Illegals contribute 12 billion dollars in taxes and 13 billion into social security. But people still claim they're draining the system. But, hey, let's do some math; let's even use the Center for Immigration Studies numbers.
CIS says illegal immigrant households receiving welfare cost $5,692 in taxes. There are 11 million illegals in the U.S. but not 11 million households. For Latinos in the U.S. the figure is 3.87 people per household. So that means there are about 3.66 million illegal immigrant households.
CIS claims that 73% of Mexican and Central American Households take welfare. So that's roughly 2.66 million on welfare. 2.66 million illegal immigrant households costing $5,692 in tax dollars is $15.1 billion. Their social security payment, which they will never receive the benefit of, almost covers that total!
So, uh, I guess they don't leach off the system! Or am I not understanding this right?
My parents were immigrants and always payed their taxes. We never took government assistance or abused it. I can't say the same thing for some white people.
Jason Adams
Yes. According to the IRS at least 6 million file taxes yearly.
Adrian Martinez
In the town I live in only white people have government assistance.
Sebastian Long
Well I am no expert but I highly doubt most of them pay fully, and doubt their employers withhold payroll taxes on money paid to illegal employees.
I think there is a ton of room for contrary claims, but unless there is overwhelming evidence, I think people will have a hard time believing they are contributing fairly. Unless they are liberal in which case they'll believe anything that feels right.
Dominic Reed
They pay 12 billion more than drumpfy does
Luke Martin
And here I thought it was those illegals who sucked off the government tit!
Josiah Garcia
It's true the entrepreneurial do pay taxes when they work for themselves. The rest of this post is disingenuous and should be saged because the board is overrun with this shit. This isn't even a real place to be right now, they are effectively ruining this board with dumb threads and derailing conversation in others. If this is a conserted effort it should be investigated and you should be charged for conspiracy to infringe the first amendment.