This will now be $10 a bottle. Thanks Drumpf
This will now be $10 a bottle. Thanks Drumpf
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don't buy it then
such an important import
those poor hipsters have to pay a premium for taco soda
america will never recover
Should be $20. Faggot.
>Implying there's no American alternative.
Hey, try living in England with no American food/drink
We got Marmite though.
BTFO rekt 420 no scope TBQH
Buy American you faggot.
You fucking mercantilist should open a book. Protectionism will be the end of America, nowadays you print overvaluated papers (go look at your salaries, they are insane) and with this paper you buy a lot of shit that people work hard.
Now all this will be over, enjoy your worthless papers.
If import will be too expensive someone will start to produce it localy.
America was protectionist for most of its existence
Actually we surpassed Britain as the biggest economy when we had massive tariffs and protection of manufacturing. Alexander Hamilton and Henry Clay first instituted it, and ol Abe was a protectionist and used tariffs to finance the Union Army during the civil war.
>he fell for the free market meme
Stop buying $8.33 bottles of soda
So tell me exactly how papers will make your country richer instead of goods that now you can acquire?
>he thinks $1.25 x 1.2 (the amount of the drink + % tax) =$10
user... your liberal math skills are showing
> drinking mexican sugar syrup
Quit drinking soda fatass.
>drinking spic soda
>drinking soda
it's really your own fault in the first place.
We must btfo the federal reserve first my Spanish flower
Who cares you degenerate drunkard?
>implying anybody but spics or liberals bought them
>implying the aforementioned liberals wouldn't mind paying $10 a bottle still with daddy's money
That shits already $10 a bottle and it isn't even good.
It's soft drink.
>drinking soda
literally get the fuck off my board
>he fell for the free market meme
what are you talking about?
forcing foreigners to be hobbled like we are with taxes is closer to the free market then this lopsided shit
Sugar sodas are degenerate.
I lost nearly 5 pounds since cutting it out of my diet last December.
It's complete trash anyway.
Try some pasito or solo plebs.
Most of northern California is now out of drought. South is improving now too.
Mexican drinks are made with real sugar unlike most American sodas which are made with High Fructose Corn Syrup, giving them a superior taste.
Mexican coke is notably better than American coke for this reason.
I only have milk in my fridge. If I wanted to save money though, I would stick to water from the tap.
>implying Mexicans won't drop the price to try and keep them competitive in America. Small profit is better than no profit
Quit whining
don julio or another nice tequila straight up with a lime jarritos on the side is incredible
it's also easier on the liver and pancreas, helping (not a ton, but still helping) avoid type 2 diabetes
sugar is bad, but HFCS is much worse.
>20% tariff
>Jarritos now cost 80 cents after price hike
And yet again trump continues to MAGA by taxing poison. We have enough and Mexican position is truly the bottom of the barrel we can do without
so, we can make coke with sugar here too. stupid
who is drinking this shit anyway ?
HFCS is a "real sugar"
Unless they have a blackcurrant flavor, it can stay on the other side of the wall.
[citation needed]
Actually, I'll just save you some time.
Sugar is just as bad as HFCS. HFCS is just more readily available.
Not if the build a bottling plant north of the border. Win/win. They will be the Ford of Mexico!
Shh... we don't like facts in b8/8 threads.
Go to a convenience store in the Midwest USA canuck. Sugary drinks made of sugar have been a trend for the last 2 years.
Buy American, you cuckboy.
So, why not use sugar then? dumb.
The south is a desert. It's always a drought in a desert.
>drinking soda in any year
Enjoy your rotting teeth and diabeetus
We have been for some time now.
I'll give you this, the taste of Coke in the u.s is fucking terrible. The first time you have it leaves you wondering how it still sells and they got away with it.
They taste like shit.
Only thing I'd be disappointed about is tequila. Tequila is good shit. Surely some company here is worth a shit and doesn't break the bank, though.
Have you been to L.A? Every beaner with a taco truck fucking charges $5 a bottle BEFORE commie tax
They stopped selling Tamarindo in my area months ago
I've already shed all the tears I could in this matter
>Protectionism will be the end of America
who cares
stoli will be cheaper now
Oh no!!!! Not jarritos
Free trade is for cucks.
here you go corn boy
research in 2013 that compared a group of mice fed a diet with 25 percent of the calories in the form of fructose and glucose monosaccharides, or high-fructose corn syrup, with one that consumed 25 percent calories from starch. In that study, the female mice died at twice the normal rate and the males were a quarter less likely to hold territory and reproduce.
now gfy
The only person I know who drinks those is from South America lol.
>added sugar consumption and switch from sucrose to high-fructose corn syrup in the mid-1970s corresponds with the start of the diabetes-obesity epidemic in the United States.
do you work for monsanto or someshit? you from nebraska fatass corn boy?
>be me
>google Jarritos USA
>they sell at WalMart
Apparently there is already a tariff.
it will be 10 pesos once you get deported you fucking spic.
go to a taco truck, they're $1.25
soda is fucking disgusting
>drinking pure sugar
I hope Trump institutes an obesity tax and makes you pay for the wall
>I see these at walmart for $0.66 per bottle
I only ever see Koreans buy them tho
Meh, I watched that documentary. It's premise is that the body NEVER rids itself of sugars. It doesn't bother factoring in digestion, sweat, urination, or poopage. They literally think sugar never leaves the body.
Never ever layed eyes on this stuff before, but I want to taste Tamarind, Jamaica and Guava now.
Do I have to go to a Whole cucks or Safecuck for this?
yeah, because you got the only rain you're gonna get in 5 years.
That lime one is pretty tasty
agave grows in the mojave
we'll have plenty of beaner fire water yet
Jarritos is literally third world shit soda.
all sugar is horrible for you disphit
drinking juice is just as bad as drinking regular coke except you get some vitamin C
>drinking sugar.
Is anything more degenerate?
daily reminder to buy American, if you buy American and you do not feel like a patriot consuming American goods then you're defective, with your purchase of American goods you are supporting American workers and genius.
>drinking the carbonated Jew, even if it's still made with sugar
wew lad
Corn subsidies, for the most part
There is tequila being made in America but the have to call it agave
There needs to be a label that says 100% created by Americans.
I called it "Sugar Syrup" you dumb ass. Because it is all sugar and like syrup. You must be lonely and trying to pick at anything to show how awesome you are. You failed. You are a loser. and no one likes you. Jk, love ya buddy.
Those look vile.
Eating sugar?
It's called substitutes. Those drinks are already crap and overpriced. Buy cheap American soda and energy drinks instead. Jarritos goes out of business. Done and done.
I am 30 years old, and don't even know what that shit is.
Everything must be made in America, if the very last fiber of your outfit isn't made in America you're not a true American.
Passiona is way better than shity pasito
telling a lie?
Tough shit, faggot. I don't give a fuck.
only spics drink that shit anyway
the rain this winter has been insane.
>have to call it agave
you mean like not being able to call it tequila?
like how legally only scots can make scotch?
i am ok with this. we'll have the educated mexicans making top notch booze in no time. Make The Desert Great Again
>make in USA
>guarantee quality, no more lead water used
>give Americans jobs
>no more importing
>no more tax
>cheaper than before
Thanks, Trump!
guava jaritos is the shiznit but they need to just build the wall and stfu
Fucking disgusting
are you a retard?
it's nutritionally the same as sucrose
sucrose is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose
high fructose corn syrup consists of glucose and fructose
by the time sucrose hits your duodenum, the glycosidic linkage has been split and you're left with sucrose and fructose
try australian prices before you have a whinge you alcoholic fuck, you dont know the meaning of over priced liqure untill youve had the extreme misfourtune of having to buy rounds in australia, go and suck mexican dick if you have a cravin for that sweet sweet shit you call a drink but if not stop talking shit also
>1 post by this ID i just played myself
It's actually better than tequila because it is 100% agave and Mexican tequila can be mixed with god knows what
Maybe this will finally make you fat fucks stop drinking chemical, sugar-ridden shit.
fell for the kike science meme
I prefer Yoli
>no citation
>tfw I've irrevocably won an argument