sage and hide 'em folks
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Who's Brock?
Yep getting real tired if those threads
oh shit
HWNDU is confined to a single thread though, why the fuck are you so salty?
If anything the constant stream of fucking bait threads are CTR or low hanging fruit shitposter, including but not limited to:
>Muh popular vote
>Mada president posting
>Muh Illegals
>Muh city people
>Baseless Haha threads starting with a single image
>Why is Sup Forums supposed to hate X while Y is much worse (in all its variations).
>Trump godwin posting.
Can women have such butts and not have cellulitis?
>confined to a single thread
5 threads on the board plus actually.
There is a difference between thicc, cellulite, and cellulitis if you have any medical background. Please consult your local library's medical dictionary section.
Also we know about 911.
Only to a certain age. After that they fall apart quickly.
>Also we know about 911.
it was for your own good.
ah, the ancient symbol of eternal existence, a wise choice.
"stop white genocide"
Jackie Dont trust him. They are out to get you
check the comments
It's literally a bunch of Jews and their head yid priest (((shia labouf))) at the wailing wall.
cellulite is half the fun, though.
Can someone link me to it?
oh wait no i found it
wtf it didn't turn up when i searched for it, what is this jew magic?
Loizano detected
Brock is a peter puffing Podesta lackey who ran Correct The Record and Media Matters.
Probably a kiddy diddler as well.
It's been patently obvious more shills have been paid.
Didn't they realise what a waste of cash that was last time?
Though I suppose when you have $24 billion you can afford to throw money around on silly things.
Just as 1936 Germany was for you, yid.
Try Jewgle maps
stop being gay
You have no power here, Shia.
your mom didnt think i was gay last night
Yea, its call anime
>sage and hide 'em folks
add spencer and bog/clown threads to that list
So much this
Embracing the same diversity you critique
that stream has provided quality keks. fuck you if you think otherwise.
HWNDU Threads are Sup Forumsacks interrupting the protest but okay
we got ourselves a tough guy over hgere
Its just got annoying lately to see it all the time
>bunch of sjws screaming during a day
>Sup Forums comes at night and play Shadilay and show pepe on phone
It was fun while it lasted, but its over. Filtered
>falling for the thicc meme
>falling for the phat ass cult
This is such a nigger thing.
Bulgarians, how are they so based?