Explain pic related, why Africa is shit today but Rome was great hundreds of years ago?
>Hard mode: No racism
Explain pic related, why Africa is shit today but Rome was great hundreds of years ago?
>Hard mode: No racism
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Resources and culture and resources.
Slavery being a main source of income in Africa.
Can't solve on hard mode sry
Melanin keeps the iq low.
There is a widely uneducated populace. Democracy is a failed experiment when you can't even read and write.
Also the head of State will not give up power when they know that the population will kill them for their criminal exploitation. They would rather rig elections for 3rd, 4th and 5th terms
because niggers cannot into civilization
the bog curve
>Hard mode: No racism
"intelligence" gene
35-37k years ago
Screamer alert don't click guys.
Christianity. Africa doesn't have enough of it.
Go read Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared diamond. It's a very boring book so to sum it and your question up : guns, germs , and steel is the reason why some parts of the world developed and others didn't.
The awkward moment when you can see right into all your greatest buildings and technologically they're right for the time period
> Rome is still dope
> this is just shit bait
>Jared Diamond
lurk more nigger
not sure if you're actually unironically looking for an answer but climate and landscape have been the biggest factors. civilization, in how you're referring, is primarily a product of agriculture. farming enabled social specialization and allowed exponentially larger groups of people to coalesce and deeply expand their social network. couple agriculture and specialization with access to stone/ore and, tada, you have the fundamental pieces needed for civilization.
the two critical pieces of the aforementioned formula is, first, agriculture and, second, raw materials for refinement. by and large, africa does not provide the means for either. without reliable crops or even tenable lands, african tribes remained hunter/gatherer focused. as such, the means to both grow in numbers as well as specialize are simply not there. and without abundance of stone/ore and manpower, there is little traction for scientific advancement [no bronze/copper/iron ages]
what will really tickle your pickle, however, are the native american tribes. african tribes were dealt a terrible hand but native americans arguably had all the stuff needed for proper civilization. however, they also remained hunter/gatherers unlike their eurasian counterparts
>environmental determinism
type into google
> average intelligence by country
Some races are more highly evolved than others. Oh i forgot, science is racist right?
Absolute (((untruth))), the Sahel is one of the most fertile areas in the world, and Africa is abundant in resources -the very reason they didn't advance.
There is no need to advance when life is easy. People in tough places are more likely to innovate, as is evident from the first places agriculture emerged (Caucasus is terrible in winter, Egypt, Mesoamerica and Mesapotamia were terribly dry and plague-prone, Andes highlands not the ideal spot either)
Added bonus: the Sahel and the Congo can be farmed year round, whilst Europe and Asia have actual winters.
Winter made the west invest heavily in infastructure, in Africa if you needed something you only had to wander to find it.
>posting this lib trash
Neck yourself
Lions and hyenas
Thats kinda fuuny, because romans thought about africans as smart and devious people, but physicaly weak.
when yakub's muhdick rocket 007 was stolen by the albino satan he collected some of the devil DNA and injected into the dindu hole
this produced a suppression bubble in the planar continuum that disabled the ability of the godlike african mind to transfer their highly advanced developments onto this plane of existence
North Africans now are not the same as african people 2000 years ago. At Roman times North Africa was inhabited by Pheonicans, Berbers and Mediterraneans, the Arab conquests started around the 7th century.
Africa is such a resource rich continent it's ridiculous
The answer is racist
>working togheter(trade,exchange,building togheter) white/caucasian feature
which build cvilization
>aggresive , extremily tribal , work because no choice , wants gibs me dat
simply put whites adaptated to colder places and survived by working togheter and building house faster then one man could do alone which mean all those that contributed lived.
while niggers in africa still relay on their natural instincs of "If i hit you first i win , i'll rape your wife steal yo found , steal yo bike , and have twice as many children as you" thus nigger's genes gets to spread while the loser doesn't and other nigger's around him ,"not to fuck with his domain"
That. you can sell you brother to Arabs and get beads.
Beads and shells fucking ruined Africa after black people.
Good thing that we white people evolved guns instead of arms then, I wonder when we got regular arms.
Fewer usable resources were available to bronze age Africans, combined with decreased competition for land and a far shittier environment than southern europe, mostly
>But why are they still living in squalor, you ask
I feel like so much of this board focuses on the racial biology aspect and fails to acknowledge that, 200 years prior, they were just given modern technology and did not have any of the societal development to handle or use it to their advantage. There are still people in subsaharan Africa that think albinos give you magical powers if you eat them and at the point of colonization largely didn't have written languages in most parts that weren't special cases, or unified religious practices or beliefs, so I doubt that, even if they were white, they could suddenly drop the concepts of tribalism and superstition and work together without a hegemonic language and religion to unify them.
The same situation could be seen in native North Americans, aside from special cases with fairly fleshed out cultures existing prior to colonization that adapted fairly easily to Western practices and technology, like the Cherokee, albeit still getting Jackson'd.
>But why are niggers in the US so dumb then if they've been separated from their origin cultures for centuries
Cause they've been living in their own little self-developing microcosm for 400 years with spatterings of white American influences here and there with no plans until recently of cultural integration on either white or black side to achieve any semblance of hegemony by integration. Of course they're morons.
Hope that covered anything that might be asked.
based geert
Guys unrelated but why is "unknown" flag the flag of Andorra? Maybe all those unknowns are in Andorra
so is wealth and influence indicative of success? if so the richest man in history (mansa musa) was king of the mali empire, which lasted longer than America (1235 - 1600) at one point they were the second largest country by population in the world and were essentially in control of the civilized world's gold market. furthermore they some of the largest and advanced universities/libraries in the world and were a hub of economic, scientific, and religious study. It was an Islamic nation, but definitely negro.
can anybody refute this?
i gust trifoces
Better quality population.
>Jared fuckn cucks our shit up diamond
Oh plebbit, ill find you and gas you
Africa amazing resources and very fertile soil
>no racism
wew you got me here
Quite a badly cherry picked photo.
I studied Late Republican-Early Prinicipate studies in regards to Roman history, and you'd prefer to live in Africa lower-class than Rome lower-class, I think. Maybe not me, out of curiosity, but in terms of life quality, it's probably better.
Many horror stories from the lower class. The Insula (apartment) blocks to begin with. There's a complaint from the 2nd Century AD(?) perhaps Third Century, of a tenant complaining to his landlord about the state of the Insulas. Basically, they would get narrower the further up you went, were extremely flamable (which is why Rome burned down once a week basically), many cases of entire roofs collapsing killing almost all of the inhabitants in the building and yes - during riots - the structures of the buildings would be dislodged and the entire buildings would literally fall down, not just the floors.
Add this on to what I said before, no running water, extremely short life expectancy, and before the formation of the Roman Empire, unemployment was a HUGE history (it still was later on too), as slaves would take all the jobs that citizens could've done. Both Caesars (Julius Caesar and Octavian Caesar) helped campaign on improving these conditions for citizens, it's part of what won them their power.
Also, although there were many marble buildings in Rome (especially later in its history), you're getting your visualized Rome from 19th century artist depictions of Rome.
Rome looked a lot more than pic related.
Also despite how much the Roman legacy impacts our societies today, you'd probably feel more culturally at home in Africa and I'm not making that up. I mean atleast there are Christian African countries. You don't understand humans and morality until you've studied ancient society. It just isn't comparable what so ever.
Another note: none of this applied to patricians.
When not even the most liberal academics can pretend to support this negroid fanfiction you know you've written a whole lot of bullshit
>All those words
Lol nerd
Excellent bait friend
It's Humans natural habitat, you don't need anything to really survive their in the way of clothing or shelter. No reason to invent better ways of living as you can sleep on the ground in the worst weather conditions and not die of exposure . Growing crops there is a birch also, the vermin (insects ,and rodents)population is a nightmare .It's much the same reasons as to Hawaii having such a issue with the homeless, except the homeless there get food stamps.
Great book , it says Wheat is the one of the main reasons for advanced civilizations. Growing it, Storing it, and eating it helped develop society. Negroids and south american would just eat fruit off of trees that grew year round and black people hunted every so often whenever they needed it.
This, and Carthage even put up a fight against Rome and had a proper army
Really makes you think
[spoiler]Patrolling the African continent makes you wish for a nuclear winter[/spoiler]
>had a proper army
Carthage had an army made of well trained mercenaries. What constitutes a "real" army to you? Because I think you'll find Rome after the Marius Reforms are your definitions only "real" army in the Mediterranean world until long after their fall if you mean a standing army. Most ancient and early medieval armies were mercenaries. It's part of what made Rome unique.
One is a movie set, the other is an grass hut.
>south american would just eat fruit off of trees
Nigga, what? The only thing South Americans were good at was selection and agriculture. Corn, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. -- these are artificial plants created by South American tribes. It'd be hard to imagine Europe today if they didn't invent potatoes.
What I mean is that they were actually able to put up a organized large-scale war effort against an European superpower, which says something about the people who inhabited Africa at the time.
Phoenicians but I agree. Carthage is very impressive. I find it particularly amusing people condemning agriculture as Rome learned the art of olive growing from Carthaginian agricultural guides which are still used today in the vineyards of North Africa, one of the only things from Carthage to survive. Olives were very important in the ancient world since they provided light and were healthy to eat.
But mercenary armies were the norm really. Carthaginians seemed to be more into conquest by trading.
Explain what?
You are basing your world on subjectivity.
Africa isn't "shit"
Roma wasn't "great"
>IQ median and IQ deviation from median
No racism. Just facts.
>t. the descendant of a carthaginian
Mate, your country is part of the official Carthaginian tour as a colony of Carthage. Is all of Africa sub saharan now?
not everybody has the same skills and aptitudes.Not everybody is equal menatlly and phisically, although everyone should be treated the same way by the law and society
You're a moron and taking Classical Civilisation Standard Grade does not qualify you to speak about ancient Rome let alone to talk about comparative sociology of the ancient world.
Also learn what a tautology is, cunt.
I mean, it wasn't standard grade. I worked under an exhibition's officer for 4 years at Segedunum on Hadrian's Wall, plus have a general history in Rome.
I know that tautology is, I wasn't aware I did it. You should look up what an ad hominem is. Have you any points about Rome that would refute anything I was saying, or did you just get done with reading Edward Gibbon?
Take that curry muncher off the top tier, and get rid of that sand nigger as well, they're listening to some crazy sand nigger named Muhammed who wrote that piece of shit novel called the Quran, how can they not be kek tier fags?
Im not from southeast Spain, dude. Only celts, germanic suebi and romans have inhabited "muh country".
cartago settled a trade colony in the east cost of spain, just like greeks did, they had a huge cultural impact on iberians but none gentically whatsoever.
I wasn't saying that as a bad thing. As little as we know, Carthaginian history is fascinating. I know the original Carthaginians weren't even supposedly African. I was just differentiating between North and Sub Saharan.
> Africa 2000 years ago.
I know you didn't mean it in a bad way, Carthago was awesome indeed. Just pointig out some facts of their presence in the Iberian penisula
Honastly central Africa is a quite brutal place compared to the mediterreanen
A lot of diseases, drought and shit
Mediterreanen is quite possibly the most habitable place on Earth. Especially Italy.
>IQ median and IQ deviation from median
those ARE facts
>me skills and aptitudes.N
Does anybody have that image of Detroit becoming 100% black and then being super advanced and Pyramids blasting into space?
Fuck that's funny.
no, it is (was because of shitskins) the Fertile Crescent
the birthplace of civilization
The city center of Rome looks advanced compared to some swiss villages today. Look into log cabins with stone roof tiles.
Interesting read, dont see that often on Sup Forums. Thanks
because they didnt have beasts of burden or other easily domesticable animals like europeans and asians did, you fucking bigot.
Who knows what that building on the left would have looked like when it was fully maintained, and even now it still trumps modern African architecture.
Yeah of course. Carthaginian settlements were more advanced with legal institutions, trade and agricultural development. But they lacked of the roman political genius. Iberian tribes despised cartagho and joined romans during second punic war.
RUS giaur.
Nothing that has slavery is ever great.
Go be edgy somewhere else.
>Nothing that has slavery is ever great.
>Go be edgy somewhere else.
Didnt the turks destroy the kingdoms of Balkans and kindnapping ten's of thousants of youngs
Yes, funnily enough it probably raised the average IQ in Turkey.
carthaginias were phoenicians, anyway.
Yes and that is a disgrace.
Just like all slavery.
Morality is either absolute or nonexistent. It applies to all things or nothing.
Including Rome.
Not at all. Balkans were worse than Anatolia in every way.
This do have nothing with race. Just with mindset, natural selection and starting locations.
North Africa had contemporary civilisation with Rome. Egypt certainly predated Rome by centuries, while Numidia and Carthage rose to power around the same time.
Emperor Diocletianus was the son of a liberatus ( freed slave). Do you know any other ancient empire or country with that kind of social mobility?
Argaytina is white
Ottoman had that.
Most captured boys would be given military or political education and they could advance as far as the grand Vizier. Not Sultan though.
Ottoman empire = thirteenth century, bro.
If they have white people with wich can be proud, these people have Balkan origins
There was a law wich demanded to take one child from each family in Balkans and to send it in tu*key
Challenge accepted:
The traditionnal Sup Forums view of society evolution is based around capability and IQ. The higher they are, the most successful a country was in history and the higher the technologies were advanced in these civilisations. However a third fator need to be taken into account : the environmental impact.
This isn't some ecologist faggotry, this is the environmental factor of evolution it regroups :
>the need of sofistication :
Some country like central africa or Pacific islands have very abundant sources of food due to jungles and also less sickness and a warm climate, the developpement of agriculture and other western technologies is not needed to have a pleasant life
>The natural ressources :
Some regions in the world do not simply have the same ressources in the same abundance, with this taken into account you understand why the japaneses had very limited techniques in steel smithing since iron is scarce in the island.
pic unrelated
Problem is Africa has much more resources than Europe and most of them are even easier to get to.
>sub saharans and abbos never invented the written language
its like the first thing you research in civ lmao
Your natural resources theory doesnt explain why some people are able to organize their lives following complex legal, economic and social rules and other people ( niggers) are not.
A nigger wants to fuck as much pussy as possible with "muh bbc dick". Basic thinking process. Low IQ. Besides also plowing some good trim, whites want to record the nigger fucking, and then sell the video to another whites for fapping or for larks. Complex thinking process. High IQ.
one is a movie set......
Europeans enslaved the African people until the 18th century..