Can American women be saved at this point?
Can American women be saved at this point?
Not the niggers
> Sure did miss my $5 wine
Fucking gross.
Oh cool I can cherry pick too
>saving this
Are you dumb?
This is awesome.
Are we sure she did the full 9 months or just stole the baby?
in her defense, its better than subjecting her offspring to FAS...
Can Australian women be saved at this point?
that's kinda hot mate
She's implying that she hasn't drank alcohol in 9 months. That seems responsible to me.
Plus that bottle isn't even open. This is clearly a joke you fucking retards.
Well, at least she didn't drink while she was pregnant. She's a degenerate but there is far worse to worry about.
Mfw barefoot is 10$ a bottle here face is streetbutt
That's my fetish
I think it's impressive that an obvious alcoholic was able to put the bottle down 9 months for her kid.
Pretty cool actually. As a drunk I respect this negrato if she legitimately was clean 9 months.
I don't see anything wrong with this
>T hardlined white nationalist
I mean she has to go back but i'd have no problems with my wife having a glass of wine after 9 months of no drinking.
At least she didnt drink while pregnant
Like my mom
That's just........
>Letting an alcoholic mother raise a child
>not drinking for 9 month
as long as she doesn't breastfeed, i'm cool with this. i mean, at least she wasn't drinking while pregnant.
>she has to go back
Blacks have been there in America longer than most whites, and they were brought by force
kid's gotta be weaned first, all sorts of shit is expressed in breast milk
The lid is on, dummy.
>unopened bottle
>nine months of waiting
>good bitch
So what you're saying is we should remove them by force?
so she waited and didnt drink while she was pregant like a resonsable adult, oy vey (-_ど)
....the bottle is obviously closed still and it's implying she didn't drink for the 9 months the baby was in here
I really don't see anything wrong here. If she was a true alcoholic she would have drank during the pregnancy. This is literally just a fucking joke.
Sorry, I meant:
>Letting a black mother raise a child
The only bastion of Humanity left is Japan, sadly once the Olympics roll around it will bring publicity and SJWs will target them for allowing things like rape hentai to exist, and they will eventually fall to them like every other nation has
>Can American women be saved at this point?
Pick one.
>black latino half breed
"Yeah bitch, I finna sip on some muhfuqen drank nigga!!! I wanna give a shout out to Lil Ray Ray, Big Yayo, Dat Nigga Pookie, Cross Eye Jenkins, my sisters Takeesha, Mercedes and Laquanda. Oh, I almost forgot and sheet, my baby daddy KoKo Dubz!!! hey Boo!!! I miss you big daddy! I's finna wait all seven years until you get out bae!
A Yo! turn up dat muhfuqah! sheet, bump dat bitch ho! I don't need to hear all this cryen and sheet!"
Black women - Not a chance
White woman - Improbable
Spanish momen - Not a chance
Black men - Improbable
White men - Possible
Spanish men - Improbable
>implying wine is better the more you pay for it
>hasnt seen the study where win conniseurs were told a $5 bottle was a significantly aged $500+ bottle and rated it as such and then vice versa and gave the expensive wine shit reviews
>she earned it...and the kids white!
Don't kid yourself, America has more mudbloods than anything else.
No. Not with all the other boards plotting against us...
They've got us outnumbered and there's nothing we can do
What? Women are fucking idiots, and are made to be led.
Redpill yourself, newfag.
And stop projecting your desire for mgtow cock onto me
when white babies come out of the vagina, they kinda look like little nigglets
t. chang
Nothing to see here. Some of our true blue aussie maidens plessing a local community service with the hormonally ripe wee.
Once you go red you become a single mother
>marrying an alcoholic and allowing her to raise your child
That bitch still has to breastfeed lol bye nigger baby
what's wrong with her? She looks like a loving mother who is finally able to enjoy a drink again because she stayed away from alcohol during the pregnancy to help ensure the health of her newborn.
Maybe it's not pain in childbirth but regret of sin that accumulated greatly as the curse for "whatever" Eve did. Because it seems to take many many pregnancies before her redeemer comes. That's why the Church is so important. Christ redeemed Eve but did not marry. We marry Christ and He redeems men
Honestly I'm suprised she didn't do it while pregnant. That's light years ahead of your average nig nog
This is funny and clever and shows that she is a good mother that gave up any and all alcohol for 9 month for her babys sake.
You must be a special kind of retard if you are butthurt from this.
there is literally NOTHING wrong with getting drunk off your ass with alcohol.
Only children and morons act out stupid ideas when they are drunk.
Prove me wrong.
This, fuckwit autists...
Is that ivanka?
Just like her dear old dad!
I get smashed on 18 dollar boxes of wine. Gives me the farts but goes great chilli cheese omelet.
I would definitely start to demolish a six-pack the moment after I gave birth if I could. Most women are drugged up and high to make birth less painful, how is this any worse?
Bottles not even open. Sup Forums is just bitching to bitch.
>good mother
>not breastfeeding
wtf you on about?
babies who get the synthetic jew look like freaks, their heads swell up and shit.... i wish i was joking
i've never seen a picture of this but now that i have it's fucking disgusting
how do roos get inside the pouch?
Baby is kinda light. Did she get BLEACHED?
If you don't understand the pic, you are a fucking idiot
Well at least she didn't drink while she was pregnant. Which is more than you can say of plenty of women of all races.
>black women detected who every time she takes her pants off it smells like a bucket of ammonia.
Fucking jealous bitch?
No you stupid euro they were brought by boat. You'd understand what that meant if your country had a fucking beach