I want to start a college fund for Studious Chinese Kid. Does anyone know who he is?
Studious Chinese Kid College Fund
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Fucking moron. He's Korean.
And who is he?
i heard he's an econ phd student
Nah, that's a chink.
FOB Koreans don't sound like that.
Nah, reddit's fucking gay. econ PHD though. That is a good lead.
Why dont you give Sup Forums a college fund OP? I doubt that guy needs it.
Cause that kid can be our asian ambassador and people might actually want to give him money unlike Sup Forums.
man you dont want to fuck with chinese library kids, last one that got pissed kill 80+ million
hey this is ribrary
Why are people mentioning Reddit?
hey this is ribrary
Cause people don't get that this is ribrary.
Fuck off, his parents are probably millionaires exploiting our real estate market
He was clearly angry that the BLM rally interrupted his Sup Forums time.
I say we gift him an education and a fine white woman with which to continue his warrior bloodline.
Let's do it Redditttt!!!!!!1111
Fine then, let's reddit.
>Fine then, let's reddit.
shitpost? ok
You know what would be keks? Memeing this guy into cucking as many negresses as possible. Literally create a black-on-asian chimpout that way all those asians will pick the right side while btfo-ing niggers.
A proxy race war? I like
Excuse me.
This is mongolian tapestry forum.
It would definitely work. A lot of fobs and asians in North America secretly hate niggers with a passion. Not to mention Asian-American men are the most marginalized and scapegoated group within the liberal-minority roster. Seeing all those bluepilled Asian cunts fucking all those whitto piggus and BLM-loving media kissing nigger asses are at the point of turning every asian kid into a Dylan Roof. We meme this guy as a negress-fucker BLM will target asians and the rest is history.
Also pic related is what chinks do to nigger rapists.
Remember to win we must be indirect, we must win but subversion
Hey! This is ribrary!
>Fake liberal Twitter accounts
>pretend to be Black grills with yellow fever
>post pics of asian/black porn
We can snoop this pic and claim this is library guy.
Hey! This is ribrary!
Lee-sung don't take no charity. If need extra money's just work a shift at parents restaurant
his accent is thick
so he grew up in asia and is studiying here
which means his parents are rich as shit
Kek praise this guy becomes the next virginia tech shooter except he goes on BLM
Hey! This is ribrary!
All I know is the pussy is falling all over him at the moment.
he might be on a visa, and lots of asians consider sending their kids to a western university for a mortgage sheerly because of the return
Even more of a reason. He could be the Asian Ted Cruz or better.
Hey! This is ribrary!
Hey! This is ribrary!
How much pussy you think he smashes in an hour. Lunar calendar only.
Guys get in here, we're about to meme that guy.