Remember how all of you in this board said a no-fly zone in syria will start ww3?
Well.......... Trump just signed on hillary's no-fly zone policy.
Remember how all of you in this board said a no-fly zone in syria will start ww3?
Well.......... Trump just signed on hillary's no-fly zone policy.
Fake news.
The "safe zones" are refugee areas that are protected so refugees can be collected to and not be dumped on Europe and the US. Trump never stated no fly zone.
OK keep me posted
It's not fake news user, RT is funded by the russians, it was campaigning for trump this entire election and even they admit it's real
look at the flag.
Maybe this is so nobody will be in the way when we BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF ISIS?
Not even a week and he's ticking off the major campaign promises. Is this democracy or is this heaven?
>so refugees can be collected
By whom?
That's EXACTLY what a no-fly zone mean you idiot.
A safe zone and no-fly zone are two words for the same thing. if you allow warplanes to fly above your "safe zone" it's not a safe zone
That's literally what Hillary wanted because Russians kept bombing civilians.
WTF I'm with Her now
No fly zone != no bomb/attack zone
A safe Zone and a no fly zone aren't the same thing you liberal cuck.
I will repeat myself.
If you allow waplanes to fly above a safe zone then it's not a safe zone. a whole point of having a safe zone is that warplanes can't fly above it, otherwise it's not really a safe zone
Of course its a fucking kike
They are. The point of a safe zone is to be a euphemism for no fly zone, which is in turn a euphemism for war.
That said, I don't think Trump actually meant anything by that.
Jewish nose nigger please. A no fly zone is a "enter this area and we will shoot you down". Stop trying your jewish tricks here.
Didn't this budget to $1 billion / month. So Donald Cuck is going to tax me to protect some Syrians?
wasn't the US and russia cooperating days ago?
Is this a joint effort now?
Like they carpet bombed the leader dude and all those camps, now they clear the fly zone and advance with drones and then soldiers?
No it isn't. Back your claims.
Your definition, not Trump's.
A "no-fly zone" that only allows the US, Russia and Syria. Yeah, that'll totally start WW3 with... China?
Just a few days ago the US was flying B-52s doing bombing runs on ISIS camps with Russian fighter escorts. Liberals were literally shaking about how civilians could be killed. It was a historic event since it was the first time in 3 decades that B-52s had been fielded in combat.
Come on, if you're going to fake news at least keep it plausible.
came here to post this
fuck off retard
Several things:
Trump was asking for plans, and they are then going to submit to him different options and the risks involved. So maybe Trump is doing this because of courtesy and it is expected and he will just give them a thumbs down no matter what, maybe Trump will see that the options are terrible and will reject them, and lastly maybe Trump only has this in mind because he assumes he can make it work in a way where he can get Turkey and Russia onboard with it
>"I'll absolutely do safe zones in Syria for the people," he added, without giving details.
Fuck off kike
It is if they dont sexually identify as planes
RT was firmly anti-Trump, stop lying poorfag.
>That's literally what Hillary wanted because Russians kept bombing civilians.
No, Hillary literally wanted to shoot down Russian planes while Trump is having the US fly missions with the Russians to bomb ISIS.
It is, literally and not figuratively, the exact opposite of what Hillary wanted to do.
They're going to talk over the weekend. It'll get worked out.
The reason Russia is dubious is because Obama wanted to use them to protect his jihadis. If Trump isn't lying about his dislike for radical islamic terrorist proxies then he and Putin will quickly converge on the specifics
Now I'm left wondering what Israel has against their greatest ally, Trump.
Your day is coming, lying kike.
RT is a russian funded newspaper. they campaigned for trump this entire election, they have no reason to lie.
They said the kremlin is disapproving of trump's no-fly zone policy and that "it will have consequences"
Begone Jewish cockroach. Your tricks won't work here.
Trump just want israel to annex golan heights.
Yes user i'm the liar, trump is the most honest person on earth am i right?
>Hillary literally wanted to shoot down Russian planes
Yes, IF they kept bombing safezones. If America let Russia keep bombinb safezones full of civilians then they wouldn't be safezones.
You're the reason why Trump makes fun of the handicapped. You are so totally retarded, you deserve to be bullied.
>a safe zone is a no-fly zone
>t. retarded kike
You have to go back...
10/10 best new argument user.
I like how you completely ignored the substance of my post
how will this work? will he let ze russians fly their planes over these safe zones?
The point of safe zones is not to protect civilians, not that the USA has any right to in the first place. The point is to shelter terrorists and give them a safe zone that cannot be attacked without triggering war. Thus, safe zones are a euphemism for war.
>RT is a russian funded newspaper.
Much like the BBC is a british funded news station and the PBS is a US funded news station
> they campaigned for trump this entire election, they have no reason to lie.
Objectively and provably false, RT was running the same garbage as CNN. Nice try but no jew.
Hurrdurr tax returns
Not something his base even cared about, it was a dem smear campaign knowing he would never do it and they could laud it over him
It's not just RT reporting this, Reuters also says it's real, as well as LAtimes:
You don't care about it because you don't know what is the horrible thing he hides in his tax returns.
Because you know, if he didn't have anything to hide he would have released them
Add substance if you don't want me ignoring your comments. You clearly don't understand the difference between no-fly zones and "safe zones".
A warplane can fly over a location and not bomb it, you know. It has to get there somehow, right? Do you think they just bomb constantly, after taking off?
>Yes, IF they kept bombing safezones. If America let Russia keep bombinb safezones full of civilians then they wouldn't be safezones.
Except Trump actually asked permission from the Syrian government to launch strikes in Syria and had Russian escorts.
What Hillary wanted to do would be like if Russia were to declare Texas a no-fly zone and start shooting down any american plane that flies in it. Fucking moronic. It's not their territory, they have no right to that and doing so would lead to war.
>all this anti-American bullshit
What happened to you, Canada? You used to be cool.
I don't see anything particularly anti-American about that post.
If a warplane flies over a safe zone, i guarantee it did not enter the safe-zone just to put a show - it entered it with the intention of bombing, which makes it not a safe zone.
A safe zone implies a no fly zone
Cite a media outlet that hasn't been proven to publish fake bullshit within the past year, please.
>Thus, safe zones are a euphemism for war.
Thanks Justin, you can go to bed now. Mummy has some nice moose milk in the saucer :^)
>Sees flag
Fake news if fake news no matter what authority you appeal to; you've been shown as a liar many times in the thread so fuck off with your shilling.
Try /lgbt/, maybe they'll buy "Joint airstrikes by Russia and US somehow will cause world war 3" and they might literally shake with you.
pretty much this. but trump will obviously make some sort of an arrangement with putin where he will alow them to fly over if necessary.
Well the previous administration thought the legitimacy of the Assad regime was dubious due to Assad violently putting down democratic protests during the Arab Spring.
America has long been of the position that the world would be a better place for American interests and humanity at large if everyone embraced democracy.
Now you're just embarrassing yourself. Accept your poor English comprehension and move on.
Remember when Sup Forums said the LAtimes poll is the only real poll? now suddenly when there is an article against trump in LAtimes you say it's fake.
Trump just put you in a cage so that you won't hear about all of the bad shit he is doing, that's why he is attacking the media, genius
>>Do you think a warplane bombs constantly, after taking off?
>If a warplane flies over something, it has every intention of bombing it
So yes. You think a warplane bombs literally everything for the entirety of it's flight. I'm done here.
>3 decades
Weren't they used in the Afghanistan War to bomb the mountains?
>Except Trump actually asked permission from the Syrian government to launch strikes in Syria and had Russian escorts.
Does anyone have a link to this? I never heard about this on the news
B-52s with Russian escorts.
no Trump wrote up an order to be given a presentation on possible options for "safe zones"
nothing has been confirmed or even talked about
if it was that important someone would have released them
I wonder who is behind this post?
Last response you're getting from me. You've gotten enough of my (You) powers, already.
>The only real poll
False. It was said to be the least botched, out of all liberal polls. Everyone else was showing Trump having just 2% - 15% chance of winning when it was always a 50/50, at least. Anything with higher than a 20% chance of Trump winning would have gotten a nudge. And yes, that's how biased the polls were.
I'm not even a Trump fan, in all honesty. I've wanted so badly to talk shit about him but your shill friends in the liberal media have a monopoly on that already. So I'd feel like a douche for kicking a man while he's done. I'd be just another conformist asshole making the same boring jokes against someone that honestly, doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as he's gotten.
If anything, the DNC should be our main focus. They fucked over the American people so hard and lied to everyone, with the hopes of swaying the election. If you ask me, the people that had anything to do with that would be in jail already.
And he's been attacking the media because that's all they've done, is attack him. Why wouldn't he call them out for their bullshit? You're funny. Trump is far from perfect but he was a better choice than Hillary. I'm sorry if that upsets you but that's what's up and has always been up. She was a stiff and stale puppet and everyone knew it. All she did was project the entire debate and the media covered her stink. It was a pathetic display.
fuck you filthy kike
>Syrian government gets people to safe zone
>angry vodka bombs the rebels to dust
Seriously though isn't syria pro russia?or at the least russia is trying to look good for them. I remember them trying a lot of aid shit for syria.
Shouldn't they?
Tough luck kike.
Tell your friends in JIDF in Tel Aviv to prepare your anus.
Trump is not /our guy.
But he is a means to bringing about /our guy.
When the normie population of US and Europe wake up to Jewish manipulation, you desert circumcised filth will lose all funding propping up your apartheid fake country and the Arabs will feed on you no matter how many nukes you launch.
World peace is not possible while kikes exist.
Fucking idiot!
>apples to oranges
>Trump is already working with russia
Okay seriously the guy is running out of campaign promises, what the fuck is he going to do by the end of the month?
Keep winning. He doesn't have to promise it to do it.
Russia is pro Assad
Obama was pro ISIS
Trump is trying to end the US's support of ISIS and other Jihadists without making us look bad.
The safe zone is about appeasing Turkey so they don't have to take anymore refugees.
But that will annoy Russia becuase rebels "might" use the safe zone to smuggle in armies, weapons, etc.
It's all a huge complicated mess that Ubongo left us, that will still take a long time to sort out.
Shillary's "solution" was to turn all of Syria into a no fly zone like she did in Libya and bomb Assad to hell so he can die like Gaddafi or Saddam, and then start WW3 if Russia tried to continue bombing ISIS.
A "safe zone" near Turkey isn't the same thing as making all of Syria a "no Russia Zone" which was Hillary's plan.
Yes, it's partly Obama's fault, since he didn't do what he promised by stopping the war. Let's not forget who started this decade and a half long waste of time and money.
Yeah but now I want to know what he'll do next.
mfw ISIS tries to hide in Safe Zone and Trump bombs the living fuck out of it.
The cia?
If its not pro trump then it isn't factual
pro trump is true
anti trump is false
Thats it. This opinion is so close to the default Russian position that I wonder why you post it with stars-and-stripes flag, not Russian one.
It's called alternative facts.
I remember how you guys were bitching that Hillary will cause ww3 with this
it doesnt start a war if trump does it, fuking moron... hillary cant tell putin to stay out, but trump can negotiate --- fucking faggot azz jews
Is it not true, you make it sound like russian propoganda.
Sweden obviously
>horrible thing
what horrible thing could be there that Obama's IRS couldn't find but you could?
>Trump does the exact same policy hilary proposed
>But.. but... it's okay when trump is!!!
Just admit it user, you guys don't have a real ideology, you are just blindly following whatever trump tells you to follow
If trump wasn't hiding something horrible in his tax returns, he would have released them just like any other presidential candidate.
maybe you should tell Syria they shouldn't let him have a safe zone they agreed to.
Nothing, he's just typical leftist human garbage, we all have them.
Here is the progressive-left political platform. w ant to bet you agree with at least 80% of it?
all Obama had to do is quit arming the terrorists and Syria would have roflmaostomped them long ago.
that's how I saw it too.. I never bought the 'syrian rebels bullshit, it was ISIS he was arming.
No they arent. A "safe zone" is just a refugee camp with armed guards, that's it.
And Russians would have no reason to be flying planes now that we arent arming Syrian rebels. Why would the Russians attack a US safe zone? That would be dumb as fuck.
>safe zone
>no-fly zone
Pick one
>oyyy veyyy
crawl back into your hole kike
he didn't hide them from the IRS. They found nothing. Your excuses mean nothing.