The co-chair and organiser of womensmarch
Thoughts ?
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I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
It is reasonable. It puts women in their place and that's what they really crave.
Secretly.....feminists want to be ruled.
>oppression of women, gays, and non muslims are the basics of sharia law
Yes, if you have a twitter support her. What's a good hastag?
Because they're brainwashed into their antiwhite/antichristian agenda
then book a one way flight to saudi arabia
Did you mean
>I am @jack's complete lack of surprise.
We should push this. Hard.
Feminists will either reject Islam, which means we win. Or feminists will embrace modesty and obedience to men, which also means we win.
I am Jack's raging bile duct.
>decide you want to battle for your gender's empowerment (or more accurately, supremacy)
>try to ally with the one religion on earth that dictates you are worth less than farm animals
(o8.1) - When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.
(o8.4) - There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (since it is killing someone who deserves to die).
link pls
From the mouth of a muslim arguing in a video i saw once
"Sharia law is unique to each country".
They're like jews in how the choose to interpret the Quran
Saudi sharia, is not the same as in other countries
This is an internationally misleading claim
m3.4 - 3.7 say that a woman may not "conduct her own marriage", meaning that she is not free to marry by choice. A male guardian is required to validate the marriage agreement.
m3.8 says that a woman is not free to choose her guardian. It is assigned by family relation. Once she is married, she becomes the charge of her husband's guardianship.
A Muslim woman may not marry a non-Muslim man (Quran 2:221). An untranslated portion of the Sharia even forbids an Arab woman from marrying a non-Arab man (source).
(m13.4) - A woman has no right to custody of her children from a previous marriage when she remarries.
(m5.1) - It is obligatory for a woman to let her husband have sex with her immediately when he asks her... and she can physically endure it.
(m10.11-2) - It is not lawful for a wife to leave the house except by the permission of her husband.
(m10.11) - When a husband notices signs of rebelliousness in his wife, he warns her in words. If she commits rebelliousness, he keeps from sleeping with her without words, and may hit her, but not in a way that injures her, meaning he may not break bones, wound her, or cause blood to flow.
(o4.9) - The indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man.
(L10.3) - Divide the universal share so the male receives the portion of two females (Rule of inheritance based on the Quran 4:11)
(m2.3) - It is unlawful for women to leave the house with faces unveiled
Womens march is a front financed by Soros & Co., of course they want people to embrace sharia law even though it goes against feminist believes.
They literally only think this because it triggers white boys. If whites embraced Islam this bitch would become Sup Forums in less than an hour. Women like her and other feminist are all about rebellion, that's it.
this is her. of course she likes shariah and fights western culture of misogyny. everything is normal
Where is the problem again?
> Oh you are misinformed, you only know the basics of their brutality
> There is a lot of deeper culture when you get around all the things I say I hate about Republicans
When did you realize that all this was just leftist trying to end white people?
It's attached to a religion.
Not a bad set of rules though.
As I understand it, she was one of three token minorities brought in while trying to give the movement ~intersectional~ credibility. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised she supports another agenda entirely. That's what happens when you sell out your grassroots movements, ladies.
During my childhood i always was the nice guy, but now i see... women REALLY want to be dominated like holy fucking shit.
Is it really reasonable?
Red pill me
more like:
>pozzed nigger cum, runs down @jacks thighs.
because he's a coal burning homosexual like Milo.,, get it?
>but wait, theres actually more
>Linda sarsour is a Palestinian-American-Muslim, racial justice & civil rights activis.
Boy, a muslim for sharia law, color me surprised!
letting islam into a civilized liberal society is suicide.
>people just know the basics
like pedophilia
hand chopping
genital mutilation of female children
over riding of human rights and state laws
blocking divorces
just some of the basics but im sure its got alot of detail to this doctrine ive never thought about before.
Finding a ballance between nice guy and jihadi is important when it comes to finding a woman.
now im starting to think that feminists/socialists etc are simply anarchists in disguise.
Can someone tell me >literally who those two roasties are? And did they do nudes
Islam has long tried to infiltrate leftist environments, I think the Green Party in Sweden had or still has a couple of jihadists.
Pretty much. Or they are just retarded which makes them very similar to anarchists
"women's march"-cucks btfo
What a pansy
i guess women know subconsciously they are inferior to men and should be ruled by them and are letting us know in the only way they know how, extreme subtly
Someone edit pictures of women getting slaughtered because of Sharia law with that screenshot added above it. We need to retaliate immediately.
Next women's march we should get some sharia law feminists in burkas to go with signs promoting death to adulterers and apostates.
This is the whore that tried to ban a movie about what women experience in majority islamic societys she is just the typical islamist useing usefull idiots. And its really sad and pathetic that the dems fall for the same kinda islamist again and again.
These hoes ain't loyal
>claims to be speaking out opression
>shills for the most opressive legal system the world has seen since the middle ages
Women are dumb, they're only good for one thing and most of them are pretty shit at that
It would probably be explained away via cultural relativism and/or claims of false-flagging.
wow he looks so stones
lmao xD xdxdxDDXXDXD
I wonder why, clearly a shitskin.
Fuck it Sup Forums lets just troll the western world into accepting sharia law.
We can finally behead sluts.
Is anything even real anymore?
You need a quick rundown?
Yeah we can finally have bachi bazi too!
Fuck off retard
Camera's with that quality cost a lot of money... Who the fuck is producing this shit??
but... but... under sharia law, they wouldn't have been allowed out to march without male supervision
>there are anons here who don't understand the what the feminist ivory tower is really up to
They purposely cause the greatest division in order to push their ideology from atop the ashes.
They should stop call it feminism and rename it the PAHO "Proud Abused Housewives' Organization"
so a dumb Muslim woman who probably grew up with western sensibilities through which she is interpreting shity things in a different light compared to more repressed mudslime who interpret it completely different due to being such gay repressed fags.
Like shit its just like the christian religion in that before it reformed it was pretty much the same as the dumb misinterpreted type of shit that the faggy mudslimes that live in shitty countries believe more or less in principal at least.
The Muslim religion needs to go through some sort of reform just like Christianity did. and we should try to foster that even if we don't believe in it given how statistically the majority of Muslims are fucking radical to some and many extents.
much of religion is about interpretation so if one has a what would be consider moderate and acceptable version of don't shit on it cause some other fags for years have misinterpreted for the sake of money an power. Since Christianity was once the same, again in principal at least with the uneducated minority, so if there is some pockets of people believing in it differently for the better.
>are simply anarchists in disguise
naw there are a small pockets of them here or there given that its easier to fuck shit up when they can shake as much responsibility as possible to make it easier to not get caught cause of how huge pussies they are.
that or they are also likely a provocateur being paid to be fag so some fags can get easy clicks.
She probably only summarized about shariah law to deem it 'reasonable'. There have been many personal accounts of child brides being raped for days at a time by multiple men, all protected under shariah law. They also slice the clits off girls so that sex is painful for them, yet they are forced to participate. Cutting off a clitoris is akin to cutting off a dick, not the foreskin. Clitoris mutilation is much more severe than circumcision. Women don't get sexual pleasure vaginally, that's why I say that it's akin to chopping off a dick. Imagine never being able to use your dick when you have the urge to fuck! What a nightmare. Any woman would be able to see that this is wrong and unacceptable, these 'feminists' don't do any real research on the subjects they preach about. Hating on Donald Trump is another subject they are ignorant on, so I'm not surprised.
when are we going to start putting these people to fucking death? jesus fucking christ this is pure evil
>implying she read anything on the Sharia law
i can't take this stupidity anymore, it's enraging
sounds contradictory with being a rights activist. I wonder why the media didn't ask her these questions
this is what i'm assuming as well, because any woman who read Sharia law would be repulsed. Even 'the basics' of Sharia law are mortifying.
they literally want us to slaughter them, it's a fucking psychotic mentally ill death wish. I'm not joking. satan is deep within their souls, they're literally completely lost to hell at this point.
Not all Shariah is extreme. Saudia Arabia extreme. Indonesia not so much.
the oppression of women is good thing for feminists because than they legitimacy when they are being oppressed
Is anyone watching the infighting between feminists with this Muslim bitch telling other feminist bitches she wants to take their pussies away? It's high larious
They would rather support any "oppressed" group rather than people with similar beliefs to them
Even if so, the premise of Shariah Law conflicts with feminist ideologies. To defend Shariah as a feminist is delusional.
Already responded
Sup Forumsice Twitter daily!
yeah I get it
you could say @jack is #Deraynged
what are you left with when you deconstruct everything?
you guys are responding to 6 years old tweets by the way
kinda autistic
here's some archives just to be sure
Like some user said, should tweet "you wouldn't be able to march without male supervision under shariah law"
Time for us to fuel it, come Sup Forums let's play both sides.
Can we just give them what they want? Let women argue why should be second-class citizens, please just let them do it.
That quality? 1080p? Nigga ISIS has entire fucking oil fields are you reatrded? Do you think they fight with sticks and stones?
Amy fucking Goodman spend 30 minutes interviewing this woman and didn't ask her a single question on the subject. What the actual fuck.
I don't want my vote anyway #ShariaToEndSuffrage
Fuck Suffrage, pass me a hijab #EndTheHysteriaUnderSharia
Don't be a dhimwit #ShariaLawToKillAllGays
Don't like the homos? #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
Daughter a slut? #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
Like to fuck kids? #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
Autonomy overrated? #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
Want arranged marriage? #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
Only worth half? #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
Like public stonings? #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
I hate myself anyway #ShariaGetsYouReallyStoned
they don't want that, what they want is to seem open to all cultures ideologies. If they don't seem completely open minded they have no ground to call anyone else racist or sexist. aka white males.
I know but I'm talking about winning the war (political or otherwise). Whenever a group advocates for its own demise, as long as it is not white men, I say we should encourage it.
If women advocate for second class status, I say encourage it. Let our enemies defeat themselves.
Jamaica, ooo i wanna take ya
Feminists like rape. They fantasize about it in books.
If you really want to open the door to everything else Sharia entails just to spite some feminists, may I suggest you either get your priorities in order or fuck off back to whatever hellhole you immigrated in from. Whichever applies.
Here's the thing, these people are George Soros' pawns so they can make Sharia Law a thing and feminists have something to complain about
They are cryptoconservatives.
as a man I welcome shariah law with open arms. I hope it includes removing women's right to vote. maybe then the many stupid women out there will finally wake up from their delusions
are you serious cuck?
Surprise Feminism was a shit test all along!
The beta white knights on Sup Forums still trying to turn women into this higher chaste being that just isn't. Told you they secretly want to be on a leash, even the women protesting against Feminism see how women are treated in Islam and say they want Western men to do the same. You motherfuckers need to read some Evola.
>Not using sweetie or honey
Missed oppertunity, really