Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sure. It's not like you can use them if they are stolen. They are literally worthless beyond the bits of gold you can flake out for a couple bucks. Maybe part out the screen. Big whoop.

Can't you rip the info off of them or wipe it and keep it?

>blackpigeon is a weeb
Disappointed desu

>someone steals my phone
>go online and turn it into a brick

I'm surprised people still steal phones these day

You don't know shit about identify theft and blackmail kid

He's making a point about high-trust, homogeneous societies, retard

You can't do this in a nigger and spic infested American city. Maybe in a white suburb

Not iPhones. So encrypted that the FBI has trouble cracking old versions of the OS.

Even if it doesn't wipe the phone after 10 incorrect guesses, it still permanently locks out the phone until its taken to an Apple Store (or, if it is stolen, forever).

you can't access locked iPhones these days
Androids, yes, I think


You don't know shit about modern cyber security. Go up to Cellebrite and ask them how easy it is to crack into a phone.

>thinking nigs wouldn't steal a worthless bricked phone

Japan is pretty great with these kind of things, a friend was there a few years ago and this young Japanese couple was showing them around, so they went to an arcade and when they went back home the Japanese guy noticed that he forgot his wallet, so my friend is like, "let's hurry before someone steals it, come on" and the Japanese guy has none of it, says that nobody will steal it and that they should eat lunch first and then search for his wallet, so after lunch and doing some other shit they go there several hours later and the wallet just sits there at the last arcade machine they used, nobody took it, this would never work here, it might work with Austrians only, but even then I am not sure, but nowadays you can be 100% sure some mudshit or gypsy shitstain is going to take that wallet the second he sees it.

Honestly, if someone stole my iphone, the most money they could make off it is my lifeproof case. And it's beat to shit, so they might get 20 bucks.

I can also set it up to find my phone wherever the dude is, meaning that if he powers it on, I'll instantly know where he did it. Just got to log into your apple account.

Stealing an iPhone from someone that knows how to use it is a pretty good way to get petty theft, maybe Grand Theft (depends on the state).

Imagine committing a felony by pocketing an iPhone.

this worries me too lmao
check Sup Forums. Once a month there's a thread where user is asking help because they """"""""found"""""""" an iPhone or """"""""forgot"""""""" their passcode.
The technoautists laugh at OP and the thread fades to the archives, but the damage is done. There are literally thousands of people out there, thinking they can steal an iPhone and use it after asking for some help on an anonymous imageboard.

Where I live people go into the store with the keys left in the ignition.

Its pretty safe here ~desu

Only "major" problem is bike theft by all those bastards who sell them'second hand'

Same thing happened when I was in japan.
A friend of mine forgot his bag in a restaurant in ginza, noticed 30 minutes later. This is fucking ginza, tokyo, in a much frequented restaurant.
Sure enough his bag, with all the contents inside was still there.
In germany the bag would have not lasted 5 minutes with someone not even looking at it, not even completely forgetting it there all alone.

Japan is super safe, because theres 99% of ethnic japanese.
The only places that SUCK BALLS in japan are pretty much roppongi and parts of kabukicho, with all the nigger touts.

I have a friend fromJapan who does this everytime she visits here (california).

If there were any bars in my suburb, then probably. Venezuelans are generally fine upstanding people.

In Ft. Lauderdale, where the nightlife is (or Miami), then absolutely not.

I'd steal all dem free iPhones 2bh. Only an idiot would say no to free money.

Do you realize that most can be un-bricked?

Nigga you cant even leave your glass here without coming back from the toilet to an empty table. Hell, sometimes they'll even steal your table too.

People do this all the time at my gym they leave their phones on the equipment while they go do something else like get a drink or something. But I have been going their for 6 years and I have only seen maybe 4 spics and maybe 5 niggers total. And we usually have 300 people their around peak. Midwest town.

>Do you realize that most can be un-bricked?
gimme a source, sombrero. I will personally send you $9001 on paypal if you prove to me that most iPhones can be un-bricked.

aren't you mother fuckers still like 90% spaniards, who the fuck is stealing shit?

>being this new
>being this Australian

DC is majority black. You still see black people living in black neighborhoods bar their windows and doors.

It isn't a race thing that makes blacks steal. Probably the same thing regarding the Spaniards.

>leave thermal blanket at a small bungalo in the mountains of japan, middle of nowhere
>figure someone will take it and use it, thats always been the classic way of getting rid of stuff in good condition that you don't need
>manager of building actually took it and drove it miles through the mountains on winding, narrow mountain roads to drop the blanket off at our next stop hiking through the mountains since he figured we had forgotten it
>felt bad
weird place

Actually yes.

Live in a small city in the UK which is 99.9% white, if you're a local to most of the respectable pubs in the area you can take in a laptop or whatever, put it down and leave it there safe in the knowledge that no one would touch it, people do this all the time in my local.

It's about having tight knit community who know and trust each other, if 50% of the people there know your face and know you carry around a laptop, if someone touches it, they'd get mobbed.

In fact regular pub visits do help with societal cohesion, bonding and trust in neighbours telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/01/06/forget-dry-january-drinking-pub-friends-good-says-oxford-university/



spain is full of gypsies and andalusians who are thieves by nature

Gypsies and or Romanians

Just imagine, we could have it like that, if our political class weren't insane traitors, the only place in Austria were I can even imagine to do this is my little unimportant hometown, but I don't even do something like that there anymore and do you know why? 1. Living in a big city for +10 years made me into a paranoid madman free of trust and 2. Even my little shit hometown got "refugees" now, although most fuck off to Vienna as fast as they can. It's really true, multiculturalism wrecks trust and a society without ANY trust is a shit one, who would have thought. Our left-leaning politicians really deserved to be hanged for the burdens they put on this nation for the foreseeable future.


Yeah, I've even heard that thieves run around with scissors to cut purses off women.

I always wondered what would happen if someone saw a guy doing that, and just tripped him.

>non animated gif
what gives, fritzl?

Of course you would, Paco. Build wall.

Maybe at an inner city bar, but a club or pub? Most places I'd say "no".

>Had to take prelim exams before doing a year in a foreign country
>Department has a room with a conference table, a sofa, and a pretty good stock of books needed for the subject. Profs use it for holding seminars when they don't want to book a room with the uni. Meetings related to work are held there. I study in there a lot.
>Forgot watch. Nothing special, a $25 timex
>A year later I come back to the room
>The watch is sitting on edge of the table
Go to scummy places, deal with scummy people. Go to nice places, deal with nice people.

You didn't see it coming? Half the YouTubers and social media cunts with mysteriously good arguments are weebs, you don't see the coincidence?

This is why you're going to have to buy us a wall.

Sounds like it'd be a fun afternoon spent leaving your phone somewhere until it's taken, tracking them back to their house and calling the cops.

>Our left-leaning politicians really deserved to be hanged for the burdens they put on this nation for the foreseeable future.

Just make note of who they are and what they look like for if you have to enter "Shit just got Yugloslavia" mode.

White countries can be like that too.

Literally 90% of crime here is domestic abuse, Portuguese literally can't help but fight with their spouses. immigrants have been deported for yelling in public here.

Anywhere thats majority white or East Asian is fine, however all you need is 5% shitskin to ruin it.

And if the scummy people are being forced into the nice places?

That's more or less the entire reason for this bother.....nobody is bitching about waiting tables in bumfuck Africa.

He is talking about whites being cucked and then moves to Japan. Why does it not surprise me that white women go for blacks, therefore white men fall for the asian women meme

I imagine it would be a lot like fishing. A bunch of waiting around for a few minutes of excitement.

>implying I don't already have an extensive list
Lot's of journalists are on there too

>Noone wants to steal an iPhone
Makes sense

Do you have copies that you can easily distribute?

>can be 100% sure some mudshit or gypsy shitstain is going to take that wallet the second he sees it.

Next day in the news: "Refugee finds wallet with 5000€, gives it back to the police after they ask him where he has that money from. Nazis are dumb. Heil Merkel!"

wow its almost like how America was 70 years ago

Got a galaxy s6 at the moment lads. Should I buy an iPhone for my next phone? They've both got the same apps anyway at this point


He lives in Japan and works for a Japanese tourist company. Or used to, maybe he quit?

Look up TVShinjuku on Youtube, that used to be his job before he got into politics.
He even appears on some videos, he's a fat middle aged white man. Likable guy.

In the UK people would assume you'd forgotten it and hand it in to the bar.

Who even 'saves' a table at a club? You'd come back the table with a group of lads sat around it and go, "excuse, I was saving this table," and they'd tell you to take your phone and fuck off. And that phone would be full of dick pics now.

No because of niggers


Gibs mon


Depends on where you are but the general consensus is no.

A friend of mine had his bike stolen, but it had a GPS thingy, so he knew exactly where it is. He went to the police and showed them the map on his phone, but they said they can't do anything.
So we just went there, saw the bike, and took it back. Some guy asked what we are doing, we said this bike was stolen so we are recovering it, he just said "oh okay" and we left. Maybe he was the thief, still don't know.


Every drinking place would have at least 1 mexican group to jack it

in my hometown in rural NJ, sure.
almost everywhere else I've lived, fuck no.
then again everyone in my hometown is white.

It wouldn't even be a bout race if governments didn't fuck up before that. Then they wouldn't have to push racial relations negatively so hard now. Everything's to shit because the government fucked up the economy. And now they want to divide the people as much as possible because we would see right through their bullshit if we united.

Yes. But you wouldnt be able to with a samsung.


other headlines:
>5 reasons why Putin is the Devil

>Merkel: I won't raise the car toll again
>car toll raised again
>age for pension raised to 95

>schools and hospitals look like WW2 ruins
>new shiny apartments build for refugees

I wouldn't even do it in a white area for the fear that the one black dude who lives there will be at that bar that night.

Well fuck, now I feel depressed.


In Ireland? Yes if it's a classy place. No if it's a dive. Everywhere is like this, right?

He is making a point about poor fags. Poor fags think this doesn't happen in every country because they have never been anywhere nice.

that image with that post is fucking amazing

I imagine the only places in japan where that doesn't happen are the few ones filled with foreign niggers so that only proves op's point

This is an utter lie I've done it many times I sell them as a matter of fact and you are fucking autistc to belive that about the C.I.A it's all a show
t. White boy forced to grow up as a hood nig

And niggers consider all those points you mentioned?

I dunno the thing is with the UK there's a lot of really good honest people but also a lot of arseholes, pretty much everyone I know was raised to give in valuables to the police if they find them and the police will give them to people who prove they're their items but there's also a lot of people who would take it.

I wouldn't even do that in a largely white community because whites as a community don't have the concept of shame that asians do. For the asians, your personal integrity is more valuable than your life and if that integrity is tarnished, you effectively die to the rest of society as a whole. Whites don't have that, they're not as bad as niggers and spics to be sure, but they don't have that anchor to integrity that asians do.




Fuck no, too many gypsies around.

Tokyo has a club system where you have to be a member to enter. It's not like a nightclub or bar that you know.

You also don't use cash or cards. They send you a bill using regular post and then you send them a cheque. Japan is weird like that. You could imagine how that would lead to "clubs" where you can leave you phone down.

Also even in Ireland in the nicer bars I could leave my phone down. No one would be interested in stealing it.

Japan needs diversity thread incoming

It's pretty easy to unbrick an iPhone, just not without wiping all the previous user data. This is why the FBI wanted Apple to help them.

He is making a point about civility and trust in a society.
My grandparents used to leave the house without closing it here, now we close it even when we are at home.
Dogs used to live outside, now we must keep them under surveillance when they are in the garden because a muzzie could throw them a poisoned sausage if we don't.

Atmosphere is shittier and shittier every year not only in France but in Europe as a whole, tourists blame parisians to be autisticly rude but try to live in the place during a year in this place full of niggers, muslims and gypos.

>tfw the nips are the only ones living up to the "Honorary Aryans" title

About 4 years ago I lost my old Nexus 7 tablet somewhere in Japan. Didn't think much of it but a week after I got home I had it in the mail, carefully wrapped. Some guy found it and sent it to the address I had on the lock screen, super carefully wrapped and with insured mail.

If you're okay with giving your shekels to some shitlib homos in Cali then go ahead.

Yeah but Milo said we should strive for ideas and not a safe homogeneous ethnostate rite guiussss XDDD

Are you telling me there are no upper/ middle class bars and restaurants where you could leave your phone and or wallet down?

Wow, I sure wish I lived in a civilized homogeneous society.

I hope you sent him a polite thank you letter.

Someday, ausbro.

While in my country the wallet will be stolen ( in most cases) me and my relatives lost their wallet/ID/Drivers licence and good hearted folks contacted us and returned it.

On the other hand, I accidently left my wallet at the food table at the mall and a gypsy trash was already there trying to steal it. If it wasn't for a nice elderly german couple that was sitting at the desk nearby who scared her away, I would have lost it.

The thing is that homogenic societies in europe were slowly getting to the point where 95% citizens despised petty theft and were law abiding members of society. Letting hundreds of migrants from poorly developed or even straight savage societies bill tear that good natured citizenship fabric all over again


I also sent him some Austrian chocolates.

yep, based bavaria

There might be, but the culture is such that nobody would do it.
I mean, I doubt anyone will steal my phone if I leave it to go piss, even in lower class establishments, but its not something anyone does.

Just like the culture is such that people won't steal your phone, the culture is also such that people won't leave their phone.
We are not thieves, but we don't know that we are not thieves, not 100% sure anyway.


Feels good.

Good man.

it's not

Anyone who steals in Japan would bring SHAME AND DISHONOUR upon themselves.

A literal fate worse than death to the average nip

>In germany the bag would have not lasted 5 minutes with someone not even looking at it, not even completely forgetting it there all alone.
where are you from m8? NRW or something?