Thanks a lot assholes.
Thanks a lot assholes
buy american then
If he can get my taxes down to 15% like he wants to I won't give a fuck about paying 20% more for tequila. The only thing from Mexico I plan on buying.
Then nobody pays and you're back to square 1.
Ps: Americans will just hike their own prices anyway.
whew, good thing he doesn't pay taxes
Americans get raw materials from Mexico, guess you'll have to buy from China, oh wait
He hasn't even applied the tax faggot, at least wait until he does it to complain
He already signed an executive order for the wall.
The wall isn't going to pay for itself.
Do the math.
I really don't care about your trade wars with Mexico, but if rouble will fall, you gringos are gonna answer for it
This is rural america. They have no fucking idea
I expect this is just his way of working out of the entire thing.
He's known from the start the wall wasn't feasible. Now Congress will block his massive tax hike and he can blame "the establishment".
60 billion is peanuts
Annual revenue is 5 trillion
>implying the ruble can get any more worthless
kek how does it feel to be the mexico of europe?
Good ol' MSM with their very misleading headlines and articles. They have learned nothing.
Did they pull this figure out of their asses? Where's the links and the calculations to back it up?
If we cut aid to africa that's 4 BILLION each year plus aid to Mexico is 400 MILLION each year.
4 Billion x 4 years = 16 BILLION
400 Million x 4 years = 1.6 BILLION
So that's 17 BILLION for the wall in the next 4 years saved from foreign aid that could be spent on the wall.
Then there's the remittance we shall imposed on mexicans sending money to mexico.
who cares about rubes
>burritos will go up 1$
>we get no more illegals, no more heroin, no more cartels and safe borders
ill take it
> advocate locally grown foods because MUH LOCAL BUSINESSES
> complain when Trump taxes foreign competition to benefit said businesses
Still need to get rid of all the tunnels
good luck fighting the cartels
>The wall isn't going to pay for itself.
like that's mattered before to king nigger
Donald Dumbfuck should be forbidden from any tax policy until he releases his returns.
Where the FUCK are they???
Markets are still up, so it's all good.
Fucking fake news.
All thanks to
up yo mommas butt next to my last visit
>Still need to get rid of all the tunnels
>good luck fighting the cartels
srs tho, i want to see random spics start dropping dead on both sides of the border from radiation poisoning, and then pretending like we have no idea why it's happening
If we ever decided to actually fight the cartels the population mexico would go down considerably over the course of about three weeks.
They are rich gang bangers. They aren't going to stand up against attack helicopters and drones bombing their ranches and shit.
But we aren't going to. They serve their purpose.
This is bad for both US and Mexico but it's a shit ton worse for Mexico. They'll likely try to negotiate, they're just trying to look tough right now.
I thought libshits liked higher taxes, though?
>pushes "buy american"
>taxes people who dont want to
I'd rather have taxes on mexican goods to incentivize the market than subsidies on everything american like we do now.
I'm okay with this
Demanding to see what President Pussygrabber is hiding. We won't stop until we see the fucking returns.
All this shit was made before we started sending it overseas to slave labor ya know...
Looks like the check cleared, and David Brock is no longer living out of his Mazda, and now has internet access again.
Hi David!
And he won't start giving a shit so, okay.
he doesnt have any.
I doubt hes filed in years.
Its a fun fact that its cheaper for people like him (and warren buffet for that matter), to not pay taxes and fight the irs in court instead.
But that being said. I do think he should work on tax code reform in general before going after mexico.
>american people start buying american because of the 20% tax
>mexico not getting our money for their products
>they lose money
>they bend the knee
i trust Trump knows what he's doing, even if it seems to be "backwards". In dealing with an exchange of money for goods and services, i trust a lifelong businessman
He does faggot. He very sensitive about those matter and his hand.
stop what?
You are a dumbass. We are not giving Africa cash. They are getting grants/interest free loans that can only be used to purchase things through American companies.
You cut that aid and American companies get hurt the most.
Liberals can't separate media lies from real economics
Mexico was willing to concede in NAFTA, the economy secretary recognized the trade deficit as something that should be fixed
Trump is overplaying his hand by affixing the wall to NAFTA negotiations
Oh, the government is still willing to, but not if Trump tries to attach random things to NAFTA
>america giving africa "money" to buy american products
seems like we could just cut out the middle man, eh?
>Melbourne fag detected
>He's from Melbourne. He has been trained to think western nations can produce nothing on their own.
The thing with trump voters is they never ever see the big picture, they're like lemmings.
What do Americans buy to Mexico ?
I'd sell stocks in Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. They either make shit in Mexico or in the US with Mexican workers of uncertain legal status.
holy shit, the guy was playing a 45987D intergalactic chess:
-tricked burgers into beleiving muh wall (when he knew it was bullshit)
- frame the establishment and washes his hands, walking away like i dindu nuffin...
80% of Merico's trade it to the US. If they have trade barriers, Mexico collapses 100%.It's basically playing a game of chicken, except the USA is driving an Ambrahams while paco is riding a tuktuk. If nobody gives in, Mexico loses. If Mexico gives in, America wins, If America gives in, Mexico wins.
America statistically wins as long as they don't give in to Mexico. All Mexico has to do is pay for the wall, if they don't their economy is over. America can source other resource providers and see a slight price increase, but that's it. Anything made in mexico will be made in America, providing American jobs.
lol the mexico of europe is too true. i'd say it's both poland and russia.
>We are not giving Africa cash
Worse. We're giving them food and infrastructure and no way to stabilize.
Doesn't such a high import tax go against WTO regulations?
The thing with Italy is that they never see the bigger picture, they are eggplant sons of moors.
I bet you own stock in Fender, telling us to short stocks. Now I'm going to buy some Fender stocks... brb
Not that you'd believe me, but I don't. They're one of the companies that will get hit worst with tariffs off the top of my head though.
Yes, Trump will finally end WTO kikeism
What a lot of people don't know, but I do because I used to be a Coast Guard-licensed able-bodied seaman, is that US aid to African countries - and other 3rd-world countries - doesn't usually come in the form of money.
We send them food. LOTS of fucking food, as in, like, 290-foot barges full of rice, corn, wheat, etc. No one talks about it, we just do it.
I used to work for a company called American Gulf Shipping who were contracted to take food to Jamaica. We hauled that stuff down there once a month and we weren't the only ones doing it. The reason it took a month is because they don't have the offloading facilities down there to make it easy, they just use a vacuum tube and a pick-up truck to offload the grain and take it inland for storage.
Anyway, my point being, all that food is part of that aid. A dollar amount is always assigned, that's how the shipping company gets paid. To put it in perspective, one of those barges would hold 5,000 metric tons of rice, which as a commodity is worth around a million dollars.
Pick one, media.
Buy American scum bag.
Advocate your retailers do too.
Importing from mexico is going to get expansive?
Guess it's time to invest in US production.
`Just refuse to built the wall, offers no machine, no nothing, no engineering. if all companies says no he will have to built it itself
Did you not think that tariffs weren't going to come into effect? It was one of his main platforms.
which is why you dont invest your company in nignog gibmedats
Don't buy Mexican goods. Laughing.
It would probably be cheaper to just start bombing Mexico. Or maybe just blockading them.
Trump might be a little hesitant to go down that road, but he should. I think he'd have the support to get away with it.
I'm sick of Mexico's shit. They're an enemy nation that nobody wants to call an enemy because of a trade deal globalists made in the 90s. That mask needs to be yanked off.
dude, your country goes around funding terrorist groups and drug psychos, and bombings other countries, kind of ironic you talk about good guys and muh ethics
Keep going
Yeah we bomb lesser nations at our expense for the benefit of private interests. You are a leech on our country as your disgusting countrymen flee a nation of public mass murder condoned by your government.
Probably in his file cabinet under taxes
The problem is the government in Mexico who don't care about their people or nation which is why it is poor as duck causing people to flee to USA or becoming drugs dealers, we need to remove all government official and put some acual people who want to basically make Mexico great, we need someone with the mind of Trump to run Mexico.
The very worst part is that he invoked free trade in defense of eliminating the TPP. "That wasn't free trade." Neither is tariffs.
when? He has always specifically said FAIR trade.
Funny I thought leftists love raising taxes
You assume Mexico knows what's good for them, they'll end up being Venezuela 2.0 once the dumbfucks elect El Peje.
>20% import tax would fall on consumers
No it wouldn't.
This is the plan retards.
Tax imports, use the taxes to subsidize new industry in the USA. 25 years later, everything you want is made in the USA. Everyone has a job, the goods arent cheaply made, and the economy is booming. Its how we got the first industrial revolution. Its what the founding fathers intended. They were protectionist.
I think you're right now that I looked into it. I saw this.
I was inspired because I thought the portion where he said, "we don't have free trade now" that he would aspire towards making it so that we did. I was horribly wrong and it's my fault. You were right.
You didn't fry your okra right, besides that gj sir.
Someone answer please
Fake news
Spicer said it in response to a question. Trump hasn't proposed nuthin' yet. You're all gullible idiots.
taxes go up no matter what, might aswell get a sweet wall that pisses off a bunch of spics out of the deal.
Yeah, what kind of faggot doesnt fry their okra.
Also, there isnt any okra on that plate.
>This is the plan retards.
Prove it. Post it...the plan, not people telling you what the plan is, but the actual plan.
Technically almost any tax ultimately falls on consumers. However, it's no justification to eliminate those taxes. Globalists just like to single out tariffs because it messes with their labor, regulatory, and tax arbitrage.
There's the border adjustment tax in congress right now which is what Trump appears to be moving towards.
its funny how shit the pics are attached to the post. uninteresting to the utmost. almost as if they think "ive read posts with pics get more attention... what do i post... ummmmmm..."
No there isn't, and this 20% thing is Spicer responding to a question about how to make Mexico pay for the wall. Trump thought of this 18 mos ago and killed the idea when economists told him to not be an idiot. Nobody knows yet if Spicer was just winging it badly, or if this is Trump's proposal.
good intel user, thanks
do u know what would happen to the food after they put it in the trucks? any knowledge on who delegated the distribution of that food and if it met the right mouths? just curious
>liberals caring about who taxes fall on
that's new
Mezcal is pretty good too, like the Islay of Tequila
If we are Mexico, then Russia would be something like Salvador.
>Implying the IRS is less capable at analysing tax returns than some autistic perma-virgin who can't understand the difference between mayonnaise and a gender.
>assuming companies would just hike prices above competitive levels rather than move their company back across the border
Beyond retarded.
oh no. not the produce that you grow with egregious amounts of pesticide and raw sewage.
That is why I and many others avoid "Grown in mexico" Shit sits and rots on supermarket shelves.
you're welcome
When Mexico loses the Mexicans come to the USA. Why do you think they are choosing the life of illegal immigrant?
I'll pay a bit extra for avocados and tequila to fuck Mexico and get the wall
Welp, I guess this is how Sup Forums's civil war starts.
Maybe if people stop thinking they can call him "le Drumpf" and leave the argument at that we'll get some meaningful criticism of his policies.