MILO: No white nationalism!

>look guys I'm fighting cultural marxism
>by rephrasing their literal defining talking point (denial of white interests) in a way that's more digestible for young budding cuckservatives

Already had this thread, white nationalism will never be sold to normies, so it's a useless ideology from the begining. You're free to do as Milo does and create a public case for it btw.

>not realizing that Milo and his pseudo-intellectual comrades were just in it for the fame and money from the start

>white nationalism will never be sold to normies
according to who? give it a little time and any ideology can be accepted

also, Milo is a kike

Because people aren't racist beyond basic civility and that's the way it should be. There are plenty of blacks, spics and Asians that are perfectly in agreement with our general brand of nationalism. Why should we shoot allies?

I mean, say what you want but Milo genuinely supported Trump and did everything he could to get people to vote for him. Good for him that he made some money from it too

oh, so you are a kike as well
white nationalism is not racism, redditor

It's literally byte for byte identical to leftists Identity politics and it's pathetic and lazy as fuck.

Because white nationalism doesn't make sense to most of the population in most countries, which is largely non-white.

Whites have to face it thag white nationalism is impossible, and in the next 20 ish years the stone will be set, countries will be too diverse for white-nationalism to become real.

Just think about for a moment, white-nationalism is the concept of having a country purely white, and being proud about it. E.g. Sweden would be white-nationalist if they kicked out all people but whites.

The problem is that for any ideology to be accepted and enforced by a society, there needs to be more people in favour of it or a leader in favour of it and with the power to independently enforce it.

And I get that kickig out illegals or banning immigration from X group of people would work, but the reason why I give a 20 year margin for white-nationalism to become IMPOSSIBLE is because within that time, more and more non-white would have claim to the land they live on (20 years is enogh for a man to immigrate, fit in and have kids who then have a proper claim to the land).

If nothing happens (which is highly likely) , white-nationalism will become impossible to introduce because the population will have a much larger amount of non-whites.

Oh and if you say something like, "Oh but what if we gas the minorities Kek,' I'd like to point out that the only countries that don't have the legal restrictions/social restrictions to do that are Iran, North Korea and some failing African countries.

Tl;dr White-nationalism will die out after 10-20 years because growing population of non-whites in countries where white-nationalism may make sense.

you don't even qualify as a human if you think talking about white nationalism is a good idea in public.

fucking retard loser. do you also think telling your enemies what you plan to do in war is good? any adult with half a brain understands this.

you're totally inferior to jews. you're african tier intelligence subhuman trash.

silly >cunt

Jesus fucking Christ you retard

It's like you only have these 2 options:
>you either can't pursue white interests at all
>or you have to shoot all the non-whites that agree with your world-view

Literally what the fuck?

White nationalism is not incompatible with having non-white allies that aren't harmful to you.

It's not the same as white expansionist supremacy.

You might as well just stop having a country because some people outside America support it, if you think that way.

no it isn't, white people taking pride in their culture and heritage is not in anyway similar to what leftists do

wrong, whites are beginning to realize that they are disadvantaged in the world, nationalist movements with white majorities have been popping up all throughout Europe and will continue to grow, especially since you imbeciles call them nazis for just wanting to live in their own countries without being flooded with "diversity"

white nationalism is not the same as white supremacy, pretty much every other race in America are [their race]-nationalists by default, it is only whites that are expected to embrace muh diversity and not think of their own interests as a race, or talk about the abundance of statistics that show whites are on track to become a minority in their own country

Never said I'm against white-nationalist, in case you're wondering I'm moderate but against immigration. I just said that if people want to instate white-nationalism, they'll need to act fast.

And why does it have to be the promotion of explicit white heritage? Let's lay down a nationalist framework that allows all races and cultures to adopt to preserve, without stamping over others (ours)

Wanna raise your argument? Name me a county that has an actual potential to become white-nationalist.

According to you, Israel does not exist


why should whites bow down and allow other cultures to grow on their own lands? and not all cultures are equal, many are objectively superior to others, I shouldn't have to explain white French culture suits New Orleans better than say Pakistani culture, it is easily observable that non-white cultures are mostly destructive

the other part is that it is actually more beneficial for non-whites to take part in white culture rather than their natives cultures, so saying that we should have multiple cultures will harm non-whites in the long run, which is why you have redpilled minorities

You dumbfucks really don't see all the good milo is doing us? The main concern we should have right now is dismantling the lefts pervading narrative. Even if you can't stand the actual person he is bringing millions of millions of people closer to our side. Redpilling normies is a huge boon to our cause which pays dividends. What milo is accomplishing is exactly what we need

I don't know what you mean by quickly, but It would take a decade or two, you have to allow an entire generation to grow up on these ideals, which is certainly possible with the internet

Milo is a scam artist and opportunist, you are right that what he does is beneficial in the end, but lets not act like he isn't a complete piece of shit

>will die out in 10-20 years
im sure (((someone))) already said this 10-20 years ago

Senpai I lived in Israel for two years, it's not white. There are some white people, my then GF was Norwegian, but theyre not white.

Because we are talking about nationalism, aka the people of a nation and all people are equal under the laws of a nation.

I fully agree modern white culture is the best in not only the world, but all of history. But the reality is other cultures exist and you must get along with them civilly, like is a accustom to white culture.

Walling out your fellow countrymen for idealogical reasons is exactly the opposite of white culture.

this is either a psyop by leftist who want to ruin milo or untermensch subhuman meth addict white trash.

>redpilling normies
>by telling them to ignore white racialism
>by telling them not to look out for their own interests
>by equating race with skin color and telling everyone to be skeptical of anyone that talks about race, gender, or sexuality

Yeah, no. This kike is straight unfiltered bluepill.
He has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Once a faggot,always a faggot.Color me surprised.

Let's see how that works out.

They used /pol to advertise.
We were cucked by a cuck.

we have been attempting to get along civilly with people of other cultures for a century, but it is a clear failure and now the white birth rate is going down, so soon there won't be any white countries, the only thing that has been accomplished is giving the country away to people who are seeking to implement their own cultures, replacing the white cultures that allowed them to come here in the first place with socialists shit that rules their native countries; I would like to think that white cultures have the benefit of self-reflection, that is when you are doing something wrong you identify it and correct it

and like I said, it is in the interest of minorities in white countries to stop immigration and promote white people not being cucks ashamed of their heritage, because if non-whites take over then they will be back to square one

This thread has cancer or aids... I can't tell because, like trannies, they are all degenerate... and yes, OP is a fag.

>white nationalism will never be sold to normies

Not with that attitude.

Why the fuck is it always a Jew that pushes Multiculturalism

10-20 years ago, Sup Forums wasn't a thing, immigration wasn't an issue and there was no white crisis movement or alike.

Has it taken you this long to not trust that degenerate faggot? Sure the goy supported Trump but he's still a degenerate faggot that will be zapped by Mike Pence.

An entire generation of not only a dying race, but in a generation where so many other races will be more abundant. You are correct though, the generation would have to grow into the ideals of white-nationalism, but it's impossible now.

Preening faggot shill


>just give up and die it is hopeless
God i hate defeatist faggots like you Sup Forums is full of them lately.

This is why I love Trump, if people rhink that somewhere in the world a leader would be elected just for screaming "GAS THE JEWS HANG THE NIGGERS FUCK THE SPICS" then you should grow out your neo-nazi rebel phase

You'd have to be stupid to believe otherwise.

Lot of stupid people out there.

Fuck, what I meant was Israelis aren't white, not Norwegians.


This is your leader Sup Forums

Is anyone surprised?

it's not impossible when every other race is dumb as fuck, whites are still the most educated group, cheating asians don't count, so while there may be even more non-whites coming in to white countries, whites will still be running the show; also, you said above that white nationalism could arise in the next 20 years but not after, now you say it is impossible?

Never said it was hopeless. There are so many parties in Europe that support white-nationalism or are against immigration. What I said was that if they don't get power and act, then the whole movement is done for.

and things will change very quickly in New England when all those ivy league cunts realize that Ahmed from Somalia is getting the high paying job over them when they worked harder; right now they live in the whitest part of the country and don't know how shit things are everywhere else because they never leave their bubble, but if they keep it up the destruction will reach even them, and I despise those faggots, but I will admit that they work quickly when threatened

Holy shit u believe Asians cheat? You're probably some guy who lost in some way to an Asian. I don't know where you get your statistics from, I agree that Blacks may be dumber, but whites are eclipsed by Asians and Middle-easteners. I said that white-nationalism can arise in the next 20 ish years, but if you read the rest of it you'll understand that I said it will be impossible after 20 ish years.

Asian cheating is well documented, don't try to deny it, Chang. Don't know where you got middle easterners from though, they are as dumb as niggers.

wtf I want to send missiles to Israel and build a monument to the 6 gorillion

Pretty much, that's why I can't stand those /r/altright faggots they don't realize posting kike this, nigger that all day is just going to get you banned & make the rest of the normies hate you

If it's well documented, show me sources that Asians cheat. In medicine at UWA, the class is 90% non-white. And I wanna point out that at the highschool I went to, most whites dropped out or went to TAFE (labourer's alternative).

No shit it is why Sup Forumsacks would tell each other to hide their power level

>white nationalism will die out because of demographic shifts

That's precisely why white nationalism will rise. Every action has a reaction

And still he will have done more than stormfags trolling people on twitter while using anime avatars.
Ironic isn't it?

a jew telling us white nationalism is a bad idea

im shocked


That's physics cunt, welcome to politics. In what way would a rising demographic of non-whites make white-nationalism popular? Race cucks?

>look guys I'm fight sjws
>by taking one of their key points (denial of white interests) and rephrasing it in a way that blue pilled cuckservatives can take it on board without realising it's a leftist talking point

>Chef boyardee canned ravioli

I think of 'white nationalism' as something more for Americans and other mongrel nations. Most of you are fucking Irish or Italian. About as white as used toilet paper. It's only a useful identity when you don't have a real one in its place.

Because you have more chance of preserving your precious white race by not advocating exclusively white nationalism, otherwise they just turn towards their open border bullshit and you'll get even more foreigners

>because politics isn't just reactionary movement after reactionary movement

I mean I don't know if you've been watching politics or not this last year but America is a divided country and that divide just happens to run between white people and the shit skins who don't like them

white nationalism will rise again. It's just a matter of when

>look guys I'm shilling on Sup Forums
>By creating 20 threads whenever Milo or Richard Spencer sneeze or take a shit

Isn't your race known to be mixed with Romans and other undesirables

Pretty ironic coming from an inbred pommy

Oh wow.

>falling for bait in 2017

I know this, but the civic nationalism meme has the same ending for whites as open borders

I actually imagine the Roman influence on the modern white-British gene pool is pretty minor in comparison to Normans, Celts, Saxons, and Vikings. They were around before England was even a thing.

I was being facetious about that anyway - a lot of Brits are literally Irish. My point was really that 'white nationalism' makes more sense in non-European countries. Why would I give a shit about Slavs or Mediterranean-types?

Civic nationalism is what started in 1965 and got us where we are now. It sets a double standard where whites buy into that "we're all American" shit and browns don't give a fuck, they just want power and gibs and those come from the whites. It will not last forever.

That is why Trump is important as a stepping stone. That's why Spencer and Trump are useful for normalizing white interests in the social and political spheres. White nationalism is a long-term solution and civic nationalism is a patriotic meme that does nothing more than spin our tires and delay the change we need before whites lose the majority.

You worry too much about being called a racist by liberal extremists who will NEVER have a change of heart. Cowing to these pussies and their demands is what they want, it helps them. Those were white nationalist policies Trump was running on, he knows there's a distinction between whites and non-whites, but he didn't give a shit what anyone called him.

Keep spreading this retarded civic nationalism meme and people will start to believe that you can just let in fucking anyone because skin color doesn't matter. We can't stop here, we need to keep going further right. We can stop when whites are as openly racist and nationalistic as everyone else in this country.

Not all white people, only NEET race riders.

Milo is fucking annoying

Also fuck you all, give me my country back.

Does he make a case for Israel to stop being jewish nationalist?

Are you fucking crazy, rich white people are the first ones to move whenever a drop of color shows up in their neighbourhood. They are huge fucking hypocrites.

>being an ethnonationalist
enjoy bitterly clinging to an utter dead end

maybe in actual white countries in Europe this could work but not in North America or Australia

More to the point--since many Jews think of themselves as white--Milo is Greek. Yet there's no question about his conservatism at this point--he's no natsoc or white nationalist, sure, but he's no liberal either.

This isn't a terrible point for him to be making at a time when butthurt, crazy libshits are doing all they can to literally try and overthrow Trump's government and brand all whites as evil nazis who should be exterminated. Some here want outright war. I don't. I want to win through cleverness, by bobbing and weaving as he's perhaps doing here, and by keeping up the fight against identity politics, political correctness, divisiveness and outright marxism.

My feelings about Europe are different. Those countries are ethnic homelands, both for those who live there now and for those whose forebears did. They are white, for the most part, and certainly European nations who deserve their cultural and ethnic purity. They must not be overrun by Muslims and the other dirtbags of the world.

The US, on the other hand, can accommodate a certain amount of diversity as long as AMERICAN values, culture and assimilation are the only way. And frankly, as long as mostly whites are in charge, because regardless of all the shrieking, hate-filled libtard/leftist/gommie/black/brown propaganda in all the world, we ARE the good guys. The nicer guys. The ones who won't mistreat people of other races as they, put in charge, have clearly indicated they will mistreat us. Fuck them, they had their chance. We must never let them gain any kind of primacy again in this country, but it's probably impossible to evict them completely--so, allies it should be, allies can stay, those who support the rule of law and appreciate the white race for all we've done for them and will continue to do. Those who want to fucking contribute and live good lives.

For everyone else, day of the fucking rope. But Milo doesn't need to say that now.

Found the kike, and a leaf no less

Found the cuck wannabe stormtrooper.

>just give up your historically (and still currently) white countries you cucks
great argument leaf cuck

It's fine to have white ethnonationalists. They should always exist; they protect our kind from liberals and fools, they're the canaries in the coal mine who were probably the first to notice how bad, how dangerous things were getting in the US. But it's unrealistic to think that the US can become a 100% white ethnic country; it never was, even in the early days. There are always southern Europeans, Spanish and Portuguese, there were always Mexicans and south Americans, and the Chinese were pretty much here from the early days as well, and of course blacks*. The trick is to keep minorities, minorities. Keep them in their place, where they belong. They've demonstrated that, given access to power, they will not treat us anywhere near as well as we've treated them for a long-ass time now. So fuck 'em, they had their chance, they blew it. We're in the majority group in charge again and we need to keep it that way. I do agree with that sentiment, and I even think it's realistically possible.


I don't think multiethnic societies are ever gonna work properly, Trump's presidency gonna have the same problems.

>t. 58% and dropping

Oh wow. What a surprise! I though we told you this would happen and faggots kept defending this degenerate.

The USA and Canada are proof that it's working. No matter how the protestors go on, Trump is actually good for inner city black communities and he got more of the Hispanic vote than Romney.

They can if one smart group is the overlord class. Otherwise it's chaos, and if third world people try to take charge, they just recreate their third world hells. They don't know how to do otherwise, I don't think. Nobody can do top-tier modern society but whites, and in some ways, Asians. Latinos are next down the ladder, but a long way down--the mess in Mexico and south America is still miles better than Africa shit-tier, but way behind what we can do nonetheless.

America was an "ethnonationalist" country for the entirety of it's two centuries of existence.

Do you realize that "diversity" and "multiculturalism" are modern concepts that occurred within the past 40-50 years? Prior to the 1965 Immigration & Nationality Act the United States was ~90% White. Our immigration policy strictly favored White European immigration to maintain the status quo of the American population.

Anyone who opposes a return to traditional American immigration policies is pro-White genocide

Is it though? The racial tensions have never been higher in the USA as far as I can tell. Sure you can be successful but there will always be a huge amount of friction in a multiethnic society. I don't see that friction as desirable.

They can't, because the people will always exist in a perpetual tug of war.

I get it, but we were not 100% Aryan white, no other races or cultures allowed, not ever. The trick is, we need to be the majority as we were before the Immigration Act, and we need to be in charge. Period. We accomplished this for hundreds of years and even for a long time with minority immigration increasing and Euro immigration blocked, so I know it would be possible again.

>America was an "ethnonationalist" country
Oversimplification but yeah I guess. 1965 INA was a radical change but not the first

>"diversity" and "multiculturalism" are modern concepts
True but it is not the first multiethnic society by any stretch

Racial tensions are up lately thanks to sjw bullshit but still, the USA is by far the strongest country on earth, economically and in military terms


>The racial tensions have never been higher in the USA as far as I can tell.

Due to the intensity of propaganda disseminated over the last ten to twenty years. I recall when I was a little kid--I had a grandma and grandfather literally born in Hitler's time, and they had friends who were black or other minorities. They were amiable with all people. Despite segregation and all that, fact of the matter is, before modern commie propaganda people really did manage to get along. Class has as much to do with it as anything. I know a lot of blue collar (albeit well-to-do) Republicans due to my profession, and they are not cuckservatives either, btw, who are really not racist people at all. They go by your values. If you are a black man with American values, responsible, mature, decent, law-abiding, they will be cool with you. If you're a ghetto thug, though, they'd just as soon shoot you, lol. Thing is most of the white liberals I know, no matter what they preach, would never hang out with anything but similar elite whites. And they don't. Never forget about class issues, they go hand in hand with race. This is why I favor a return to more blue collar, salt of the earth values and I hope Trump--a guy who exhibits a lot of that despite his wealth--can help us with that. Elitists suck, no matter what their political party.

You sound reasonable but white identity politics are basically political suicide thanks to Hitler and the modern neonazi punks. Ethnonationalists may be useful as a counter balance to the extreme commie sjws, but I don't think it's wise or even realistically possible to try and "keep minorities, minorities" at this point without descending into civil war. Racemixing is the future whether we like it or not.

Milo, Cernovich, and Bill Mitchell need to be gassed.

>but white identity politics are basically political suicide
Trump would seem to disagree.

I like milo a lot but there is something wrong here.

Trump disavows white nationalists of all kinds, because he's not a fucking idiot, and they still think he's their "God Emperor"

Weird then that he ran on so many policies that overlapped with white nationalism and still got elected

Weird also that the alt-right and its figureheads have been exploding in popularity in recent years

>policies that overlapped with white nationalism
It's about enforcing immigration law and fighting radical Islamic terrorism. It may overlap with the interests of ethnonationalists, but Trump has a lot of nonwhite supporters.

>the alt-right
kek, also full of nonwhites

>nu-Sup Forums defending milo and civic nationalism
you fags have to go back. you aren't one of us