Debunk This Degeneracy

You have privilege.

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I always thought of it as Conquerors rights. Privilege would be not getting genocided.

>Vae Victus

this is life some people do good and others do bad. Others should not be punished for there success. and u should not have children if u can not successfully raise them into adult hood

If you showed the rest of the comic you would see that her parents had her when they couldn't afford a child. If anything this comic promotes not having kids until you're financially ready.

Yes, rich people have more opportunities than poor people. It has nothing to do with race or sex.

I notice they decided not to make the man the poor one, because his male privilege prevents him from being born into a poor family

No one denies the existence of so-called privilege, what we deny is its source and the proper response.

'Privilege' comes from socio-economic status, good genes, and a stable home life, these things make success far more likely for a person. It does not come from the social status attributed to a person for being a particular race, when 'privilege' is measured in this way, if anything minorities have far more of it.

In addition, the proper response to these things is not 'leveling the playing field' by yelling at and trying to tear down the top of the pyramid, or make people APOLOGIZE for their good fortune or try and deny that they own their accomplishments simply because they didn't create them ex nihilo. Its extending more opportunities to everyone, while acknowledging that certain groups are simply less likely to succeed.


Let's just ignore affirmative action, scholarships to people of color, grants for people in poverty, and social assistance that is overwhelmingly used by people in situation B



I'm a white guy and I literally dealt with the right side, except instead of a sick father he just didn't care and liked to be angry about anything

This. The purpose of identity politics is to distract people from the real privileges in the world which are based on class. If they get people attacking each other over race, sexuality and gender while they are all poor, the rich can just laugh from their ivory towers.

This is true. My wife was due to give birth to a baby boy, but then I lost my job, not an hour after I got the call my wife started having serious stomach pains so I took her to the hospital and it turns out the pain was caused by the baby changing gender in the womb after I lost my job.

Life isnt fair. Most people start to learn this around the age of 5.

Not sure I get it. Is the implication that boys from poor families grow up to be trans females?

Because in most other contexts that seems even worse than comparing apples and oranges.

Really don't see how nepotism and feminism are opposites. If anything, feminists are ALL in favor of nepotism. But for feminists only, obviously. Example:

So here's 5 _of the best_ all-female networking groups. Mentioned in the same article, only 3 gentlemans clubs are now men only, while these are just the _best_ 5 of the women only clubs. And I bet feminists are STILL complaining about those three men only clubs, aren't they?

That's interesting, Federal Aid basically covers everything I need. Maybe she shouldn't be dorming or going out of state, hmm?

> rich parents with connections
> taking loans
Setting up his own fall, eh?

This is accurate. Just another example of how the social left also play certain keys on their piano, hailing Darwinism all while ignoring Survival of the Fittest.

That's not to say the social right doesn't also ignore certain parts of the whole credo.

lmao who cares


This user is correct.
It is right and proper that parents should be able to help out their children, and there is literally nothing wrong with the fact that his parents studied hard and got good careers.

I don't disagree that impoverished minorities have less opportunities to succeed, but maybe their ancestors should have thought about that while Euros were inventing the cannon instead skipping around the fucking jungle trees.

There is no privilege in the world that compares to Jew privilege.

This. And also, the 'solutions' offered by the left further entrench disadvantage, rather than solve it. The nepotism enjoyed by person A is the result of devalued tertiary education as a result of leftist policies, not the result of free marketeering. When an employer cannot rely on a degree to mean anything, word of mouth is all they can use.

But where did the first privilege come from?

There is nothing to debunk. The author tries to say that responsible, hard-working, well-off parents being able to help their children, and irresponsible, lazy, poor parents not being able to help their children is somehow a bad thing that needs fixing.

Which is a self-evident idiocy.

the problematic fruit was picked from the first shitlord tree by Adam and Steve in the Safespace of Weeden

she fucked up on the first panel.

you shouldnt be going to uni AND working at the same fucking time if it puts you into debt.

purely working and studying in your spare time is better, go to college later and ace everything since you know everything.

Lurk more faggot.

This is too good to be an edit.

Except my family is grindingly poor, I paid my own way through university, I got a better degree than the idiots in my class because I studied hard and I'm just getting ready to buy my first home.

In the UK if you're poor as fuck you can still go to university, in fact you qualify for more help. All the people in my societies that I kept in touch with may say they lost out due to privilege but deep down we all know the truth; they lost because they put no effort into flunking junk degrees.

This is what happens when society have no values. The obvious answer should be that this is what happens when you live a virtuous and hard working life, you get rewards and you can pass those rewards onto your children. When you fuck up for whatever reason it doesn't happen.