Anti Trump protesters arrested

Name my band

Other urls found in this thread:

Slipped Gender

The Red Hot Chili Pepper Spray

The Intersectional Vegans

Bernie and the cuckolds

This is old, happened just after Trump was elected I think

Also all of them have JUST haircuts


Last 2 digits of my post are the % neanderthal in B

the cunty mcfucks
faglord supreme
caught between genders

T fucking rash

The Rolling Chromosomes

The Baby Bunch

30 seconds to mental breakdown.



Soap Aversion

Its a weird porn cast?

Why is Ricky Gervais constipated?


Understated number, underrated post.


Those aren't arested in portland. Laready seen this picture.

Comet Ping Pong

Kek, guy in the very centre got a heaping helping of pepper spray


A) non-ternary demipunk queer
B) trans-neanderthal
C) activated charcoalsexual
D) daddy issuegender
E) trans-gook
F) body-positive
G) monosexual
H) asspoking neuroatypical homosexual
I) opioidfluid cis-hydrocephal

>the division

Cuckold Dominatrix Scat Fetish

Charity Bartlett And The Receding Hairlines



Why always liberals girls dye their hair?

>Because i'm not like the other girls ;^)

Rage Against the Cis-Gene

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

Mumford and sons

Where is this mural?

>guess the genders
C, D, F: XX
B: H.S.Heidelbergensis
the rest are XY

The generates

Panic! At the protest

The Ugly Cucklings

The deplorables :^)

All white.


Seriously, none of them looks like a normal human being. A - Pseudo punk faggot. B - Drug addicted hobo. C -feminist dyke D- feminist dyke with colored hair E- looks like he is about to start crying or throwing a fit. F- drug addicted "gender fluid" dyke. G/H - "carl the cuck" type ultra beta white guilt cucks I- edgy stoner kid acting like a tough guy

Cuckold Pride

In the designated shitposting city of Melbourne.

Doog and The Rubbers(a,b,c) ft. The 60s Were a Mistake(h,g,i) with special guests, Riker is Fucking Pissed(d,e,f)

Flock of Faggots

What an ugly bunch of people jesus christ. No wonder they are pissed off over nothing 24/7.

>9 arrested

Team Androgynous 2

xir and the xims


nine and a half freaks

scabbing cyst

read the fucking post reddit.

best one hahaha
