Does Sup Forums like Vladimir Putin? What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Russian president Vladimir Putin?

Does Sup Forums like Vladimir Putin? What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Russian president Vladimir Putin?

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I don't know much about him, but he seems like a badass and from what I've read, he's probably the best leader Russia could have right now. I like Putin.

I think he's bad and I wish Trump was trying to make him our bitch now instead of Mexico

thoughts on Russian president Vladimir Putin?
thief, who doesn't give a single fuck about russians

He advocates for a multicultural russia while doing everything he can to cause chaos in europe and the usa.

Fuck him.

Love him, but I like anyone the American left hates.

Putin is a pretty cool guy, eh kills muslims, calls himself the defender of the christian faith, and doesn't afraid of anything

Triggers Kikes, all I need to know.

I though he was against multiculturalism. Like, he wants all legal immigrant to assimilate. Y'know, beating their wives, wearing dingy tracksuits, getting potatohammered, spitting, squatting, spitting while squatting, etc...

Totally this. Stop idolizing this faggot. He destroys Russia.

He is our bitch. He hacked shit for us.

putin is /ourest/ of guys

> muh corrupto politicians don't care about da russians!

couldn't give a single fuck, even if that was true

Sup Forums is a politics board, and anyone who's NOT russian, should only judge putin and russia on their foreign policy, and putin's foreign policy is on point

your domestic issues are none of my concern, so you might as well kill yourself liberashka


A true American hero


The only good Putin is a dead Putin

i think phyuthin is a better man and leader then a a beady brit and best of irish combined.

i think he will conquer ireland, poland and finland first, to show of his might.

The most experienced politician in the world. Smart, sincere, articulate. Works for the country's interests. I bet he will be remembered as someone like Peter the Great. But he still has work to do (Ukraine, Eurasian Union, economy, expose corruption in EU regarding MH17).

>He destroys Russia.

He's not the worst leader ever or even close but he's kept Russia an oligarchy and blatantly rigs elections (even though he'd probably win them anyway.) He's all personality and appearances but no bite imo.

I literally thank God for Putin. Supported Trump, supports nationalist parties like AfD and Front National in France and even Golden Dawn in Greece.

Truly savior of the white race, defender of the Christian faith and enemy of the faggot left.

Excuse me, but I'm a poor russian neetbux living with his mother, and PUTIN LITERALLY DESTROYED MY LIFE

Vladstein Putzman

President of the United States

Your austrian.


Putin will win ww3

I do not like the vector of his domestic policy (conservatism and a tendency to authoritarianism), but I admit that his course in foreign policy is right and his achivements are big.

After 199x our mother russia had only two ways. Either we fighting our way back to have influence or we ending up in completely dependent country.

That's debatable but ok

Open-ended, one-line, contextless, writing prompt one-post spam is not allowed. You newfags are seeing it so much because of paid trolls trying to be disruptive. Trolls like this format because it lets them quickly flood the board with non-content and drive out real discussion.

These faggots are pissed off, because they can't afford a new iphone. They do not see what's happening in the world. Do not understand geopolitics, They do not realize that the same situation with oil prices going down and sanctions would have been later on, but with Russia being in far worser situation: no Crimea, Ukraine in NATO, Russia being replaced by Qatar as EU's gas supplier (if Russia wasn't protecting Assad), which would affect Russian economy even more, etc. West would find a reason to sanction Russian and affect oil prices.

They do not realize that the current economic situation in Russia is basically the same as in Eastern Europe (e.g., Baltics), because you need to look at things like PPP: it doesn't matter that the salaries in euros are higher when you need to pay much more for heating, electricity, fuel and other stuff here. For example:
Latvia GDP PPP (2016): $25,740
Russia GDP PPP (2016): $25,185

And this is with the fact that Russia is under sanctions, while Baltics are getting money every year from the so called EU fund (that's why the governments are Russophobes here).

> sanctions


russia was hit much more from the drop in oil prices

and this is good, because now they have to learn how to actually make shit for themselves

>Latvia GDP PPP (2016): $25,740
Russia GDP PPP (2016): $25,185

If so, its unexpected.

How did Putin become a billionaire?

Neutral, don't trust Russians, but then again I don't trust anyone.

>defender of the christian faith
Yesterday he abolished hijab school ban that was introduced in some regions. Two days ago he opened borders with Armenia. Typical Armenian diaspora pasttime - Every time they have a clash or conflict they gather crowd of 50+ people. On this video they beat a guy to death in emergency. And Putin keeps open borders with Central Asian -stans which are our local islamist version of Mexico

how did you become a faggot


I like him.
Except for one thing.
He has'nt completely destroyed Erdogshits country, roachistan.

He had the perfect excuse to do it, and no one would've cared.

But besides that the EU always throws a hissy fit about russia, so he does something good.



Oh no, one of the richest on natural resources countries in the world has slightly bigger gdp (ppp) per capita than one of the poorest EU states.
Quick, make it in a new propaganda meme.

My mom said he's a murderer and a criminal.

duma abolished the ban. putin doesnt make the laws, he signs them.

>Yesterday he abolished hijab school ban that was introduced in some regions.
It's exactly the opposite. Holy shit, liberals are not even grasping at straws at this point, they're just straight lying out of their asses

He is pretty much the inspiration for the following Mad Dog Mattis quote
>“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

This guy took down the biggest baddest mafia in the world and made them bend the knee. He used radioactive materials to kill reporters, he killed the opposite party head in the russian equivalent of congress and then blamed his friends and put them in prison. He bombed terrorists and their hostages without even blinking and is dead set on remaking the russian empire.

That makes him pretty much our best friend in the area, the rest of those fuckers want to kill us outright, just don't trust him and don't fuck with him

> bulgarogypos

remember that time your gypo pm said no to a gas pipeline and free money, because o'bummer told him to do so, and then russia built the pipeline around bulgaria anyways?

Do you think it's easy extracting resources in Russia?
I assure you, it's a very demanding and complex task requiring a lot of energy and investment.
Russia is not some Arab oil kingdom where you scratch the sand and oil starts flowing.
Venezuela has even more oil, yet they are collapsing. Why?
Because their government is inept and because most of their oil is hard to extract.

None of those things are remotely based you idiot.

This is the land of the free not some tinpot dictatorship.

>russia was hit much more from the drop in oil prices
Yes, but the oil price drop was made artificially. It started around June 2014. I don't know the oil market, but I think US, Saudi Arabia and their other allies can do this specifically to damage Russian economy, by increasing production.

Also, those sanctions that EU introduced a week after MH17 was against Russian banks. Suddenly, Russia couldn't get new credits, but Russia (private sector) would need to pay back around 100 billion euros by the year's end. This is why by December 2014 there were some serious problems with the exchange rate.

He runs a shitty banana republic with an iron fist. Now he's gonna run America with a Cheeto.

and to counter that Russia has been building up their gold reserves and working with Chinese banks

I don't know if it was artificial, but it kinda failed at doing much.
Russia had some loses but remained stable and Putin's popularity actually grew.
If it was artificial, then it's one of most retarded geopolitical moves ever.

>mee mee arrow

Hahahahaha wow how do you come up with this stuff!?
Are you maybe MEMEMASTER123 on 9gag?
Your so funny you almost have to be!

Praise greg ammirite guize!?


You're so horrifically wrong on literally everything it's just ridiculous. What do you accomplish by lying on Congolese chalk drawing board? What is your gain?

He's some mental cripple who's being doing this for months.


>thief, who doesn't give a single fuck about russians
To be fair, when has there been a Russian government that cared about Russians?

probably about the same way I think he feels about me.. indifferent.

>duma abolished the ban. putin doesnt make the laws, he signs them.
Implying duma isn't Putin's puppet. His party has 350 out of 450 seats and can change constitution.
Only in Russia you can be called a liberal because you don't like muslims or ethnic crime groups.


How did Putin become a billionaire?

how old are you? curious because I'm sure a 20 year old and a 50 year old will have different opinions.

who said anything about based?

Op asked for our thoughts, he is a bad bad man and we need to stand ready to deal with him at any time.

At the same time, if we have to chose between him or ISIS we should go with him, and we definitely should not pull any more of those Hillary ukraine moves, that is retarded

Almost certainly not by destroying Russia.

The fuck are you smoking? America has long held the policy that American interests are best served by a democratic world and trade. Putin is as unamerican as it gets. He's literally worse than the crown of England when we rebelled.

>Does Sup Forums like Vladimir Putin? What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Russian president Vladimir Putin?

cunty manlet from commie guild of assassins becomes cunty manlet dictator and russkies live on 290 dollars a month and are conscripted to serve manlet assassin who murders opposition.

The choices are never two absolutes. We should never side with a snake. Keep him at bay with a weary eye.

Putin was great president with his flaws and love with muslims, outside that if he leaves in 2008 and find someone who he trust, he will be remembered as a greatest ruler of russia. Now after all this years system totally work on one person, noone can fill this shoes if putin gone tommorow, all the scum and separatism will rise as soon as putin leavesm, and putin only can be military president, he cant into economy and he cant diversify economy from oil and gas. And next president will be military too, we need economy president but not liberal cuck like medvedev.

based as far as a leader, has some faggots around him but it's Russia what can ya do
Not really a good politician
Wouldn't mind fixing the relationship and having a Strong Russia US alliance
> we could reshape Middle East accordingly

If you want to someone else to give up a fragment of their anonymity then you should probably do the same first, Satan. How old are you?

>if he leaves in 2008

bit late then.

>democratic world
I won't go into how russia is technically a democracy, because you are right, it is not.

however, have you looked at the rest of the countries in that area? Isis, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, these are all shit tier countries who want us dead.

Are you short-circuiting or something? Constitution court has APPROVED BAN on hijabs in schools. You've just fucking lied. You've said something opposite to the actual fact. Probably because you assumed that foreigners on Sup Forums wouldn't know any better and wouldn't bother to check that up, What's the next step in your master plan, calling me a shill for pointing that out?



as a cunt

I am 50. I was in the Navy during the Cold War and I've met Soviet sailors in the middle of the Atlantic. It was mutual respect.

What is a lie you idiot? Search for "hijab" and "Armenia" in any news aggregator. Or am I lying about open borders with Central Asia? Or this woman on photo didn't cut 4-year old girl's head shouting Allahu Akbar?


This, He stole massive amounts of money from SPB funds that were meant to go to the people back in the 1990s..
This guy is not based one bit, he is a crook.
The strength Russia has is not made by him, it solely made by the people.

Really doesn't matter what I think of him as an American. All that matters is what the Russians think of him.

He seems like a jail warden who became president. The inmates, citizens, need to be kept in line and made happy or they revolt. Meanwhile he gets rich off of deals made through countless negotiations.

I don't think there is any risk of Russia annexing any of those countries. I'd be more worried about Easter Europe.

And in the case of Syria America supported the Arab Spring rebels over the Russian backed Assad regime who is vehemently anti-Democratic.

As a disclaimer the USA doesn't have a perfect tract record of supporting democracy, but I can't think another powerful nation in human history that supported democracies just because they were democracies other than the USA or allies influenced by the USA.

Russia is the way it is because its paranoid(rightfully so) about NATO,US etc influencing it. Putin steals,our politcian take bribes. Only way to clean up Russia is get them to trust us then clense the corruption

>American interests are best served by a democratic world and trade.

no America is best served by jeffersonian democracy
everyone else just has to be whatever is best for us


It was a dick move trying to bring the Ukraine into the EU by funneling billions into "supporting democracy" there. It's obviously a power play to get the EU's hands around Russia's jugular. That said though, that move might not have happened or the consequences of the Ukraine might not have been an issue of Russia wasn't planning nefarious shit. The fact that they invaded Crimea kind of sort of verified the fear of Russian expansionism.

For the last time! I'm not going to live on a farm, Tom!

>It was a dick move trying to bring the Ukraine into the EU
Lirerally never happened. There was absolutey no talk in Brussels of Ukraine ever joining the EU.


ITT shills having discussions with themselves


>no America is best served by jeffersonian democracy

-illusion of choice (1 vote kek)
-illusion of freedom (wage slave working 80 hours a week can choose to chop his dick off and walk into target women's bathroom during his 5m break)
-everyone constantly divided about things they can't control and know ittle about, rioting

no thanks

He is a selfish dictator, out to get power and money.
Where there is no free press and/or free flow of information, corruption and abuse happen unabated.

proof is that russian government authorities constantly disowning nationalistic and anti-immigrations views on rtr or whatever, if that wasn't a problem there wouldn't be nationalistic uprise in russia

>a spetznaz squad breaks the door

thanks for your input schlomo

That's news to me. That's why Ukranians were building trebuchets in the street to defeat police phalanx.

Oh so now you have a problem with hijabs in FUCKING ARMENIA. This is not even moving goalposts. And yeah, you were incorrect about Central Asia and Mexico analogy as well. Tajiks in Russia are season-term slave labor force, Mexicans who jumped American border are "Dreamers" and 30% demographic in Arizona, Texas and California.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, that feels good, just do it to me."

That is Sup Forums

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