, but goddamn she feels more like a girl than millenial "women". I've tried man... I've tried, but I can't live with those entitled brats. I literally can't be in 1 room with them more than 1 fuck. I donno for how long it'll last with this one, but after 2 years, the sex is still good. I can use her body as much as I want and how I want, and when it comes to politics she just says: we'll vote for whoever you say baby, you know it better than I do, you're a smart MAN.

I wish I was born earlier, when did they stop making these angels...

kys yourself soe fag


terrible deal bro.

I wont settle down with someone that self sabotages by having short hair and tattoos.

Well I'm gay so no.

Not happening. Why date burnt roastie pussy when I cant get fresh. I will date down and date the women who were raised under the Don's rule. Z generation girls are the best girls. You know why? because they're brand new.

Another reminder Sup Forums

> be 11
> fantasize about make sex with 27 yo anime character

They will be a lot more bearable around that age but only because they need to find a man before hitting the wall.

I hear they are stupid as fuck and easy to sleep with. They don't sound like girlfriend material at all.

I want a lgf

Honestly, here in London, Polish people were the only ones who helped me. I'm sure there's plenty of low life in all ehnic groups (had horrible experiences with my own people here...), yet in general Slavic people have been good sports with me.

Nope. Gen-x here with gen-x girl. Living the dream man. Couldn't be happier. Gonna take a shower and have a shag when I'm finished shitposting. Fucking millenials man. Everything has to be complicated for you cunts doesn't it?

I get bored of relationships after a while so I can't see myself settling down with anyone desu

>superficially charming
>can't maintain a relationship with a woman "or perhaps anyone"
>too jacked in the head because of upbringing
oh hanz.... you aren't charming you're gay


I am settling down with one.

a conservative chinese qt


there is tons of entitled brats because there's always a beta cuck willing to give them ego-boosts.

give it some time and we'll see how their tone holds up.

Why is her face so infuriating?

stop invading our safe spaces with your hurtful words

fuck no

I will marry me a nice gen Z shitlord who wants 4 kids

It's a possibility, but very unlikely, I certainly won't marry if I do.

>pictures on the right
>borderline pornographic ones

Look, I love the female body, its enticing allure...but if a woman posts such lewd pictures of herself to the world to see, I would not consider her a good gal.

A virtuous gay, I hope...

>buying expired goods

you know what they say about assumptions
class of 1985

Many of them do that. I see tatted 20 something whores on a daily basis. And coalburners. Dear God just fucking glass everything with nukes.


Well a gay is by definition not virtuous but I'm not a flaming flag waving faggot if that's what you mean.

girls will be girls... hahaha.

>>pictures on the right
>>borderline pornographic ones
>Look, I love the female body, its enticing allure...but if a woman posts such lewd pictures of herself to the world to see, I would not consider her a good gal.

Agreed, showing her arse off like that in public isn't my idea of a girl of sound mind and character.

Fine for a quick fuck if it's a prossie, I guess.

This is intriguing. But I don't want to go to jail.

I would like to, but anytime any of them opens their mouths about their opinions my entire body rolls it's eyes

An homosexual who is chase and prays to God is virtuous.

better than nothing

We live in a sadly materialistic world...

Little girls are better

Hags cannot compete

why would you need a gf if you can just have disposable sex machines?
why work your ass off a relationship if you can just have it the easy way with multiple women?
If you just get bored of one, you move on to another.

God fuck no, the vast majority of them are not fit for marriage. Why would I put my life on the line for some faithless whore?

Girls like that will publicly show off their ass (and/or tits if they case may be) because they like the attention of men. That's the key thing to take way from this; the plurality. They're not putting their body on display because they're baiting for a man to settle down with; she might date you and even marry you, but she's going to continue craving the stares and attention of men, as many as she can manage, and eventually she's going to be alone walking around in her tight yoga pants or low-cut top and capture the attention of a guy she finds possibly more interesting and exciting than you. These girls never stop shopping themselves around.

I had never considered this before. This is interesting.

>tfw when you were born she was already being pounded and morphed asian chads yellow pipe


Gotta go evangelical brah, sorry.

You could maybe go Mormon for like 98% chance of success but the sacrifices are too high.

I'm an atheist and have no idea where to go for actual "conservative" catholics.

>because they like the attention of men
Indeed, I agree.

>because they're baiting for a man to settle down with
something I find shameful; I blame both men and women for getting this low when it comes to dignity and love, true love, and I think all this started long ago but had its peak during the late '60s sexual revolution.

>These girls never stop shopping themselves around.
I would love to find a solution to cure both women an men of this materialism, this greed for flesh and bones. A sterile pursue for a perfection is worthless compared to a flawed beauty from which life can emerge asa fresh fountain to cure these drab dried-up lands.

Yeah, I see it both in public and on jewbook all the time. Married women, in revealing clothing, sometimes in provocative poses too, flashing their shit about for all eyes to see.

These women are definitely lacking in something vital, not to mention insecure as fuck, and you'd be insane to get involved seriously with any of them.

>Married women and women in relationships

That should be.

I thought Jap tattoos were a Yakuza tradition
And they use the traditional needles, and not fancy western ones which hurt as hell
it's a sign of strength to tattoo as much of your non visible body as possible (as if it's visible you will be searched)

>Sup Forums started in 2003
>majority of people here are in college


more a cynic, just a dog chasing his tail, and getting sad because he's to old to reach it yet other times happy I can still go humpin but alas still just a dog, barking at the wind and casting a waiting shadow

They're old hags now.
Take a Gen Z loli, they're an excellent investment and as a big plus they're quite based.

What do you suggest?

Dating women my age, and wanting to lobotomize myself every time I talk to them?

Going MGTOW and not interact with them at all.