Mike Pence: Gay Conversion Therapy Saved My Marriage


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So, basically, he's a latent faggot.

Holy shit. This is the first known gay VP.


Leftist scum BTFO!

Why is the left so obsessed with outing conservatives? so what if he was gay? I thought it was a social crime to question someone's sexuality?

Seems pretty intolerant to me..

Your numbers will dwindle, my numbers will rise
Faggotry is a disease, only a retard denies
That the sanctity of a holy marriage only applies
To that of a man and a woman. Quit trying to revise
The meaning of the word to suit your agenda
It's just an excuse to fuck someone of the same genda'
Yes, I get it, you're a sissy bender
Quit telling me how you like being fucked until your ass is tender
I don't care. Why marry anyway? Marriage is for cucks
I'd just find a hooker if I wanted a few sucks
If I was a fag, I'd find a gay bar and save a few bucks
Instead of giving up my whole life for a few fucks
Your movement is pointless, so are your new rights
Nobody cares what you do when you turn out the lights
So shut up or I'll choke you to death with your own tights
We don't need your faggotry to shoot up to new heights
If there was ever a god, he would hate all you queers
Spare me the tears, you've been shedding them for years
They got you the right to sodomize your peers
Now do it somewhere else and spare me the pain in my ears

Stop posting fake news


cool flag

Like all men he looks at Eve. Gets pissed. Looks at himself. Looks at the boys who did what they were supposed to. That they're Christians and mgtow'ing with themselves. Their kind. Unlike Eve. Their using surrogacies etc. At the snake. And then throw tantrums for 6000 years contemplating where it all went wrong. Christ>vaginas


And then become "grab em" sodomites. He's a fag and this is the worst presidency ever

it's satire, retards. check out the stories on the side bar.
checked, op.


Literally fake news though

It is more believable that like ALL other right wing hypocrite assholeries, he is a closeg case trap loving literal faggot woman pissbed mother fucker than muh fake news


Can you shock straight people into being gay? Do most people struck by lightning, change sexualties? I need to know!

This. non-reading amerifats.


Gay conversion therapy is essential to the foundation of a self-sustained white ethnostate.

We need to add trap conversion therapy too for all the futa/faggot dressup fetishists here also.

You have to try harder.

ITT: nu-Sup Forums is easily b8ed

fag here, i'd honestly fuck pence. he's actually pretty cute, his retarded smile is adorable.


>listened to Wham
Fake and gay. Everybody knows this is Mike Pence's favourite album.

His wife has a sore ass, that's for sure.

Sorry buddy, you're still getting clamped.

Speaking of closet cases who love traps, reminder thar Ramz Paul seriously posted this.

gonna need a better source than than that


Fake and gay. OP is a faggot in need of shock therapy.

>trap therapy

No. Traps are redpilled and adorable.

t. faggot


fuck you nigger




We should wall off canada too.