Why does people like this country?

- It's a literal surveillance state, much more so than than the USA ever could. The UK is NSA's wet dream.

- The British are a minority in their own capital which is run by a muslim

- Their media elite and politicians are pedophiles and suckers of big business

- Old people basically had to save the country from the young pro-EU parasites

- The food is shit

- People's teeth are shit

- They have the most condescending accent on earth

- They are the most condescending people on earth, yet they also hate themselves for being white

- They totally banned guns and are now banning and throwing away their knives (inb4 forks are next)

- Black Lives Matter UK is a thing

- Police covered up thousands of girls being raped and groomed from the fear of being called racist

- You can be arrested for misoginy

- You can be arrested for hate speech

- Their kids either convert to islam or become edgy commie Corbynite revolutionaries

- The kids who don't do either of those two, become edgy pro-russian slavaboos

- Millions of britbongs signed a petition for the sole purpose of subverting democracy and trying to stop themselves from gaining independence

-They are even Anti-Hitler and Anti-Germany(WW2).

-All this could be forgiven if they fought on the right side durring WW2 but no they did not.

Is there literally nothing good about this piece of shit country?!?!?!?!?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why does people like this country
It's "do", not "does"

We don't have to pray to Mecca six times per day.


>Sweden's the one talking

What benefits does Sweden bring the world?
What the fuck did they do in the World Wars?

If Sweden were to just disappear from the Earth,
what would be lost here?

Gimme some reasons why Sweden is so Unique.

>B-But, S-Sweden has sum kool metal bands!
Metal is just a phase


Enjoy your commies

Fact is our per capita influence of the world is ridiculous. A tiny island nation which has:

Made it's language the de facto business language around the world.

Had the biggest empire ever.

Discovered evolution, gravity and was the birthplace of the industrial revolution.

Birthplace of many political ideas like the magna carta.

etc etc

LOL sure our country might be very cucked but its not even close to Britain at least we have the possilities to own guns. Sweden is still a loooot more white than Britain. The vast majority of us doesnt mix with Nigger unlike you people. We dont have that many nigger like Britain and France.

I thought you said "suckers of big penisses" for a second.

They are though

>Accuses people of being condescending while being condescending.

they are a den of paki rape but still bro-tier (in our hearts)

>Sweden calling a country shit

No one is going to take you serious here, ever bro. Get a proxy.

>Millions of britbongs signed a petition for the sole purpose of subverting democracy and trying to stop themselves from gaining independence

Do you mean the ones that voted against Brexit? I hope so.

If you mean Scotland you are misguided. There is nothing independent about Scottish independence. They are nigger loving EU cucks of Swedish tier

Nope i am talking about the dumb fucks that wanted to stay in the EU by signing a petiton.

>giving anyone else grief about mudslime.

At least we started the fight back with brexit. What have you done except bend over, literally in that journalists case, for Mudslimes?

OK just checking.

And seriously, get a proxy. Or all you will get is this:

You're just mad because you will stay in EU forever. There will be no Swexit for you. Your country will be part of it for at least a 100 more years.

>not as bad as great Britain

2% of British pop is Muslim
20% of Swedish pop is foreign.


>Why does people like this country?
We speak English well

>Why does people

I'll bite
>It's a literal surveillance state, much more so than than the USA ever could. The UK is NSA's wet dream.
You got me senpai. BUTTTT it's been a long time since a terror attack
>The British are a minority in their own capital which is run by a muslim
This is what happens in all major cities. It's understandable that you don't know this
>Their media elite and politicians are pedophiles and suckers of big business
Big business, you say that like it's a bad thing. How do you think this little country punches so far above its weight?
>Old people basically had to save the country from the young pro-EU parasites
Wouldn't say the % / number of people that voted is that high. Imgaine the vote in sweeden. It would be 90% for the EU.
>The food is shit
Meme but arguing with someone that hasn't actually been here is pointless as you will just post something digusting and use that one example to paint the "average"
>People's teeth are shit
hmm yet rated more healthy than most EU countries
>They have the most condescending accent on earth
again, showing you aint even been ere bruv
>They are the most condescending people on earth, yet they also hate themselves for being white
Sweden saying this LOL
>They totally banned guns and are now banning and throwing away their knives (inb4 forks are next)
You say that like you can carry a pistol around with you.
"It is illegal for a civilian in Sweden to carry a firearm, unless for a specific, legal purpose;such as hunting or attending shooting ranges."
Your gun laws are almost the same as ours. You can own rifles/shotguns here too.

I'll let someone else do the rest

>The food is shit

Don't you people literally eat rotten fish?

You are thinking about Iceland our food is still a lot better than the Britbongs

Any nation which produces battered sausage and chips is de facto the greatest culinary nation on the planet., so you're wrong there Sven.

Thank you based Britbatters for inventing the fish and chip shop, without doubt your nations greatest discovery (apart from Australia, of course)

>Sweden talking about bad food

How many top restaurants are in England, and how many are in Sweden?

I like Austrailia beacuse there entire country is like the American south. But i dont like the rest of the anglosphere. Austrailia is the only racist country in that sphere which is a good thing.

A lot and they are Swedish as well not Indian

Oh it's this thread again

When people say Britain doesn't matter, that we're just a dying Empire, that we're insignificant, I take a look around the world. Everywhere I see evidence of our influence and history and I think "If this is what it means to fail, who has won?"

Fuck the UK. It's a Paki filled shithole

>google sweden delicacies
>"a tradition dating back to the 1800s. The custom preferably takes place outdoors owing to the overpowering, unpleasant smell, which many compare with rotten eggs and raw sewage."

I hate niggers and the EU and I voted for independence, you are wrong.

Except we have a lot less poverty and fat cunts than the American south. Kiwis are ok too desu.

>being this mean to swedes

come on lads, they're our canary in the coalmine, they've literally destroyed their own country to save europe

without them charging off ahead europe would be going off the cliff together

>- They have the most condescending accent on earth
Somebody has insecurity issues. It's not our fault you sound like a cartoon character when you try to speak a real language.

t. gook filled paradise

>tfw no-one will ever fully appreciate Kalles kaviar
Best breakfast on knäck with butter


He was probably the dumb kid at school who struggled with English and could only understand American english.

A lot of foreign insecurity stems from frustration at not understanding the British accents

Still tastier than Christmas pudding

Like you're one to talk.
Sweden is as bad, if not worse than, as UK.

We have to ruse people into thinking that it's desirable to live here. Our economy depends on it.

American south has a lots of niggers

> Why does people like this country?
Because a lot of anglo LARP as if they are liked by everybody. Just as their fellow jews larp as if nobody likes them.

Doubt it, most schools in Europe actually teach British English and most people (here atleast) consider it to be the real and superior English.

Whats wrong with knäckebröd and Kalles kaviar?

There are many reasons to hate this country, and most people do. But what you have suggested are mostly just memes and 90% of those apply also to you.

Your country isn't better, faggot.

Whats wrong with Knäckebröd?

>what is surstromming

At least we can speak more languages than just English.

Sour fish that could be kept for a very long time introduced durring the war with Russia.

No Anglo cares mate. We built the modern world.

Nothing, it's God tier. Just slapping butter on it for extra smoothness and hardboiled egg when I'm not in a rush.


Stop fighting amongst each other please

Good Swedish stuff:
>good looking
>adorable accents

Good Brit stuff
>lots of interesting history
>nearly everything invented by a brit or brit descendant

United we stand, divided we fall. This is now an Anglo/Swede friendship thread.

Only because you started giving them everything they wanted. The invention of Israel to encourage Jewish migration away from Europe wasn't so bad. If it weren't for American money and influence they'd be just another insignificant country in the middle east.

I can visit your country without bothering to learn your language, whereas you have to learn English if you want to come here

> Only because YOU started giving them everything they wanted
Hey, I personally didn't do it, wouldn't have, and think it's bullshit what this country's become, I was just answering your initial question of who has won

I know i have been in Manchester,London and Liverpool.

But you do Sadiq.

It's still considered good form to learn a few sentences when you go visit a country so you don't come over as an arrogant that but yeah you have a point

Anglo's did nothing wrong

>t. Pajeet with 14/88 part anglo blood.

Stop namefagging

Also D&C shit thread, DELET

You just described London.

The only annoying thing about bongistanis is that they act like huge pricks disguised as "banter". I mean I understand having such a great country and seeing it go down the shitter brings out the asshole in everyone. We should know..

Meme food that nobody actually eats

you too baka

I think we're all forgetting the true greatest country on the planet.

Do you even do irony.

We don't need to learn other languages, because we are a successful and relevant country.

If Sweden was superior, we'd have to learn Swedish but we don't.

Because they are our best ally and closest friend

>Swedish intellectuals

>Black Lives Matter UK is a thing
Ehh Sven, don't forget that this happened in Stockholm

LOL look at Britain

>good Form to learn a few new sentences when you visit a country
>lives in Belgium
>sentences to be learned upon entering Belgium
>La ilaha illa Allah
>Yahdikumu Allah wa Yuslihu balakum.
>Allahu akbar

Disgusting funcking cuck country.

>British education.
>Muslims in U.K. 4.8%
Yeah sure 20%...

Ludafisk (sp?) is Swedish isn't it?

Its overwhelmingly non-Swedes while in Britain it was mostyly white. But nice try Geijer Svendssen.

Transcript of Theresa May's speech to US Republicans

"But Britain -- as a sovereign nation with the same values but a different political and cultural history -- has chosen to take a different path.
Because our history and culture is profoundly internationalist.
We are a European country -- and proud of our shared European heritage -- but we are also a country that has always looked beyond Europe to the wider world. We have ties of family, kinship and history to countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and countries across Africa, the Pacific and Caribbean. "

Britain YES

I have a mossberg 500 and a cz557 in .308 so up yours cuck

your hate only serves to increase the power of the anglo

when will johnny foreigner learn

Could be worse, just look at Germany

I don't dislike bongs. Even though they are historical enemies. I'd rather focus on countries that are cucked beyond recognition and have no signs of uncuck themselves. Im looking at you Sweden, Canada and Germany.


eh, we still prefer Portugal.

>Swedenistan flag.

Pajeet is still better than all the Muslims we and Hans is importing

Sweden should have the Syrian flag over it now

I would rather have 10 million Turks than 100 000 Indians Poo in the loo

Like i said. I don't care. But i respect that you guys are at least trying to not be cucked.

No, you invented it

I want out of this country

Look guys, we're both in the cuckshed alright. Some maybe more than others..

>Sweden wanting Muslims instead of Hindus
What a surprise

Let's fix our own country first you weird freak.

>discovered gravity

I would be offered if it was wrote be anybody else. But fucking Sweden? You and your country are a fucking joke.