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I want to shoot a load on her face.

It is pretty funny, maybe next time he'll fight back and stop crying about it.

These people are turning into niggers.

like the knock out game.



Except this happened before he got punched in the side of the head...

What a cuck. Just like his buttbuddy hitlaer.



As much as i don't like e-celebs - i think he should start carrying and the next time some liberal will start getting uppity - he should magdump into him.



He's clearly a FAKE MSM-enabled CARICATURE!

Its a publicity stunt. He is just standing in front of a mob of masked pussies. Of course someone would throw a shitty punch at him.

Who's gonna bet that this puncher is a degenerate too?
My guess - she's a furry with crushing fetish.

What a cuck lmao

>white people don't recognize themselves as a group
>probably never will till it's too late
why did this make me laugh?

>woman 'punches' him
Wow. She's so brave, I'm sure he really felt all 4lbs of force his his trap like a healthy dallop of bird poop.

Bet he went home and cried about it.

What a pussy, not beating an unarmed and petulent child of a woman to a bloody pulp


Isn't he just getting richer through law suits for every person who punches him?

Link video fag.

weak ass punch...more like he got a fist slid across his face

wow anothe bajillion nazis defeated.
Sup Forums will never recover.

dude should wear a motorcycle helmet, shit would be funny.

I think it's perfect, the more violence we recieve the better.

isn't that the same event though? I mean...the signs are the same, behind hiim

I'm ok with this becoming a meme just cause it's funny everytime this happens

same suit too

punch was from the side in the first one i thought.

>punched by a woman
you'd think this faggot would at least have learned to put his hands up or something

this is the first time he got punched

Because you realise that both antifa and the alt right are just trying to market themselves to followers on twitter. They are both parsites sucking blood from each other.

Literally who

>if you get slapped around, you win

These people are children. They've actually gotten to the point where they're endorsing punching people they deem to be nazis.

They're so damn sheltered they can't even bear the thought of someone being allowed to disagree with them. They have such a limited understanding of the law and of common courtesy that they actually think this is a good thing to do.

yeah the first one he definitely got punched from the side, and it made full contact...im guessing he got punched twice but at the same event? maybe he kept speaking after this one since it seems relatively limp-wristed

shit is actually hilarious, there is a new meme catching on

You fags do know, you are giving the people you call alt right/nazis the underdog image.

The new generation is already very right wing, well you reap what you sow i guess.

>They are both parsites sucking blood from each other.

True. [spoiler]which is kinda sad, because I like some of spencer's work, but he can be incredibly spergy IRL, and the hail trump thing was so dumb. Way to make your views approachable and normal[/spoiler]

Wide celebrated violence isn't going to stop at Spencer

here, i made this 4 u

Nationalists need to be nationalists for 2017 America, not Nazi's for 1930s Germany.

I've listened to his interviews and to this day I still don't know what his overall goal is. He isn't a nazi but he hates jews and wants them deported to Israel. He isn't a white supremacist but he wants whites and other races to live separately. How is he going to accomplish any of these things?

hes right you know

Rofl this guy really needs to get some security.

The tolerant left.


>How is he going to accomplish any of these things?

He wants white people to see themselves as a group, and we wants whites to see themselves as a group that looks out for their interests.

or a construction hat like Ernst Zundel

hes not our guy, hes a plant



>He wants white people to see themselves as a group, and we wants whites to see themselves as a group that looks out for their interests.

He has stated that he wants the races to separate because diversity and multiculturalism don't work. I still don't understand how he's going to make any of this happen. I think he's just full of hot air to be honest.

>didn't even fight back

This cowardly homosexual cuck should just fuck off already and stop making us look like sissies.

he's just a tool stretching the overton window
not very useful but whatever let him do his shit

hahahahaha talk shit get hit. Faggot needs to learn to fight.

Thank you Leftist for making yet more normies side with the NAZIS….

>He has stated that he wants the races to separate

that's a dream of his, yes

>I still don't understand how he's going to make any of this happen

he has openly said, it will never happen in his lifetime, and he needs a movement of white people consciously thinking of themselves as a group, looking out for their interests, before it can. He probably could've done almost anything in his life, but though white identity was more important.

He's not perfect, and he has definitely hurt the cause with some of his antics, but I still find him somewhat admirable for trying to tell white people to think of themselves as a group


How did that image not end in bogposting?

>that's a dream of his, yes

And as long as he leads with that, most people will hate him. Not only is the enforcement of that unconstitutional, it is blatantly racist which will cause bi-partisan backlash. Anyone who is associated with this guy will have their lives ruined which is probably why his wife left him with his daughter.

Hell, all he needed to do is rush his attacker and bear hug him until the cops arrived.

lolno, everyone from cuckservative normies, to normie Trumpfags to liberals to far-leftists agreed that a "nazi deserves to be punched, thank you based ANTIFA". Cuckard Cuckspencer gave the left a massive whitepill to counter the Trump inaguration blackpill.

>Mexico trying really hard to fit in

Former trump supporter here, cant lie its pretty hilarious to watch him burn and dry in the white house and losing popular vote by 6 million. I voted for him but actually its hilarious to see him crash and burn and humiliating his own voters, its fun watch him stop and turn. Not gonna lie

trying to milk he got punched by the same antifafag over an over. it is just sad

>faggot cuck defending the indefensible

>And as long as he leads with that, most people will hate him. Not only is the enforcement of that unconstitutional

broadly speaking, a return to pre 65 immigration laws and racial consciousness among whites would do the trick

Free association isn't unconstitutional
repealing hart-cellar isn't unconstitutional

>it is blatantly racist

yes, most identity politics are blatantly favoring one group over another, Spencer wants identity politics for white people. Affirmative Action is blatantly racist, but white people put up with it because they don't want to see themselves as a group

>Anyone who is associated with this guy will have their lives ruined which is probably why his wife left him with his daughter.

I agree, white people don't want to think of themselves as a group, it will ruin your career if you ask why white societies and people need diversity

Didn't he say he will have guards(bois)? Does he expect us to go there and guard him free of charge? This is 'Merica, you need payment.


Is this why the bogpill?

Nobody kills more black people than black people, you homies sure are gay, wearing those pants all down and getting tattooed with gay marks as property of gangbangers.

who is that women , ive seen her somewhere before ...

There are quite a few things about this picture I need to address.

1. The term "Nazi" doesn't exist anymore. Neo-Nazi, sure, and I suppose leftists can consider "alt-right" a synonym for that, but calling him a Nazi alone is really dated and cringeworthy.

2. How come nobody shoots up these marches? Or at the very least attempts? Even if somebody beat them down, took the gun out of there hand, and fired rounds all over them, that person would get arrested to.

3. I understand this is going to sound hypocritical of me because of #2, but whatever. I don't even need to mention how edgy the "6666" in her Twitter username is, but why is she proudly declaring herself a "commie"? I thought their appropriate term was "socialist".

4. Liberals and SJWs say how violent Trump supporters/the non existent alt-right is, but they proudly display violence and post it on social media? I understand Richard Spencer is a controversial name, but even still she's committing a crime. Physical assault is a crime, and you can get arrested for it.

In America, if you get punched can you retaliate using a gun?

Why hasn't anyone posted the video?

because its faked

It has to be proportional. If you're in fear of your life, sure, for this, no. You'd never convince a court that a firearm was the appropriate response.

In case you are curious as to what antifa "logic" is

Relevant discussion.

Meant for

>In case you are curious as to what antifa "logic" is

Really the whole argument can be decimated by asking if that means you can punch communists because of their oppressive regimes.

Of course as commies themselves they won't say yes. But they'll sure as hell squirm trying to come up with the logic of why not.

why doesn't spencer carry a gun and blow the cunt's head off next time?

He would go to jail, retard. That isn't how self defense works

alright that's way too harsh but the fact that 60,000 people "liked" that post is hugely disgusting and soul destroying information to note and i don't even like spencer

i just don't get what the fuck is going on anymore, this is just about the absolute last time period i would have wanted to grow up in. just shit on top of shit on top of shit.

he has a picture with ron paul too you idiot.

well then why the fuck doesn't he knock the ugly fucking bitch on her fucking cunt face next time?



twice-punched man

y not

You guys are retarded, If he punched back he would be labeled and disqualified as a credible leader immeditely.
You don't punch girl.

>Sup Forums poser keeps getting his shit kicked in
>batshit liberals become more emboldened and attack anyone they deem "nazis"
>the pendulum swings right and stays right for the next hundred years

sounds like a win-win

pls let this become a meme.

This. I can't believe they think they are helping by "fighting back"

>turning into
leftists have always been nigger-tier
Honestly I'd rather marry a conservative nigger than a leftist

le he didn't exist until 2017 meme


every level of law enforcement is trained with the scenario that a kick to the head of a person on the ground is life-threatening and authorization for deadly force

in many states you have no duty to retreat if your life is being threatened. a blow to the head fits the bill

Tbh this is funny

I still like "Implicitly white to suck" Dick Spencer just cause of his charming innocence but he really needs some guards

I don't care what these butthurt Spencer dicksucking faggots say.

Seeing this guy with his shit haircut and nazi larping repeatedly get punched in the face is great.

How could you not punch that face? It's not like he hits back.

He needs to start fighting back. Goddamnit Spencer, you're making us look soft.

Try that shit in aus antifacucks, you'll see right quick

>new generation is already very right wing

in your dreams maybe.

Good luck with that in court, retard. His life was obviously not in danger

Cmon you can see where the left is coming from here

One study asks edgy teenagers how they feel about transsexuals and muslim immigrants, and everyone repeats that the new generation is conservative.

When will this meme end?

Cause whoever made it wasn't clever.