Weed should be legalized at the federal level. It's not addictive, you can't overdose, and it actually heals the body.
Prove me wrong.
Weed should be legalized at the federal level. It's not addictive, you can't overdose, and it actually heals the body.
Prove me wrong.
most people not being edgy here wouldn't disagree
you regressives really know how to stick out though, you should probably go to Sup Forums and get a feel for this place first ;)
>It's not addictive
ys it is
>you can't overdose
yes you can, overdose doesnt mean dying
>it actually heals the body.
sure, but smoking it is bad, the healing power comes from the thc, not how it's used
Yes, but smoking is for retards. Just eat it or something.
It should be decriminalized at the federal level as it's a complete waste of taxpayer money
All the rest of the garbage in OPs post is a lie
>Not addictive
Not AS addictive as heavy narcotics but remember all behaviors are habits & remember what consumes your thoughts controls your life
>Can't overdose
Unless you eat too many edibles and think you're dead while calling the cops on yourself (famous video look it up)
>Actually heals the body
99% of people using "medical" marijuana don't need it whatsoever, i would like to mention CBD oil does positively impact children with seizures
Kill yourself
There are more important problems facing the country right now
It certainly is addictive, but obviously that's nothing new to legal substances. Cannabis changes thought patterns and encourages thinking about things differently, something the big wigs can't have. It's kept that way through popular theological attitudes by the populace who have their entire concept of the very fragile word 'drug' cultivated by said big wigs.
It's not some wonder substance for everyone, but I do believe weed is excellent at helping you looking at the world.
Why smoke weed when you can smoke black dick
Treat it the same way you treat alcohol.
Add a higher tax to it.
Not sure what the big issue is if people decide to smoke every day.
>It's not addictive
Yes it is
I know people hooked on it and have been for years.
Giving up you wont sleep properly for a week, your appetite is that of an anorexic and you get depressed.
Iv gone through it and so have people I know.
then they're some fucking pussies. i smoked heavily for four years and didn't go through any withdraws.
Legalize all drugs and let degenerates fall into adiction and overdoses. Win/Win since we could tax that shit.
>Not addictive
Don't fool yourself.
Weed can do a lot of good things, yet i know a lot of people who have wasted years of their lives because of excessive weed use. Like any "drug" it should be used responsibly.
Weed is not harmless.
It is going to be the ultimate vengeance move...
Currently the FDA claims marijuana has no medical benefit. Study after study and case after case has shown its effectiveness as treatment for multiple diseases but this article isn't about that...
Trump has stated before he believes in the states rights when it comes to marijuana. Now his top picks for FDA head are Jim O'Neil and Srnivasan. O'Neil has ties with Peter Thiel and they are both marijuana advocates.
Having a head of FDA that supports reform would give a whole new scope to the FDA. Here's the kicker, while those opposed to Trump will be lashing out against his information lock down of the FDA, he will come out and say they are going to legalize marijuana. This will throw a curve ball into the face of the opposition. What more do lefties love more than a fat doobie (maybe a free fat doobie)?
What will he do with all the tax revenue that comes in from marijuana reform? He will build his wall, and it will be funded by stoners. The same people who ridicule his plan for building a wall will pay for it. Isn't that just genius?
"We have the best weed here. We really do. Why should we get it from other countries? We can grow it here. Let's make weed great again America."
>said no alcoholic or junkie ever.
Ive smoked weed for like 8 years, very very heavily for some of that, and i will tell you now that it is definitely addictive, though less than most other substances. I agree with you that it should be legal but it should be made clear that there are reprocusions just like we do with darts and liqs
Yeah and there are people who smoke cigs for decades and don't get lung cancer.
Your anecdote doesn't mean shit faggot.
A stoner funded wall is GENIUS
cig smokers don't get labeled as felons and go to jail
5 words: Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
Its just another method for the jews to mindcontrol the whites.
You are destroying the white race if you smoke weed.
It's addictive. It's not like, super addictive, but if you rely on it for pain relief or depression relief your gonna have a bad time going off it, for some people.
Also smoking is damageing my lungs.
I still agree, should be legal and off schedule 1.
>It's not addictive
Oh, that must be why everybody I know who smokes weed doesn't talk about it all the time and isn't obsessed with it.
I don't give a flying fuck if its legalized, but cut the fucking bullshit. Dont give me this fake horsecock about, like, good it is for you maaaan, or how it cures fucking aidscancer and has literally no bad effects.
You can smoke it, but dont pretend it makes you anything but a dull smelly piece of shit who will heed the weed's every beck and call.
Daily reminder that if you're against weed legalization you are most likely
>straight edge faggot whose ass burns at the thought of other people having fun with chemicals
>loner autist in high school that saw all the cool kids smoke weed and never got invited to any parties
>alcoholic who can't smoke weed because of his retarded tradesjob that forces him to drug test every week
>stormcuck in his mom's basement who thinks pot is a jewish liberal scheme to turn everyone gay
>former weed smoker who quit and decided pot was what made him unproductive but never realized he was a loser in the first place
There is literally no other reason why you would be against weed in the year 2017. Don't use the conservative bible-thumper excuse either - even conservative states like Montana and Alaska are pushing marijuana legalization. You're just a social outcast blaming a plant for his problems.
Everyone who smokes weed regularly is a colossal loser but I can't prove that weed did it to them. They might have been colossal loses before they started smoking.
I don't want to emulate them either way.
a stoner funded economy or at least 4 year boom is awesome idea, also part of the money can go towards the mars mission.
Calexit when?!??
Hi guys, I drive my car high as a kite more often than not. Does this make me a degenerate?
It is a simple case of State's rights vs. Federal overreach, and the States should be in charge of determining what they want and don't want going on within their borders.
That includes the federal income tax, fuck that 100% jew approved scam.
There is so much more important shit that needs to be fixed in the world but all you care about is
>muh weed
Stoners should be hanged
wtf does a "weed overdose" look like then? I have never heard that "overdosing" be it dying or otherwise is possible in any way
But there is 0 reason for weed to be illegal while alcohol is legal. Makes absolutely no sense.
> legalizing weed is real, there should be a way to monitor THc levels like a breathalyzer tho because you can get retarded stoned, for purposes of operating a vehicle over a certain limit and such, no problem legalizing it tho
> watching the 3 generations from now become meth advocates is kinda hard to stomach tho
> or adderall from gas stations
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
Yeah, you can OD on anything, but you will just pass out or just stop moving for a few hours if you smoke too much weed
7 weeks off the reefer. Fucked my sleep pattern up for 3 weeks, barely ate for 1 week, and my focus was shit for 1 week as well. Took me 6 weeks to piss clean. Still have rolling bouts of anxiety and depression. 10 years of use at 7-14grams/week.
Why do i always have high anxiety when i get high?
Weed is for degenerate losers. Incoming redpill; Grow weed and make money off of losers and degenerates with piss-stained pjs.
>pic related
My current degenerate crop
How is it addictive? I smoked it regularly for few months, then I got bored, I haven't had a joint since November.
Same for my friends.
Doesn't look terribly addictive. Of course this is anecdotal but I never heard of weed addiction.
This may be so crazy that it might work
High quality post
>and it actually heals the body.
except for the crippling panic and other psychiatric schizo shit it does to some people
i don't think agent goldberg should be able to tell everyone not to do this or that, but you weed fags are so retarded about this shit
>i-it helps me be, like, so creative, man! i think, fuck, study, and work, like, soooo mucher better on the weeeed, man
If we made weed legal across the board we could pay for the wall in the first year. One more thing Mexican't will lose out on.
inb4 faggot mexinomics
Because you smoke shitty weed or because you don't smoke it in good company or it just works badly for you.
You should legalize all the other drugs while you are at it.
much like unemployment it greatly influences the behaviour of the addict, making them lazy, sleepy and generally inert
smoking weed increases your heart rate and I guess this is what making you feel anxious
Ate a small piece of an edible the other day and i felt like i was going to have a heart attack and was freaking out. Same thing happened to me when i took a bong hit.
>not addictive
Stoner here. It is pretty mentally addictive if you are used to doing it like every day. Been trying to cut back how often I smoke, how much I smoke, and how much I buy. It isn't too bad every now and then, but it mostly comes down to self control. It's kind of on the same level of eating habits/video game habits. They aren't physically addicting, as in you have no withdrawl symptoms, but you will still really want to do them in your mind.
Why aren't you growing opium you self detonating camel fucker?
I used to smoke every single day, I toned it way down to once or twice a month tops.
I'm all for legalization, especially in my country if nothing less to take the market away from the mafia; however, pot does make you unproductive.
Apathy is a side effect of weed, I know this from direct experience (I don't even look at scientific studies on marijuana anymore, they're all strongly biased and/or inconclusive)
Also, it actually is a gateway drug, although maybe not at a physiological level:
>you smoke so much weed you build a tolerance and you get used to the effects
>you find something else to replicate the euphoria of the first times
>in my experience it was ecstasy (not me because I'm not a degenerate, I have willpower and I've never smoked that much, but lots of my friends have)
>you start doing that at the club, at house parties, whenever
>that gets boring too
>switch to coke
I've predicted this exact evolution since they first started smoking weed
Some of em also started smoking raw heroin or maybe it's opium
I'm degenerate
I smoke a bit to much
But this bullshit needs to stop, it does not heal the body
Pain relieve for certain conditions,yes but
Also weed itself isn't bad but the people you come into contact with through that shit is bad
Hey faggot, why don't you do something about it and quit smoking your marijuana plant. Fucken stoners are so fucken lazy and just wants people to legalize it for them.
weed is just like every other intoxicant and retards will abuse it, but here is the deal, if they want to get fucked up beyond repair every day then who but them has a right to stop their destructive behavior?
Who will stand up and say "I am in charge of your well being without consent or clear intent beyond a vague moral position of superiority".
Those are just shitty personalities. It has nothing to do with the substance.
If they didn't smoke weed, they'd waste time playing video games, or sniffing glue, or getting drunk.
But why should I, a normal guy, be banned from doing something because a small minority goes overboard?
Just admit it, you're against weed because it's part of "I'm so conservative and anti-degenerate" package. Like most of people here.
How about thinking for yourself?
Kys faggot hope that shit stays illegal fuck pot heads
>yes you can, overdosing doesn't mean dieing
Holy hell, just stop. You are grasping at straws dude. You can't OD on bud and you know it. This is common knowledge.
You must be 18+ to post here
When you eat it effects are stronger. I don't know bro, I don't know you personally.
I got bad trips when I wasn't with right people (to get high with).
When I'm in good company it's nice. But I prefer alcohol, weed kinda got boring.
Its the equivalent of banning guns because a few cucks shot some kids in a no guns allowed zone.
then just don't do it again. seems like your brain can't handle it
You smell of reddit. Go back hippie
Weed is a non issue
>>i-it helps me be, like, so creative, man! i think, fuck, study, and work, like, soooo mucher better on the weeeed, man
Well in moderate amounts it does make you more creative and it does enhance all those things you mentioned
I got my best ideas while high, but thing is you need to be sober to actually make something out of them
the repeating last two digits of undeniable correctness
You smell of pig, go back to fucking them.
I'm a libertarian, bro; for all I care they can OD on pure heroin all day erry day as long as I don't have to foot the bill
like I stated here there is no way under current circumstances to legalize anything
>comparing something used for self defence to some shit smelly stoners use to avoid life
Top fucking kek stoners are literally retarded
>wtf does a "weed overdose" look like then?
Anything above a comfortable\intended dosage. Try dabs if you don't believe there's such a thing as too much.
just finished smoking a joint ;)
>It's non addictive
When will this meme end. Any substance that causes euphoria and dopamine release can easily become psychologically addictive. I've been smoking about every day for the last 6 months or so. I'm currently on day 5 of stopping and this shit is tough. I can only manage to eat around one meal per day, and its really hard for me to fall asleep.
The feds should not have a say in what I can put in my body.
I really wish government bootlickers would commit mass suicide.
So much true to the sober part being a necessity.
Why are you so concerned what other people do with their lives, unless their behaviour is clearly anti-social and damaging to society?
Problem with some drugs is that they alter behaviour in a negative way or are highly addictive.
Weed doesn't really do that. Lazy fuck smoking weed will just be a lazy fuck who's high. Laziness is the problem, not the weed.
Agree with you user.
>weed isn't addictive
I've worked with people who had to smoke before work, would smoke on their lunch break, talk about how they ---couldn't sleep at night if they didn't smoke----
My God, it's as if you replace weed with alcohol you've got an alcohol, but no, weed is totally safe, man, like, you know, science.
Truth right here. And that's only six months, There are people who have been smoking daily for decades. I personally found it easier to quit cigs than weed.
I know a guy like that. Guess what, he gets addicted to anything.
It's called addictive personality.
Fuck off degenerate.
Its is addictive, just look at the stoner """"culture"""".
These creatures are so addicted to weed that their whole life is based on it.
>When will it be legal?
>G-guys its not as bad as
>It heals the body, atleast my Shaman told me so
>I need more money, because I am already out of it, life sucks...
>Hehe better show everybody how much I like weed by wearing hippi shit 24/7
It takes me like 3 days max to quit cold turkey after some appetite and sleep problems
Stop being an addict
Try some melatonin supplements, I'm on day 5 and they're definitely helping my sleep patterns.
Because it effects me. When society becomes lazy as fuck because of legal weed and causes even more people to leech off the system it effects me. When public areas smell like shit because of legal weed it effects me.
>weed isn't addictive
>laziness is the problem, not weed
Coffee increases productivity. Adderal makes you focus. Weed makes you lazy.
Sick and tired of the "lol bro it doesnt effect u why do u care" meme. Yes it does effect me. So yes I'll care, and i'll make sure to vote know when i see it on the ballot.
>has negro in his countries name
>shilling for weed
But in all seriousness, the drug should be outlawed simply for its prime use in thug/ghetto culture. Non-addictive? Please, I grew up in the hood and nogs smoke that shit almost as much as they smoke tobacco. Maybe it hits me closer to home because I have lost family to minor drug disputes but I cant really see why it should be allowed for recreational use, with all the problems it causes in society. If you can find a way to keep out of the hands of 15 year olds and deal with crime it causes in suburban areas ill accept it being legalized.
When using caffiene+adderal I like to play video games
when using weed I like to make music
This. This so fucking much. Fuck weed and fuck stoners. Sick and tired of these "libertarians" who just bitch and moan about wanting legal weed.
>making music
Implying thats productive top fucking kek
>and it actually heals the body.
Weed smokers are known to emit a noxious odor in the immediate area around them, a clear sign of bad health.
add to it
>people that literally won't feel any effect from smoking weed, except for barfing a couple hours later
>It's not addictive, you can't overdose, and it actually heals the body
It is. You can. It doesn't.
You have many retarded subcultures formed around many things that are legal.
I'll say it again: you people are opposed to weed only because it's part of the package.
Or alternatively because you're asocial and you never had a chance to try it or friends to get high with.
In any case you offer zero arguments.
Ban smoking in public areas. There.
As to the rest of your arguments, they are non-arguments. Society won't get lazy if weed is legalized.
Just like society isn't drunk 24/7 because of alcohol. Only some people are.
Why don't you agitate for banning alcohol?
I can smell the failure and apathy from here
I guess all you do is watch tv all day while getting wasted on cheap whiskey? Wow, nice way to relax when you get home from work!
Weed is an antiemitic, and is used by cancer patients in part for this exact reason.
>everyone who watches anime owns body pillows and jerks of to lolis
>everyone who likes beer drinks 5 different kinds daily and only talk about brewing
>everyone who watches sports makes rooting for their team their life
wow it's almost like their are people who make something they like their identity no matter what it is
most people who smoke weed aren't like that.
explain this .....
>Use drug
>Be interested in convincing people to not throw you in jail, getting you evicted, and losing your job for using it
What degenerate stoner scum!
>heals the body
What the fuck do you think it is, a fucking health potion?