Jewish gf

>You will never be jewish.
>tfw no jewish gf

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I love that instagram feed so much.

>>You will never be jewish.
Are you retarded? Literally anyone can convert to Judaism. Sinead O'Connor is jewish now. I bet she regrets that now that liberals hate jews again.

The israeli ones are beautiful. New York Jews turn into literal merchant memes the older they get.

Who is behind this post?

beats me

I'd like to Mossad her Assad.

photoshop, ugly as fuck.

Anyone can, in theory, but they're very picky about it because it's a blood covenant and all

Tfw no cute jewish model gf to visit auschwitz together and laugh at the tourists who take the whole promo-tour

Nothing of value was lost, besides i quite enjoy my foreskin.

Well Germany if only you felt that way 70 years ago maybe you'd have one

that nose is pretty gross, bro

higher majority Europeans are better

>posts photo of a spic..kys

What did you mean by this?

A country with compulsory military service for every teenager they have should, in theory, provide the hottest women in the world. They have absolutely no idea to become overweight.

Unlike some countries I LIVE IN

why would I desire someone outside my ethno-cultural group for anything but the old pump'n'dump?

Just become a Hollywood star then you can convert my German user.

3rd post in 1 hour about "how good are jews" makes me wonder

My ex was an Israeli Jew, served in the military and all. She was mean spirited though and made fun of me for being redpilled, said how she wore the pants in the relationship and led me around, just like Israel did with the US.



maybe serphardic mutt
they're slightly mediterranean

reminder to type in "sage" in the 'Options' field before posting

Fuck off jidf

Your country is still semite shithole

You have to go back JIDF saged...

So, if i convert to judaism i get an israeli passport right?
Do i have to get a circumcision too? That'd be a nogo.

You're not a Jew for converting and you won't have birthright to Israel.


>implying you didn't enjoy the taunting

It takes 7 years for a male to convert.

moar pls


>An actual JIDF thread

It's been too long. Hello, (((darkness))), my old friend.

I thought that muslims hated jews


what if i get a 23andme test which says I'm 0.1% ashkenazi?

>I'm 0.1% ashkenazi

Literally nothing

Dont all women?

you dont have to write exactly from the booklet JIDF handed you. try to be creative.

Oh hey, another chance to shill this great RT documentary about how Israeli women are abusing their men with the help of the state.

Those are the best Jew Broads they got , literally the best of the best……So sad , so true.
It's why Jew dudes try to poach gentiles.

well jewish women are the most degenerate of the lot so i might be able to be a jewess' goy toy for a while if i'd desire it

but who would want to do a jew?

Have you ever been to Israel? There are girls like this everywhere.

Why aren't you there then Jew?

Why live?

Because I'm not dumb enough to ruin my life in one country just to speak to some hot girls?

its not even the same woman

At least you admit how horrible Jewish women are.
