why ?
Why ?
ficki ficki
Degenerate white pussy and gov handouts.
to make UK less degenerate. All those things that were listed are degenerate.
They have been in Western Europe since before any of those other things (except beer maybe)
obama said it was coo
>freedom of speech
Because whites are the most precious natural resource on the planet.
You can't have a nice country without whites.
They obviously don't hate bikinis because Baywatch was #1 TV show in Saudi Arabia.
Op, because Liberal european politician told them to ''come on iiiiiiiiin''. And as dumb as we Europeans are, we are not shooting them on sight at the borders.
Benefits, sadly
I'd say the women but I'm not even sure of that
to take over
To exploit the Europeans prosperity.
But Muslims also hate living in literal shitholes that is their pathetic country.
So they flock to the rich European states, and demand that these European states bend their way of living.
They have no shame.
muslims and limeys have one thing in common
they both love little girls
Honorary aryans.
so they can be among their own kind
To destroy it.
We do have an obligation to take them in to say the truth due to past atrocities committed by us during the crusades and colonial era.
WTF am I reading
Most def.
>now being reconciled with Aussies
reminds me of pic related
Free gibs me dat and the organised and police/politician protected child-rape gangs.
The UK is a weak, weak country, a weak society. Nobody is allowed to criticise the actions of immigrants for fear of being arrested for hate-think, so they act with complete impunity.
"many Britons benefit a great deal from Sharia Law." - T.May
What do you expect? They have been given the green light and will overrun this country within a few decades.
Of course the real villain of the piece has since departed the stage (pic related).
Drinking affects your brain and is immoral.
Speech can hurt people, so we shouldn't spread hate.
Pigs are disgusting and shouldn't be eaten.
Women should cover their skin, they are not whores!
Dogs are unclean filth.
Jesus is not the same as in Islam, he's a fraud.
Try again, bigot! We're just trying to teach you some manners.
They love benefits(and the brits give out even more than us)
Ain't no free speech here
muslims dont hate Jesus so whoever made that is just buttmad.
A country that has consistently sold off all of it's assets to private enterprise and sent it's working class down the shitter, but yeah the fact that 5% of the population is muslim is obviously going to be the undoing of the UK.
nice try weeaboo.
cavill is part greek tho.
>Crusades meme
A series of defensive wars called for by the Pope due to the downfall of the Byzantine empire at the hands of Islamic invaders. For every Christian initiated battle in the middle east and other Muslim region there is two initiated by Muslims in Europe.
he is Jersey master race though
>But Muslims also hate living in literal shitholes that is their pathetic country.
they would hate it less if you stopped bombing the everloving shit out of it, along with us.
don't want to look like a shillbut jesus is a prophet in islam, why would they hate him
These tbhfam
i hate bikini and freedom of speech too
also answer to your question: because you called them to come and let them in
>60% pure fat
As if the NHS weren't already buckling under the literal weight of your people
But the UK mostly has Pakis and Poles not muslims
t. A celto-germanic simpleton come to shit up the thread
>there were Muslims in England before there were dogs in England
That's some shart thinking right there
ok wish there were more of him over here :3
this. they dont but idiots think they do.
actually i'm english, you are our inbred mongrel cousins so shut yer fucking face kangaroo jack, you are in no position to be looking down on anyone.
Uk doesnt have freedom speach. We have shit beaches meaning almost bikinis. And we arent even strongly religous anymore.
Next question please.
why shouldn't we?
you enslaved my people
you raped my people
you took our and still are taking are natural resources
i can't believe i used to like white people before reverting baka your time is coming white boy
Part of Islam is to spread the religion
Lmao, your pic is basically a radio show.
At the same time, England would still be a shitty country without the immigrants. Look at the chavs. Without immigration, the paki thugs would be replaced by violent and uneducated chavs
tbqh family taiwan, hk, singapore and japan are pretty good non-white countries
>Defending the insidious displacement of his native people and culture on the sole basis of emotion
Europe is doomed forever
It's bizarre how Muslims have more of a victim-complex than Jews. At least Jews aren't violent when trying to subvert nations, you muslims however slaughter and blow up everyone that disagrees with you. Most uprisings against your shit-tier religion were because you hit first.
Isn't this an obvious question? For the same reason the U.K. went to India. The mighty empire is now nothing more than a colony itself
victim-complexes aren't real this is
tell me one thing i said in that post which isn't real
Why do they go to Europe in the first place?
>about to get insulted
>notices flag
kek ok kiddo, ok shh go pet a bear or summin.
>bad troll is bad
try again leafy.
To change it.
Why are you a spineless cuck?
Why did your ancestors allowed it to happen?
Disregard the leaf someone doxxed him he's a literal kike in Scarbourough.
Why did yours?
Brits hate
* Widow burning
* spiced food
* people poo-ing in the streets
* mosquitos
why did you go to india in the first place?
Arab invasion is nothing different.
oh shit, loose women got an upgrade!
Come on you know the answer
>why did you go to india in the first place?
Spices. And they say whites don't use seasoning. We conquered half the world for it.
> my did.
>Muslims hate Jesus
Yeah nah, they don't, what a truly dumb Britbong. Also,
>muh "British culture" is beer drinking dogs I process into bacon while wearing bikinis with Jesus prints and screaming "niggers out" :^)
As opposed to basically every other major religion.
tbf i know a lot of english bellends who think thats what it is, it isnt. also this country is well too fucking cold for bikinis anyway, thats more an american thing.
The chavs are a result of the underclass created by Thatcher in the 80's
After a few decades they're a problem that would sort itself out
Yeah, glorious Norman t.trinity
Brits hate
* widow burning
* spiced food
* malarya
* poo in streets.
why did you go to india?
Fuck off ahmed
Care to explain how having a pet dog or two is degenerate?
We heard you the first time, Abdul bin Ahmed al Muhammed Mohammad.
i cant wait till breivik is freed.
To invade them, of course.
They hate these things so they come to conquer the land and remove it.
Couldn't you figure that out by yourself?
>Implying dogs aren't 10000x better than any human
Mohammad told his first followers, lie , cheat , steal , kill , fund , give , do whatever it takes to take over.
With this strategy of Jihad and also mixing politics with religion he mananged to create system where you are rewarded for promoting the cause of Islam.
They came to enslave the weak and rejoices in their riches
Guess what happened to Byzantium , Asyrians , Persians , Egyptians and most of the acient people in the classical world.
They came for the riches and cucked them slowly draning the economy creating poverity and using religion and politics to control the people.
Fact is people that have something to lose fight againts those that try to take it away , people that don't have anything will fight for you to get something.
Islam is a system designed to control peoplea nd enslave them , the porpuse is simple that those in charge have full control over the masses.
Their mantra is to convert or kill the world, enjoy getting rekted by muslims France , you've forgotten in 1000 years how dangerous they are, your women and men where slaughtered often by muslims raiders.
Sad to see both of you go
Can you guess what nations fought muslims in the last 300 years based on this map?
Not to mention that you fuckers allyed with the ottman turks because of muh austria keking you , you bascily allowed europe to fall to muslims not just once , but a couple of times.
>bikini weather
>freedom of speech
Well, too be fair, you have none of those things.
Every nation has committed atrocities at some point in the past. If you're so occuppied at righting wrongs, why are you only focusing on white countries? Is it because they did it the best? Or is it because they let you say that without executing you? Try talk shit like that to an African country and see how they respond to you.
>Implying I don't hate Africans
Where ever there are white males, there are niggers trying to get in for a better life.
Doesn't work the other way
It begins with 'B' and ends in 'enifts' and also an unarmed doormat system which will give them a free home, free healthcare, libcuck media making excuses for them, soft police who will cover their crimes and a government that promotes multicuckturalism to ensure they have plenty of school girls coming out of social marxist school to chat up and eventually rape.
To be fair, the whites did move to Africa, but not because they wanted gibs from the Africans.
Haha you actually think natural animal fats are bad for you.
It's processed trans fats or hydrogenated oils that are bad for you, when combined with large amounts of carbohydrates which block their metabolism. Animal fats are usually neutral to the body and anyway done pork cuts are as lean as chicken breast.
Because everyone gives them shit
>mudshit whining about slavery and rape
Lol you are literally worse in nearly ever conceivable way and deserve everything bad that's ever happened to you.
Ungrateful little subhuman.
UK is land of bikinis?
Post photos of britgirls in bikinis pls.
because you don't actually have those things britbong.
How the fuck is Jesus degenerate snownigger?
If they changed the laws so that immigrants can't get free shit, they would all just move to Germany or Sweden
To be fair freedom of speech is something the UK hates too.