This shit is just so fucking infuriating

Literally the dumbest thing ever

> "scientists"
> a clock measuring muh feelings

shitstain liberals

This sort of alarmist horse shit has to be fucking illegal

If their feelings can power a clock Imagine the energy their tears give. We should be harvesting their buttmad not drilling for oil.

Didn't they set the clock back when Bill got into office? Clearly propaganda if someone found that video


Good, good, the faster it runs, the faster it will blow up

>(((me))) on the left

>Russia and US friendly
>this is bad for the risk of nuclear war

Fake news

Here's hoping we can push it to midnight before the end of Trump's first term. I love watching libs lose their shit over nothing.


The clock was very far back at the start of his term, due to the cold war ending. But during Bill's time in office it edged closer to midnight.

Think they would have wound up their stupid clock if Hillary were elected? You know-- the bitch that wanted war with Russia?

>Get Libtard
>Literally Shaking
>Hook up to magnet and put between some pickup coils

I think I've seen tricks like this before....

Internet messages designed to cause alarm, upset and fear in the recipient. Let's bang these internet trolls up and throw away the key!

I feel like I've seen that guy on the left before but can't pin anything to him. Who is he?

Right?!?! Up is down, left is right

And we are suppose to trust these chucklefucks when they tell us global warming is man made and we were suppose to be dead and underwater 10 years ago?

cant wait till we reach midnight and nothing happen

>(((muh doomsday clock)))

No, no, no; think of it more as "a paranoid egomanic has his finger on the button and nobody is able to stand up to him. Oh, and Donald Trump got elected too"


>(((doomsday clock)))

>Trump tries to de-escelate conflict with Russia
2.5minutes to DOOOOOOOMSDAY
>Cuban Missile Crisis where the order to launch a global nuclear war was given but a general cancelled the order requesting confirmation; aAn improbable lucky fluke that saved the world.
7minutes to doomsday, no big day.

I bet you some globalist warhawk will replace Trump in 4-8 years and they'll move the clock back significantly.
Because as we all know being a big meanie is more dangerous than Hillary who promised military action over fucking e-mails.

>globalists vs china/russia
And now it is

>globalists vs china/russia vs US

Nothing to be surpriesed about, really.

He looks like Lawrence Krauss

i bet they change it three minutes after a new war starts

>think of it more as "a paranoid egomanic has his finger on the button and nobody is able to stand up to him.
So, which argument is it?
>Trump has his finger in muh red button of doom, there's nuffin we can do if he goes crazy oy vey!
or the new one
>Trump is mentally unfit for office, he better watch out or we'll have the 25th amendment, section 4 on his ass in no time!
You can't have both so choose wisely.

(((Globalists))) will side with China against the West. It's what they've been planning to do at the endgame all along anyway.

>tfw we were supposed to all die in hell fire back then and the whole world has gone insane since then

The only thing that worries me is what is plan B for the globalists? start world war 3? spread a virus across the earth? Race war?

This keeps me up at night

nice clock, ahmed

well get dr manhatan to sort it mate.

It is so easy to counter their propaganda though. That is this beauty of our revolution. We have completly hi-jacked all of their social weapons and render them useless.

How to instantly defeat TIME's narrative here.

A: "Time magazine is fear mongering."


Wait a minute, don't tell me you are a Global Hyper-Tornado denier? How can you deny the Dimensional Rift Tidal Waves which can knock satellites out of orbit?

what concrete parameter are these "scientists" measuring?

Maybe because Trump is a fucking warmonger, haven't you been paying attention?

He was referring to Putin, it was a joke you clog

meme it into existence

Sorry if I overreacted. My point about the arguments coming from the left still stands, though.

Surely they should move it back now that the US isn't on a warpath with Russia?

What's worse is people actually buy into this shit

Humanity is hopeless

Kek. Wonder how long this shit would sustain itself.
Evidence suggests pretty much indefinitely...

What about a meme comparing it to the bomb meme?

I'll be honest, I mostly just wanted the chance to use the word 'clog' as an insult

Friendly reminder that the mainstream retards and lefty redditors have flooded this board. If you're seeing lots of anti-trump crap, it isn't because he's doing a bad job. It's because he's winning too much, and these faggots can't do anything to stop it but post rage threads on a Lebanese Mosquito Farming website.

Sup Forums, I've got a mission for you.

Prove to me that the three men in that picture aren't Jewish.

Thank God. I hope that I live to see the next day. My country sorely needs needs it.

Nice clock Goldberg, why don't you bring it to the White House?

90's kids will remember all these end of the world bullshit.

Major kikery.

Trump will groom an heir. We've entered a golden age - believe me.

Yeeees be a good goy.

China are fucking globalists

>hurr durr we buy insane amount of land in Europe and Canada, and invaded half of Africa, and use our power to bully half of Asia, and we trade with every single country on Earth, but we are not globalists


you scamp

good the faggots want humans to die anyways who cares.

It's a doomsday clock for ((them)) or an oven timer.