Soon we will all know the sweet release of death and be with our waifus!
Soon we will all know the sweet release of death and be with our waifus!
So... close... just need that little more push and midnight will cleanse the world.
half a minute away from reaching Iron Maiden time. Need a little more of a push
They been trying to sell this dead fish for 50 years.
oh look, its 2 kikes predicting doom if white people don't do what the kikes want
>imaginary kike fear clock
who cares
Don't interrupt them
It's rare ancient meme magic
japan, you should be more worried with your shit small island and power plants.
>Lefties suddenly make a huge deal of the antiquated Doomsday clock, right around the time they try to re-amp up hostilities with Russia
I guess in their attempts to re-energize the populace about being anti-Russia again, they found old lefty propaganda footage of the clock, and decided to bring it back.
They're using nostalgia-bait, even for political propaganda now. What a time to be alive.
I'm US Military suck my nuts duder.
the clock is a bunch of bullshit
K whatever you say faggot. Enjoy the burn.
>7 minutes to midnight during Cuban missile crisis.
This (((clock))) is fucking retarded.
Watch dumbass leftists and they're all acting like it's an official government arm, that's warning the populace kek
can we make this happen already? I'm sick of this Sup Forums virtue signaling nonsense. We all know we need to undergo an apocalypse level event very soon. Half of you faggots are christcucks anyway, why are you not memeing nuclear war hard to be with your kike daddy in heaven sooner?
all we need is a few anons to convince some poo in the looers that their country is under nuclear attack and trigger a Paki-India nuclear exchange
More fear mongering from kikes?
>pointless agencies that were powerful with granted power from big politico but are just sad now, many such cases!
They are blaming Trump while instead it is pic related.
Anime girls becoming real soon.
wait i recognize that cunt on the left, isn't he one of the raging libtards? why would anyone take these people seriously?
>On Camera
>Professional Actor
>Still can't convincingly pull-off a proud face
That pic never gets old kek
I'm planning on just going innawoods with my back country gear, a fishing rod and a folding stool if shit really hits the fan
>Doomsday clock
who still gives a fuck about this shit. It was stupid and trivial, but novel in the 70's. It's just as stupid and trivial without being novel now.
>Jews Literally Own Media
>Nationalism Threatens Jewish Sheckles
>Jews Use Media In An Attempt To Manipulate The Public Toward Supporting Their Continued Thievery
They don't do knee jerk changes of the clock.
The only reason why they even bumped up the clock is because this last year proved that Americans basically want to be Sup Forums IRL and are worried that someone will actually hit the red button for "meme magic" points.
>two old-ass dudes predicting the end of the world
Maes-Garreau Law: Predictions of major future happenings always fall within the lifetime of the person making the prediction.
If Hillary won you would have been sure to die cause she is a stupid bitch.
It's good Trump won. Now you have a chance of living your miserable lives.
Praise KEK.
oh shit i hadn't even thought of that, but yeah it makes sense with everyone trying to ramp up russian paranoia
Move the clock to 13 o'clock praise kek
so where were they when hillary was talkin about war with russia?
what a load of shit like ever other prediction by every other human being.
>all because "my candidate didn't win"
>Doomsday clock announcement was made by Rachel Bronson, the executive director, and Democrat
She said that it was an attention-catching signal that was meant to acknowledge “what a dangerous moment we’re in, and how important it is for people to take note.”
“We’re so concerned about the rhetoric, and the lack of respect for expertise, that we moved it 30 seconds,” she said. “Rather than create panic, we’re hoping that this drives action.”
So basically, it's another way for the left to throw a tantrum about Trump.
Liberals, man.
>Trump is friendly with Russia
>we need to "deal" with Russia
>Trump wants a war with Russia
>We're all gonna die
The only thing Trump ever did was say Putin was a strong leader and better relations would be a good thing.
These people are insane!
to what now?
And leftist are dumb enough to believe it.It's as stupid as those morons who thought the world would end in 2012.
>Democrats try to stir shit up with Russia
>Worried about being a a nuclear war with Russia
The fuck is Democrats problem? I mean that seriously
A symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man!
how can they tell what time it is?hell, the damn thing doesn't even have numbers on it. i hate those fucking things. like the people who buy those thing feel like they are smart or something. i bet they buy digital clocks that only display 88:88.
and how do they know if it's am or pm? it could be 12 hours and 2 minutes to midnight
Oh man do I have a watch for you.
Fucking jews and their memes I swear.
is that Lawrence Krauss? Not that it'd be surprising
Why is it always jews? Just once I wish Sup Forums wasnt right.
This doomsday clock ticking down happened during Obama's presidency too
What did these "experts" base this info from, the lessening tensions with Russia?
Dude, I hope you know you are in a country that's going to get a large percentage of nukes that are fired. If WW3 actually happens and nukes fly , Australia would be a major threat to any nations that might survive the nuclear war. No Atomic nation in their right mind would allow you to survive unscathed, as you could militarily take over the world after the fact.
That shit ass clock is going to be a quarter second before midnight at dawn.
>muh doomsday clock
Thanks for the chuckle.
Reminds me of 1986.