Mexican Peso BTFO for good

Trump has destroyed the Mexican economy, and now he is forcing them to pay $20 Billion on a wall to keep themselves out of our country...


Get Fucked Spics

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The Mexican president destroyed their economy. Right after he canceled the meeting with Trump, the peso tanked.

You should see the pleb tears on goybook. I live in commiefornia and the bay area local news networks comment sections are literally spics saying, "TRUMP DUN KNOW ECONOMICS, WHUS GONNA PIC DA FRUITS, NOT WHITE PEOPLE, NO WAY WE MEXICANS GUNNA PAY 4 WALL, WE SMART N SHIEET."

Hahahaha spics btfo!!

All the Mexicans had to do was humble themselves to us. Just give us a token 20bill of appreciation as an apology for what they've done. We would have given them many times more than they gave in return for that sign of respect and friendship. But they had to be tough and try to boss us around, like a chihuahua yapping at a noble golden retriever. They deserve what is coming to them now.

He fucked himself.

He should just accept the wall and move on.

Now his economy will suffer and the wall will still go up.

scarface really aged terribly

>spics bowing
Look, even a 12 years old mexican kid can beat your stinky lard ass

Multiply that by 120 million mexicans, plus any country who would like to join in

Dont fucking unleash the Mexican demon


"Santa Muerte" will be trampled over you pathetic excuse for a refried bean.

We should all buy mexican Villas to celebrate.

You guys are going to cannibalize yourselves when your economy completely hits rock bottom.

The rioting will just get worse. And try to bring that shit up here, the 5000 new boarder agents are going to shoot your ass.

Mexicunts cant even unite to make a functioning government let alone invade anything besides a taco bell bathroom.

Maybe you should take care of the all the drug cartels first, yeah?

unirte a vos mexicano media sudamerica t odia igual o peor que nosotros tenes inmigrantes que se cruzan la frontera como cucarachas seguro que se t unen ajja

Oh dear. Shit about to get real



Do they not hear themselves speaking? They're basically saying that white not only can't pick fruit but shouldn't because it's basically work that's beneath them. That only some dirt wallowing mexican is worthy of that job

I'd say that this is true but if I had to choose between a McJob and fruit picking I might consider the latter.

"Mexican demon"
The only thing scary are the cartells and they dont give a fuck about that wall.


You realize that the US could annihilate Mexico in days. Literally just destroy your entire country. Not even using nukes. Conventional bombs are way more powerful then the shit with dropped on Japan. Your worthless Manlet army would be dust in the wind paco

The entire people of Mexico is going to fuck you up with their bare hands and enjoy it

Our rage level, pride, and unity are reaching 666X times any level EVER reported by other nation

Go ahead, unleash us motherfuckers

Let us enjoy ripping your fucking eye balls and eat you alive

Please let us do it

But if you work at McDonald's then you can eat unlimited big Macs.

>spic trying to nationalism

Lol, says the country that is in worse state right now than we were in middle of the wars and being bombed by the US.

Also nobody is going to protect you because your bean country is worthless even for Chinese.

At leats niggers in afrika have resourses, while you have nothing but addicted drugies to export.

Better learn your place in the world.

> We Mexicans are a proud people! We will unite and tear down the wall with our bare ha-

The mad ravings of someone from a third world country

Bye bye Paco, your tacos were okay

No for real

We aint kidding

We will fuck you up and you know we would

Do it then, you chicano queer

Thats exactly why we are eager to fuck Trumptards

Because we are so fucking sick of it, and we have nothing to lose

This shit is going to be fucking insane

No you wouldn't, your cartels would behead another village and you would do nothing.

And the cartels won't give a fuck about anything as long as their system is rolling. With decriminalization even that would dry out slowly or became legitimate organizations.

oh ya totally. Im going to enjoy watching the shithole you call a country turn into somalia

Mexicans are such dumb fucking hippocrates. No one mentions that when Fox strongly stepped up border patrol with Guatemala that his approval ratings went through the roof. So when Mexico ramps up its southern border it's good, when we do it, it's racist. Mexican logic.

Even cartels are joining in

How fucking hilarious.

US economy is skyrocketing with the Dow surpassing 20,000. Meanwhile the beaners are about to turn into Venezuela 2.0


I fucking love being American.

We hate you people. Stay out.

BWHUAHAHA good fuckin point! Im going to use that in my daily goy book troll redpilling sessions. Thanks Britbro.

Oh boy! Ill even use every fucking screencap I see here on Sup Forums as rage food

It is 1000000000X way more powerful than steroids

And that's how we know your lying, Cartels only care about cartels. All Trump needs to do is to keep Weed illegal and your cartels would be happy.
Cartels ain't got no national pride


>Libs say everyone should make $15/hr
>Libs say we need poor illegals to support the economy



Let's get real, eh?

You know how corrupt the Mexican military officer class is?

You know how the US military taught and trained all the officer class?

You think this will end anyway other than them Pinochet'ing your country?

You are fucking wrong

Mexican nationalism is reaching records levels RIGHT FUCKING NOW

ow the edge
>psssh... nothin personnel... nino


Good job Spaniard bro, honorary white.

Your pathetic country is about to get shit on and all you can do is cry about on a Somalian smoke signal imageboard

>record levels

Like when you looted and burned your own stores when gas went up?

We did this in Iraq

Get the stupid jihadis all pissed off until they mounted a "Grande Offensive" and wiped them all out.

Brown people just getting played. Remove Bean.

We rather right a war against the devil himself, instead of bending our knee for anyone

We really do

And maybe we wont be able to kill the devil, but he wont be able to sit straight ever in his existanse

LOL they hate slavery but encourage slave wages. It's truly mind blowing.

>You need us more than we need you
Famous last words.


Mexico was given a chance.

Trump offered them a chance to stay a 2nd world Country, they denied and NOW theyre going to be a 3rd country.

lol if those retards were smart they could have negotiated to only paying like 30% for the wall and being a bsed trade partner.

Now were going to assrape them, literally its disgusting, for 100% off the wall and some for he next 8 years.

Trumps making an example out Mexico. dont fuck with us. we WILL use our leverage.

Enjoy your Sombrero and future north problem.

Putin-sama picked the perfect orange lardass to destroy America.

How bout you try and beat 1 of our states before you take on the whole united states.

>can't even beat a shitty version of texas

How many is there now? Because 5000 is not a lot of guards, we have about 15000 border guards and it's not even the 1/10th of the US-Mexico border.

Try us! Mutually assured destruction here we go!

I hope we go to war with Mexican and when we fuck them up, we annex Baja California to teach them a lesson.

Cartels are DEA assets user, even murilards know that shit mang.

Mexicans have always been poorer than Americans. They need to fix their broke culture.

We wont beat the states, we will murder Trump and every MAGA dick head

Actually I want Mexicans to try it.

>mexican demon

>pride, and unity

why don't you use some of that to take your country back from those bloodthirsy savages?

if you cant kill those fucks you ain't doing shit to the US

You forgot the best part, when the entire Mexican military was Btfo by Sam Houston because they were sleeping

And I pray for god to give me the oportunity to fight bare hands with you

Ill sell my fucking soul just for the oportunity to go full psychopath on you and your family

literally target practice for marines.

they might have to aim a little lower becuase you "people" look like trolls IRL

I guess you should have sent your best.

Not even the cartels had tried to humillate the Mexican people

Not even them

How are is a dumb spic like you going to kill an armed to the teeth patriotic American?

Stop baiting mate, there's not a single soul on the planet who believes mexico could win a war. Any war, ever.

>fight bare hand

We're Americans, we use guns, you know the thing that cartels use when they don't behead people?

You people sound pretty unpleasant. The US should build some kind of border to keep you out.

>Please let us do it
This isn't how you threaten people.

You are going to run out of bullets quick

Then its going to be barehand

How is*

At this rate they might have to help build the wall now that they will have no jobs.

Are Pacos just as delusional as Pajeets?
What is it about 3rd world shitholes thinking they are anything but irrelevant?

Submit to your western and European overloards and thank us for the scraps we give your worthless festerning shitholes of countries. When you invent science, technology, civilization, and master the art of warfare... then we can talk. Until then Mexico is another noname country that's only slightly relevant because it happens to be next door to our Anglo freinds, the Great American Empire.

keep dreaming paco

All you have are drugged up selfish opportunists


lel keep your little hands to yourself and your baby cock. hell even Mexican woman briefer Whites lol. i mean youre all good for cheap labor, atleast you have that going for you?


>You are going to run out of bullets quick
No, we won't.

Please tell me you are 12. Yes a big kid could kill a little kid. However it may be that in time all the little kids get together and persuade the bully to reconsider his course in life.


Oh God user please be genuine and not a troll, I haven't laughed this much since November

Oh yes they did, only the truly autistic don't feel the cartels' humiliation of them.

Thanks for the rage fuel

Will print it out, and will serve every mexican as rage steroids


what happened user kun?

stfu Brayan

Yeah I know I'm an Irish Texan who's family came here legally and it pisses me off that these beanheads can come on through because they're "OPPRESSED"

ok have fun throwing rocks while you get shot done by a 1st world country,

Without spics the us would have a much lower obesity rate.

Nigger, we don't have guns and our army has ZERO tanks, ZERO anti-tank guns, ZERO artillery, ZERO bombers, ZERO submarines, ZERO battleships, ZERO attack helicopters, ZERO AA systems... a single M1 Abrams tank could take over the entire country.

Yes you will mother fucker! We are going to destroy your fucking bullet factories and bullet supplies.

We wont kill you with guns

Oh no sir, you dont deserve that threatment

Yoy guys deserve hell

Mexican aircraft carrier

>Not a single girl with inverted nipples

>Mexican nationalism is reaching records levels RIGHT FUCKING NOW
How well did that work out the last time?

cartels should be concerned about the wall. 5k lbs heroin confiscated passing through the open border last year. the wall is to stop them from delivering their drugs as much as it is to stop the immigrants (which are also lead across by cartels). the mexican el presidente doesnt want the wall because without cartel money he has nothing.

Why would it crater right when he was sworn in? Were mexican investors betting on a last minute assassination?

Thats why you are getting shot my your own people

Either fight for Mexico or give us your organs for brave solidiers
