Just a reminder that burgers are lucky they only caught the original strain of nigger. Your nignogs may be fucking retarded but at least some have a sense of humour and some can even function at the same level as a below average white. But here in Australia we have the worst strain of shitskin there is: the Abbo. A people who's technological growth stagnated around 50 000 to 60 000 years ago and whose culture revolves around telling the same handful of stories to every generation through oral tradition, and believing that dead people live on......... in rocks. These niggerydoos spent tens of thousands of years never figuring out how any thing works: no bows, no agriculture, no architecture (besides leaning bark/sticks against trees). And the little knowledge they could hang on to was passed on without written language with a little story to help remind you. What we call nursery rhymes, they called Dreamtime and actually believed it. They were content like this for 50000+ years until based Britbongs rolled up and blew their arses the fuck out of the billabong they shit in. I would be happier swapping these smelly degenerates with the boat people on Christmas Island and then asking our Ameribuds to please nuke them till the island is just a glowing pile of rock. So next time you're complaining about your trained little monkeys crying because 'muh popular vote,' just remember what us Ausfags are dealing with.
Just a reminder that burgers are lucky they only caught the original strain of nigger...
Other urls found in this thread:
Are... are you frustrated?
Are they as violent as our nigs? As vocal?
Suck it up.
Aren't you, m8?
Abbos are harmless and only dangerous to chinks and each other, Afro Americans are dangerous to everyone.
Abbos are too dumb to operate handguns
So like... is it reparations if we stop the boats and pay them 200 years welfare?
I think that makes perfect sense.
Weren't they originally considered wildlife? I am pro animal protection, stick them into a wildlife refuge somewhere.
They're too assblasted from sniffing petrol but when it comes to vocalisation; at least I can look at a nignog talking about 'muh affirmative action' and see him for the black man he is. There is dignity in that. But compare that to the abbo who just wants to sit in the dirt and drink while libcucks clean up after them, and it's just fucking disgusting ya know?
Here comes that aussie that doesn't know how to have fun.
Do they speak English? Do they have an Australian accent?
but they have sticks that come back when you throw them! and sticks that you blow into to make """"music""""! And pointy sticks for stabbing stuff and throwing at things!!!
Sorry OP, not buying in. Do your abbos have guns? Are there abbo gangs? Are they loud and obnoxious? Frankly, they look pretty quiet and peaceful.
Are you forced to mix with them? I.E., do you work with abbos, go to school with abbos, etc.?
Do they have money? Over here we have something called "nigger rich." It basically means someone who has a lot of useless adult toys but couldn't scrape together $500 to bail himself out of jail if he had to.
I just don't see any equivalence here. Your abbos seem a lot closer to our Mexicans than our niggers. Trust me, you just haven't nigged until you've nigged American style.
Mate these with the upcoming orcs and send them to the middle east
they speak english but they have their own accent. hard to describe maybe combine a regular australian accent with a drunk person choking on their own vomit
it's kind of like this
they're evolutionary development stagnated due to being regionally isolated no? how that their fault? we have aboriginals too, they're called da Navajo yeeeeeiiii
>Do your abbos have guns?
Nobody has guns except organised criminals, which abbos are not
>Are there abbo gangs?
Are they loud and obnoxious?
>Frankly, they look pretty quiet and peaceful.
when they are passed out possibly dead from being drunk in the park they are
>do you work with abbos
they don't work
>go to school with abbos
only up until were about 14, at that point they don't go to school any more
>Do they have money?
somehow they don't even though they get about $500 a week from the govt, more than a decent unskilled job
I have a question: How did White Australians manage to race mix with these creatures. How fucking degenerate are you people that you can even maintain an erection while mounting one of these beasts?
asking the real question. at least native American girls can be occasionally attractive due to their ancient Asian genes.
I don't know, if I had to blame anyone it's probably women to be honest I don't think I ever see a white male with an abo female but junkie white women occasionally mix with them I suppose
Where do abbos come from? Some ancient chinese sailors or something?
At least most of them are isolated in the NT. I never see these guys and I've never been bothered by them. You go down to circular quay and they just chill there playing their didgeridoos selling their CD's. give them a break it's not their fault they're dumb as shit it's just how they are through evolution. Plus we fucked them ober pretty bad.
I'll present you a case where a man was the coal burner, degenerate man are just as bad as their female counterpart
however why is she still relatively pale for half Abo half Caucasian?
>somehow they don't even though they get about $500 a week from the govt, more than a decent unskilled job
Can I claim to have an abbo grandfather and live on australian gibs?
They're the most ancient race in the world they're what the original africans were like the direct genetic step after neanderthals
Those women goddamn
loktar ogar
German-English... thanks a lot Hans.
Also she's not half abo, more like 1/8th, people with any amount of abo blood get referred to as indigenous australians
maybe i don't think you need a hell of a lot of proof for the claim you are an abo and like i said in another post you can be classed as one even if you are like 1/32 parts abo
The way he looks over at them at 1:40 is just nauseating. Could that hyper liberal over emotional waste of human life possibly lay it on any thicker? The very implication that there is something brave, beautiful, courageous or any kind of triumph-over-adversity narrative here is just a testament to how liberals aren't even trying anymore. Their thinly veiled pandering to people who are just following a trend of anything that can be labeled 'tolerant' is repulsive. These two aboriginals obviously are barely able to remember how to breathe after years of major drug abuse - don't sit there at a piano and pretend everything is alright you fucking faggot.
Now that's a rare fucken flag mate
i fucking love straya
1967 we had a referendum and decided they were people.
And the gays get prissy why they're still waiting to be allowed by us to get married.
That's not nice. We're all human.
>German-English... thanks a lot Hans.
wew, why do you solely blame the Germans? This isn't WW1.
For this metisse, the Anglo-sphere is just as responsible.
>compare that to the abbo who just wants to sit in the dirt and drink while libcucks clean up after them
You literally just described the majority of American niggers.
Trust me, they are not better. You're just suffering from a bit of the 'Grass Is Always Greener' meme
Please bring yourself and all your white everybody you've ever met then please, we need to offset all the asian and brown cunts.
Oi mate, that's not the correct response.
Why is nobody posting these Wise Aboriginal Elders? youtu.be
Has anyone tried putting Abbos in their own place away from whites again and seeing how they function?
They can't live in the modern world. We know that.
Fuck you guys, i changed my life around i made it to america.
how about all you racist fucks cash me outside, howbow dah?
culturally german from the sounds of it. probably why you've heard of her your nation is probably proud of this achievement in diversity. i'd never heard of her before you brought it up despite living in the same country as her.
OP here: I'll just clarify that I'm not saying necessarily that the situation of abbos in Australia is as bad as nignogs in America, I'm just saying that they are genetically and culturally the worst race. At least niggers had the capacity to be assimilated.
>cash me outside, howbow dah?
I don't speak primitive. If you're going to speak to your masters then speak in their language, you brute.
ha noice
I wish we had passive ones instead of ones we bred to be strong throwing barrels at us and kidnapping our women.
Idk m8 I'm having a right chuckle
How did Anglo men even manage to keep it up long enough to fuck these things? Blacks are ugly but at least they look human. Abbos legitimately look like a different species.
>culturally german from the sounds
I beg to differ. Or what do you mead with that?
>heard of her despite living in a different country
E-Even I had a degenerate stage in life. Don't judge me.
And no, Germany hasn't celebrated "this achievement in diversity".
Fuck you white cunts
>inb4 british women are uglier
There wasnt really that much fiki fiki with the indigiscapes, it was mostly stabby stabby shooty shooty die of dieseasey compared to colonisation elsewhere
>Also she's not half abo, more like 1/8th, people with any amount of abo blood get referred to as indigenous australians
Any amount? Could someone theoretically be like 1/64 or less abbo and be classified as such?
Based user, I forgot about the mudcrab meme.
How are the abbos doing, demographically wise? Do they also pop out 4-8 children each like blacks/muslims or are they dying out like the american indians?
Yay! /Abo General/!
These cunts are from Perth, I remember when this was on the news because of pissed off half caste.
Appart from living extremely basic lives can anyone redpilled me on abo culture?
Is it true they burnt a fuckload of the flora Australia had and practiced extreme genitaial mutilation, rape and pedophilia? Anything else (and correct me if any of that is wrong)
reading this shit always makes me feel better about our natives tbqhwy
Holy shit lol
I kinda see it on the curly hair guy but everyone else wouldn't be out of place on a nazi propaganda poster
Even in injuns won't accept you if you're less than 1/4
Why are the Maori less retarded than abbos? Aren't they the same race?
A lot of their culture has been romanticised by cuck-a-ducks who tried to convince everyone that abbo culture is in any way comparable to other more developed cultures but it's literally just bedtime stories and hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
Nah Maori are based Polynesians. They like buff as fuck azns with just a sprinkle of nig, but not much.
No abos are their completely own thing. From my understand they are about as closely related to Europeans as sub Saharan Africans as Asians as islanders. They split off that far ago.
Maoris are islanders
mate of mine was working in the mines in WA, woke up to his work truck stolen, was found 200 kms away, keys in it, and none of his gear stolen. Abos just needed a ride.
when europeans first came to Australia they tried to catch the abbos to send back to europe for study because they legitimately though they were the missing evolutionary link between humans and primate
>un-memeingly thinking they were subhuman
>,' just remember what us Ausfags are dealing with.
Abos are the most intelligent monkeys on the planet.
They are so smart that the retarded british prisoners gave them documents, thinking they are equal.
Thats some imagination you have, burger.
do Abos have recessive alleles and can Ozzies outbreed Abos?
Even though they probably don't want to after seeing those 100% aboriginal phenotype Abos, but you have to take the shot for the Caucasian race. Ganbatte!
Thanks m8. Also one more question from this ignorant burger- do you guys really eat kangaroo, and if so how does it taste
These are strayans. Their idiom is "Dirt is Always Browner"
So what you're saying is Australians were the only ones who failed to kill them.
so just a regular aussie accent then?
Abo traits disappear within a few generations
Its no a staple of anyone's diet (except abos in the bush) but it is quite gamey, tastes like a strong beef. Its very lean though
>You wouldn't celebrate August 6th
>United States drops nuclear bomb on Hiroshima
Except we do actually do kind of celebrate that in America. September 2nd is Victory over Japan day.
Fucking liberals.
Abos don't have the warrior gene though so they're not violent as fuck like our niggers
I celebrate all of these days
Well if I had to guess, it's similar to what happened in American history. It was mostly men who settled the American frontier. There were no white American women around for hundreds of miles. So naturally the men living on the frontier got horny and traded some fur skins or a musket for an Indian wife.
I've only eaten kangaroo in sausages. We call them Kanga Bangas. It's leaner than beef and more patrician.
>Its no a staple of anyone's diet
It's the only red meat I eat these days, way leaner than beef so way more gainz. Gotta cook it properly though.
I literally saw a pack of abo's bash a women for GIVING THEM a cigarette. She didn't even tell them they can't have one. They're fucking animals.
The only reason people think they aren't as violent is cause we took all the guns away.
Don't they have like a super low fertility rate tho?
You'll outbreed them in a few generations
I ate kangaroo all the time when I was over there.
the protein - calorie ratio is great for sick gains
It all makes sense now
Yeah I kind of feel bad for you guys, I mean nigs are dumb but at least they have the capacity for some basic emotions, mostly anger and malice.
With abbos it's kind of like, big childeren, they just aren't capable of a certain level of planning and foresight.
Like a nigger will hold up a store to get money to buy drugs and then sell them to make more money, an abbo will rob a store for the liquor.
here's a nice little example of a typical encounter with abos in metro areas of Australia.
They always seem to be drunken, loud and abusive on public transport.
If you show them any fear they will become violent, this oldbro knows how to handle them.
They you can exploit it. Grab yourself an Abo waifu.