What the fuck do we do about the retard problem? Gas them? Cut off their benefits? Retards are a waste of space AND taxpayer money!
What the fuck do we do about the retard problem? Gas them? Cut off their benefits...
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Call me a crazy conspiracy nut, but I dont think that tard wrote that.
It took two weeks though
Spay and neuter
This, desu
Abort them before they are born
>inb4 mad christcucks
Retards are people too
They're called isabellas you insensitive prick.
I think she is a beautiful little girl
Set up some kid of website, something about anime perhaps, and then heard them up there and contain them.
Alberta (Canadian province) started doing that in the 1930s (towards native Americans- the people that Americans bred with!- DUMB!)
Retards and niggers aren't people, we can abort them
A new record im sure!
by definition they are not people
they have an extra chromosome
mandatory abortion is the answer
Actual retarded people cause far less problems then so called intelligent normies and they rarely breed so who cares?
Be like Denmark. Test if something wrong with that fucking kid and abort if necessary. But then you have the crying christcucks complaining.
Denmark has close to 0 retards. Soon we'll have the same since we just got the test here also.
Absolutely retarded.
NOBODY should be giving birth to Downs babies in 2017. The only people doing that are fucking retarded Christians.
just pulling out some numbers for the US
> ~3.9 million babies born in the US annually
>~6000 babies are born with down syndrome annually.
That is .0015% of the US population born annually as having down syndrome.
ITT: edgy teens with superiority complexes
>tfw leftists demand the legal ability to murder their babies on a whim
>tfw they casually murder babies, but keep the retarded ones
At this rate, future generations of libtards will be literal down syndrome retards
That picture looks retarded.
each retard "employs" about 10 people using your tax money
they are nothing but an burden
why should we keep them alive?
so their parents can take "look at my big girl she can almost put on her shoe by her self" selfies ?
start a metal band called "raping retard holes" and get like 30 retarded dancers
Keep them as highly intelligent pets, perhaps with special rights as persons.
Aborting, neutering and gassing. Any arguments against this?
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven - you retard!
Hope you have a few just like her then, Leaf.
But how do we redpill the normies? Most people I know think retards are equal. How are we supposed to accomplish this?
No difference between a retard Canadian and a regular American- well, except the nationalities.
you should read this, OP.
It may be relevant and answer some questions you may have about yourself.
Point 1: The SJW does not want us to use the word "Retard", but they want to lie, and use the word "Beautiful", I mean I'll toss them a bone and use the word "Person" Sorry though those almond shaped eyes indicating down syndrome are NOT a sign of beauty. It's a "Disfigurement"
2) Retarded only has a bad connotation too this girl because she has been taught to correlate it with negativity. Could they not teach this girl that "retard" means something positive, and that way everyone is happy.
3) It's clear the girl did not write this sign herself. And I doubt people were calling her retard to her face, at least not recently as she has a great big shit eating grin.
Retards belong to the holy trinity, just like you or me, pro-life should be in everybody's favor, lets not let feminism cloud our judgement. pra y the rosary daily for Russia's conversion..
Fuck this takes me back to a moment in school
>Teacher asks us to come up with nice words for these people
>say 'inefficient workforce'
>Nearly suspended
does anyone know if the birthrate for them is going down because of early scanning now and abortions?
My cousin has Down's. Although he's in his late 40's/early 50's, so the detection was much different back in the day. That's also an abnormally long lifespan for a Downsie.
even joking here about misery of those poor souls is not funny - hope you get reincarnated as a mudslime mongoloid. from pakistan.
>each retard "employs" about 10 people using your tax money
Can confirm, one of my buddies (who also browses Sup Forums) is a social worker for 'tards.
I used to think all retards should be gassed, but then apustaja-meme came to my life and now I'm not so sure.
Ive worked with many types of disabled people, its a mix of feeling that theyre spoiled as fuck (screaming potatoheads) and feeling bad for these creatures that they live.
That's mean, they can't help that they are born that way. The government has to take care of them if the family doesn't, that's a moral responsibility
remember the one that became a model? I felt that that was so cruel of the designers and mother to do, it came off really creepy too with the bikini photos and stuff
>each retard "employs" about 10 people using your tax money
Ähm, I worked with one down woman in the kitchen of a retirement home. She did her job good and everyone liked her.
Chiefs, other workers and the old people.
She was a benefit for the atmosphere in this home you can't measure.
We talking just tard or the mentally ill in general? Because I'm [insert disorder here] and think we're fucking terrible. Eugenics, eugenics, eugenics. Honestly, kill us all and breed super babies. The disabled too.
I doubt they do. Most people have an instinctual repulsion towards retards that they need to supress with great effort. This is taxing on mind and if given chance to vote on it anonymously they would vote for laws reducing number of retards.
Why are we obligated to keep useless, worthless eaters alive? Retards are below animals, and society gives animals no rights and legalises the slaughter and consumption of animals. We should be eating retards instead.
1. human beings in general or considered collectively.
relating to or characteristic of people or human beings.
1. a human being, especially a person as distinguished from an animal or (in science fiction) an alien.
hu·man be·ing
1. a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.
>distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance
>Superior mental development (NOPE)
>Upright stance (sometimes, just like my cat and dog)
I don't know guys, google seems not to think so.
Tfw you realize that these are the same reasons racist white people claim to hate black people (even the walking upright bit bothers them as demonstrated by harping on pants on the ground and all that swagger walk shit)
I think she's a cutie too.
Leave the choice up to the mother/father first few months of pregnancy. Some retarded people end up having very nice lives.
Force pregnent women to pass tests and force them to either pay fully for their retarded kid or get an abortion.
shame spurdo we can't gas the whole of finland. Just learn to live with yourself and you will see that you're actually a very special boy
Honestly, if you're looking for consensus, then the solution that is most reasonable is to simply recategorize them as pets. It's already against the law to mistreat your pets as well as your kids so they're not losing legal protections against physical, emotional, or sexual harm in this move. About the only things they lose are the ability to vote, free healthcare (which is wrong to supply in the first case as many of these people (under current classification systems) are more commonly afflicted with debilitating lifelong ailments meaning they disproportionately consume resources), free education (which they don't actually get in public schools anyway; tards just gum up the public education system as it's forced to babysit them), and other gibs.
In fact, explain to me how anyone can justify robbing me of my family's resources to pay for their non-human descendants. When it comes to human children needing healthcare or food, the rationale used is rooted in societal benefit regarding human potential, but that argument doesn't apply because they have negligible potential.
Forcing continued existence on these suffering creatures seems almost cruel when you realize that they live in perpetual house-arrest as they are legal adults, but mental children that don't understand the danger presented by the outside world.
It'd be like living a lifetime between 8 and 12 years old where you're old enough to be autonomous and comprehend restrictions and penalties, but probably too young to understand why the restrictions or penalties are extant/beneficial.
hlsfa vlsdljlsdglus hfhus g jhsdfyuspd jshfdsh hsfsyvli
FffffFFFFFFFFDL.jfej;p pphfv
Remeember when you could freely use the word retard without SJWs ganging up on you?
>you can abort healthy 8 month old babies but can't kill downie newborns
You are not beautiful, and you are retarded.
But at least your Isabella
>Useless eaters
Gas them
Why has this board been inundated with leftist shills posing as conservatives to say stupid things? First, the only "retards" I know are people with seemingly enough intellegence to think for themselves but still allow propaganda fake news and the Daily Show instruct them on how to think. If you want to gas the left, that's pretty extreme....I honestly think the majority just need to grow the Fuck up
Looks like you're average Finn to me.
I'm not even memeing either.
You guys literally look like you have downs.
You are a waste of space you cuck.
Quite honestly that's the current generation of libtards
I don't know. How would you like to die? Stick up the ass?
You just described the 12% of the American population with extra melanin
Can confirm. Dated a Finnish girl one summer. Met her parents who both had that downsie Asian look. Dumper her so my kids weren't spesh
I work with retards. I have a simple solution.
Don't fund them with taxes! A lot of people want to help them, so they will voluntarily give money to charities who can compete over who provides the best service.
Unlike today we get what the gubment gibs us which is as usual SHIT
Retards are alright. It's the normies problem that I'm concerned about.
Most of them are aborted already, there are several test to screen for genetic problem in fetuses. In fact there was an advocacy group begging parents who detected the syndrome in a pregnacy not to abort them. (kek)
I love how we've basically gone backwards as a species. We now keep and coddle people who would have died out by natural selection
Give them benefits and let them live up to their potential and do what makes them happy.
Learn some empathy
if the family looks after them and they don't breed. then its no one else's business. I wouldn't support anything further than sterilization.
It should be sufficient to defund them. Let the feelfags start charities if they really mean that much to them, it will divert a lot of their energy and resources, stop them from fucking up and corrupting other areas of society.
No more free lunches for carebears and their charges.
Fuck you pekka.
How about YOU learn to stop stealing? Empathy is a two way street.
I agree about the taxes but if the family pays for everything what is the problem?
I work with retarded kids and have become deeply convinced keeping them alive is torture. We're keeping them in constant hell by keeping them alive.
You want the truth? Do nothing, just cut their aid. Retards have an internal desire to kill themselves and are at all times working toward that goal. My job is to sit around and prevent nature from taking course and after a while I start to feel like I'm doing something unnatural.
At any moment without warning retards will smack each other, eat sand and wood, or literally their own shit. Retards are in a constant state of trying to die, let em.
I got some fucked up examples man, this one fat fuck of a kid spits in puddles of water then drinks the dirty puddles up to redrink his spit and swallows the mud and dirt along with it, you think that fucker is going to make it to adulthood? These bastards typically have multiple teeth fillings by the time they're 8 years old. I met another who could literally only laugh and smile even when he was angry or in phyisical pain. He was pissed at me for stopping him from running around and falling like he had many times before, he was laughing about it. He was pissed and he could only laugh, that's fucking horrifying.
Cut there fucking help or make abortion mandatory. I'd rather be out of a job.
it's a mongrel race, they will die out eventually once the new eugenics program is unravelled.
I swear to jesus i am completely in for killing all muslims men women children right now but you guys better believe putting your hands on girls like her/people with special needs will get you straight to hell...jesus or god or whoever is on the checkout waiting will absolutely not care if you always said thank you to your mom when she brought you your chocolate milk or whatever you degenerates think makes you a good person.
even talking like the first few guys in this threads who are obviously edgy little spastics would make you get your teeth kicked in over here if you would do that around our "good people"
i say it again...post gore pictures of palestinian muslims or whatever i don't care but this shit makes me hate you fucking internet degenerates who creep around between us right wingers
>sjw mothers with the child that is politically aware and omnipotent
i baleed dat
Its good if 10 people are "employed" by one retard. In the future jobs will be no more, no more manufacturing plants and no more warehouse work. Even if its tax money, the tard wranglers still have something to do
Yup. I can only imagine the torture of being unable to serve my society, knowing that you would forever be a burden. While at the same time being held prisoner, unable to die, by able people who, rather than being forced into dependency by dire misfortunate circumstance, have actively CHOSEN to be parasitic on the host society by becoming "professional" carers. So helping, kind and compassionate, driving the host further and further into debt for the sake of their feelings and because they are unwilling to face and accept death. No wonder they want to kill themselves.
This is why I have no hate for retards, only those who disingenuously provide aid at taxpayers expense, building a whole worthless "industry" around these creature, keeping them as their twisted pets, just so long as they never have to join the rest of us and get an actual jobs.
You know who you are. Now GTFO
>Sup Forums hates retard
I thought you guys were Christian ?
Eat shit, you're literally your literally torturing them so you can feel better. Leave a retard alone for a week, I fucking dare your ass. The overwhelming majority will kill themselves or die of exposure, that's life, that's reality, that's what faggots like you pay my ass to prevent, nature from taking its course.
You retard enablers don't actually give a shit even as you're giving you 5 year old their 29th teeth filling and and fixing their 40th broken bone that you're the reason their in so much fucking pain. Moderate to severe retards are animal tier, end of story. They soak up fuckloads of money just so they can last a decade and a half and die anyway. These things are often times not even fully sapient. No man, being a retard is to suffer. If I became retarded tomorrow fucking gas me there and then cause from what I've seen it's fucking complete hell, it's just their "loved ones" want to retain the delusion they can live happy lives when literally all they do is feel (often literal) pain.
would fug
>that post
>that flag
Tfw can't find amateur down syndrome porn anywhere.
She is a nice little sex toy
Interbreed with them.
More if you include substitute employees like yours truly
Soon enough, Cletus the welder and his brother Bubba the assembly line mechanic will be in the same boat.
Not too long after that, PFC Gomer will be honorably discharged and left to gracefully starve under a luxurious highway overpass.
What is any given human life worth, anyway?
We really should start thinking about our future and clean up human genes.
>High risk of disease
Cut the tubes/vasectomy
>High risk of autistic child
Cut the tubes/vasectomy
Scarcity has value.