So Sup Forums, do you regret your vote?

So Sup Forums, do you regret your vote?

Other urls found in this thread:

>people in the background wearing "pussy hats"
>liberal woman's protest in background

Nice try twitter, these people for a fact didn't vote for trump

im so happy he won

Oh boy, more fake news!

I smile every time I remember voting for him

"Trump voter twitter accounts". leftie false flag. Trump voters are happy that he delivers

I don't know guys... these tweets look pretty serious...

Nice shower drain strainers for ear jewelry.

Dats how u recylin

So much regret...

But its only been a week and so far he's carrying out what he's promised to do. It doesn't make any sense that a person would regret a politician doing what they voted for them to do. These regreters are probably as real as Anne Frank.