AmeriDumbs BTFO.
Flags scaled by IQ
Well, we still have way more people, and therefore way more smart people.
You could have kept your mouth shut and let people suspect...but you opened your mouth and removed all doubt...
India: Worlds smartest country by 2026
Shut up, leaf.
Nuking India is the true Final Solution. Just imagine all the poo in the atmosphere that would result from India being nuked.
Taht is a graph of population.
fertile fallout creates a golden era of agriculture
Pakistan and India fight a Nuclear war- who wins?
Fuck off commie.
Weak bait leaf.
god i fucking hate leafs, the day of the rake can't come soon enough
Really makes me think...
Everyone else
4.3 inch penis though. Canada is 5.4.
I'll take a bigger dick over 6 iq points.
So we're both fucking dots now.
Pakistan would have a higher KD, but India would win with the number of razes.
As far as who wins, every other country. China gets new clay, Persia is reinstated, and North American and European countries can finally design decent digital products.
>i'll take a bigger dick over Iq
no wonder you take so many african and muslim migrants.
that thinking proves it
So Japan has 5 orders of magnitude greater IQ than the rest of the world?
Disregard those trips because this is literally nigger thinking.
IQ points are not (necessarily) orders of magnitude.
Or your sister's thinking.
Hilarious. You have way more blacks, shitskins and spics than we do.
No, he made a mistake. He scaled the Jap flag by number of schoolgirl panties that get sniffed.
She's married to a SA mixed race so maybe.
Why are Austrians always so dirty...every time.
Because they're Germany's bitch.
The bitch of a conquered people...Australia is bitch to the second degree?
Re-read your post and rake yourself, leaf.
>Pakistan winning wars
Cmon Gurpreet.
Damn I guess we have to impeach Trump and take in more refugees now
the internet
your turn canuckcuck
It's not central intelligence agency...the C stands for Canada. Dumber than I thought.
Super kek