Last night I gave up pornography entirely. It's going to be really hard, but I had an epiphany mid wank last night how most pornstars are white and how the entire industry is pure degeneracy. I've masturbated consistently since I was 13 and it has only been to porn ever. I'm almost a 21 year old virgin and I realized that my porn habit is what's keeping me back from seeing women as anything but fuck objects.
ITT: Degenerate things you gave up in 2017
shameless bump
>what's keeping me back from seeing women as anything but fuck objects
BS made up problem.
>porn objectifies women
>and that's why you can't get laid
Glad you're changing your life to see if you'd become better, OP.
I, for one, am quitting smoking. I can literally feel myself getting stupid after starting a pack.
>I realized that my porn habit is what's keeping me back from seeing women as anything but fuck objects.
I support giving up porn but this is naive, desu. Many women are not worthy of being anything other than that. Yes, we should reject degeneracy and seek out a wife to make children with, but let's not be ignorant about how hard it is to find a non-degenerate woman as non-Chads. Let us not kid ourselves about the sate of western women right now.
I agree with what you're saying, and I guess I made it seem like I'm a feminist but I'm not. I understand that they sign up for it, but it's almost as if porn is being "normalized" in our society and women are finding it more attractive to just drop all their ambitions and get came on by 20 black dudes because of porn.
I don't know, I really can't explain it but I got angry seeing these 10/10 white women get assblasted and jizzed on for money. It's fucked up.
Ron Jeremy is up there on the best Jews list.
Is Hugh Hefner Jewish?
How can you distinguish Yiddish names from German? I know -berg, -stein, -witz, etc are typical Yiddish names but what about ones that don't usually have those typical endings?
Fucking Leaf. Lookup dopamine level drain from porn.
Obviously you're a 13 year old leaf in his wanking prime but go ahead, keep filling Schlomo's wallet and fucking your mind up.
deleted all my porn too last week. been real tough, but that affirmed my desire git gud at approaching women.
Porn is an enslavement device. I threw it onto the trash heap recently with of all my other addictions (alcoholism, marijuana, social media, caring how others percieve me, etc. ) If you could see yourself sitting alone in your room hunched over, your door locked, jerking off to a screen with a pixel image of other people having sex youd realize how pathetic it is.
I think 2016 really made me question the media and this political influence.
>-berg, -stein, -witz,
those are all german suffixes, not yiddish
you're on pol, even if you never watched porn you would still see them as fuck objects.
I want to quit porn but I've been stuck with a dilemma. I'm away from my gf a lot, during these times she sends me pictures and videos of herself - if I jerk off to my own girlfriend, isn't there essentially no difference between this and watching porn?
I agree, and about a year ago when I'd see threads about pornography being degenerate I'd laugh and write it off as just Sup Forums being killjoys, but when you look into the Jewish influence, the over representation of white women, the effect it has on your mind and most importantly what you mentioned - the thought of you sitting in your bed hunched over spraying semen everywhere TO SOMEONE ELSE HAVING (extremely unrealistic) SEX is morale-killing and has absolutely had an impact on me.
That's because they will do anything for money. Women have been trash since the beginning of time. Even Judah from the Bible fucked Tamar for a goat
I personally don't see a problem with that.
Last time i had a real gf deleted all my porn felt amazing.
you got a point that is valid and true, but have a pic now.
Once you meet a few, you'll come to understand that white women are literally just fuck devices.
Women are not important. If you want to prevent ball cancer it is less cucked and zionist to fap than to give you more Eve slaves. You cuck
>seeing women as anything but fuck objects
Nobody respects women more than user, I'll tell you. Nobody respects women more.
Drinking and porn
Did the same. Also gave up pot and television.
What the fuck is with you Canadians? Seriously, this isn't even a joking thing now because I see so many Canadians enforce their degenerate beliefs all over this board. There are WAY too many of you promoting degeneracy or stating leftist opinions for it to be all shitposting. What the fuck is going on up there, Canada?
>Watching television
Feels good
Well yes of course I speak German but I'm talking about that those names are almost exclusively Yiddish. Yiddish is basically Jewish German. Yiddish even comes from the German word for Jewish (Jüdisch). You will never find a Christian German with the name Rosenberg or Goldstein.
What I'm asking is how do you distinguish the Jewish names from the German names? Ones without suffixes such as Hefner, Sandler, Hermann, Heiden, Wendt, Grün, Neistat, Cohen, and so on.
You probably heard that repressing your sexuality is unhealthy. That's is an lie made by (((them))), to undermine the values in the West. Sexual repression is the key to civilization. Giving up porn is a step in right direction and don't let the weak willed degenerates get you down.
Women are nothing but fuck objects. But still good to stop watching porn.
I guess everyone has their dislikes.
To me alcoholism and gambling are obviously overall negative things but I will enjoy some recreational drugs and don't see an obvious problem with porn, definitely not the way you do ("objectifying women" isn't a meme I understand).
but they are only fuck objects user, sorry to break it to you, but women can never love a man. Once a man has lived out its usefulness she losses interest.
Leafs, when will you learn that people are legitimately starting to hate you? You know how when people first come here they think the racism is just a joke and just an ebin meme? By the time they realize it isn't a meme it's already too late.
You leafs, everyone will soonunironicaly and legitimately hate you. Real hate. National hate. From the greatest country onesrt that is your neighbor, and we hate you more than any other. Even more than all the other countries we fought in wars. We will hate Leafland the most. And while it is building and growing, you will keep fanning the flames because leafs are retarded. It won't be until it is too late that you realize the truth about yourself, your country, and the people in the world around you. Day of the rake is coming. We hate you, leaf
I realized you can really do anything.
If you identify something that either culture or the market needs and you go for it, it can catch on.
Are you guys just being edgy or you truly believe that?
Post the pics, I've seen a lot of porn and will give my input after the comparison.
it is, which is different to porn, but he has to use plumbing with some regularity unless he wants it to go bad
No more weed, I must quit the herbal Jew. Also quit porn.
Come at me bro
I was planning on finally becoming racist.
>keeping me back from seeing women as anything but fuck objects.
That is how women want it, if you have to suffer through their personalities, you eventually find out how terrible they and all their friends are, then they take half your shit and use your kids, god forbid, to torture you.
dare i say it, that is called gays and that is their recruitment tactics
no its the same as with gorillas
all females mate with one alpha male, but if comes another male who beats the one they had, they immediately start mating with the new one, they even let him kill their past kids
it makes sense biologically, we are animals user, nature doesn't deal with what you think is right
Women seek men, cause they need someone to take care of them while they are vulnerable with children, men need women only to reproduce and have sex. All of that companionshit goes out the window the moment you are bound to wheelchair and can't work for her.
So why should a woman want to be with a man that can't provide everything she needs to successfully raise healthy offspring?
I don't suppose you will believe me, only when you will experience the same pain on your own, but it's fine, most men are like that.
good thing you decided to change in this year but
>seeing women as anything but fuck objects.
you still not going to get laid
All they did is push me to waifus.
quit smoking, porn and sweets/chocolate
>seeing women as anything but fuck objects.
No reason to give up that part
Cohen is 100% kike
>Not jerking off to your own sex tapes/gf's nudes
Become the Jew
hey hows life in taiwan, fellow white man?
I just don't get turned on by it anymore. But I still fap to chinese cartoons.
Cheap as fuck, but you get what you pay for. Everyone looks at me like I am a 6' marvel of genetic engineering. The Taiwanese are overall a very friendly people, and there is very little crime. It's a great place to visit, but I would never live here permanently.
noice. What about chicks?
and did u go there for vacation?
Partnered fag here. Is this an issue in gay porn as well?
You should call your father more often, take more of an interest, so you can find out about his life.
>dopamine drain
That's not how neurotransmitters work you fuckin' tard
do you think any leaf who shitposts on Sup Forums for kicks gives a fuck about the opinion of some fat fuck burger who yells at his computer screen when Sup Forums posts make him upset?
>watching 3D porn
literally neck yourself
Deleted my Facebook and haven't looked back.
What is the appropriate amount of times a guy should fap then? Once a week?
Exclusively masturbate to 2D now.
No regrets.
I gave up drinking. Things can only get better from here.
Clubbing on tons of ecstasy and drinking Long Island iced teas like water. Also smoking cigarettes.
took me a few years to feel like my brain was somewhat normal again.
if i masturbate, i masturbate only to 3d porn just because my granny died recently so I don't want her to think that I am an absolute degenerate
You were going good until
>keeping me back from seeing women as anything but fuck objects
But they are only sex objects. Don't pedestal them.
Not the same thing at all fampai
gf and wife pics are a-ok
Have fun masturbating to roasties, cuckold
So if you dont watch porn and just look at nudes, does it still count?
keep it up bro.
im doing "no fap 2017" and "no porn 2017"
Stopped eating meat (except fish), stopped smoking and will rarely drink alcohol
it's short fuse, sooner or later you would be hunger for porn.
there is nothing between, you dont watch at all or watch
Ive hardly watched professional porn for the past 10 years?
I'm currently on day 40 something of nofap. Can't even remember the last time I had a nice wank. Remember, self improvement, not self indulgence.
Any changes in you?
Less prone to depression than I was before. I would try and go out with more women but I live on a desert island with barely any.
are you a nigger?
why do you live there?
I was born here.
is your family the only white people there?
Aruba actually has a decent amount of white people living here. Most of the niggers live on the other side of the island in St Nicolas so not too bad.
The last time I ever visited a porn site, I saw two old ladies sucking off a horse, and my anti-virus started going berserk.
I kind of lost all interest after that...
Aruba is based tho
They are like that irl
so only half the island is actually nice, would be great if you could deport them or something, so the same thing won't happen to you guys like it happened in, i cant remember which, african country
im talking about white genocide n shit
soo if u have white community, why cant u pick up cute white chicks then? Are they all coalburners?
Fuck you you nationless, cultureless, low energy Camadian faggot.
>Everyone looks at me like I am a 6' marvel of genetic engineering.
I lived there for some time and in my case, people seemed to not pay attention to me (although I'm good looking).
It's very different from Japan where people were always staring at me like if it was the first time they saw a white dude.
>AMA time now
How safe is aruba, is it worth to travel there?
Misogynist shitheads. I'll break your fucking fingers one by one, joint by joint.
Women are cattle, fuck you you naive cuntlapper