is killing cops the only thing that niggers do right?
Is killing cops the only thing that niggers do right?
Killing each other is
Niggers killing each other is a good thing.
Sup Forums supports law enforcement
Go back to wherever you came from druggie.
go be a nigger somewhere else
Ding ding ding
Killing a pig earns you a spot in heaven.
If 3/4 of law enforcement died right now the crime rates literally would not change. Nobody besides fellow pigs would notice.
We need less of these scum on their glorified welfare system.
being patronised and possibly imprisoned for defending myself from a nigger is even worse than the thing robbing me in the first place.
And you base that on what. Your own retarded conjecturing? Black people hate cops because cops get in their way of committing crimes.
It's not your life we're all worried about you fucking degenerate. It's everybody else's lives.
No, it's when you dumb niggers keep shooting each other.
>That pic...
Why is there no option to just not do drugs...
>is killing cops the only thing that niggers do right?
they can kill each other as well
they are great at that.
I'm smarter than you.
hello Fbi
>when the fp is the bp
you can make anything a crime if you pay the price, what's your point?
growing tobacco, criticising the government, walking a dog without a leash, driving with no pants on, urinating in public drinking in public etc etc etc
fuck you faggot
Sup Forums is not one person you faggot shill.
Law enforcement in general is good, everyone knows that. However that does not mean every civilization incarnation of law enforcement is good and necessary or that every law enforcement personnel is good. Blanket and blind support for anything is stupid nigger-tier logic, you filthy nigger.
You're sent to jail not because you ruin your own life, but because you ruin everybody else's with your financial support of criminal and terrorist organizations, your reckless behavior under influence, the things you have to do to pay for your fix, and your overall inability to follow simple rules and fit in our society.
And you base any of this on what? Your own convenient gay alt-right LARP? Please slip on a puddle.
Why even do drugs to begin with? Just knock it off.
Shut the fuck up you filthy ape.
You're a nigger.
Sup Forums supports the Sup Forumsice 100%
Police are alright in most European countries, they're barbaric in the US and in 3rd world countries. Somehow Americans don't realise how much nicer their cops could be
Blame politicians, not the local PD, who in my experience in Canada act according to the will of the community faster than the legislators do.
Stop acting like you actually hold these values, chump.
You're the kind of faggot who gets high sometimes at home/with friends, and/or who knowingly has friends who do the same.
Keep larping nigger
Projection: The Post
OP is a faggot
The problem is there's a lot of power hungry assholes out there who gravitate towards positions like this, working as a police officer. Which in turn makes a lot of people hate them. There's some good police out there but there's also a lot of power hungry douchebags. It mostly seems to be the latter.
Fuck off nigga
it is, actually.
Shouting projection for absolutely NO reason.
That's not how it works.
Yes and yes
> drugs can ruin your life
Wrong. Drugs ruin your lives and of the others.
Drug users are scum.
What the fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger? Are you dumb? Are you a nigger?
> You're the kind of faggot who gets high sometimes at home/with friends, and/or who knowingly has friends who do the same.
Nice projection.
Really, it's pretty easy to be moral and a cop these days.
I'll see what I think of them when society starts breaking down, then their morals will be put to the test, and we'll see the difference between those idealized cops and jack booted thugs.
Police attracts an above average amount of sociopaths and psychopaths to the profession because it's legitimized thuggery, you're part of the armed hand of the state.
Still if you're butthurt over cops enforcing drug laws, often when they turn a blind eye in spite of the law a ton of the time, rather than blaming politicians you need to grow up. Law and order is what helped cleaned up New York. It helps a high standard be set for everybody, causing everybody to hold themselves to a high standard. Liberals always blame crime on "muh economic factors", which is partially true, but economic disparity can itself be caused by crime, it's a feedback loop.
Wow CTR/CREW... pissing off LEOs and red pilling them for us.
reverse that and yes.
as long as someone's doing it is all that matters. the only tragedy is when a useless nigger attacks an actual person like a white person or an asian etc.
Thank you embarrassing brother.
>You shouldn't break the law
>I'm here to enforce the law
>An independent Judiciary will decide your fate
> no reason
> try to say 'only X person' ignoring that not everybody is a degenerate
user could very well consider drugs immoral and abstain from it. I don't do drugs, cigars or alcohol for example.
Heh, special pleading fallacy.
You choose to do drugs, so you must suffer the consequences. You can't blame anyone else for your stupidity.
>killing cops
Get out of here nigger