"If Trump invades Mexico, we'll unite the Zetas, Jalisco, Sinaloa and Gulf cartels and fuck up Big Cheeto"
Are you afraid of Mexico Sup Forums?
"If Trump invades Mexico, we'll unite the Zetas, Jalisco, Sinaloa and Gulf cartels and fuck up Big Cheeto"
Are you afraid of Mexico Sup Forums?
>spic drug cartels can withstand the god emperors wrath
lol yeah right
War when?
>Big Cheeto
thats pretty good
Degenerate brown crime families vs. The United States military. To be frank, I think it'll work out.
Please, Kek Above, make this happen.
not in the slightest. Your shit army doesnt stant a chance.
>mexican cartels have access to air strikes, high ordinance naval fleets, drones and high powered armor and artillery
We dont even need boots on the ground to turn Mexico into Somalia 2.0
As much as Mussolini was scared from Italian mafia. As long as the state is united those criminals don't stand a chance. They can only play tough in a lawless land.
cokeheads btfo
>spic cartels subside almost entirely off money made by smuggling into the US
>implying they will even have food if the US armed forces lines the wall and shoots everything that moves
Correction: Lawless and unarmed land.
Kek confirmed
>Mexico is Somalia 2.0
Kek wills the Mexican-American war
Please, give us a reason to invade Mexico. It's about time we annex or nuke that shithole.
>Spic drug cartels "uniting"
Does this kid really speak for the drug cartels? "Cause I'm betting not.
>cartels have official twitter
Explain this.
>Meanwhile one airborne division is dropped on Mexico City, one infantry division marches into Sonara and a Marine division lands at Veracruz
Good try Mexico.
Why would we invade mexico we're try to stop any and all contact with them
So the Cartels have the means to control the airspace over Mexico now?
We manufacture all the weapons they use and provide all their drug money, and they're 5'2" and have the 80 IQ of niggers.
And as a burger i'll fucking eat whatever taco cheeto you send at us
There you go - looks like this wall business is actually a provocation to get the mexican cartels to publically unite and threaten the US, allowing the military to come in and destroy them once and for all.
It would be a three day war, because Saturday and Sunday we'd be enjoying our weekend.
All Mexican drug cartels work the US intelligence agencies. If Trump invades Mexico they'll just be relocated to Afghanistan to protect the poppy farms
@jack is a terrorist
Is this nigga serious?
best timeline
I'm sure the US military is shaking in their boots at the thought of fighting spics with machetes lol
For the 300 mile buffer zone/no man's land we'd get out of it.
Who the fuck is this beaner
wtf i love cartels now
Also, it's sad when Mexicans realize the only strength they have is their criminal organizations. Not their military. Not their Government. Not their religious institutions.
Yeah because that shit worked out so well for the shitskins in the middle east. We all know shitskins are incapable of unification. They'll eat each other alive.
From the halls of Montezuma...
can't wait to take a nuclear bomb bulldozer to all of this shit. i don't want a single one of them left alive, or any trace of them ever existing.
i want it turned into more white Texas and Oklahoma
Mexico exists at all at the discretion of the U.S., so not so much.
USA has invested so much money and training in guerilla warfare. Cartels would not stand a fucking chance. 1/10th would defect the second CIA started bribing them and UAVs bombed their friends.
An actual war would cut their revenue completely. The reason they exist is to make money. They aren't ideological like muslim terrorists so it would basically be about "mexican pride" which wouldn't last a few drone bombings.
Is that California?
white phosphorous across mexico when?
>invades mexico
never would happen. we'd just drone you like we do the muslims.
West Texas maybe
Narcos can't even deal with fat policemen armed with revolvers, a single Navy Seal team could take out the entire cartels with 0 casualties.
The people of Mexico would probably welcome an invasion if that means killing off the narcos.
some spic hooverville in mexico (aka the illegitimately spic occupied White American Freedom Strait)
Oh no, it'll be the full force of the US military against a bunch of disorganized, rival spic gangs.
Why would anyone want to invade mexico? It's already falling apart.
We cant invade i really love cocaine and soap operas.
>Strung out spics that can't even hold weapons properly
>The U.S. finest.
The fuck do you think
We have enough artillery to flatten that shithole in a day.
These spics talk big game for being such manlets.
it's called finishing the job
Problem is that Narcos essentially drive the Mexican economy outside of their oil ( which is doing shitty at the moment ).
Kill all the narcos and you could see Mexico becoming the next humanitarian crisis.
Don't Mexicans realize that the cartels would be nothing without their imperial backers?
Do you want to get droned?
Because this is how you get droned.
we all must make sacrifices user
You'll have to excuse mexicans, they have what we call, retardation.
>Mexico becoming the next humanitarian crisis.
that's why you kill every single on of the fuckers.
Good. Gather them all up so we can kill them better.
cartels think theyre top shit because they shot up some taco stand and a police officer that wanted to go home. they cant bribe trumpo, they will all get killed in a matter of drone strikes and they will have to 360 back to where they came from
Holy crap that looks creepy
That's sad. I have family from Mexico (well old Mexico) and the place was no White 1950's America but from what I've been told, it was a pretty decent place. It now has become such a shitshow.
To War!!!!!
James K. Polk is laughing his ass off rn
those mexicans look pretty white
Good Lord on Earth.....this is disgusting, even gooks know how to build to preserve space.
You cant play guerrilla warfare without locals help.
Between american and cartels i think mexicans will choice USA.
if this is one of mexicos intellectuals we should be scared
Lol no
They can barely beat the fucking mexican government
>turn Mexico into Somalia 2.0
Trump making two countries great again?
Secretary of Defense Mad Dog Mattis would scorched earth Mexico so hard in the first days that the entire fucking country would shut down and beg for the opportunity to serve as American slaves for their audacity in challenging us.
>Zetas, Jalisco, Sinaloa and Gulf cartels have literally killed, tortured and raped each other's friends and family in nightmarishly brutal ways that has driven them completely insane with hate
>They'll put all that aside and unite because "Big Cheeto"
Of course they will. Drumpf btfo! How will senor ever recover?
Lol this, the only reason they exist is because the CIA makes money off them
>mexican warlocks
I don't think you realize what kind of hell can be raised
Are Mexicans afraid of Apache helicopters and drones?
Good, give the God Emperor a reason to nuke Mexico to the stone age.
The point was America could conqure Mexico without needing to activate any units or move any troops from their deployments. America could L I T E R A L L Y conquer Mexico with pocket change
Well it depends. Why would mexicans care about their own people that they are killing and neglecting? Because some cheeto disrespected them for saying they'll pay for a wall? I don't think so. They just care about money. Trump would probably turn the tables by paying the cartels handsomely to KILL their own people lol and then kill the cartels them later down the road.
why would the cia backed cartels turn on their masters?
When has the CIA ever done something that hasn't blown up in their faces?
>Call him Big Cheeto
>Trump laughs, proceeds to nuke burrito
No one's afraid of Mexico
As much as I hate Mexico you guys realize this would just end up in another long, drawn out 4-8 year war like Iraq. It would end with millions of Mexican refugees going to Europe and America in 2024 when Trump has reached his term limit
Brown people are being used as a means of biological warfare against us
Too bad drug cartels can't into quantitative easing
One time they blew up JFK's face
We need a special brand name for what we're going to do to you aztec subhumans soon, like what Brexit had
Spain for example would end up with millions of Mexican refugees I'm sure.
> not thinking any big drug lord in America isn't known by US government and owes us chunks to even run their business....
> I'll drug industry is largest in the world
> thinking Mexicans run it
> top kek