My father crossed the border when he was 17...

My father crossed the border when he was 17. He spoke absolutely no english and traveled all through the midwest finding work and saving up money. A few years later he was granted amnesty by Reagan, and a few years after that he bought some land in California with two houses on it. My mother gave birth to me when she was still illegal and I was given birthright citizenship. A few years later she got her citizenship.

I'm 22 now and I'm going to take my mcat soon to get into medical school.

What do you think of all this? Does it make you angry Sup Forums?

If it makes you feel better, I voted for Trump.

You have to go back.

You have to go back

... to reddit

Good. Now give back to the nation that gave you everything.

You aren't a legitimate citizen and you will be having your citizenship revoked.

because of people like you mexico will always remain a shithole.

Med school is big stuff. I dont think trump would mind actual useful niggers to go away.

anecdotal evidence?
Statistics don't really favor this outcome...

My wife is in the same boat.
They won't kick you out if you're valuable, it would be a waste of an educated person.

Just don't be an entitled little bitch about it and you'll be fine.

Go back where? I was born here you moron.

I'm planning on helping out the homeless once I get my shit together for good. I also want to help and work with orphaned children.

Under what clause am I not a legitamate citizen? Suck my cock.

What outcome?