Um, sweetie, you can stop now with the racist executive orders now

Um, sweetie, you can stop now with the racist executive orders now.

We get it. You hate people of color.

Message received loud and clear hun. Maybe start focusing on actually improving the country?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Maybe start focusing on actually improving the country?

thats what he does, nigger

It's going to get expanded so much that it's a crime not being white

>Maybe start focusing on actually improving the country?

He is, he's getting rid of Mexicans.

Why do you sound like someon I dont even want to argue with and just punch in the face?

>muh racism

>even the smuggy posts are resorting to begging

I'm still not tired of winning.


Trump won't last long.

it goes hand in hand I'd say

pol beta orbiters every time


Fuck off, CTR.

Deporting spics improves the country sweetie

Illegals are criminals and would be killed by any border patrol before 1945, even before 1970.

>people entering a country illegally isn't an illegal act


> He can't deport 13million immigrants!
> The Clinton's would never do this!
> mfw Bill Clinton had 12.8 Million immigrants deported


Weak bait... Troll harder next time, kike

>illegal immigrant
>not a criminal

I hate this meme. It is not a hard concept, already in the name.

That's when you realize that 13 million number is bullshit and it's most likely 2-3x that in reality.

He didn't win the debates. It was first Hillary second tie, third donnyboy

>Maybe start focusing on actually improving the country?

doesn't removing illegal, anti-american shitskins fit the bill?

>Maybe start focusing on actually improving the country?

What does it look like we're doing?

Getting criminals out would improve the country you giant faggot.

>1 post by this ID

good night alt-right
>pic related
We anti-fascists are taking over your board!

Actually he did, Muhammad.
And now fuck off and kys.



Afraid to post a link to fake news, sweetie?

Carlos Slim really seems to be on your pea brain tonight.







Pls KEK make this happen!


Schluchtenscheisser raus, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

My mother already went through menopause, nice try

It's b8 m8


Um sweetie, you can stop with the virtue signaling crap posts now.

>Maybe start focusing on actually improving the country?

But that's exactly whats happening...Sweetie

considering that most of america isn't white, I doubt it'll happen.

Remember, if your eyes are brown/dark, you're not white.

Reminder that only if your skin is not white are you not not white

brown eyes detected.

sorry for your nigger blood.


My eyes are Blue with yellow centers senpai.

When will they learn


This has truly been the worst year of forced memes so far. The creativity here has gone beyond the shitter. Be ashamed of yourselves.

>We get it. You hate people of color.

No, it's clear you don't get it at all, but then, that's probably because you are likely a female, and that's a definite mental handicap.

looool Mehmet please, go back to turkey



What did you say to me?

Only a mere 8 years, WEW LAD.

thats a good idea actually


>the passive-aggressive prog language
I fucking love this meme

So nice that shitskins are being persecuted

uhhhh cupcake, you don't get to bring subhumans.

This new culture of no source in OP is really annoying.

But that's exactly what he's doing. Gosh, I hope I'm the first person in this thread to say exactly this.

My eyes are like pic related.

Am I white enough to not be gassed?

"p-please stop"

Basically anyone of Hispanic heritage should be looked at suspiciously. What we need to do is find everyone who is Hispanic and make them provide a family tree with birth certificates and immigration papers. If they don't have legal immigration papers in their family line gas them or send them back to whatever subhuman culture-less shithole country they originate from.

> 1 post by this ID

Is Vienna based overrun these days? How's the day-to-day there?

a fucking leaf falls
sadness overwhelms it now
soon one with the dirt

How would the left react if Trump banned Abortion only for white couples. They can't really call him out on it

Getting rid of shitskins is improving the country.

Bless your heart.

>be me
>be chink
>be racist
>use race card whenever someone calls me out for being racist
>works every single time
>mfw retarded cucks are scared of standing up against my undeniable nazi and anti-black/muzzy beliefs because muh minorities

>mfw a "German" preaches his shit opinion near me
Why are you all such horrible cucks.

Holy shit.

sucked by fucking leaf
molested dog barks at night
justin looks and laughs

i thought the chinks cant use muh racism card?

Fucking MSM.

They are angry he is actually doing what he promised to? Guess this is a shocker for them.

I call Asians out as being racist every day. Asians are the most privileged class in America according to all studies, they are the new jews... Dare I say.

Don't try to pretend you guys are much better than Germany. You have plenty of "refugee" shitskins as well and one just got off the hook for raping a little boy at the pool and your government is trying to seize some woman's property just because Hitler circumstantially lived there as a kid

fucking kiwi
>he will not recover Colorado
>he will not recover Khan
could you be more illiterate?

>will never run for president
>will never survive calling some Mexicans rapists and criminals
>will never poll higher than 10%
>will never poll higher than 20%
>odds makers say Jeb Bush will be the nominee
>will be doped by the Pope
>will never survive attacking McCain
>will drop out before the first debate
>will never survive the first debate
>woill never survive not making the pledge
>Ben Carson won the 1st debate
>will never survive calling for a ban on Muslims
>Carly Fiorina won the 2nd debate
>will never poll higher than 30%
>will never survive a war against Fox News
>Ted Cruz won the 3rd debate
>will never survive skipping the debate
>supporters won't show up to vote
>he is finished, he lost Iowa
>doesn't have a groundgame
>odds makers say Rubio will be the nominee
>will never win in New Hampshire
>will never win in South Carolina
>will never survive the KKK scandal
>Romney has stumped him
>will never poll higher than 40%
>will be finished after Super Tuesday
>will never poll higher than 50%
>John Kasich won the debate
>hand over the delegates, Donald
>won't reach 1237
>won't be the Republican nominee
>is finished, Hillary was cleared by the FBI
>is finished, Hillary is ahead in all the polls
>is finished, he will never survive trashing a Muslim gold star family
>is finished, he lost the first debate
>is finished, he will never survive pussygate
>is finished, his party is abandoning him
>is finished, he will lose the second debate
>is finished, he will lose the third debate
>is finished, he's losing all the polls
>is finished, Hillary was cleared by the FBI again
>is finished, he's losing all the exit polls
>is finished, he's losing Florida, North Carolina and Ohio
>won't reach 270!
>won't be our president

Kaiserreich wann

Maybe, but Jews still exist in America and are more likely to get into better school, than Asians.
They are not the most privileged in a sense, because rather they are the "model" minority.
But it easy to stay out when the competitions is nignogs, spics and goat fuckers.

Go back to china you slanted eyes pigs

>Um, sweetie
What are you fucking gay??

>1 post by this id

Its a new meme.

>Um, sweetie, you can stop now with the racist executive orders now.


You must go back

Illegals don't put America First. They need to go back.

Fuckoff $witz, your shekel grabbling country makes Israel look like Texas

Getting rid of shitskins does improve the country. Gotta get rid of the cancer before the body can heal.


Fuck dump n white sneplr

Sorry hun

>You hate people of color.
Mexicans are white.


Who uses the word "Sweetie"?
Tits or GTFO
If you are a male and like another man's penis up your ass then please announce it.

>Mexicans are white.


>1 post nu this ID
when people talk like that I always think of heavy autism or to sound like a cunt that needs attention

>Um, sweetie,
>says increasingly nervous woman .jpeg

Gay ass meme

Soooo... Civil war it is?

Because you probably aren't intelligent or composed enough to actually have a discussion about why expanding the definition of "Criminal" might be a bad idea and instead resort to wanting to fight because thats all you'd probably be able to succeed at doing?

Its a strawman but hey, you asked, faggot.

if this happens i'll move to America