Ausfags have once again achieved a new level of shitposting.
We Did it
>that gut
Fat cunt.
Here's your average """white""" supremacist
Holy shit this is in Adelaide. Was just at that spot. What is going on?
I was just there too. I think I saw you, were you the colossal fag?
Fight me m8
But seriously just got off work, actually something habbenin in Radelaide?
Holy fuck is this in rundle mall
Courageous fat boy, although Adelaide isn't cucked really is it.
no idea
That kid must lose some weight
There was a protest against Trump in Rundle Mall, people chanting and shit. I think something was on channel 7 earlier.
looks like hes been losing weight judging by his skin.
Adelaide is relevant!
Guy on the left
>who the fuck is that fatty and why is he all gren???
Dammit, something actually happened in SA, and I missed it.
user what the fuck are you waiting for, go out there and take a pic of the guy!
Fuck off Melbourne.
Just looks like a disgusting fat body to me.
how the fuck are there so many cunts from adelaide on here? there's not even that many people in SA
someone go down there and tell him to at least pull his pants up over his slab of fat gut, shit is making me nauseous
what else do we have to do?
>no source
That didn't happen.
i watched and an aussie shitpost himself yesterday while arguing with an israeli in my thread
was this yesterday?
did you type this with your nutsack?
why the fuck are they even protesting trump? how boring are their lives?
very boring. There is nothing to do in Adelaide.
It did
>photographic evidence
>didn't happen
You have no fucking idea. Adelaide literally has nothing of significance to do except wine tours and late night Thursday shopping.
no i got distracted
>shopping center
>buy something expensive then protest
but every city in Australia has wine tours.
That is easily done in Photoshop.
yeah but Adelaides are special because you have to fly to bum-fuck nowhere then drive to out of bum-fuck to the middle-of-fuck-all to get to the wine so it feels like an adventure
So was fatty for or against Trump?
Here's your average mexican
but we've got that in Melbourne too.
>feels like an adventure
an adventure is going in the woods or the ghetto at night
just a counter protest for lulz?
He's definitely lost some serious weight. Still fat but he's lost quite a bit of it but then again who would expect a bong to be able to admit when he's wrong.
Nah cause melbourne isn't bum-fuck nowhere. Like, you might actually have another reason to go to Melbourne
This isn't anti-trump, this is irl ironic shitposting.
At least you can leagally grow your own weed I guess.
we can? sheeeiiiiiitt
Wtf is going on
important shitposting
I.S.P Important Shitposting, you wouldn't understand YANK.
Pepe is fat, skinny, muscly and everything in-between; he represents us all.
He's green, though. No disgusting brown, yellow, pink or white.
I can't. It's just decriminalised for growing 1 plant. You still get a fine and it confiscated
pull your pants up
This nigger better be wearing sunscreen
You convicts are strange
How do you fags even do it?
I-I don't wear pants, user.
>Adelaide being posted here
fuck off cunt, this stunt is embarrassing. Check your autism please and never show your face in public again.
Radelaide is surprisingly relevant online. In a chat with a bunch of ausfags and 3/4 of us are SA fags
[spoiler]W-what suburb are you from...?
Glynde reporting in.
the most important event in adelaides history t b h
Happy valley
Shit posting from the RAH
>I could be surrounded by Sup Forumsacks
How did your sex change operation turn out?
Gawler standing by.
I'd say they all need gfs but I also don't want them to breed
Get better soon, user.
I know of at least one guy that probably browses here. Post pro-Trump, Red Pill stuff all the time.
Its just another pepe.
good, thanks for donating your dick, even though you never used it.
lol what a loser
not sick brah, I work here
Kew East coming in!
Well bantered m8.
Fat cunt.
I walked past this on the way home today.
Also saw a few people in red infowars tops.
Was this a thing or just some shitposting?
Fat Cunt the Great
>he doesn't type with dick
Yeah Yank go have a wank.
He's got some nice tactical boots on.
Trump see's this
Retweets on twitter
With the caption
'Lovely support from Australia, wish pther countries showed this much support, this is why Australia is a great ally'
Aus shitposting triples.
>infowars tops.
This could be the same mob that did those chemtrail protests a while ago.
Pls someone tweet this to Trump or Trump junior
>trying to make fat jokes
Self awareness is overrated anyway
>that's a 10/10 in Austrailia
hmMMm its almost as if it was intentionally ironic
not really most young guys here are jacked, it would be a real pain in the arse if women had critical thinking skills
Don't you just want to tongue that belly button and lick him clean?
AYyyy pinnk sunglasses user reporting in
Top kek
What a time to be alive...
meme he has become
he has crossed the intermemal barrier
all praise his fatness
What an embarrassing body shape.
Sounds like you check a lot of young guys out in your spare time.
No homo?
exposed mammaries
protruding nipples
very disgraceful