Based Atheism

Why aren't you an Atheist Sup Forums
>Facts and evidence based
>No delusions of an Afterlife
>Not manipulative
>Good because of their own violation not because they want to go to heaven
>Not a numbers club
>Most logical belief system

Other urls found in this thread:

Because Atheism is shit desu full of Pseudo intellectuals and cucks

Atheists are immoral cucks

I don't believe anyone can be an atheist.

>Facts and evidence based
They can't even back up their claims but assume they are right
>Not manipulative
atheism plus and other atheist movements say otherwise.
Many of atheism's hero's are jews
>Good because of their own violation not because they want to go to heaven
Prove to me morals are real
>Not a numbers club
is that why they keep saying differently?
>Most logical belief system
That would be nihilist or agnostic

Why not?

I don't believe in God but "atheism" as it exists today is a cult of fart sniffing simpletons

>Atheism is unstoppable
>Most declining religion (inb4 it's not a religion, these fags have their own church ffs)
>most Atheist never reproduce

Belief in a power greater than yourself is part of the human condition.

atheism is ideal in an educated (maybe homogenous?) society

however a society with an IQ of under 100 will degrade into degeneracy without some form of checks and balances. it's just an evolved, more organized form of Tribalism. Religion is a tool to keep stupid people from fucking things up for the rest of us, that's why we need it (right now).

It's possible to believe that god isn't real, but that religion is a net benefit for society.

We are still hundreds of years away from even beginning to transfer into an atheist society.

Speak for yourself.

From a strictly secular point of view Atheism has led to social decadence in western civilization. From a spiritual point of view their are some things science hasn't been able to explain where it's God or something else. My grandfather got his last rites the day he died saying the good lord is calling me back to his kingdom whether it was coincidence or Divine Providence I don't know.

I am, but religion is far too useful to discredit or ignore as a social mechanism, so I don't usually advertise it. I've tried on various faiths and they're all just endlessly silly, I don't know where people get faith from. To be fair, I grew up in east coast upper class liberalopolis and none of the intelligentsia here believe in god.

>apply label to yourself
>be associated with every dumb shit that also wears that label

Just BE you fucking shits.

>Many of atheism's hero's are jews
Christianity is literally kikeonastickism.

Well duh

>His messiah is the King of the Jews
An Old man saying he was going to die soon color me shocked


No matter what you believe, you are still taking some of it on authority. If you go to a doctor and take their advice because you trust the medical profession's ability to regulate itself, and you trust the things he learned in medical school, you are basing this belief not in your own personal knowledge of the medical facts in question but on your own faith in the doctor.

So you can go and claim that you only believe things you see with your own two eyes, but that's not how belief works. People are justified in making assessments about the source of their information and deciding whether or not they deem them trustworthy. Don't flatter yourself with the idea that your own beliefs are somehow based entirely in direct personal experience.

Atheists prefer delusions just as much as religious people do. Each believes they know the answers.

Let's control people Goyim

Remember U.S. politics is considered "extreme right-wing," by European standards, this includes both Democrats and Republicans, whereas European politics are "extreme left-wing," in regards to U.S. politics.

See which country is doing better in regards to handling Islam, preservation of culture/national identity/patriotism/nationalism/etc.

Also, I was going to pull up the religion in Europe wiki page, but the data is from 2010, and it seems difficult to find exact numbers on religious affiliations there.

Also, note that Europe is more secular than Europe, on the churchpop link, it shows graphs about which countries are more atheistic, secular, theistic, etc. Do not forget that many people in Europe are born into a religion, so although a majority of Swedes, Danish, Finnish, etc. people belong to a church, that doesn't mean that these people believe or practice anything related to the religion. Tons of atheists are counted as being part of a church in Europe.

Atheism is bluepilled as fuck


Dna is code.

>Let's control people goyim

By making people want to preserve some type of cultural identity whereas most free-thinkers, atheists, anti-theists, and seculars support liberal politics or are politically apathetic, which allows for the intrusion of foreign cultures and a lack of nationalism/patriotism, in addition to breeding more of addition globalist mindset?

Fuck off Nigger let people think for themselves faggot

*note that Europe is more secular than America

Nice argument.

Portuguese Family both Paternal and Maternal my great grandmother witness the miracle of Fatima. She saw with her own eyes the grace of God she kneeled. She lived to be 100 and died a devout Catholic

It isn't any argument it's a fact that your manipulation will never work especially today with many not holding organized religion in high esteem

When you get down to the basic fundamentals of theoretical physics, no one can really be certain how the universe was created or what happened before the Big Bang. It's still impossible to disprove a 'Devine Creator' or 'Architect' of our universe. If there is a God/s, I highly doubt it has anything to do with our religions.

Religion is a scam and more people would accept that if atheists weren't such douchebags.

I'm agnostic. I liked it better when atheists and agnostics were silent about it all. I live my life quietly and look for the good deeds of others. The whole religion and areligion debate shines more light on the negative attributes of them both. Personally I prefer Christians over atheists these days because they aren't out to be all edgy. Instead they're usually really nice and accommodating. They respect their fellow man. I find I see eye to eye on everything BUT the god question, so why focus on it? I don't cringe in churches. I invite them to barbecues and camping trips. Atheist friends I have tend to wallow and look for a fight or debate. God-folk, in my experience are usually pretty based.

These threads usually go like this
>I don't like atheism/atheists, therefore it must be wrong. Muh feefees :(

Whether it causes degeneracy or not doesn't change that there is no evidence for religion

First you're Christian and lightly leftist, then lean more and more atheist and nihilist, then more conservative, then lean back Christian in a cultural sense, then white nationalist, then civic nationalist, then full on hippy leftist, then you don't care at all anymore.

There are people that stop somewhere in this process for long periods of time, decades even. When the hate consumes your youthful blindness, your mind opens up to conservatism. When you maintain critical perspective, your unwillingness to commit to one side causes the return to leftist tendencies, then when you fail at even helping anyone, you stop caring at all.

All paths lead to indifference, but most people do not follow the path through to the end.

AIH on youtube voted for Obama and Hillary you faggot shit-for-brains

I am. I'm an agnostic atheist (no such thing as an agnostic) because it is the only result of applying the scientific method.

Trump just signed Hillary Clinton's policy of syrian no-fly zone


Atheism offers no moral boundaries
Atheism offers no path to finding meaning in life
Atheism is a belief in lack of belief, therefore the pathology of belief can be applied to any belief system where you can rationalize the base beliefs.
Therefore, why would you pick atheism which offers nothing when you can pick what offers something on how the best way to live a meaningful and important (relative to your own interests and desires) life.
Yes I get it you have your own moral compass but that shit is relative, not to mention you have to build it yourself which means it's probably as bad as trial and error. Fuck your atheism, it's a nihilistic pile of shit

fuck off degenerate

atheists suppose a beginning and end without evidence

clown religion

>An actual fucking gateway to degeneracy and cultural marxism.
There's nothing "based" about it kike.

Why is it that, of all the religions out there, atheists are the easiest to troll?

Is that pic supposed to make me want to be an atheist? Because it's having the exact opposite effect.

Has any atheist ever created something of cultural value? I'd rather be on the side that has created all the greatest art, music, literature, architecture and philosophy than the side that has contributed absolutely nothing to civilization other than shit like the 'God Delusion' that focuses on ripping down western culture rather than adding to it

KYS OP, you make atheists look bad. The likes of you are the reason why people see us as self-righteous fat neckbeards

All the atheist countries are about to be replaced by Islam so it won't be an issue for much longer. No nation survives for long without faith.

I've never met a morally righteous atheist that didnt benefit from said moral aptitude in some way.

Thats not to say holding ulterior motives is a bad thing, but most of my athiest friends present a "well whats in it for me" cloud of disbelief before anything else.

Again, not terrible, but it becomes highly apparent when you notice their manipulative tactics and mental gymnastics to justify their actions.

Godless people are just untrustworthy. They deal with absolutes and degenerate reasonable debate into a game of deception. Honor and loyalty are lost on them, they're not above lying, they're heathens.

This is from personal experience however.

Doesn't matter brother religion will be obsolete by 2050

>based atheism
>sucks muslim cock as hard as humanly possible

Fake news. Learn to fucking read.

Because its degenerate and you are falling right into the kikes hands.
>>Good because of their own violation not because they want to go to heaven
But they aren't good. They are all faggot loving kikes.

How? Atheism is shrinking duder, atheists are degenerates, they'd rather have a herd of cats than have kids and pass on their genes.

Bullshit. This guys gets it
The world is full of stupid people, most people in the world have IQ under 100, and they are precisely the people that make food, clothes and houses for our pretentious educated asses, we can't live without them. So just learn to keep atheism to yourself unless you have something to replace religion with.

Oh Atheism you overlook one little fucking detail you guys don't breed. Once you've died you killed off your line and will be lost to time. Ricky Gervais let ebin Atheist doesn't have kids because their is too many hehe faggot ended his family line

>T-the future is ours guys!
>Puts their only child up for adoption in favor of their 20 cats

>Because you can only be Atheist because your parents are
>being this delusional

Obviously not you fuck.
>Claim it's a human condition
>Hurdurdur I'm only speaking for myself
Fuck off.

I don't believe in god but I don't call myself an atheist because the movement surrounding it is maximum over cringe. And I mean even before it was completely overrun with SJW cunts and their white knights.

>Admit I'm nihilist
>They attack a religion I didn't even bring up
lol did I strike a nerve?

Still waiting for you to prove morals are real

The majority of children adopt the religion of their parents. Pretty hard for atheists to ever become a majority if they're not passing down their views to their kids.,

Except the Jews HATE Christianity. They hate it so much they won't even use the + sign. They want to destroy it. Good job playing right into their hands goy

Religion is fucking stupid and if that's the only reason you not outside sodomizing small animals and children you're a damn psychopath. For all the moral preaching religious folk do you're the ones who live on a hair trigger not to do any and everything you want just because of some book(s). That is truly terrifying.

This. If someone would ask, I'd rather call myself "christian" than "atheist".

Everybody on that picture I recognize is beyond smug. The equivalent of the holier than thou Christians.

Find me some less douchy atheists.

>Gets all his moral values from a Christian society
>Presumes that he would've come up with it all himself anyway
Dumb fuck. If you were raised in a society that had ritual sacrifice you wouldn't think anything of it. The only reason you have the values you do now is because you were raised in Christian dominated culture. You think you'd have the exact same value system if you grew up under Islam? You'd be a goat fucker.

This. I can see why believing in a higher power like God can be beneficial because you see that higher power as idol to look up to. For a stereotypical Atheist, they have no idol to look up to so they put too much trust in humanity and end up getting cucked, foolishly believing in the faith in humanity meme


I'm not an atheist anymore because I recognize I had morals.

Marxist asshat knowitalls

Atheists, while always smug douches, were pretty fucking based about Islam back during the post Iraq war days. I saw no punches being held back. Christianity got more attention, but that was mostly because it's more influential in the west.

I have no idea how it turned into such a cuckfest, while retaining the smug condescension.

You can fuck off, man. I get my morals from me. Why would you go off and just kill a bunch of people or do something like that? It's more trouble than it's worth and I'm likely to die doing so as a living thing compelled to keep living as long as possible it's kinda agains all that. I've questioned shit forever. You can fucking speak for yourself.

Religion served it's purpose and it needs to be gotten rid off. It's doing nothing but causing wars.

Atheist is a person who doesn't understand religion. Discussion with them is largely fruitless, there is nothing you can learn from an atheist, he only can learn something from you. But then why waste my time?

as a former atheist, I have nothing against those atheists who can talk with religious people and still be friends even after a very heated debate.

I heard Potuguese people are very tha true? I want to find a tradcat girl.

Depressing but true. And as much of a commie fuck Karl Marx was, he was correct that it is the opiate of the masses. When I hear people say shit like, "What's stopping me from murdering and raping if there is no God?", I realize religion is the only thing stopping those fucking would be lunatics.

The more libcucks and globalists promote Atheism the more inclined I am to believe in a deity.
I believe the religious texts are corrupted and religions are hijacked and controlled by man but I think there are deep down underneath it all some truths, the Illuminati have a rule that the truth must be out there but its filtering through the mis/disinfo that the sheeple are left to do themselves.

I think the big problem with atheist is that they're overconfident about creating their own value system after rejecting religion, like this dude Most atheists live moment to moment, day to day. They don't have a codified value system and they're easily swayed by feel good movements like modern liberalism that say "Hey let all these immigrants in, it'll make you a good person!" they don't care about the culture of their countries or the shared values of their fellow citizens, because they have no shared value system.

Pretty trues...sadly we turned weak, and the enemy has gained territory. We must strengthen our will and fight back.

Well, we were born in Christian Countries; even when I was not a Christian, I always understood there were values in Christianity and that Europe was built on top of both its Greek/Roman roots as well as Christian faith (even with both their flaws and human limits).

And independence is part of growing up. As a child we believed that our parents were gods, we believed in fairy tales and myths. Even through we no longer believe in fantasy, we can still enjoy and learn from it. Even though an atheist doesn't believe in God, he can still appreciate Christian traditions. Not out of fear, but out of understanding.

>I get my morals from me
No you don't, you get your values from the culture you grow up in and if you think otherwise you're massively deluded. There are no objective values, atheism specifically states that. They're all subjective. If you grew up in ancient Maya you'd be cool with human sacrifice. You're a fucking retarded fedora tipper who is piggybacking on Christian morality thinking "Yeah I would've figured all this out without being surrounded by Christian culture hammering me with it's value system 24/7 since I was born"

I understand it and I realize that its good to keep society in check from total degeneracy but I just can't believe in all that afterlife and muh miracles. The Bible for example has some rich wisdom along with a view of how a patriarchy society should be but I don't listen to pastors because most of them today have SJW views and overall bullshit fairytale lies which is a shame because the majority would rather listen to their pastor than their bibles.

Some pastor said that God gave him the ability to block bullets from some thugs with his hand. Another said that God blessed him with a tank full of gas when he was stranded in the desert. Its bullshit like this that makes religion look stupid.

>Religion served it's purpose and it needs to be gotten rid off. It's doing nothing but causing wars.

Meh, how many peacelike atheistic countries have there been? USSR were fucking monsters that started a ton of wars and killed tons of thier own citizens, you had Mao china kill a hundred million of his own people, you had pol pot and his genocide.

No though, atheists dindu nuffin, atheists were good boys.

I'm not saying christfaggotry or in perticular Islam provides a better model for avoiding war, buddhists have actually probably killed a lot less people than atheists relative to the actual power they've held, but no all war is religious and atheists have le supreme values.

I believe Atheism can have better values, but Atheists aren't even the least warlike people out there right now. I think atheists should be looking to religion for values, teachings, and direction, as those are traditions thousands of years old that have worked successfully enough for societies to not get killed off.

> I get my morals from me
No you don't

>I get my morals from me.

Nah, you're just like a Christian in a sense.

If you live in the United States, you were taught Christian Morals before every other type, because they have been so influential they have influenced even the Atheists.

Maybe you don't follow christianity literally, but you likely do follow some of its teachings, like it or not. That's the curse of growing up somewhere, the place becomes part of you, like it or not.

The thing I find arrogant about atheists is they never seem to figure out where the values they held came from. Very few people actually come up with completely original values all on their own. They're usually instinctive, or learned. Your values are just a unique combination of the values other people have taught you.

Religious traditions have come up with value systems that have managed to stand up for thousands of years. I do not doubt much of what is taught is wrong, but to survive that long, there is likely some truth in it.

This is a value in religion I believe atheists ignore, they're too prone to looking forward, when you can learn so much from the past, which will help guide you forward.

>like this dude (You)
>Most atheists live moment to moment, day to day.
>easily swayed by feel good movements like modern liberalism that say
Alright. Most of all of that is bullshit. I was raised around literal drug deals, whores, and career criminals. I saw how nonsensical, ineffective, and damaging it was and am against it on that.

Most human choices rely extremely heavily on experience and what you take away from. You can be extremely smart and still make the stupidest fucking choices imaginable.
You literally don't know what you're talk about. There are things more effective than others and from that you can derive something and that's what I do. Nothing exist and nihilism is correct and blah, blah, blah. You've in all honesty as much of a reason to rape a dog as to try and workout everyday to stay healthy but there is also no "objective" argument as to why religion is better. If you adhere solely to your feelings you're insane.
In of itself war isn't bad but when you're doing it just because "my sky dady is better than yours" your fucking bonkers.

Also Christianity specifically has had such profound influence on western values, I think if you're trying to figure out your values, trying to figure them out without realizing how Christianity has touched SO MANY values in the west is kind of searching for meaning blind.

You should actually read the bible. The actual bible, from cover to cover. Maybe think about how some of the values you agree with are represented in the bible. You can find all sorts of interesting connections between Christianity and Western value systems.

Other religions I don't think are as important, but I find religions interesting.

back in the old days there were never godfags on Sup Forums

i remember being so surprised when they started talking godshit unironically a few years ago

now we have full blown newfag cancer religionfags and its pretty gross

>If you adhere solely to your feelings you're insane.
Yet, your whole argument is a question begging epithet.

I guess you're insane
You're a perfect example of why the godless dont like being associated with atheist like you.

You're full of shit
They've always been here.
Especially old /n/, /new/, Sup Forums and /lit/

The Childlike empress poster on Sup Forums is always baiting atheist too and has been at it for years.

Atheism is part of the globalist ploy being spearheaded by the Jews. It's no small wonder all the major figures in Atheism are Jewish. Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Bill Maher, Chapman Cohen, Michael Newdow, David Silverman, Vladimir Lenin and so on.

Luckily for western civilization, it's largely only liberals (according to Pew) that fall for the atheism trick. Most conservatives are composed of enough mettle to not abandon their spirituality because they were taught to by the indoctrination of the liberal media.

>atheism logical belief system

Wrong! Logic is one of the many attributes of God. To be near to God is to be logical. Furthermore it is completely illogical to build on the assumption that order can arrive from chaos. The law of Entropy disproves evolution alone.

Islam is conquering Atheism, one anus at a time.

If only there was a uniting force of Truth to turn back the tide. Hmmmmmm

That whole post is the whole problem with history, philosophy, and just human thought in general. It doesn't matter what it started as it matters what it is now and that's the problem. Shit repeats, gets lost, and people ultimately pick and choose whatever they want to follow and believe. Whatever it's purposes as either a way to explain the world, control, or whatever the fuck if religion is to stay a relevant system it needs to adapt or we're just gonna have more hair trigger zealots and everyone is going to die.
Likewise, but for you laking critical thinking. Everything is an opinion and you do whatever but why not do it the best you can? That's my morality. Not some damn book keeping me on the edge of sanity.

Again though, you talk about "hair trigger zealots" and ignore the fact there are religions with stronger evidence of influencing people with more non-violent attitudes than the average atheist. You're trying to outthink religions that a mile ahead of you without even looking at what they do.

It's hubris.

I'm not ignoring shit. It's irrelevant. You don't need religion for those things. You don't need the idea of a god, god(s), or God. That's the problem here. You literally don't need religion to exist for SOME of it principles to exist in other forms. I shouldn't have to explain that. You're complicating the system, that's my problem here.
>It's hubris.

>Why aren't you an Atheist Sup Forums

I'm not a stupid teenager or an adult narcissist.

That was the most schizophrenic thing I've ever read.

Is Mcgregor really an atheist?

>Likewise, but for you laking critical thinking.
You admit you can't prove what you say then accuse me of what you are guilty of?
Pot calling the kettle black much?
>Everything is an opinion and you do whatever but why not do it the best you can?
Prove it and elaborate
>That's my morality. Not some damn book keeping me on the edge of sanity.
If you look back on my post you'll know I'm a nihilist.
Are you telling me your emotions are the basis for your "morals"?
A personal "moral" code you came up with for yourself?

I asked another to prove "morals" exist and he ignored me.

I find it baffling how atheists are skeptical for the existence of god, but then turn around and are credulous and gullible when you replace the word ‘god’ with another mysterious thing called ‘morals.’

Prove it

I can't help but notice all your arguments are a question begging epithet.