Friendly reminder that the mainstream retards and lefty redditors have flooded this board...

Friendly reminder that the mainstream retards and lefty redditors have flooded this board. If you're seeing lots of anti-trump crap, it isn't because he's doing a bad job. It's because he's winning too much, and these faggots can't do anything to stop it but post rage threads on a Syrian Midget Porn website.

Bump for awareness.

kek loving all this salt hope they never leave

I hear our old friends are back in business but maybe with a new name

Same, but we have to be sure not to let these cucks and SJWs change the narrative when they spam in greater numbers. Sup Forums has gone mainstream with the election, and that means an influx of butthurt libs trying to feel like they are changing something despite being helpless.

Cucksquad? Or maybe Left Behind?

>Friendly reminder that the mainstream retards and lefty redditors have flooded this board. If you're seeing lots of anti-trump crap, it isn't because he's doing a bad job. It's because he's winning too much, and these faggots can't do anything to stop it but post rage threads on a Syrian Midget Porn website.

Yep.... this happens basically any time Sup Forums asserts its will in the wider world.

We have dealt with multiple incursions over the bast half a decade, although this one has lasted longer, to be honest.

You get used to it if you post here enough.

>Syrian Midget Porn website.


Is out great nation losing jobs and health insurance winning? I didn't support any candidate, but Trump is the only one who followed through. Is Trump really just the same old same old with an orange face? Will any act or policy remain intact for more than 4 years at a time or will we just ping pong until the flat earth loses it's atmosphere?

other than issuing a bunch of stupid executive orders nobody will enforce, what has he done?

Fact check: True.

They've also been out heavy with the climate change and atheism posts.

Yep. Look into "American Bridge". It's Brock's new gig and has had job advertisements for paid Reddit trolls.

Look into

American Bridge. They're the lefts big new troll army. Brock's new outfit.

They specifically say their mission is "monitoring what Republicans say." That's the current spawn point for these shit mobs. Go say "Hi".

>My opinions aren't wrong and Trump makes no mistakes, it's all shills and SJWs

This is "SJW-Tier paranoia : the post"

>says the mexican

Nah, burrito. When you see actual job postings for paid trolls, a sudden influx of tonal shift after major events? Inductive reasoning is a hell of a thing.

They're just lonely Sup Forumstards desperate for (You)s

bump cuz fuck Brok & his shills

OP I already know this. I will never be swayed


Brock's current venture is American Bridge. It's the new CTR.

Saw job postings for paid internet trolls.

Or maybe its the Russian shills in overdrive cos daddy putin wants his oil money


No. Get fucked. It's leftist trolls.


>Friendly reminder that the mainstream retards and lefty redditors have flooded this board. If you're seeing lots of anti-trump crap, it isn't because he's doing a bad job. It's because he's winning too much, and these faggots can't do anything to stop it but post rage threads on a Syrian Midget Porn website.
