How can a wall be a solution if such thing exists as a ladder?
How can a wall be a solution if such thing exists as a ladder?
How can Russia be a solution if such a thing exists as a dagestani?
Drumpf BTFO
You cover the wall in KY jelly, retard. The ladder can't find purchase at the top and the whole thing swings over when the spics try to climb it.
bullets > ladders
it's going to be 10 metres tall mate.
The Mexicans gain a divine +1 to int!
Mexicans now have the ability to plant ladders into the ground to keep them firm.
They'll just fly in on a plane.
Either way the wall is stupid.
>not knowing what razorwire is
You CAN'T be this dumb user. I just refuse to believe it
>How can a wall be a solution if such thing exists as a ladder?
Step 1. Confiscate ladders
Step 2. Sell ladders
Step 3. Repeat
Step 4. Profit.
Shhhhh..... don't tell them yet.
Ppl will be sat at the top of the wall with barrels of boiling hot oil like in the good old days
That's pretty antisemitic of you. Israel has a wall and they think it works.
electrify the wall for starters.
also needs to be at least 2 walls running parallel with guard towers and snipers in between.
>he thinks the wall won't be monitored for climbers who will be met with a rapid response from the Border Patrol
Oh, you...
>implying Mexico will have the balls to challenge Trump's America
Thanks for the laugh man
What do you think people did... before ladders?
razorwire you fucking dipshit
Why can't we just install one of these in every Mexican alive and that will ever be born. Create and electric underground fence like a dog and make it 100x more powerful. Anyone un authorized crossing over gets killed. Attach it to the spinal cord, removing it automatically makes you a vegetable.
How to pay the wall pt2
Unfortunenatly human rights are a thing
>Mexicans now have the ability to plant ladders into the ground to keep them firm.
Live and work in Southern CA. I'll believe this when I see it.
Fortunately no human rights will be violated in the process.
I dunno. Ask the Mongorians.
>Russian shitposting
Reminds me of Russian logical games, but this is for beginners.
its not like you can cover the razorwire with something and get over it
Do you even know what razor wire does? It can slice through humvee tires
no he doesn't. he's a lefty retard.
you just sort of have to treat it as the incurable disease that it is and be empathetic
Found my new wallpaper
This guy gets it.
barber wire my pal
step 1. put landmines all over the border
You do know that adders existed in the middle ages ?
Oh you're right Sergei
Checked and ladders*
Listen to him. He is an expert on walls
already said he's hiring 5000 more border control.. do the math.. that's a rifle every few hundred meters. Much deterrent.
Border patrol agents are corrupt as fuck. They'll easily take 10k dollars cash just to look the other way.
Don't be so naive burger boys.
>Be Méxiculo
>Try to get over the Wall
>Bring ladder and carpet
>Position ladder
>Climb up ladder
>Place rug
>Attempt to slide down rug
>Get ass shredded by razor wire
>Fall 16 feet and pass out
>Border patrol laughs as they find another beaner with a bloody asshole
This is your future
idk ask china with the great wall
Are you that dumb? Go ahead and try.
Then what? If it's one story you might walk it off, two you will probably break your leg, three? You'll lay there and cry until Border Patrol comes to throw your crippled ass back over.
They still have to get past the moat, and then the Electric Pence Fence.
Holy Smokes Skyler!
You're greatly overestimating shitskins' ability to plan ahead.
You know sensors and fuckton of related device, who can detect tunnels, exist, right?
>He thinks Congress will actually pull their thumbs out of their asses and pay for enough people to guard this porkbarrel.
Built a bigger wall
Yeah, no. There is such a thing as ground sonar but it's not super reliable.
Might as well fill the tunnels with money and burn them out.
trumpty drumfty will sit on the wall and watch over
the wall will be 1000ft
So it begins...
You realize that's what deficit spending is for and exactly what our defense contractors love to do? Spend money.
you are corect.
make a canal instead and put crocs in it.
the canal must have 2 parts that are separated by a stealrope or something like that in the middle.
Witch means that you cannot cross it by boat.
National Geografic will make documentations of it like they do about the gnus in Africa.
You also can use the canal for ships to transport goods.
You can put endangered crocodile spiecies and make sure they dont get exinct as they get new living space.
Apparently they aren't that effective considering the hundreds of tunnels already being used.
The wall is nothing, it's a stun to fool idiots while the real intention is to create jobs.
That's right, Trump is going to pretend he is fixing the American economy with infrastructure jobs, with no real jobs actually created.
It will fool idiots voting under his period, but you'll be out of jobs after it while his precious friends at Goldman Sachs and the Kushner family get richer.
>russia saying countries can't be separated with a wall
They'd need to carry a hell of a long ladder. Then they'd need to jump from a 10 meter height or somehow bring the 12 meter long ladder to the other side.
Climb that wall, I dare you.
Hope you like a tong treck through the desert to reach civilization afterwards only to be caught by border patrol that saw you on the cameras.
Walls have always invoked creativity in those who want to cross them. And since there's a lot of people in Mexico (and South America) that are familiar with smuggling, i'm sure the wall will actually be a waste of money.
For your amusement, here's a list of interesting ways people crossed the Berlin wall:
Ask these guys.
Have you heard of this amazing piece of technology called "a rope"?
It can actually be used for more things than just lynching people you don't like the colour of.
You should look into it.
When you combine it with a machine gun turret the ladder becomes a stairwell to heaven.
ladders aren't stairs
So you think this two thousand mile long wall is going to be manned with machine-gun posts every twenty feet 24/7?
Really? You seriously think that?
Then there will be fake human traffickers to test the guards, just like secret shoppers test store employees.
We'll call then Secret Spics. Or the SS for short.
Kick them
Noo it'll keep the mexicuns out and they will pay for it. M-m-maga right?
>fly in on plane
Can someone explain this meme to me? Like tiny little cessnas and land in the desert somewhere? Is that what you're talking about?
That would definitely be cost effective huh user ;). Amazing, why hasn't Trump chosen you for his cabinet filled with the best people :0?
You think beaners are gonna walk 200 miles through the desert with a huge ladder?
I was joking you gap-toothed inbred retard.
The wall is part of the deal. Strict rules on deportation and dissolution of sanctuary cities is the real defense. No citizenship? No license. No voter registration. If you commit a crime and are not a citizen, you are deported immediately. If you go to a hospital and aren't legal, you're treated and guess what... Deported. If you default on bills/credit, and authorities are notified, you're deported.
>build wall
>put people on the wall
>shoot everyone within range
How can a ladder be a solution if such thing exists as a streams of boiling tar pouring on the heads of those trying to cross border?
Because they will fall off the other side and die
>carrying a ladder across a sweltering desert/mountains
They already die all the time trying to cross an unguarded border.
>Have you heard of this amazing piece of technology called "a rope"?
Have you ever heard of this amazing piece of technology called "designing the top of the wall in such a way that the hook has nothing to cling onto"? Not to mention that this limits illegal immigration to the subset of people who can climb a 10 foot wall with a rope. You people are genuine mental cripples.
rights have been taken away in the name of "safety". Just feed them that and they'll willingly do it.
10 meter*