So far it seems Oakwood has been found to have connections to the Truman Show, Armenian gangs, and pedophilia (Two people working there were caught as convicted child rapists.)
Hollywood seems to be a low hanging fruit compared to Pizzagate.
Interesting line: olanski was arrested in 1977 at the home of Jack Nicholson* and charged with six felony counts, including rape, after he had sex with a thirteen-year-old girl. The director pled guilty to having sex with a minor, but fled to France before his sentencing was to take place. Interestingly, the girl he had sex with--now a thirty-four-year-old mother living in Hawaii--says she thinks Polanski should be able to return. "I have no objections to his return to the U.S., if that is the case," she told KTLA. "I'm glad that he's worked out his legal problems." Polanski has lived in Paris for the past twenty years.
*who by the way was the star of "Carnal Knowledge"
Noah Wilson
>fk1uOiEg Bump
Andrew Richardson
Woody Allen - In the book, "What Falls Away," Mia Farrow described her shock at first discovering Allen had taken pornographic photos of her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn and then that he was having an affair with the 17-year-old. (Allen and Soon-Yi were married in late 1997.)
Leo Hernandez
4.) Pedos Names i.) Woody Allen ii.) Garth Ancier iii.) Terry Bean iv.) Brandon Boyce (?) v.) Larry Brinkin vi.) Marc Collins-Rector vii.) Robert Downey Junior (?) viii.) Gary Gersh (?) xi.) Gary Goddard xii.) Jason Michael Handy xiii.) Michael Harrah xiv.) Jon Jesper xv.) Jim Jones xvi.) Klaus Kinski xvii.) Natasha Kinski xviii.) Stan Lee xiv.) Harvey Milk xv.) George Mosconi xvi.) Rennie xvii) Brian Peck xviii.) Mark Peck xix.) John Phillips xx.) Brock Pierce xxi.) Roman Polanski xxii.) John Silva (?) xxiii.) Victor Salva xxiv.) Dan Schneider xxv.) Chad Shackley xxvii.) Brian Singer xxviii.) Hunter S. Thomson xxix.) Chad Turner xxx.) Bob Villard xxxi.) Martin Weiss
Jeremiah Carter
Daniel Watson
never played bioshock? u play as a guy and u go to underwater city where u pick up a radio where a guy talks to you. and whenever he wants you to do somethink he says "would you kindly" .. kill him etc.
and you do it, not realizing it, but later in game you find out that you've been preprogrammed to respond and always do it if someone says "would you kindly"
I always though that this was only fiction
Carson Myers
Hey it's my pleasure, least I can do is bump and repost stuffs and pray that kek lends his strength and protection to those who are doing serious investigatin'
Noah Johnson
Where did you get this list from, user?
Oliver Ortiz
It be nice if you made a chart when we get enough info about Pedowood
Dominic Martin
ohhh no I never played it myself but now that you mention it I have heard something about that element of the game. shit that is actually extremely creepy.
I'm afraid I haven't made any of these charts myself yet, just collecting them when I find them. But yeah I think the pedowood angle is really just beginning and we already have a lot of strings to pull at... Pretty sure I remember one or more of the "insider" anons and/or larpers encouraging a hard look at Hollywood back when this was all starting
Hudson Collins
Ah okay
Nathan Garcia
Cmon guys
Gabriel Sanchez
I regret I have but one bump to give
Get 'em all Sup Forums
Michael Williams
Grayson Fisher
Even Shep is out to get me?? He always seemed so nice.
Angel Smith
If yall want to help just type in one of the name from the OP pic
it baffles me how do they even find people willing, in hong kong embassy even?
is all of government filled with pedophiles? How were they able to cancel the investigation?
Samuel Ortiz
I'm your huckleberry.
Jordan Rodriguez
who would hurt children for no reason. lol what a bunch of freaks.
Joseph Peterson
Years after his death, however, American readers got a glimpse into Kinski's life with the publication of Kinski Uncut (1996). This disturbing memoir focused many of its pages on Kinski's sexual exploits, including alleged incestuous encounters with his own mother and daughter Nastassja.
>Pedowood: The "Harvard" Of Hollywood Child Acting Schools Is An Apparent Haven For Sex Offenders, Crime
Brandon Jackson
Take the Oath pill.
Jayden White
Blood Magic. Hundreds of years of Abrahamic Indoctrination.
Thomas James
Don't support the Pharmaceutical Jew.
Jonathan Nelson
Nice to see my infographic appreciated. And yes, we need a serious public exposure of modern clandestine tech and activities.
Lincoln Gonzalez
can I get a quick summary?
Asher Allen
I used to work for Oakwood Toluca Hills. I'm not going to disclose what exactly I did because you people are psychopaths. You're barking up a tree so wrong you're not even in the right forest anymore. lmao
Robert Peterson
Wizards were kidnapping children and witches and shit there were fucking tunnels and shit and dead kids. A.P. didn't defend them at the time. 1987. Mafia and Intelligence dropped the case.
Justin Bailey
Michael Campbell
Oh we're in the right forest. We're getting started cutting down trees.
Tyler Parker
Hundreds of years of Cults running things. How can I be clearer.
Brayden Turner
How does being retarded feel? Can you tell you're retarded or do you feel normal?
Thanks for putting it together, it's very well done. And agreed. I am sure they have oodles of crazy technology. I'm wondering more and more about the gangstalking phenomenon.
Bentley Johnson
Meh, whatever if we burn a few lefties in the process eh? People should be aware of this McCarthy style.
Jayden Reed
oh so they are like jews, only letting their own into government?
Adam Rivera
i have a higher i.q. than your mom and dad combined.
Gavin Scott
Nah, Shep has been smug as fuck since November, this pic needs an update. Shep mostly /ourguy/
Jackson Adams
They are Jews. The Cults in themselves come from all sorts of mysterious backgrounds.
Carter Bell
This is actually true. Speech by chief of FBI during the time on satanic ritual child abuse. Also, Greenbaum speech for dissociative identity disorder mind control.
Easton Young
You're only burning near minimum wage staff and some remote IT people.
The most scandalous thing people do at Oakwood Toluca Hills is torrent shit and not understand why the shared network boots them when they exceed the session rate limit.
I really gave this pizzagate shit an open mind at first, but you motherfuckers have gone off the deep end.
Connor Howard
This is known stuff user, if you want to make waves you gotta dig a lot deeper than this.
A couple ideas I had, one, that a better starting point would give you better focus. Need to.connect politicians with celebrities, then did into that celebrity, maybe. Who does Clooney hang out with, would be hard to answer because all of them, so look around a little more. It might be easier starting with the politicians.
Who does Chuck Schumer know in Hollywood because Amy? Who does Ron Wyden from Oregon know? Who does epstein know? Do any of the smaller names like arun rao have celebrity contacts?
Get some kind of a network drawn up, and our will be easier too connect it to clooney, smoke house and Oakwood.
Jordan Taylor
Jewpedia page.
Gabriel Myers
no shit
Jackson Hall
>i really thought children were abused worldwide in ceremonial abuse born only for that reason. >though i don't anymore cause some internet posters are crazy. >i'm average. >with a closed mind.
Joseph Evans
you'd be surprised how many people unironically use Wikipedia.
Isaiah James
he left out Charles Mansons involvement and what he knows about them.
Nolan Harris
I don't trust you, and your comment doesn't add to the conversation.
Daniel Cooper
Government has always had internet control. It's only going to get worse from here. You're going to see the masses used as they always have been in a much more zombified State worship.
Robert Bennett
Juan Ramirez
The mind control people (CIA) eventually aligned with the occult people (Temple of Set, Aquino) to further the techniques. It looks like the history on the occult side is ancient, and on the mind control side goes back to 1935 [Dr. Estabrooks]. The earlier in life it starts the more overwhelming the results. Hence children.