The project

Does anyone watch this shit tv show? They apparently have no idea what slander laws are with all the crap the muslim host just said about trump.

can we do something about this? Every day I'm happier and happier that young people don't watch tv anymore.

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That sand nigger on the left looks like the doctor used an industrial grade vise-grip on his head to remove him from the birth canal.


what happened to dave hughes?
did he convert to islam?

He posts vaguely pro trump things on twitter now.

>Does anyone watch this shit tv show?


Besides leaving it on after Family Feud.

>Slander laws.
>For different countries.

Petes funny but he's still a cuck

The other two are intolerable

I've never even heard of this show, but I don't have cable. I just use my parents' ATT Uverse login to get all their channels on my Roku.

That said, despite the fact that I have literally everything I could possibly want, I pretty much stick to Ash vs Evil Dead, Westworld, Game of Thrones, and Netflix/youtube documentaries.

I want carrie to piss on me

Eh. What can be said? It's televised clickbait for the normies. A watered down version of Studio 10 as to have a slightly higher appeal to tradies than it does single mums. Sadly seems to be the main source of news and current events for most Aussies.

>Pete's funny

Lmao post pics

Waleed gets roasted far more often on social media than he gets praised. I really don't think people like him.

>unfortunately Dave got culturally enriched at a comedy festival and hasn't been seen since.

I want to piss in carrie's butthole.

He does roasts on the footy show now.

He's pretty funny when doing that.

The only other things I've seen of him now is jokes about his kids and comedians always become fucking stale and unfunny when they focus on their cunt fucking kids.

I've not watched free to air or satellite TV since 2010. Exception being a temporary joining to foxtel go! to watch Game of Thrones. And a Netflix subscription.

I'd have no idea what's on 7,9,10, etc.

i don't think you understand australia. we arent really a sovereign nation anymore. more a globalist puzzle peice waiting for the rest of the countries to give up their sovereigness.

I don't even have Netflix or tv connection.
All I know is recently, 9, 7 and 10 news along with Daily Telegraph and Abc news had a mini fight. They were all declaring that eachother had scandals and whatnot. "Inside Channel 9's sex scandal" and "Has Channel 10 gone too far?"
Something like that. It was funny because no one cared.

Australian TV is cringe worthy shit.

Except for football and a couple things that I can't believe weren't canceled a decade ago, I don't recognize a single title on the top 25 rated shows. Fuck TV, if you're going to waste your life staring at a screen, at the very least do something interactive.

I own a TV so I can watch spongebob during the 30+ minutes it takes me to go from "awake" to "up". (Free basic cable in my apartment complex)

I'm watching Australian tv as we speak.

Tennis is on and it's a good match.

There is literally no other reason to watch network tv here other than live sports and let's face it, for the most part (((Foxtel))) has a monopoloy on live sports here.

>watching The Project
>really watching TV at all

I'd like to think I'm not actually alone in saying I consume almost zero Australian media. I don't care what
>token non-white concern troll has to say about "our culture" while hating our guts and wanting us dead and children brainwashed
has to say.

They're just pushing their own agenda, like every other piece of media in this country. I remember when they had based David Leyonhjelm on to talk about day care workers and they waited until after they'd finished speaking to him and he'd gone to rip into his argument. Spineless cowards.

On 9 there's a show where they marry complete strangers and on 10 there's like 5 SJW talkshows and I think like 3 sitcoms about coalburning

We've something similar in Germany where muslim women say stuff like "To be german will mean to wear hijabs and pray five times a day soon." while getting showered in thunderous applause. That's where our GEZ tax money goes to, the destruction of our culture. Don't pay it and you gonna get locked up swiftly.

I'm confused. You HAVE to pay for TV?

They have a MusFUCK host, what can you expect then? Carrie herself shitposting on Daily Mail and HeraldSun all day long, for her marriage, kids, all that shit.

Just looking at waleed's head makes me angry

Anyone else pumped for MKR?

in any other country that statement would be seen as anti-muslim.

Germany we need to save you.

Sadly, I do watch that shit.

I can objectively identify it as absolute garbage television and completely manufactured. I still find myself watching it though.

I really shouldn't. Next week when it starts I might just say no and not waste my time with such asininity.

Carrie is pretty much the standard Australian woman. A fuckin idiot who isn't particularly hot parading around like they're good because pussy pass.

Waleed is a sanctimonious faggot doing his bit for the faux left whilst he rakes in a few hundred k a year.

Peter is just a mildly funny guy that knows the score and knows he can't do anything about it. He's alright.

funny for the time slot he's in

Hate watching is bad. I used to hate watch Q and A but I went all last year without it and I feel much better.

>Peter is just a mildly funny guy that knows the score and knows he can't do anything about it. He's alright.

Am I the only one who wrote this guy off over a decade ago when he was desperately trying to imitate and become Australia's Ricky Gervais?

It was like he saw the Office, enjoyed it and wanted to make his own similar comedy, but couldn't actually understand what made people liked the Office and lead to its success.

Walid Aly is a lawyer, I'm pretty sure he'd have a better grasp of slander and libel laws than you have.

remember based dave hughes and pickering?

show sucked after they left

kill yourself

are you defending that guy? lol. hey look everybody, this poster is just like us! just one of us! an ordinary australian! not a shill at all.

The only sane fucking person there is Steve Price. But he won't be on the fucking show anymore since he has to do that shit-show.
Based Steve.

This is the same guy who fucking made the Russian conspiracy and associated it with trump. Yeah no I don't think he does user.

>lawyers don't specialise


I don't even hate Waleed that much, I just hate how pretentious and stuck up everyone on that show is. Especially the girl, she is just such the textbook young Australian OMG EUROPE WITH BRANDON, OMG IS IT TOO EARLY FOR WINE xD am I rite sort of chick who acts so sophisticated and so like yeeeeeeeeeah

It's a blend of comedy and current affairs and ultimately fails to be a hit at both, I cringe more watching it than I do watching The Big Bang Theory

I'd still rpefer to watch it than My Kitchen Rules or The Block however, such great quality Australian TV we have

Cooking shows, house renovation shows and singing shoes - Anything half decent/interesting is imported from the U.S. because we can't do our own shit despite having a shit ton of kids at Uni all doing these meme Communications/Arts degrees


we can't make funny/good media in this country because in the early 2000's they completely barred all right wing people from the industry.

all great australian comedy was funny because it was offensive, it was our culture (still is, if you look online). tv just won't allow it anymore.

He just went back to Stand-Up and radio.

There's pete hellier "tv ugly" then there's Dave Hughes.

Saw Waleed's "First Week" segment.

He's a fucking twat and half of the shit he's saying is selective bias. About the Dakota Access pipeline? Waleed did not mention Trump moving it away from tribal land, nor did he mention that it would be built with American steel. About the temporary immigration bans? He made us believe that they were complete and permanent bans, which they were not.

Waleed is a scummy POS liar and it's amazing how people even stand him.

I think he's just a low talent comedian and filled the niche for cucked TV needing low talent inoffensive comedians. I don't get Ricky from him Ricky had talent.

Also, I'm pretty sure Waleed didn't mention how the Dow Jones peaked about 20000 for the first time. And that the peso went down after the Mexican president cancelled his meeting.

I remember watching Fat Pizza when I was young. 'Stralian banter was top notch back then, using racism and offensive jokes to unite the people. Also, watching them making fun of the Lebanese all the god damn movie was incredible to watch.

I caught an episode of Upper Middle class Bogan the orher day. Wasn't that bad, Glenn Robbins still has it.

it infuriated me when he straight up said "he lied to the public about the crowd size" "he planted his own supporters to cheer for him in the cia speech" and other totally untrue shit.

I'm not comparing Ricky to him. I'm saying he wanted to be Australia's Ricky.

Look at all the Strauchanie shit.

Here's one. Tell me he's not trying to emulate Gervais. If you saw a lot of them on the 'Before the Game' show I did, you'd notice it immediately. They were painfully obvious and completely unfunny imitations. It didn't help that most of them were filmed with non-actors and it was just him being David Brent in a footy guernsey but even if he had pros I doubt it would have been funny.

He wanted so badly to be Australia's Gervais but never recognised what actually made Gervais funny. Just impersonating his style wasn't enough.

Yeah same in the UK. If you own a TV you have to pay a yearly fee which is supposed to go towards making some content.

Me neither I think he's a faggot but he knows he's a faggot.

The Project is a microcosm of youngish Australians. It's a mirror and it's ugly.

Peter Hilliar the spineless, apathetic, opportunist gen x.

Carrie the vapid, pretentious idiot female gen y.

Waleed the nauseating, preachy, faggoty gen y.

We shit on boomers but there is simply nothing going on with the younger generations. They're just as hideous.

Waleed is the liberal's perfect host of the segment. He can spew bullshit about Trump in any way he can, and you'll get jumped on for calling him out because HE IS MUZLUM N SHIET U RAYCIST U CAN'T SPEAK OUT NAZI ALT-RIGHT WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEE

Nah I don't see it sorry maybe I'd have to be a Melbs guy.


Shut up Waleed, don't you have a goat to bang?

Yeah that's it the only station doing any reasonable Australian tv is the ABC like it or not.

No. Don't watch TV.

What are you? 80?
Fuck off with your shit threads elsewhere.

What did he tell us is OK to think tonight?

Did you watch that video?

The girl is the biggest Australian SJW tv personality there is.

She doesn't actually believe it anything though.

So this is what Diamond Creek's like

wtf is the project, i havnt watced tv in 10 years, whos that traitorous looking muslim cunt? i vaguely regocnize the guy on the right

Oh man i see what youre on about. Ive never liked this cunt. When he first had a go at this gimmick they tried so hard to jam it down your throat, but i still to this day have not laughed.

> I don't even hate Waleed that much, I just hate how pretentious and stuck up everyone on that show is. Especially the girl, she is just such the textbook young Australian OMG EUROPE WITH BRANDON, OMG IS IT TOO EARLY FOR WINE xD am I rite sort of chick who acts so sophisticated and so like yeeeeeeeeeah

If anyone needed a fantastic summary of the typical 20-30 year old Australian female, this is it.

She literally is the embodiment of it.
> OMG going to Europe with the girls!
> I dont want to work full time, I want to be free to travel and find myself you know?
> Having an all girls weekend! Yeah the girls!
> Oh why cant I find a decent guy? Ive only fucked every guy who's ever bought me a drink...
> I dont get it? I have an arts/communications degre, why can't I get a job?

dont turn on the tv. they are literally cultists.

I really don't usually watch commercial TV, had chan 7 on this morning and in under 5 minutes I had some Asian bitch telling me to "Empathise" with the flag burning protesters and also as a man I should pay for the first 3 dates with a woman. Tv went off after that.

Girlfriend went to school with one of the girls from "Married at first sight" so I think I'll unfortunately be roped in to watching that the first couple of nights that it's on (Missus hates this chick and wants to see her cry on TV).

i'm saving this for a guess who i'm describing thread.

He's still an insufferable fuckwit but.

Whats up with this gen of 90s faggots? My 20 year old house mates are watching manga and playing pokemon on ds. How is that better than watching the project?

Worse. Veganism

will do cobber, id imagine aussie entertainment television would be much worst off then american, because theres only like 4 channels, and they're probably all owned by the same jew

White people?

Only my grandparents watch TV. Everybody just watches YouTube or Netflix.

Glad someone else can see it.

australian women, you said it in your post.

White cum dumps. They will settle amd marry the first bloke brave/stupid enough to not pull out and let one soak in.

>White Australian Women

Yeah. He's just trying to make a recurring character like Reg Grundy or something. Even Matt friggen Johns is better at comedy.

No idea why i typed "people" lol

>only 4 channels
oh mate, it's gonna be a shock to you but they literally added like 15 more channels in the space of a year.

all junk.

Bob franklin and dave O'Neal are far greater than Pete "cucked" hellier and dave hughes. Hughsie is an assassin on the mic but hes done far to much radio to be redeemed don't worry cunts, im in the standup scene ill be the voice of reason soon enough.

Reg Reagan rather.

>tfw dodged the cocklock bullet by paying for an abortion

Although in retrospect she refused to let me take her, didn't answer my calls for the whole weekend and I know she tried to pull similar shit on another guy after me and when he requested paternity results she dropped everything.

Did she just blow my $400 on a big weekend?

Steve Price is the only redeeming feature of this shitshow

Pretty much 99% of Aussie TV is complete dogshit and you are doing yourself a disservice by filling your mind with such garbage.

I'd honestly rather sit in a quiet room by myself for an hour with my own thoughts than be subjected to 5 minutes of any major Australian network. Even Rage sucks now.

Th character floated around for about 3 years. He did the same "over achiever" thing in 3 all stars games drom memory. Then some stupid promos, it was all fucked.

god i wanna fucking hang waleed aly like they used to hang niggers on trees

>tfw long time friend kept going about Bernie throughout 2015 and the first half of 2016
>kept shitting on Trump throughout the election cycle
>election happens, Trump wins
>haven't spoken to her much in a few months
>turns out she went full MAGA
We'll be fine.

I had an ex claim she was knocked. We broke up after 'i didnt seem to care' women are soul less man. I see that more as time flys by

I don't even have a big problem with that. It's the "I'm an independent intelligent woman" rubbish that goes with it, nah you're just a bogan slut.

A lot of people hate him. Even my regressive leftist sister despises the divisive cunt.

He wasn't an over achiever. He was an underachiever. Which is pivotal to why it isn't funny.

He doesn't have a position of success nor does he try hard to attain it.

I remember hearing comedy once described as someone trying to succeed and failing. Strauchanie doesn't fill that at all. He doesn't try and he's already a loser so his failings and delusions are meaningless and ultimately unfunny.

Yeah he was never funny. I only saw him on Rove and thought fuck I'll be surprised if this guy makes it, he has, for now, by recognising that he's not funny. He's mildly amusing at best. He's very lucky he has a job.

He's claiming he can do more and is more than hes actually capable of. I could do this role and youd shit your pants in laughter. I tried out for a standup comp last week in 'raw comedy'. Its run an judged by cucked jews who will push other cuck boys, in the end killing what makes aussie humour so great

Joke of a program. haven't watched in years