Does she loves him, Sup Forums?
Does she loves him, Sup Forums?
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She cucks him
>trophy wife
Probably not.
HEY thats kind of cute
pres trump is kind of cute
who doesn't love trump?
Maybe. I think she loves Barron too much to leave him.
As much as a woman like her can :(
Barron's going to be her only kid and he might actually have autism which would suck
his autism is kind of cute.
barrons kind of cute
Barron 2048
looks like she pulled a
>lol 2 slow
/our kid/
I hear she has multiple black boyfriends.
How can't she?
I sure the fuck do.
OP is a faggot, too
I think she is just taking her role as flotus seriously , that's why she is not trying to smile so much when the situation doesn't need it .
At the inauguration parade you could see her telling the President to watch the parade , or at least trying to since he kept talking and so forth.
>At the inauguration parade you could see her telling the President to watch the parade , or at least trying to since he kept talking and so forth.
ADD... hes definitely /ourguy/
was that a cat? im hungry.IM LISTENINg JEEZ
God I love him
She loves his money.
me too
does the potus get the chance to have sex with the flotus? would the secret service watch them have sex?
He's a busy man, they have sex with her one his behalf.
>does this mail order trophy bride love her obese 70 year old husband?
what do you think you fucking autist?
I think she's just afraid to put herself out there that much. People hate Trump so much that they look for anything they can say to hurt him including her. She's probably afraid to do or say anything because people just attack every little thing she does. Imagine knowing that every time you open your mouth there's some beta SNL writer getting ready to write some skit to make fun of your accent and paint you as stupid.
> she doesn't do anything to love his money tho, when do you ever see her doing anything crazy lavish normal rich people can't do? Never
> she likes the status of people knowing trump knows powerful people and is based
> obviously money helps but she coulda married a far more attractive rich guy and she was a successful model
> connections user connections
She's a soviet spy
still a better love story than hill-billy
so why do burgers call trump racist if his wife is a slav
...he actually is autistic.... i thought it was just a meme
You are now aware that Barron was high-fiving Melania in a different time-line you're not able to see. He is the chosen one, able to see through all timelines, and will save us from the Bogdanovs.
its sad to think she may not love him. he needs true love
I going to break his marriage. Muh master plan. *snicker*
>love is all about sex appeal
under-age detected
>implying she coun't find a trainload of hot studs to pork her
Because liberal burgers are legit retarded
Guys shut the fuck up.
He's a politican. Why do you care about his personal life? Only in america...