
>openly supports Israel
>"white nationalism isn't the answer"


Who is this guy? Mind giving me a quck rundown?

he's right. nationalism is just another form of identity politics. It may look like a quick fix because it goes in the opposite diretion of the left, but the solution to extremism is not to become an extremist yourself.

Attention seeking, race mixing, kike, faggot who shills for the Alt-Lite and triggers progressives during his university tours.

He is pretty funny though but he's not on out side.

t. radical centrist

look at those dead eyes my goodness he must be absolutely miserable. thats what being a faggot does to you I guess.

He supports the Jewish Ethnostate of Israel and yet hates Whites who talk about wanting an Ethnostate

I didn't say he is right about EVERYTHING

The circles around his eyes are almost as dark as the dicks he ingests

A raging homosexual from breitbart that triggers collage libshits and is redpilling millions of normies in a very daring and brave manor.

He and breitbart are NOT /ourguys/ but they are certainly /allies/ to a common goal.

>Black identity politics? Ok great
>Jewish identity politics? Ok great
>Female identity politics? Ok great
>Asian identity politics? Ok great
>Muslim identity politics? Ok great
>Tranny identity politics? Ok great

Literal pozzcuckold. But then again, you guys get brainwashed from birth.

No but you agree with him the White Nationalism 'Isn't the answer'

And White Nationalism is core to the Alt-Right


All identify politics are fucking stupid, left or right.

No, you are misrepresenting my argument. Let me make this as clear as possible for you:

Identity politics are SHIT. PERIOD.

The US has never been an ethnostate and will never be. Sorry, but you will keep your niggers

I didn't hear you HIV+ semen-drinkers complain about "identity politics" until whitey started playing.

The Jewish ethnostate that is 1/3 Arab citizens?

Sign me up for ethno-nationalism, it clearly produces more multi-ethnic societies than even the most liberal of states such as Sweden.

I'm not from the USA.

And it used to primarily White European. I don't mind other races in countries as long 90-95% of that country is its own ethnic population.

You're missing the point. Milo openly supports Israel

Israel is an exact replica of the type of nationalism white people want

Yes. And I disagree with your last statement. White Nationalism wasn't part of the Alt-Right from the beginning. In the beginning it was disenfranchised conservatives and former liberals who couldn't stand left insanity anymore. The nationalism stuff came later.

There really isn't anything about "white" that's worth protecting. What really is worth protecting is the values and culture in our countries. As long as you preserve that, skin colour does not matter at all.

So in a white nationalist state, people of an other ethnicity would be given citizenship?

Because he can't help but play jew-dentity politics. Pathetic.

You really think all those other groups are going to stop relying on those identity politics? Lol, no.

Only traditional catholicism, everything else btfo.

Than you didn't bother listening. That's ok though, I'm telling you now. Identity politics need to end.

Their not the answer right now, because the general public is too fucking stupid and cowardly to embrace it.

We have to give them civil nationalism right now and keep trying to indoctrinate white people with white nationalism.

Milo is a fucking retard. He will be the first to go on the day of the rope. Glad he is fighting SJW's, but his endgame is a problem.

Before 1965 America was an ethno state

In 1965 legislators passed the hart cellar act which allowed non white immigration. At the time they claimed it would not affect the ethnic diversity of the country in any meaningful way which was a lie

The legislators were also Jewish if that matters

No, I don't think that. And we need to end it, no matter who plays this insidious game.

>There really isn't anything about "white" that's worth protecting. What really is worth protecting is the values and culture in our countries. As long as you preserve that, skin colour does not matter at all.

Unless whites do the best job at upholding those cultural values, which they do.

The Arab population is growing smaller and smaller by the day

>What really is worth protecting is the values and culture in our countries
Yeah go fight for your cultural marxism and socialist scandinavian cuck. I will fight for genetics you know... things that actually matter.

>I don't mind other races in countries as long 90-95% of that country is its own ethnic population.
Same here

But for the US it's different, they have nignogs almost since the beginning

>day of the rope
you know how stupid you sound? You aint gonna do shit when it comes down to it.

That's not the issue. You claim Israel is an ethno-state yet you fail to explain how different ethnicites were given and are able to get citizenship.

By definition an ethno-state would limit itself to the ethnic group it represents. Israel is a Jewish homeland, but it's certainly not representative of what you call an ethno-state.

North Korea is an ethno-state, e.g it limits any kind of citizenship to pure Koreans.

He has AIDS

What was the proportion of non-whites back

You're not even white you dumb fucking spic

While Trump is deep throating Israel's cock, Sup Forums is riding Trump cock. Israel has always been one mutilated foreskin away from Sup Forumss mouth and as cock hungry a faggot as milo is, why does it matter now?

>White Nationalism wasn't part of the Alt-Right from the beginning.

Yes it was, nice try at revisionism faggot.

>There really isn't anything about "white" that's worth protecting. What really is worth protecting is the values and culture in our countries. As long as you preserve that, skin colour does not matter at all.

Imagine one day all the population of Japan is replaced with the population of Congo. Would it still be Japanese?

Alright, good luck lecturing the billions of people from non-white countries like India, China, Japan, Brazil etc. who practice identity politics because they are not self-hating queers atoning for imaginary guilt, you retarded pozzie.

Look at all these shit skins. Just admit you have something to gain by denying white interests

he's right
fighting marxist identity politics with white national identity politics will never work

Our countries are a little different.

What looks better

>Breitbart is white supremacist and run by Nazis!
>Lol, retard, Breitbart supports Israel and disavows WNs

>Breitbart is white supremacist and run by Nazis!
>You're right, you got us, 14/88 we must secure a future...

>No, I don't think that. And we need to end it, no matter who plays this insidious game.

So they continue to play it, and we can't because of what, some virtue that "we're better than that", yet are still overcome by their notions of their pride?

Is there anything objectively wrong with having ethnostates? Africa for Blacks, Asia for asians, America for whites.

The funny thing is that if America was indeed white, there would be no such thing as identity politics.

>give me a rundown on Milo "I ordered this salami sliced" Yiannopoulos

What did he mean by this?

I think Mexico is whiter than America at this point.

I feel bad for your country.

Not racially

No, it wasn't. You people claim this now, but it's a lie.

Let me explain to you why you are wrong.
Just looked at your flag. Nevermind.

White people are running into the problem that's happening in Japan right now. They don't have kids. Muslims are the solution to this. Just teach them the values of the west and very soon, there may not be many white people left, but there will be mixed, black and arabs who share the values that makes the west what it is.

jews got funding by the USA and took over Israel then did everything in their power to slowly genocide and remove the Palestinians

Goy haven't immigrated to Israel legally in 80+ years

>likes black cock
>hates white nationalism

How surprising.

Uh. I didn't know he could be such a kike

>lecturing foreign countries
Who cares?

You are fucking retarded.

What are you on about? You claim Israel is a perfect example of an ethno-state. Now explain how they allow citizenship of non-Jewish origin.

YOU claim it's a model for white nationalism, so by definition you are saying that citizenship would NOT be limited to the ethnic group of said ethno-state.

There are two solutions, either Israel is not a true ethno-state or your definition of an ethno-state has no fundamental difference to any other criteria for citizenship than regular states.

But you don't want to answer any of my arguments relating to this so I can assume you have none, hence the personal attacks.

No, again: Wrong
we need to fight it when they do it. we need to call them out on their bullshit until it ends.

there is nothing wrong with states being build around ideas: western culture for example. The best and most succesful culture on the planet.

I don't think about you at all.

Because he is a gay Jew.

Do you think he doesn't understand that if whites created and centered issues around themselves and their homeland they would crush all the minority groups combined?

This is why Jews love divide and conquer tactics. Before it was a little to much division and we were about to have bean burritos and niggers vote in a women to crush the majority white leaders that was the goal.

Now he is making a call to remind ourselves that we should go back to being divided by race and pretend that we don't have differences again. The simple fact is race issues and divisions are real world ones and whites just forgot about it. Nigs are genetically born to fuck up societies because of low IQ. Most if not all should be sent to their homelands to roam free and kill each other.

Jews just fear the same thing. Their parasitic nature heavily prevents them from doing manual labor jobs. They don't want to be lowered to where they have to take care of their own society. It is all one big self defense mechanism.

All the Goys still in Israel are left overs and they will be gone soon too

A goy hasn't immigrated to Israel legally in 80+ years

>there will be mixed, black and arabs who share the values that makes the west what it is.
They don't, and won't.
You can assimilate individuals, not peoples.
Peoples are defined not just by shared values and ideals, but also physical type, race.
What defines a people is a whole, you can't just close your eyes on one particular characteristic (which would be race, in this case)

>Now explain how they allow citizenship of non-Jewish origin
We generally don't, except for those who were born here like Palestinians, Druzes, Bedouins etc. However, calling Israel an "ethnostate" is laughable because it accepts everything from Slavs to Ethiopians to borderline Arab Jews. No one in their right mind would argue that they're all the same ethnicity.

>No, it wasn't. You people claim this now, but it's a lie.

Keep your lame attempt at lying, cuck. The term "alt-right" was coined by Spencer, a White Nationalist. It was later when Civic Nationalist homos from plebbit adopted it for a while because of the media pushing it. Then they dropped it when they realized the origin of the term and how the Jewish Question was one of it's tenets. Incidentally, the REAL far-right doesn't uses the term "alt-right" either because they don't like all the fag degenerates involved with Spencer.

Sorry but that's not a problem. In every civilized nation once you reach a certain point the birth rate starts to taper off. The only reason why it's a "problem" is that the leaders need an ever growing GDP. They don't give a shit if it means importing a bunch of people who don't share their values, as long as that GDP keeps on going up.

Besides, we have examples of where mass immigration from 3rd world places leads us. Germany and moreso sweden are prime examples of this insane type of thinking. You really want the birthrate to go up? Offer incentives for white people to have kids. The biggest reason I hear for people like myself not having kids is they financially can't support doing it.

No you are to stupid to think they are not. Blacks and sub divisions can't into civilization. How is not important to recognize and address this issue in some capacity? Because a Jewish man told you so? Repeat the mantra you have been taught so very well some more. Maybe it will begin to make sense.

thesis => right wings are homophobic
antithesis => they listen to anyone that supports them
synthesis => a useful idiot gay man

There will be a purge, not a violent one, but a purge of alt-lite faggots who do not bend the knee.

same retard untermensch nigger aus spamming this shit. this is either a psyop or you're a subhuman.

nobody is gonna talk about white nationalism in popular you degenerate retard.

So it's not about ethnicity, it's about religion.
They have a lot of problems in Israel between different ethnic groups among Jews, who have been racist to each other.

>it's not an ethno state
>we just need you to have a dna test before you can immigrate

Do you even know what "ethnicity" means


You know, I don't think being proud of your heritage is bullshit. I'm proud to be white.

Western culture has only been successfully maintained because of white people. It was founded by white people, and it seems white people are the only ones who are trying hold onto it.

For example, if only minorities voted in the election, Hillary would have won every single state. Hillary does NOT represent traditional American culture.

Go to any primary black or Hispanic neighborhoods. They are NOT upholding western culture. Western values are PRIMARILY held by white people. It's just a fucking fact.

yes you need to take a dna test and have your skull measured to immigrate to Israel
what else?

Yet here we are fuckhead, things might not be perfect but consider the fact that we all live day to day in general civility is proof that it can be done, teaching blacks to be nationalist patroits, not living of the government tit and race issues in America will be a distant memory.

>"I have lost the argument so I'll post a meme XDDD"

Another far-left pozcuckold destroyed, heh. *sheates katana*

These kikes are literally shitting their pants with fear at the idea of white identity politics.

It's why Jews like (((Thernovich))) and (((Milo))) are trying so hard to shut down Spencer and co-opt his movement.

>The legislators were also Jewish if that matters
Was everyone in congress who passed it jewish too
Was the president who signed it jewish also

he's gonna get aidsed. sad. man such cases.

>we just need you to have a dna test before you can immigrate
But that's a blatant lie, as usual. My parents did not have to take any DNA test before coming here from the Soviet Union.

>Do you even know what "ethnicity" means
By your logic, it literally means nothing, because an Ethiopian and a Slav are the same "ethnicity" if they can demonstrate any connection to Judaism as a religion.

>Stay true to your principles, not your characteristics.
What did he mean by this?

israel is 80% jewish

in their constitution it states that israel must not drop under 80% jewish ever

>it's about cultural values not race
>90% of non white people vote Hillary

So 90% of shit skins aren't with the culture. Therefore our points are correct

the biggest cunts undermining western culture (apart from saudi arabia) are white liberals. western culture may have been invented by white people but it transcends race now. anybody who embraces western culture has my sympathy, regardless of race. anybody who derides it has my disdain, again: regardless of race!


>DNA fingerprinting was discovered in 1984

And your parents entered the country when exactly?

>israel is 80% jewish
You people are incredibly dense. It's not an ethnostate because the Jews are all from different ethnicities.

I agree with this meme.

This is why I say, white nationalism is the end game.

But trying to recruit people through the platform of white nationalism will not work right now,. It sounds fucking scary to normies.

We have to pretend we're civic nationalist and sneak in laws that are aimed towards white nationalism

1992. Why does the typical "white nationalist" always display every single one of the subhuman traits they attribute to da j00z?

>in their constitution it states that israel must not drop under 80% jewish ever
yeah it says that right after that part where it says you need to take a DNA test to enter Israel.

your lies deserve no other response than laughter.

>It's not an ethnostate

yeah is that why anybody with a jewish mommy can immigrate to Israel?

The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, the legal document outlining the foundation of the state of Israel, specifically declares Israel to be a Jewish state.

maybe you should go look into your own countries founding you dumb kike

Canada is right on this. Amazing.

You literally do not know the definition of ethnicity

Whiteness will happen by itself with proper nationalist laws
No need for laws about ethnicity.

No, i dont like fucking little boys

Yes, and the general consensus is that they're all ethnically Jewish. Of course Jews can be broken down into different sub-groups, but the underlying truth is that they're all still Jews.

Whites are becoming minorities in their own countries. Civic nationalists forcibly uniting us is the only realistic way forward, like the formation of the Roman Empire.

The ethnic cleansing LARPfags hope for is far far in the future, be thankful you will never witness it, because it would be hell on earth.

this is fucking retarded

thats like saying pre 1968 america wasn't an ethnostate because germans and italians could immigrants

a white ethnostate would include all kinds of white people

just like the jewish ethnostate of Israel accepts all kinds of jews

now fuck off

Before dna testing they used family trees and guardians of truth. Law of return states a dna test is a requirment in the year 2016

Source: I'm jewish

So you're just going to ignore my points then? Yes there are white liberals who don't give a shit about western culture or upholding it. They are a minority of white people. They will always be there. As long as they stay the minority, it's fine.

Now in comparison what % of black people care about western values and upholding them? What % of hispanics. A look into statistics of cities where they are the majority will tell you all you need to know.

The % of minorities who are for upholding western civilization and values is exceedingly low. With whites, it's the majority.

I dunno maybe because "jewish" isn't an ethnicity...