>IQ rumored to be around 600
>Almost as tall as his father at age 10.
Is Barron the prince that was promised?
>IQ rumored to be around 600
>Almost as tall as his father at age 10.
Is Barron the prince that was promised?
Other urls found in this thread:
Possibly? We will know in time.
You don't want to know what Antifafu is though.
What do you call the mouse shadow on the second moon?
What do you mean? What did those cringy retards do this time?
His dad fathered him at the age of a cryptkeeper
>cannot high five
>600 IQ
Is Barron aware that he's our guy?
Barron is going to pick his prom date up in this
Atleast Barron isn't draining his country's oil reserves to fund a failed liberal utopia
Good post Barron!
>implying i am a right wing liberal or a right wing tory
Because he's a closet fag with an oedipal complex?
Did i say oil? I meant gold
*Kisses Barron*
Kwizats hederacht
Fuck off kike
Witches die
can someone give me a quick rundown on this kid?
Pretty sure he's a fucking autist
He's an autist.
>implying you can understand a 74th Dimensional Chess Grand Wizard
He's rumored to have a high IQ and his mom said hes good with the computer machine, thats all these retards need
She is possibly an avatar of the demon Kauket/Lilith, the opposite of Kek, in other words, a succubus tempting Sup Forums
This is his art he created. I'm not bullshitting you
Another one
stop calling baron trump autistic
That's hilarious coming from a fin
Another one
>kid with extreme autism
>Sup Forums relates to him and his chris chan-esque personality.
>Sup Forums plays him up
It's nothing.
Another one
Pretty much sums him up.
That's hilarious coming from a muslim.
barron trump didn't make these
Is Barron the warped son of a God who brings this country to its knees?
A huge booger hanging out from your nose.
How long until he goes completely furry on us?
These are really good for a 0 year old
are these really by him?
Barron is clan Ventrue
This is great
bepis :------XDDD
How long until Barron finds Sup Forums?
He is actually OP of this thread
doctors are projecting he will be over 7'6" but under 8 feet
He is /ourguy/ he found it long ago.
Who is this man? Can someone give me something like, I don't know, a quick rundown?
Hahahaha that's absurd im not barron hiding behind a proxy
he may indeed be our leto
>insufferable sly twitter literally who posts these supposed Barron Trump art pictures
>when accused that he's posting these pictures to mock barron he responds with "no no im just appreciating them :))))"
>when asked for proof they were his posts screenshot of a poorly made website that looks like it was made in photoshop to look like how a ten year old set up a website
>supposed art pictures don't look like drawings a child would make, but rather drawings of what an artist thinks a childs drawings look like
>lines are smooth and colors are neat despite most people not developing the fine motor skills required for art until around 13 or 14
Hmmm, really makes you think doesn't it?
Emperor Barron 2024
You forgot he's a talented hentai artist in the making.
Apart from his pay, which is considerable, Trump demanded only one thing - an unaltered clone for himself. Curious isn't it?
Pure genetic replication. No tampering with the structure to make it more docile... and no growth acceleration...
"If this happens"...This kid is going to be one of the best presidents of America. If he follows his father.
He has that vibe of I know I can do better. He looks like he's presidential material.
that would epxlain my raging boner for some libtard poontang
>shitty bants
>check flag
Every. fucking. time.
Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
>Barron is very smart
>Wouldn't stop playing the computer, though
>God Emperor and his Mistress put a SEQUENTIAL NUMBER LOCK on the computer
>one hour later, Barron has already cracked the God Emperor's own code
>I'm not telling you, Dad
Only Barron can defy the God Emperor and be next on the throne
I predicted this weeks ago
Notice how the Aztecs have tied the Aryan animu jungle princess to their altar. He truly understands our plight. This is a message.
He is the Kwisatz Haderach of our time.
What if Barron is actually the emperor?
He's a Pillar Man
He is the kwizatch haderach
When will you take the Barronpill?
>Rothschilds bow to Barron
>In contact with aliens
>Rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>Controls USA with an iron fist
>Owns castles and banks all over the world
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Barronia will be be the first city)
>Owns basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>Published theoretical physics papers in scientific journals over 200 years ahead of his time. Scientists are still unable to understand the complexities of his research.
>First designer babies will be Barron Babies
>Said to have 200+ IQ
>Ancient Indian scriptures an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>This is Barron Trump
>He owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Barronbots inside you right now
>Barron is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>He learned fluent Slovenian in under a week
>Saved USA from destruction with a single phone call
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with him. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Barron
>He 10 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, the are timeless being exists in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>Barron will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
Is that realy what a 10 year old looks ? CAn't really remember how i looked at age 10. But I really thought he was 13 or something.
It seemed fairly certain from early in Barron's life that he would in fact be the Kwisatz Haderach, since he showed an ability to see into the future. It was when he was fifteen years of age that the Bene Gesserit sent a Reverend Mother to test Barron's prescience and his training in the Bene Gesserit ways. This event appeared to be a significant catalyst for the events that would befall the universe for the next several thousand years, since Barron's testing with the Gom Jabbar, as well as the Sisterhood's silent complicity in his father's death, proved to instill significant negativity in Barron against the Sisterhood. As a result, when he reached young adulthood, and ascended to the Golden Lion Throne, he vowed that he would never be under the control of the Sisterhood. As a result, the Sisterhood lost control of their breeding program, their Kwisatz Haderach, and the possibility of placing a Bene Gesserit on the throne.
Sixty is written with one zero.
>Kwisatz Haderach
Son of a white man and a Slav
Is he the long lost primarch of the Bogs?
No, there's no evidence that these are by him.
Oh so your an NDP parasite?
OP - stop your fascination with a 10 year old boy.
You know what happened last time. That's why you wear a leg bracelet.
Because you take interest in children, you are a pedophile and will be executed according to US laws in 2019.
Your parent or parents will pay for the bullet.
Go the fucking hell.
no, he just knows that the world will judge him for being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So he works hard to respect his parents.
he is also the collective reincarnation of thousands of shamans, wizards, holy men, and healers from across human history up until this point.
all putting their souls and power into this single individual
so are you my friend so are you. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it.
>young boys stimulate his mind and his dic....
that's a fap pimple right there
I used to get them too when I was fapping 5 times a day
Good thing I don't live under US laws then lol
Emperor Protects!
Barron will build this in a mansion...with a box of gold.
You're posting on an American website, bro.
US law applies here. It doesn't matter where you're from.
Barron is the legendary lost Bog brother.
>Just read Dunwich Horror
>This thread
Yogg-Sothoth is the gate!
Yogg-Sothoth is the key to the gate!
Yogg-Sothoth is the guardian of the gate!
Sup Forums hasnt been american for a few years already. moof is gone
So lets say, if I post CP to a site located in India, would I be trialed by their system?
the Golden Path awaits.
so is it confirmed he has autism?
can someone give me a quick rundown on this kid?
off course not you retard
He will be even more red pilled than his father
On one hand I know this is fake
On the other hand I kinda wanna go to Sup Forums and post "The president's son plays Skylanders, what's your excuse Sup Forums?"
Has Barron awakened his masters?
Nah, he's the Ultimate Life Form
can someone give me a quick rundown on this kid?
Barron has latent psychic powers